
Chapter whatever

Feb 1st, 2012
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  1. In a nearby painting Matthew Williams – one of Henry’s victims – was boxing. He wore black boots, white skin-tight pants and a white t-shirt. The gloves were colossal compared to his petite hands the size of a child’s; they were a faded red showing use. A man called out to Matthew starting the match which Matthew hated so much. He shed a single tear and tried to rub it furiously with his large gloves that had become his hands. He cried.
  3. In another painting, Delicia LaFosse wakes up on a smooth burgundy chaise made of the finest redwood in the country. However once she gets off, the gas chandeliers all flicker on to reveal shelves upon shelves of the finest literature, knowledge and theorem packed tightly together like soldiers ready to go into war. All the books look similar; one a dark cinnamon, another a royal blue, the third a faded green, etc. However one in peculiar is pure white, with a red cross across the spine, she opens it reading its only content: a single page reading “Welcome to the library, you are trapped here forever – Henry” and she sheds a single tear which blots the paper and she closes the book. She cried.
  5. The room was white, like snow in the winter solstice. Celia appeared into the room in a sparkling red gown, she opened her eyes to only block her eyes from the bright whiteness of the room. She got up to her feet and picked up her gown to reveal two ruby red heels with sequins to compliment. She ran left then right, she was headed nowhere. She then slid down onto the floor and lay helplessly. A single tear materialized beneath her eye and gracefully danced across her face leaving a sparkling mask on her face. She cried. She got up and walked straight into the light.
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