
this is the worst

Jan 10th, 2014
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  1. Cheerleader
  2. [CLASS] [Orders]
  3. Prerequisites: Novice Charm or Novice Command
  4. At-Will - Standard Action
  5. Target: Your Pokémon
  6. Effect: Until the end of its next turn, the target may take its actions without being restricted by the effects of Volatile Status Afflictions, Slow, or Exhaust.
  8. Cheer Brigade
  9. Prerequisites: Cheerleader
  10. Static
  11. Effect: You gain the Inspired Training Feature, even if you do not qualify for it. If you already have Inspired Training, you instead gain another Feature for which you qualify. Your Pokémon under the effect of Inspired Training grant all of their bonuses from Features with the [Training] tag to adjacent allies, whether they were used as [Training] or [Orders] Features.
  13. Spread the Cheer
  14. Prerequisites: Cheer Brigade, Adept Charm or Command
  15. 1 AP - Free Action
  16. Trigger: Your Pokémon under the effect of Inspired Training uses an Assistance Move* on an ally or an ally uses an Assitance Move on your Pokémon under the effect of Inspired Training
  17. Effect: Choose an ally within 3 meters of your Pokémon. They are treated as if they were targeted by the Move as well.
  19. Assistance Moves: Acupressure, After You, Aromatic Mist, Entrainment, Helping Hand, ?????
  21. Motivate
  22. Prerequisites: Cheerleader
  23. X AP – Free Action
  24. Trigger: You give [Orders]
  25. Effect: Select up to X allies affected by the triggering Feature. X is equal to the AP spent on this Feature. For each selected ally, pick one of the following effects:
  27. -The ally sets any Combat Stages at a negative value back to their default (usually 0)
  28. -The ally gains Temporary Hit Points equal to your Charm or Command Rank.
  29. -The ally refreshes the frequency of all EOT Moves.
  31. Morale Booster
  32. [Orders]
  33. Prerequisites: Motivate
  34. Scene – Standard Action
  35. Effect: Choose a Combat Stat. All allies on the field gain +1 CS in the Chosen Stat.
  37. I Believe in You!
  38. Prerequisites: Cheerleader, Expert Charm or Expert Command
  39. 2 AP – Free Action
  40. Trigger: An Ally you targeted with [Orders] on your previous turn hits with a Damaging Move.
  41. Effect: The Ally may add X bonus damage to the Damage Roll. X is equal to twice your Charm or Command Rank.
  43. Keep Fighting!
  44. Prerequisites: Cheerleader, Master Charm or Master Command
  45. Daily – Free Action
  46. Trigger: An Ally Trainer with over 1 Hit Point is reduced to 0 Hit Points or lower
  47. Effect: That Ally’s HP is reduced to 1 instead, and then gains 10 Temporary Hit Points.
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