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Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. <Chanku> Govindia TrevelyanL85A2
  2. <Chanku> I think you might be interested in a guy named Stefan Molyneux
  3. * wee| ( has joined
  4. <Chanku> Hello wee|
  5. <wee|> hi
  6. <Chanku> Welcome to Wintreath
  7. <wee|> :)
  8. <HannahB> Hello
  9. <Chanku> Hey Hanners!
  10. * HannahB gives voice to DaylenPhoenix wee|
  11. <Govindia> .wik stefan molyneux
  12. <Zaphyr> "Stefan Basil Molyneux (/stɛˈfɑːn ˈmɑːlɪnjuː/; born September 24, 1966) is a Canadian blogger." -
  13. * Chanku puts up Bernie posters
  14. <Chanku> BERNIE
  15. * Azura ( has joined
  16. * HannahB gives voice to Azura
  17. * Govindia puts up Rand Paul posters
  18. <Govindia> Hey Azura
  19. * Govindia hugs Azura
  20. <Azura> Hey Govindia
  21. <Govindia> How are you?
  22. <Chanku> Bernie sanders is the only sensible candidate
  23. <Chanku> because Medicare for all
  24. <Chanku> is cheaper...
  25. <Govindia> No he isn't. He doesn't understand economics nor the Constitution
  26. <Chanku> Further he's the only true left candidate, and is similar to FDR and Teddy Roosevelt in some areas
  27. <Govindia> Not at all the same as Teddy.
  28. <Govindia> Chanku you're all fluff and no sources lol. He is not a sound candidate
  29. <Govindia> ANYWAY
  30. <Govindia> Azura
  31. <Chanku> After all he is for cleaning up government corruption and reigning in big business
  32. <Govindia> How are you?
  33. <Chanku> (says the guy without any sources to back up your own claims)
  34. <Govindia> Sanders is a socialist and a populist. He has not done anything useful in congress
  35. <Chanku> And what's wrong with him being a socialist
  36. <Chanku> further he has a consistent voting record.
  37. <Azura> I'm good, just eating lunch atm. I may be a bit slow to respond until I get finished
  38. * VidiLune ( has joined
  39. * Spock gives voice to VidiLune
  40. <Govindia> Socialism is not what this country needs nor will it work. His 1.8 trillion plan can't be paid for. He does not know how economics works
  41. <Govindia> He has no foreign policy plan
  42. <Chanku> That's what advisors are for
  43. <Chanku> and Socialism has worked decently for scandinavia
  44. <Hugsim> "socialism"
  45. <Hugsim> Oh gosh why
  46. <Govindia> Even still he has no base understanding for economics
  47. <tatte> :D
  48. <Hugsim> This isn't socialism
  49. <Hugsim> We're not socialist
  50. <Chanku> further all of his 1.8 trillion plan has been accounted for through taxes on the rich and through minor tax increases
  51. <Hugsim> Sanders isn't socialist
  52. <Govindia> Even people in Denmark has said he doesn't know what economics or socialism is
  53. <VidiLune> Dear god where did I jump in?
  54. <Chanku> Source?
  55. <Chanku> And don't use Zaphyr
  56. <Govindia> Hugsim Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist.
  57. <tatte> VidiLune, welcome to the internets
  58. <Hugsim> His policies aren't socialist
  59. <VidiLune> TT-TT can i leave?
  60. <Chanku> They are for the US Hugsim
  61. <Hugsim> He can call himself whatever, but that doesn't make him socialist
  62. <Govindia> Chanku don't tell me what to use. You haven't backed up any of your sources and then ask for sources from me. Not how this works, kid
  63. <tatte> VidiLune, no, you can't. sorry
  64. <Chanku> Govindia you also have to provide sources
  65. <HannahB> :p
  66. <Govindia> VidiLune hai there :D
  67. <Chanku> That's how it works
  68. <Chanku> if either of us makes claims sources must be provided
  69. <Govindia> Chanku don't tell me what I need to do when you haven't done shit
  70. <Chanku> otherwise both of us are just blowing smoke out of our asses as it were
  71. <Chanku> Then don't tell me to do the same thing
  72. <Chanku> hypocrite
  73. <Chanku> pot meet kettle
  74. <VidiLune> Why tatte why can't i leave?
  75. <Govindia> I'm looking at beautiful images right now on the internets
  76. <VidiLune> Hello Govindia
  77. * Chocobo ( has joined
  78. * Spock gives voice to Chocobo
  79. <Govindia> So I am not taking you seriously Chanku because you never do research on serious candidates. You just support the populist
  80. <Chanku> I've actually done research Govindia
  81. <Govindia> Sure
  82. * WuuWork is now known as Wuufu
  83. * HannahB holds onto VidiLune
  84. <Chanku> I know I have done more than you
  85. <Govindia> Chanku don't lecture me on credibility when you have nothing to show
  86. * VidiLune hold back HannahB
  87. <VidiLune> Yes?
  88. * Dyr has quit (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
  89. <Chanku> Says the 35 year old who has difficulty finding a place to actually live...and for a while couldn't find a job...
  90. <Govindia> I am much older than you Chanku and I know more about the parties than you.
  91. <tatte> VidiLune, shhh. why would you even want to leave? forget such ridiculous thoughts. Internet is good, internet is all you need. we have all the best stuff!
  92. <Zaphyr> [ The Daily Bunny | The Daily Bunny Is Daily ] -
  94. * VidiLune staying just for the bunny
  95. <Chanku> Says the guy that thinks that people shouldn't have healthcare unless they can pay for it
  96. <Chanku> Thus leading to much more deaths
  97. <Govindia> Chanku are you actually going to say something of substance or are you actually going to just be childish because you have zero understanding outside of the left wing propaganda you read and repeat?
  98. <Chanku> with privatized health-care having much higher costs.
  99. <Chanku> Says the guy spouting Right-Wing propoganda
  100. <Govindia> And also Chanku how about you hold a job first before criticising anyone
  101. <Chanku> I have an excuse
  102. <Chanku> you don't
  103. <Govindia> I don't spout anything but facts
  104. <Chanku> yet you fail to provide sources
  105. <Govindia> No chanku you have no excuse
  106. <Chanku> and then blast me for not providing anything
  107. <Chanku> yes I do actually
  108. <Chanku> I'm a minor, and my father won't let me get a job
  109. <Govindia> You have the ability to get a job and you're just lazy
  110. <Govindia> You have the ability to get a job or find ways to earn money
  111. <Chanku> I've looked
  112. <Chanku> nothing I can really do
  113. <Govindia> Sure you have
  114. * Wuufu is now known as Wuuway
  115. <Chanku> Says the guy that consistently needs attention from everyone else
  116. <Chanku> and will PESTER AND HARASS people if they don't respond exactly how or when you want
  117. * VidiLune sigh and look at tatte and HannahB
  118. <VidiLune> I want happiness
  119. <VidiLune> fun
  120. <VidiLune> joy
  121. <Govindia> And until you earn a degree or certification and a full time job, you have no right or room to criticise me about my employment period.
  122. * HannahB huggles VidiLune
  123. * VidiLune cry on HannahB shoulder
  124. <Chanku> I can still critizse because I have an excuse due to my age
  125. <Chanku> meanwhile you fail to provide anything else
  126. <Govindia> Which means Chanku you need to stop insulting people and learn to respect everyone in this room for once in your millennial life
  127. <Govindia> No you cannot Chanku. You have no excuse
  128. <Chanku> I do
  129. <Govindia> You don't have any room to criticise
  130. <Chanku> do you not understand circumstances?
  131. <Govindia> Irrelevant
  132. <Chanku> Not really
  133. <Govindia> Yes really
  134. <Chanku> Circumstances pertaining my ability to get money, or a job, is highly relevant if you are going to blast me for getting a job
  135. <Govindia> And they are irrelevant when you do not respect others
  136. <Chanku> Nope
  137. <Govindia> Yes
  138. <Govindia> They are
  139. <Chanku> Says the 35 year old who seeks validation and attention by forcing people to comment on his cats
  140. <Chanku> and gets upset if people simple do not respond
  141. <Govindia> Always are. You cannot speak to my level because you are not at my level about employment. Wintermoot or anyone else here can, you cannot. You just resort to childish insults
  142. <Chanku> You do too
  143. <Govindia> Because you do not know how to respect your elders.
  144. <Chanku> Face it gov you are acting no different than me
  145. <Chanku> a 16 year old
  146. <Chanku> a 35 year old acting like they are a child
  147. <Govindia> Respect your elders and respect me
  148. <Chanku> at least I have an excuse
  149. <Chanku> at least I have a reason
  150. <Govindia> And provide sources
  151. * Hugsim removes voice from Chanku Govindia
  152. * Hugsim sets mode +m on #wintreath
  153. <VidiLune> Thanks you Hugsim
  154. <VidiLune> You are a god!$
  155. <Hugsim> It's alright to talk politics if you keep it civil, but you didn't this time
  156. * Chanku is now known as Chanku2
  157. <Hugsim> You'll be muted for an hour
  158. * Chanku ( has joined
  159. * Spock gives voice to Chanku
  160. <Chanku> Says the guy providing no sources
  161. <HannahB> ...
  162. * Chanku has quit (Client Quit)
  163. * Chanku2 is now known as Chanku
  164. <VidiLune> Chanku
  165. * Hugsim sets ban on *!*
  166. * Hugsim sets ban on *!*Chanku@*
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