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Too Much Love

a guest
May 4th, 2016
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  1. >Chrysalis laughs evilly.
  2. "Behold, princesses! I have conquered your kingdom, defeated your precious elements, and Canterlot is mine!"
  3. >Celestia and Luna look at each other fearfully, eyes wide.
  4. "What do we do now?" Celestia asks with her expression.
  5. >Luna turns to the changeling queen, narrowing her eyes.
  6. "Foul scum, take this warning: do not oppose us. Flee with your wretched brood and we will spare you."
  7. >Chrysalis giggles.
  8. "What a sweet thing to say, Luna!"
  9. >With a flash of green, she transforms into Celestia.
  10. "But that's no way to talk to your sister, now is it?"
  11. "Leave our--m-my--sister out of this, whelp!"
  12. >Luna charges at Chrysalis, fury blazing in her eyes. With a flash of her horn, she vaporizes three changelings in her way.
  13. >Celestia, meanwhile, sits back and analyzes the situation. Luna had always been the better fighter of the two, perfectly complimenting Celestia's tactical and strategic knowledge.
  14. "You'll play for that, /Princess/," Chrysalis hisses angrily.
  15. >A beam of green light shoots out from the queen's horn, and stabs deep into Luna's chest. With a howl, the Princess of the Moon falls to the ground.
  16. "Sister, are you alright?" Celestia asks fearfully.
  17. >Luna's only response is a soft groan.
  18. >Celestia softly hugs her, focusing what healing magic she has into Luna.
  19. >Chrysalis watches eagerly, licking her lips.
  20. >Celestia pours her magic deep into Luna, hoping that she could revive her.
  21. "Pathetic. You are the rulers of Equestria?"
  22. >Chrysalis turns away, seemingly in contempt.
  23. >She sneakily opens her mouth, careful to make sure Celestia doesn't see.
  24. "Be well, Luna," Celestia softly murmurs.
  25. >Sororal love flows from Celestia into Luna, and both of them glow with energy.
  26. >The love is so powerful Chrysalis could taste it even from across the room. It is a deep, rich flavor, much like dark chocolate. Delicious!
  27. >Chrysalis turns back to look again at the two princesses. She opens her mouth, feigning shock.
  28. >In reality, she's savoring the potent emotions coming from the two princesses.
  29. >Luna staggers, but gets up.
  30. "Let's try this again, insect."
  31. >Celestia and Luna cross their horns, Luna snarling and Celestia frowning in contempt. A flash of blue lightning slashes through the air, aimed straight at Chrysalis.
  32. "Eeaaargh!"
  33. >Chrysalis recoils as the energy surges through her body.
  34. >A few moments, she collapses, her chitin smoking. She does not move.
  35. "Heehee!" Luna giggles in a uncannily cheerful voice. "A perfect end for the queen of the insects!"
  36. >Celestia walks towards the fallen changeling, no anger on her face. Her only expression is a mix of disgust and disappointment.
  37. "Let this serve as a lesson to any who would do our subjects harm."
  38. >Celestia levitates Chrysalis's inert body, examining it.
  39. "Can I mount her head on the wall, Celly? It'd go great with my decor!"
  40. >Suddenly, Chrysalis seems to shimmer.
  41. >Her chitin regains it lustrous shine.
  42. >Her eyes shoot open.
  43. >Her belly begins glowing pink and pulsates. It bulges, filling out.
  44. >With a cold laugh, she breaks free of Celestia's telekinetic grasp, and uses her own to throw the two princesses across the room.
  45. "Did you really think to defeat me that easily?"
  46. >Luna and Celestia moan incoherently.
  47. "We feed on love, my little ponies. And you two are just full of it."
  48. >Celestia and Luna's eyes widen.
  49. "How the buck are we supposed to stop her now?" Luna whispers.
  50. >Celestia is thinking hard.
  51. "I might have an idea, but it's risky. Follow my lead."
  52. >She looks over to Chrysalis.
  53. "If you think you have won, you are mistaken, Queen.”
  54. “What a lovely, but absolutely ridiculous, sentiment!”
  55. >Celestia charges her horn again, this time alone, and hurls a tightly concentrated, brilliant bolt of plasma at Chrysalis.
  56. >With a flare of green flames, Chrysalis raises a shield to block the damage. She tastes the love Celestia is relying on, and swallows. Her stomach expands a little more, but neither princess can see that through the flames.
  57. “What?” Celestia gasps in feigned shock. “That was over 50,000 degrees! Hot enough to incinerate anypony instantly!”
  58. >While Celestia is talking, Luna casts a spell of a different sort than those used so far. Far above, four points of light sparkle.
  59. >”This one is for you, Sister,” she internally crows.
  60. “But I am no pony,” Chrysalis purred.
  61. >Luna watches the four lights out of the corner of her eye, happy to see how rapidly they were growing. “Perfect.”
  62. >At that moment, four massive meteors slam into Chrysalis, so suddenly she cannot even scream. Caught off-guard, she is unable to raise any shield, and she is buried under the molten rock.
  63. “That should wrap up this pest,” Luna chuckles, maybe too enthusiastically. “More’s the pity. She would have made a fine court jester.”
  64. >Celestia looks down into the crater.
  65. “I’m glad it’s over.”
  66. >The two royal sisters hug, glad to be alive.
  67. >They walk towards the balcony, Celestia assessing the damage and Luna wondering how much of Chrysalis is still salvageable.
  68. >Behind them, one of the meteors begins glowing green…
  69. >And then explodes.
  70. >Chrysalis wracks her brain for a spell that will leave the princesses just barely alive. “Ah, of course," she thinks, delighted with herself.
  71. >A sinister green light fills the throne room where she had been hit, and Celestia and Luna slow down. The subterfugal feel of enchantment magic would have alerted Twilight that something was wrong, if she had been there.
  72. “Uhhhhhh…” Celestia exhales, her eyes looking sleepy.
  73. “Sister… I’m sleepy. Can we nap here?”
  74. “Of course, Luna.”
  75. >Celestia and Luna stretch out, and lie down on the balcony. Both of them have dreamy, peaceful expressions.
  76. >Chrysalis quietly flies towards them.
  77. “You’re the best sister ever, Luna.”
  78. >Chrysalis felt her stomach rumble.
  79. >Celestia embraces Luna, tenderly snuggling her with her wing.
  80. “Mmph!” Chrysalis just barely manages to keep herself from screaming with joy.
  81. >The sisterly love is stronger than anything Chrysalis has ever tasted before. She opens her mouth, slurping it up eagerly. Naturally, it goes straight to her stomach. Never before had she fed so well, so quickly, or on such delicious food.
  82. “No, you are, Celly!”
  83. >Chrysalis’s belly is really getting swollen now. It grows and grows, feeling wonderfully soft.
  84. >Luna cuddles closer against Celestia, and asks:
  85. “Can I tell you something, Tia?”
  86. “Of course, Luna,” Celestia replies serenely.
  87. >Chrysalis’s stomach must now weigh as much as the rest of her, and it feels wonderful. Warm, bubbly love churns within, filling her with a deep sense of fullness.
  88. “I love you.”
  89. >The Queen lurches, ballooning outward as the love pours inside her.
  90. “I love you too, Luna.”
  91. >Suddenly, it’s no longer pleasant. Her sides begin to hurt, as Chrysalis realizes she may have overeaten a bit.
  92. >Luna leans over, and gives Celestia a very gentle kiss on the forehead.
  93. >Chrysalis can take it no more. Her gut feels like it’s about to burst, stretched to the absolute maximum.
  94. “S-stop! I surrender!” she cries, terrified.
  95. >Luna looks over to Chrysalis, still looking dreamy and serene.
  96. “Oh, hello Queenie! You look big.”
  97. >Chrysalis moans.
  98. “Just… please, no more love!”
  99. “Okay!”
  100. >Luna leans towards Chrysalis, who tries to back away. Her immensely bloated body keeps her rooted firmly at the ground. Luna’s cheerful smile terrifies the Queen.
  101. “Hey Chryssie, want to hear a joke?”
  102. >Chrysalis’s eyes widen in apprehension. Without waiting for an answer, Luna exclaimes:
  103. “Boop!”
  104. >Her hoof just barely bumps Chrysalis’s nose.
  105. >Like the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back, this tiny display of friendship pushes Chrysalis over the edge.
  106. >Her stomach, already strained to the limit, seems to shudder, morph, and destabilize, like uranium-235 being hit with neutrons. The stored love inside her crackles with power.
  107. “AAAAAARGHHUU--!”
  108. >Chrysalis’s swollen body convulses in place. She throws back her head in agony, desperately trying to avert her fate. Thrashing helplessly, she can only wait as the reaction inside her comes to its inevitable conclusion.
  109. >A few moment later, the Queen of the Changelings’s body explodes, spraying love and changeling goop across the room.
  110. >The enchantment Chrysalis had cast faded, and Luna and Celestia slowly returned to normal.
  111. >Luna was the first to speak.
  112. “Well, that was quite fun!”
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