
TeahcerAnon - NN - 06

Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. >You wake sometime later in a nice soft bed.
  2. >Can't remeber being in a bed this soft before as you look up at the white ceiling above you, and the open window with its light blue curitans slowly waving in the wind.
  3. >You blinked, slowly sitting up to find yourself in a white room, the nurses office, as you suddenly hear footfalls nearby.
  4. "Ah, Mr. Anon, welcome to the land of the living." Miss Red said, smiling as she sat down beside you on a stool "you feeling alright?"
  5. 'Yeah...' you ask, shaking your head 'what happened?'
  6. >Miss Red huffed, looking at her clipboard.
  7. "You had a mild concussion from a dodgeball to the back of the head. What were you doing exactly Mr. Anon?"
  8. >You rub your neck a bit 'Mr Will's class pitted against me in a game of dodgeball. One kid got lucky and nailed me with a trick shot...'
  9. >Didn't want to give names, not cool if you did, you knew damn well who did it= as you turn, sitting on the edge of the bed.
  10. >Miss Red seemed surprise "oh...l-leaving already? You still need rest." she gently put a hand on your shoulder as you huff.
  11. 'But... I got class soon.'
  12. >She smiled "Silly...its lunch time, you were out for a good twenty minutes, please, lay down, you have time."
  13. >Weren't going to argue with the nurse as you huff, laying back down as she wrote on her board.
  14. "I didn't think you were the athletic type."
  15. 'Oh, why not?'
  16. "Considering you packed away almost seven muffins, you don't give the interpretation you work out a lot."
  17. >ooo that was harsh.
  18. 'Well... used to, swam a lot when I was little, taught swimming for a spell too.'
  19. "Swimming hrmm? THats a very healthy sport, why did you stop?"
  20. >You shrug 'Wasn't in me to continue, wanted to do more.'
  21. >Better brace for her going all wet again if she loved your last story.
  22. "Why not? I'm sure you were a wonderful teacher."
  23. >YOu we go.
  24. 'I won't deny that I was, the fact is, I wasn't always the way the rules needed me to be, that and having to finish high-school during my instrcting was a very bad combo. I remeber missing my students exam because I had an exam of my own to do on the same day, so I couldn't make it out.'
  25. "Oh thats terrbiel!" Red replies "What did you do after?"
  26. 'There wasn't anything I could do, all the outlines I sent in had been tossed away and they brought some lunk head in. My students had been asking where I was and never really got an answer. It was bad, real bad, and afterwards, they wouldn't hire me on for the next semester of swimming. Something about me not doing what was asked and not abiding by the rules. I was in it for the kids, not some rules we had, I made sure they did their strokes and lesson plans to the letter, but they thought less of me because of it.'
  27. >Red almost looks traumatized "Those brutes!" she exclaimed "how could such people even regard a teacher as bad if the class loves them!?"
  28. 'Ask them...the supervisor was never even around and she had said she didn't like me, not only that, but I also failed some 'secret' test they did to gauge teachers abilities.'
  29. "How horrid!" she said "Those people should be punished for it!"
  30. 'They should, but what was I to say? I was only 18, I had no clue what was going on, I just did my job.'
  31. >Red sighed, putting a hand on your shoulder.
  32. >say what?
  33. >She looks at you with a smile "I think it was wrong of them, but, you've obviously learned from it considering your class hasn't thrown you out yet."
  34. >A slight chuckle passes your lips 'you're kidding right?'
  35. >She shook her head "I'm sure Miss Mare mentioned we've had a fair share of disgruntled teachers, sometimes the students take matters into their own hands."
  36. 'Own hands?'
  37. >Red nodded "One teacher was literately thrown out his room by his students... he certainly left in a huff after that and we almost lost any hopes in finding a replacement... that is until you showed up."
  38. >You smile a bit as she leaned in a little closer.
  39. "I must say, Principal Celestia was good at choosing someone who'd be so willing and able to go through with this place. It brings joy to my heart that we can find caring teachers."
  40. >She was getting a bit... too close for comfort before she flipped up a small light to check your eyes.
  41. "Do you have any other teaching background or working with kids?"
  42. >You pause as the light causes you to squint.
  43. >What is this, interrogation?
  44. 'I worked as a councilor at a summer camp, didn't like it too much because some of the kids were brats, but it was fun.'
  45. "I'm sorry to hear that, guess you can't get the good ones all the time." she said, checking your left and then right eye.
  46. 'Yeah, it sucked, but it was still fun in the end.' You smirk a bit as she wrote something else down and then eased away.
  47. "You can sit up now, I just needed to check if you had any lasting affects from the impact."
  48. >You rub the back of your head.
  49. 'It was just a dodgeball.'
  50. >She gave you a look.
  51. "And what if it had caused serious damage? I take my job very seriously Mr. Anonymous!" she had a bit of spite in that word as you rose your hands.
  52. 'Ey ey, sorry... didn't mean it like that, you do a bang up job, trust me, I feel great, but it wasn't something serious.'
  53. >She continued with that look as she eased away "Very well, why don't you go and get something to eat, you still have an hour before lunch is over."
  54. 'Thanks Red...' you say, slowly easing up as you walk to the door and looking at her.
  55. "You're welcome Mr. Anon..." she said, looking back at you as you with a smile "If you need anything, I'm always here."
  56. >You simply nod, making your way to open the door before you hear a knock at the other side.
  57. >With a blink, you turn to red who shrugs in surprise.
  58. "Who is it?" she called.
  59. "Its...uhm Rainbow Dash!" came a voice from the other side.
  60. "Oh, well come in."
  61. >You ease your hand along the door handle, slowly opening it before the whole door is suddenly flung into you and your planting to the wall.
  62. >Miss Red gasped as RD, Twilight, Norman and Brad entered.
  63. "Is Mr. Anon here?" RD asked as she had a concern look on her face "We...wanted to see if he was okay."
  64. 'I was....okay...until about a minute ago.' you mutter from behind the door as it slowly opens and you gently move away, holding your nose for a moment as you look at your students.
  65. "S-sorry..." Rainbow dash muttered before looking at her friends "What!?"
  66. "First you hit him with a dogdeball, then you hit him with a door?" Twilight exclaimed "Rainbow, can yous top hurting Anon for a while at least?"
  67. >Rainbow was about to rebuttal when you wave a hand 'Hey, it was an accident... I guess you can say I'm...flattered... to see you here.'
  68. >The joke ends poorly as eyes were rolled, aside from Red who stifled a giggle and RD who was blushing maddly.
  69. "W-Well, I wanted to make sure you weren't being a lazy pee-body!" RD said defiantly, turning away from you and crossing her arms "I mean, Someone's gotta teach us right? I wouldn't want some weakling laying down on the job."
  70. >Girls got bark as you smirk
  71. 'Thats good to hear then, and you guys got here just in time, c'mon, I could use some grub and I wouldn't mind sitting about with some of my students.'
  72. "That would be awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed before Twilight, Brad and Norman stifled a giggle.
  73. "Hah, yeah, so you can beg for eternal forgiveness from mister professor?" Brad joked.
  74. "Ah put a sock in it Brad."
  75. >Rainbow huffed as you eased past the students, waving to Red as they walked with you down to the Cafeteria.
  77. --
  79. >You haven't been to the lunch-hall before as you survey the mass of students milling about, getting their food and sitting amongst themselves as you're led to a table with RD, Twi, Norman and Brad.
  80. "Mind holding this spot for us?" RD asks as she and the others stand up "we're going to grab lunch before it's all gone, I heard they have Pizza today!"
  81. >A communal gasp erupted from them as they all darted off.
  82. "DONT LOSE OUR SPOT!" RD called as you wave them off, sighing as you took a seat.
  83. >You sit there, alone for a moment as you watch the students, eyes picking out a few you saw from your class as you notice one blond haired girl.
  84. >Derpy! She looked a bit upset as she walked around, obviously unsure of where to go as you watch her for a moment.
  85. >You can see a few kids at a table nearby as the fire-haired chick along with a few other friends of here's were eying Derpy, muttering and snickering as they waved her over.
  86. >Derpy smiled, the smile of innocence as your mind began to race.
  87. 'Don't do it...' you mutter 'dear god above...'don't do it you huff, seeing Derpy arrive at the table as the girls slide over for her...and you notice right then and there one of them put something on the seat that was vacated.
  88. >Was that...gum?
  89. >Derpy of course was ecstatic as she sat down with a thud, only to yipe in surprise as she got up, finding her backside now stuck with icky pink gum.
  90. >She tries to pull it off, but it only gets worse until one girl has the gauff to pull out scissors and snip it free, causing the gum to stick tight to the girls skirt.
  91. >Laughter erupts as Derpy is utterly lost in the torment as you can't stand it anymore.
  92. >You get up... Sorry RD... and walk over to her, looking at the girls.
  93. 'Ahem...' you begin 'is something funny here?' you ask, your voice serious and cold as ice as you scan the trouble makers.
  94. "Why Mr. Anon." the fire haird girl said "nothing at all is funny, we were just telling Derpy a joke here." she smirked, a smug grin on her face.
  95. 'I saw what you did there...' you muttered under your breath 'I don't take kindly to people who play pranks like that.' you grumble, looking down at her with a meneacing glare before picking up Derpy with one arm, letting he walk beside you as you grab her tray with the other before you notice the blond haired girl look up at you foundly.
  96. ''re in good hands.' you mutter, looking back at the girl. 'You're in my homeroom class are you not miss...?'
  97. "Sunset Shimmer, and I know I am, but you can't do a thing about it!"
  98. 'Oh? Considering the three rules missy, I'll be keeping a close eye on you; watch your step, or you'll be sorry for picking on the innocent.'
  99. >She only laughs "And is Mr. Anon going to do anything that MIGHT tarnish his reputation?"
  100. >Shimmering was playing for keeps, what a snake she was as you smirk 'You better watch out when you play with fire, you might get burned.'
  101. >The girl was about to protest before a sudden splash of chocolate milk fell upon her hair.
  102. >Derpy had left your side, taken her chocolate milk, and dumped it on Shimmerings head.
  103. "T-Thats for my S-Skirt you...bully!" she said before she hid behind you again as you couldn't help but smirk, stifling a chuckle before it became a laugh.
  104. >Soon, everyone was laughing at Shimmering as she had the most hateful glare and stormed out with her posse.
  105. >Triumphant, you walk Derpy back to the table to see RD and the others back there.
  106. "What gives!" RD excalimed "You had one job, and you ditched us!"
  107. 'Sorry.' you return 'duty called.' you gently push Derpy forward 'She had the gumbutt trick done to her.
  108. >the group of kids look deadpan at Derpy.
  109. "Oh man, so they got her again did they?" Twilight begins
  110. 'Again?' you ask as Twilight nods
  111. "Shimmering and her posse have always been a nuisance to everyone, and yet, no one can do anything against them."
  112. 'Not true...Derpy dumped chocolate milk on her, was a riot.'
  113. "Really!?" everyone was surprised.
  114. " cool derpy!" RD exclaimed "Wow girl, you got guts!"
  115. "T-thanks Rainbow Dash..." Derpy said softly, hiding her face behind one of her muffins.
  116. >You chuckle, gently patting her on the head 'We're going to have to find a new skirt for her though, gums a mess on her backside.'
  117. "Leave that to me!" RD exclaims "I just so happen to carry an extra pair of track shorts, you can borrow them but return them tomorrow okay?"
  118. "O-okay Rainbow!"
  119. >RD nods, easing over to her backpack as she pulls out a pair of slick black track-shorts and hands them to derpy.
  120. >She looks in bewilderment, stretching them abit.
  121. "Hey...cut that out, c'mon, lets get those on you." RD said as she took derpy to the bathroom.
  122. >Several moments later, they return, and to be blunt, Derpy looked hella cute with the button down shirt and track shorts.
  123. >Almost something out of an Anime as everyone had the dawest of face.
  124. >Brad and Norman were going red with glee at the sight of a cute girl in short shorts as they began to chuckle.
  125. "Pervs..." Twilight muttered as she rolled her eyes, eyeng Norman for a bit before blushing.
  126. 'Hey...' you break the silence, noticing the awkward love triangle 'You guys clear on the assignments right? Since I'm here, I don't mind giving you special treatment for any help or something.'
  127. "Oh yeah!" Twilight began reaching under the table and pulling out a book on wizards.
  128. "Norman and I got this from the Library, can it be used as a credible source?" she pushed the book to you.
  129. >Obviously you didn't realize how much information this school HAD on wizards.
  130. >This book was... in depth to be honest, and something about the script writing made you concerned as you flip through it.
  131. >Pages and pages of magical enchantments, spells, rune types and all that.
  132. >It reminded you of one of those detail kids books about stuff like ships, buildings, etc... very detailed, and also... very concerning.
  133. 'Yeah...this...could work' you look for the author's name but find none, not even a bibliography at the front or back 'Just as long as you can source it correctly.'
  134. >Twilight nods with glee, taking the book "I was glad to find something so in depth in the Library, I nearly had a breakdown trying to use the computer."
  135. >Say wha?
  136. 'Oh...really? Not a fan of technology?'
  137. "Oh...Not really, but I can't help but prefer a book over something thats no physical"
  138. 'But... the computer finds much more information, why not use it?'
  139. "Because it takes the fun our of learning and finding!"
  140. >Wow, she's really old-school.
  141. 'Well, alright, but you should at least find two sources, has Norman found anything?'
  142. >Norman nods "Yessum, I couldn't help but do just that with Twilight breathing down my neck... hehe."
  143. >Twilight huffed, shooting him a look as you chuckle.
  144. >Norman rose his hands in defense "S-sorry purple...just...well... you know."
  145. >Twilight rolls her eyes "fine fine, I'll give you some space, but I want to do the BEST at this assignment, I wouldn't want to show any poor grades to a new teacher." she looked at you, those big eyes glinting "especially one who is so willing to be open to new discoveries!"
  146. >You rub the back of your head, now it was Normans turn to give you a look as you sigh.
  147. >fucking high-school romance.
  148. >'Well, good to know you two are handling it well, but Twilight, as much as I appricate your desire for something different, you should still look up some legit fictional writers.' you pause for a moment 'Norman, why don't you show twilight some fantasy fictions like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, I'm sure she'd get a kick out of that.'
  149. >Norman blinks nodding "Y-yeah, I can guess she would!" he said with a smirk as you turn to RD.
  150. 'Rainbow, what about you? Everything going alright?'
  151. Rainbow ulped, halfway eating a slice of pizza.
  152. "uummh..." she said as Derpy waved a hand.
  153. "She's My partner, we're going t-to do one of my f-favioret books!"
  154. 'Oh? Which?' you ask as Derpy smiles, putting one one book you knew all too well.
  155. C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
  156. 'Damn know your stuff, I loved this book!'
  157. "M-me too!" Derpy said, inching closer with the book before her "I-its my favorite ever since I was little!"
  158. 'Man, I had to study that book in University!'
  159. "REALLY!?"
  160. 'Yeah, was very cool to pick it apart and see how epic it actually was.'
  161. >Derpy let out a soft squee as she hugged you. "Yay, s-someone likes a book I like!" she hugged you tight as you blinked.
  162. 'Uhm...Derpy...'
  163. "Y-yeah!?" she asked, looking up to see your rather uncertain smrik as she let go instantly, blushing deeply as you turn to RD.
  164. 'Well, she just saved your ass when your counter-measures flop RD, you got to thank your wing-man for that.'
  165. >Derpy had a big smile, waving an arm as RD huffed.
  166. "Rrrr fine...thanks Derpy... was hoping for something more adventerious but..."
  167. "But Rainbow, Narnia is FULL of adventure! They made seven books!"
  168. "What!?"
  169. >Derpy nods "If y-you like this one, y-you can borrow the others." she hands it to RD who takes it, seeing the back end with a noting of the adventures of three children in the land of the Snow Witch and the Noble Lion.
  170. "Hrmm...seems cool, maybe I will try it... just once."
  171. >She started to read the book, a few pages, she seemed uninterested before her gaze became fixated on it.
  172. 'Haha, well, if that's your choice, good on you both, have fun with that.'
  173. >You slowly get up, everyone looks at you in surprise?
  174. "Were you going Anon?" Twilight asked.
  175. 'I got to go see some teachers in the lounge, I'll see you guys this afternoon!'
  177. --
  179. >Leaving the lunch hall, you notice Edward standing casually against a wall nearby.
  180. "ANon my boy!" he said with glee, tossing away a drink he held in his hand as it...vanished... or something "I hope your first day has done you well!" he smirked, walking along beside you.
  181. "I must say, you took on all of your students and handled yourself superbly! Even Iron Will was flabergasted by your skills, I must say Anon, you're hiding a lot more under that hood are you?"
  182. >You shurg 'I just reacted to a very difficult situation Edward, couldn't help but do my utmost to beat my students, you know, survival of the fittest.'
  183. >Discors grins "All to true my boy, we are at the top of the food-chain in this ecosystem called High-school, our job is to weed out the sick and dying and help the strong succeed."
  184. >You blink for a moment as he suddenly breaks into laughter.
  185. " relax Anon, such a thing is grisly at best, even I disdain such methods about teachers." he smirked "I also heard you helped a good old Derpy Hooves in the Mess Hall, nice of someone to stand up to Miss Shimmer."
  186. >A pause in a step as you look at him 'You heard?'
  187. "Heard, why Anon, I was there, I saw the bravery you had to stand up to that lout."
  188. 'Lout?'
  189. "Oh don't kid yourself." Discord began, easing close "Miss Shimmer is the biggest troublemaker we have, why she nearly tried blowing up part of my class-room when she got into a 'disagreement' with one Twilight Sparkle. Why, even Miss Lullimoon doesn't have the indecency to trifle with science when it matters to the whole class, such a waste of resources to find a simple compound to explode in someones face."
  190. >Miss Lullimoon, or Trixie as she was called was another student in your class.
  191. >Strange though, what she had to do with anything.
  192. 'What do you mean by that?'
  193. >Edward sighed "Miss Sparkle seems to be getting a bit of flak from Miss Shimmer and sometimes Miss Lullimoon, both girls are quite boastful about their abilities and with Twilight being one of the brightest students, they both can't help trying to be superior."
  194. 'Strange, Miss Lullimoon didn't act like that in my class.'
  195. >Discord gave a glance at you.
  196. "perhaps she was distracted by your charm Mr. Anon, many students seem to be considering how kind you are."
  197. 'You got to be kidding me?'
  198. "I am certainly not when it comes to my comrade, Anon, you're a magnet for those who desire a big heart! Being one of the youngest, if not second most dashing teachers here, I'd have to call the riot police if we got a serious uprising of teens wanting you."
  199. >Spacing out here 'You're telling me that she was focused on me?'
  200. "I wouldn't doubt it, considering she wasn't her bostrious self or you would have known! Why not pay attention to her the next time you're in class, you'd be surprised." he smirked before he calmed a bit "Miss Shimmer is trouble Anon, and you better watch yourself, she has ways of doing more damage than you'd like, be wary of what you do around here."
  201. 'Great...' you mutter 'Now I have two female crazies after me.'
  202. >Discord laughed "Oh, take it you still have miss Chrysalils to worry about?"
  203. 'She wants me to see her after school in the auditorium.'
  204. >Discord paused, he looked sternly at you as he approched, his tapping your leg.
  205. "Anon...joking aside... you better be very careful around that woman; she has manipulative ways, and I wouldn't want you to be swoon by her, not one bit! You're an educational professional here, and I wouldn't dare have your image hurt by anyone else!" he stepped closer "I put a lot of faith in you being here, and I won't have that squashed." he eased away, that serious expression lifting to a grin.
  206. "Now come on! Mister Grand has served a wonderful meal of lasagna for the staff, lets go see if theirs any left!"
  207. >And off he went like a giggling school-girl.
  208. >you sigh, following behind him.
  209. >Fuck this place is weird.
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