
Party (FiE:6)

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. >You awaken from a dreamless sleep.
  2. >First time in a very long time you haven’t had a dream
  3. >Or a nightmare.
  4. >You will your scythe back to throwing size, and holster it on your side.
  5. >No need to cause a panic among the locals.
  6. >As you enter town, a gray winged pony flies its way towards you.
  7. >”Hi Mister!” Such an innocent smile. Unlike that pink demon.
  8. >*stares*
  9. >Come on Fiddle, try to be more social.
  10. >”Hello”
  11. >Your voice startled the gray pony.
  12. >She sticks her head in her saddlebag, and emerges with a letter between her teeth, shaking somewhat.
  13. >She then tosses it gently into the air.
  14. >You snatch it out from the sky, and when you look down, you see a gray blob flying away from you, slightly whimpering.
  15. >Smooth.
  17. >You crack open the envelope, streamers flying out of the opening.
  18. >Something tells you this is about the party the pink one wants to throw.
  19. >You pull out the letter and take a look.
  20. >You can't read a single word this thing says.
  21. >Seriously right now?
  22. >You stayed in the old dusty quarters of a knowledge hungry mage , where the walls were 20 feet high, and covered in books.
  23. >You read every single tome in there.
  24. >Twice.
  25. >12 of those books you read were about other languages and dialects, along with their grammatical rules and cultural practices.
  26. >And you cannot identify a single character on this piece of parchment.
  27. >Fortunately, you also read a book about code breaking.
  28. >Seeing these equines speak English, chances are only the letters are different, not the spelling of the words.
  29. >So you stare at the letter.
  30. >To anyone else nearby, it appeared as if you were trying to will the letter to burst into flames
  31. >But you were concentrating on decoding.
  32. >After about 20 minutes of concentration, you got the following
  33. You are in?ited to a ?art? For our ne?est resident of ?ony?i??e. It ?i?? ?e at Sugar?u?e ?orner at 7pm, ?osted ?y your ?o?al ?art? ?ro??esiona?, ?inkie ?ie. ?e there or ?e s?uare!
  34. >Using logical deduction, you realize this is an invitation to a party. It will probably be at Sugarcube corner, and it is at 7pm
  35. >This should be fun
  37. >This isn't fun. This isn't fun at all.
  38. >Well, for you at least.
  39. >Every other p0ny in the place is loving every second of it.
  40. >You left your scythe in the back room so as to not startle the party-goers.
  41. >You were introduced to a few other ponies, including one Rainbow Dash.
  42. >She seemed nice, if not quite cocky.
  43. >If she was in the League, you would gladly knock her down a few pegs.
  44. >But she isn't in the League, and most importantly, she is an innocent.
  45. >You do not harm innocents, unless they attempt to bring harm to you.
  46. >So there you stand, in the corner of the room, holding a glass full of cider.
  47. >You don't eat or drink, but you need to look at least somewhat social.
  48. >The other ponies tended to avoid where you were, which makes sense, seeing how you emit dread wherever you go.
  49. >This is why you avoided going to champion parties.
  50. >You are the harbinger of doom, personification of fear.
  51. >You are a major mood-killer.
  52. >After about an hour of standing around, and engaging in extremely light conversation with a few ponies, you turn to the exit.
  53. >Right into Pinkie Pie.
  55. >”And where do you think you're going? Huh? Huh?!” The pink one asks.
  56. >”I do not eat, I do not drink, and I am not social. I appreciate the effort, but I am not contributing anything to the party. The others are having fun, and I tend to ruin fun wherever I am. In order to prevent that, I am leaving.” Your tone is flat.
  57. >”Oh no you aren't!” She stares at you
  58. >”I'm not, am I?” You prepare a flash spell in case the party turns into an ambush
  59. >You are so paranoid, Fiddle.
  60. >Shut up brain, my paranoia is the reason we are alive.
  61. >”Nope, you aren't. We haven’t gotten to the dancing competition!” Her smile is unnaturally large.
  62. >Oh man, dancing competition?
  63. >”Pink one, I don't dance...”
  64. >”Sure you do! Everyp0ny dances! Even Mrs.”I live in a library” dances...” at the mention of this particular pony dancing, her expression falls, and she stares for a thousand yards.
  65. >After a moment, you snap in front of her.
  66. >”OH! Heehee, sorry about that, I must have spaced out for a second!” her smile returns as if nothing happened
  67. >Then again, that p0ny she described sounds vaguely like you.
  68. >You did want to be more social.
  69. >How better than to dance awkwardly in front of a bunch of pastel horses who are afraid of you?
  70. >”When is the dance?”
  72. >You are Fiddlesticks.
  73. >And you are dancing your non-existent heart out.
  74. >Hopping up and down, moving your legs all around, balancing on your hands every so often.
  75. >Even a little move where you slam onto your back, and spin around.
  76. >The other party-goers are staring in awe.
  77. >Now that you have them, its time for the big finish
  79. >You stand in silence
  80. >...
  81. >Everyone's just staring at yo-
  82. >Oh hey, look. They're cheering.
  83. >You feel something...
  84. >You feel...
  85. >Good.
  86. >And not the kind of good feeling you get when you murder something.
  87. >Its a different kind of good feeling.
  88. >A warm and fuzzy good feeling.
  89. >There are excited conversations from the crowd, most being comments about your strange dance.
  90. >After another couple hours of dancing with p0nies, the party comes to an end.
  91. >As you go to leave, the pink one leaps in front of you.
  92. >”Are you OK to go home on your own? I saw you with cider in your hand the entire night, and I don’t want you getting hurt by walking home drunk. Wait a minute, where do you live? I don't recall seeing any new houses being built. And me being the social pony I am, I know where everyp0ny lives in town.”
  93. >That's a little creepy, but you understand what she means.
  94. >”I do not require shelter beyond that which the Everfree forest provides, but thank you for your concern about me.”
  95. >Her expression is the equivalent of telling her you murder children for fun.
  96. >Mental note: Do not bring up the League to her if you can avoid it.
  98. >”That isn't good at all! The Everfree is a scary place! You can get hurt out there!”
  99. >You can't help yourself, you chuckle at her telling you its a “scary place”.
  100. >”What's so funny, huh? Huh?!” She is getting defensive.
  101. >She probably thinks you are laughing at her, dude.
  102. >Oh. Well, I'm not.
  103. >I know that.
  104. >Good.
  105. >She doesn't know that though, sticks for brains.
  106. >Right. Time for damage control.
  107. >”Pinkie,” you explain “I am the personification of fear. I am a decorated champion of the League of Legends. Whatever I could not scare away from me, I could easily destroy. I am a monster far worse than anything you will encounter in that forest.”
  108. >Well, you may not have any cider in you, but that doesn't stop you from saying something stupid, does it?
  109. >She simply stares at you for an eternity of a minute.
  110. >”You haven't scared me away.” she smiles softly.
  111. >Why is there a melting feeling in your chest?
  112. >”I'm glad I haven't.” If you had eyes, they would be darting left and right while you nervously smiled.
  113. >Fortunately, you have a poker-face of the gods, and you merely smile with a closed mouth.
  114. >”Ah couldn't help but overhear that Fid dont got no place to stay. Izzat raght?” A drunken AJ slurs.
  115. >The pink pony nods.
  116. >Why do you betray me so, Pinkie?
  117. >”Well, ah got an old shed that we aint usin at the moment. If ya help me clear it out, you can stay in there!”
  118. >”I appreciate it, but I will be fine staying in the forest's edge another night.”
  119. >”Dahling, I understand that you don't want to burden somep0ny with such... untidy work.”
  120. >AJ harrumphs.
  121. >Oh hey look, it's Miss Marshmallow. When did she get here?
  123. >”That is why I am offering you lodging in the spare room of the boutique. I insist you stay until we get you situated more properly.”
  124. >”I can't-” You are interrupted
  125. >”Consider this a gift from me. And as a gentleman, you know how rude it is to not accept a gift from a lady.”
  126. >Well crap.
  127. >She just played you, son.
  128. >I know this, Brain.
  129. >She lets out a smile.
  130. >You simply shrug, and mumble a 'thanks' her way
  131. >During your discussion, the rest of the party cleared out, and it was you, Pinkie, AJ, and Rarity.
  132. >”Thank you all for coming to the party, goodbye!”
  133. >Oh Pinkie, subtlety is an art that you have yet to master
  134. >”Thank you for having me, Pinkie. It was very enjoyable. Goodnight.” You exit.
  135. >Rarity and AJ say their goodbyes as well, and follow suit.
  136. >AJ takes her leave upon exiting Sugarcube Corner, leaving you and Rarity to walk in silence to her store/home.
  137. >Upon reaching the Carousel, you notice the door frame still has a chunk missing out of it.
  138. >And you also realize you left your scythe at Pinkie's house/work
  139. >Seriously, do all these p0nies work where they sleep?
  140. >You stop before entering, focusing on your scythe.
  141. >After a second of familiarizing yourself with each knot in the handle, and every notch in the curved blade, it appears holstered on your side.
  142. >Patting your weapon, you walk into the boutique.
  143. >Rarity shows you to your temporary quarters, and bids you good night.
  144. >You lay down on the bed.
  145. >This is your first time laying down on a bed.
  146. >Interesting experience. You can see why humans enjo-
  147. >You're out like a light.
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