
And Everything Nice Pt. 6

Feb 26th, 2013
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  1. >You are Rarity
  2. >And this may be some of your best work yet!
  3. >Femanon stands before you, demoing the various articles of clothing you’ve quickly whipped up for her
  4. >A formal dress, a pair of pajamas, shorts, a new T-Shirt, cute underwear, and some more “bras”
  5. >And they all look so adorable on her!
  6. >She twists and turns around in the last of the clothing, a cute blouse and a tight pair of dark blue jeans
  7. >”These are some of the best clothes I’ve ever worn!” Femanon exclaims, viewing herself in the mirror, “I can’t thank you enough, Rare!”
  8. >You giggle excitedly
  9. Your happiness is thanks enough for me, dear!
  10. >You cheer
  11. You look absolutely a-DORE-able!
  12. >She turns to you, her face turning a light shade of red
  13. >You beam a bright, wide smile at her
  14. >It’s true, you are really happy for her, and she looks marvelous in them
  15. >But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t faking it a little
  16. >Not because of her
  17. >But because of Fluttershy
  18. >Your mind wanders to the bra
  19. >You made her two or three of them
  20. >That hook in the back was a little tricky
  21. >You don’t think you, or anyp0ny else you know, would know how to work it just by looking at it
  22. >And it happened to break in the back sometime during the night
  23. >Sometime after Femanon had left
  24. >Oh yes, you have a hunch who broke it
  25. >And a hunch why
  26. >”How can I ever repay you?” Femanon asks, picking up her new clothing in a bag
  27. >You giggle
  28. By taking your flank over to Pinkie’s in that new blouse!
  29. >She smiles and puts her hand over her eyes
  30. >”Right now?” she asks with a laugh
  31. >You nod happily
  32. Oh I’m sure she’d love to see you after last night, darling. Who knows, maybe she remembers the cuddles.
  33. >You give her a wink at that mention
  34. >She blushes even more furiously
  35. >Oh yes, you told her all about that
  36. >How you put the two of them together in bed
  37. >And how Pinkie Pie was so anxious to snuggle with her friend Femanon
  38. >It gave you real hope
  39. >Now Femanon just has to act upon it
  40. Plus, dear, I have some things I need to attend to now anyway, so you’d have to be on your way regardless.
  41. >She smiles
  42. >”Okay, I gotcha, Rare!”
  43. >She heads towards the door, opens it, waves goodbye, and leaves
  44. >You breathe out a happy exhale, smiling
  45. >Which quickly turns upside-down
  46. >Fluttershy…
  47. >You levitate the broken bra over to you and stomp out of the room yourself
  48. >How could you have trusted her? How could you make such a grave mistake?
  49. >You make your way through P0nyville with quick pace
  50. >Through the corner of your eye, you see Femanon knocking on the door to Sugarcube Corner before being let it
  51. >You sigh
  52. >She probably has no idea…
  53. >And that’s for the best…
  54. >You turn down to the path towards Fluttershy’s cottage
  55. >You just hope not much else other than breast fondling happened…
  56. >Approaching the babbling brook and traveling over the bridge, you ready your hoof for a knock
  57. >A quick bang or two later, you hear Fluttershy behind the door
  58. >”Coooming~” she says in a singsongy voice
  59. >She sounds to be in a good mood…
  60. >The door swings open, and a happy yellow p0ny greets you
  61. >”Oh, good morning, Rarity,” she says with a cheer
  62. >Your face opposes hers
  63. Hello.
  64. >You make your way into her cottage, pushing her out of the way as you
  65. >Fluttershy, with much confusion, closes the door and trots up to you
  66. >”R-Rarity, what’s the matter?”
  67. >You turn to her, then levitate the broken bra up to her to see
  68. >Her aura of happiness diminishes nearly instantaneously
  69. >Her pupils shrink and she covers her mouth with her hooves
  70. >You raise an eyebrow at her
  71. >”Wh-Wh-Why do you have F-Femanon’s b-bra with y-you…?” She sputters out
  72. >You scoff at her and begin making your way to her staircase
  73. I don’t know,
  74. >You say with a hint of facetiousness,
  75. why is it broken in the first place?
  76. >She takes to the air and begins fluttering next to you as you walk
  77. >”I’m… I’m not sure! M-Maybe she broke it w-when she—“
  78. Fluttershy,
  79. >You interrupt,
  80. you and I both know that bra wasn’t broken at the party. I had my eyes on her the whole time.
  81. >Fluttershy darts her eyes left and right
  82. >You begin ascending the stairs
  83. >”M-Maybe it happened in her sleep? O-Or when sh-she was with Pinkie?”
  84. >You shake your head
  85. >Reaching the top of the stairs, you turn to her again
  86. Fluttershy, dear,
  87. >You drone the “dear” for added sarcastic effect
  88. if that’s the case,
  89. >You levitate the bra up to her face, flinging it around so the dangling straps are visible
  90. do you mind explaining to me why there are deep bite marks all over the fabric here?
  91. >She “eeps,” and drops out of the air, hitting the ground
  92. >You fling the bra down the stairs, and turn into Fluttershy’s room
  93. >Instantly upon entering the room, a smell hits your sensitive nostrils
  94. >Hay and pine needles…
  95. >And…
  96. >…some other, unidentifiable musky smell
  97. >You know already what that means
  98. >Your heart sinks a little
  99. Fluttershy… you didn’t…
  100. >She flies into the room
  101. >”What!? I d-didn’t do a-anything!”
  102. >She flies in between you and the bed
  103. >Her attempts are pitifully obvious, and frankly, rather embarrassing for her
  104. >You surround her with your aura of magic and push her aside
  105. >Approaching the bed, you ready your horn
  106. >What was that spell again…?
  107. >…aha
  108. >You illuminate the sheets in a dark blue light
  109. >…good heavens…
  110. >You gaze upon the spread with disgust
  111. >The sheets are… coated with juices
  112. >It’s… an absolute mess
  113. >The lower half is drenched and stained, with splotches outlining a pair of legs, and a few dribbles trailing off the bed, implying a kind of…
  114. >…squirt
  115. >”I… I…”
  116. Fluttershy…
  117. >You back away from the bed, removing your spell
  118. >The sheets return to their perfectly clean looking appearance
  119. You… you didn’t just remove her bra…
  120. >”No! I mean Yes! I mean, I didn’t—“
  121. Did…
  122. >You turn to her
  123. >Her face reads and reacts to yours
  124. >A face of utter disgust and astonishment
  125. Did you… violate her?
  126. >She’s panicking
  127. >”Well… well I…”
  128. >She stutters and mumbles a bit
  129. >”There w-wasn’t any… pen… pena… I didn’t put anything in—“
  130. Good heavens!
  131. >You turn around and march out the door
  132. >You can’t believe what you’re hearing
  133. >That Fluttershy was capable of this…
  134. >”It was o-only my mouth…!”
  135. >She chases you down the stairs
  136. >”Please don’t tell her!”
  137. >You snap your head toward her
  138. >No words come out
  139. >You sit in disbelief for a moment
  140. >It’s still all coming down on you
  141. >”I… it sounded like… she liked it…”
  142. >She twiddles her hooves
  143. Fluttershy…
  144. >There’s no anger in your voice anymore
  145. >Anger was snatched away with your breath and belief long ago
  146. …she wasn’t even… conscious…
  147. >”But—“
  148. She didn’t even… she doesn’t even…
  149. >”But she said that she had feelings—“
  150. Not for you!
  151. >You finally snap out
  152. >Fluttershy darts back at your sudden outburst and hides behind her mane
  153. >You gather your emotions
  154. >You sigh
  155. She only thinks of you as a friend, Fluttershy. I told you this last night! What would she think if she found out you performed cunnilingus on her sleeping body!?
  156. >”S-She doesn’t need to kn-know!” She bellows frantically
  157. >You ready a yell
  158. >But stop yourself
  159. >…can you really tell her?
  160. >Worry her? Outrage her?
  161. >Would this ruin her chances with Pinkie Pie in some way?
  162. >How would she react?
  163. >Would revealing this be fair to her at all…?
  164. >Would she even believe you?
  165. >You close your mouth and avert your eyes
  166. >Fluttershy has read your face during thought
  167. >”So… we won’t tell her…?”
  168. >You look to the ground
  169. >Then up to Fluttershy
  170. >Then out the door
  171. >…
  172. …stay away from her, Fluttershy. She’ll stay with me or Pinkie now. Just…
  173. >You turn to look her in the eye
  174. Don’t go near her.
  175. >She looks into your eyes
  176. >Hers show concern and worry
  177. >But… that changes
  178. >Her eyes blank, and bore deep into yours
  179. >Like she’s reading you
  180. >Then… she smiles
  181. >…a devious smile
  182. >An expression most unlike Fluttershy…
  183. >”You don’t want to tell her, do you?” She says in a cold voice
  184. >It rattles up your spine, catching you off-guard
  185. What…?
  186. >”You can’t, huh? Something’s stopping you.”
  187. >Where did this come from…?
  188. I… I will, if I have to…!
  189. >Your attempted threat falls flat
  190. >Fluttershy smiles wider
  191. >”No, you can’t. And you won’t, will you?”
  192. No, I… I…
  193. >”She loves me,” she interrupts, “she may not realize it yet, but she does. I’ll show her soon.”
  194. >You stare at her speechless
  195. >”Go ahead, take her into your home. She doesn’t need to live with me.”
  196. >She trots over to the bra, which has landed neatly on the ground
  197. “But she trusts me. You can’t stop her from seeing me, and in that time, I’ll show her what my love means.”
  198. >She picks up the bra, smirking condescendingly at you, and inhales into it deeply
  199. >Your stomach churns at the sight
  200. >After her inhale, her entire demeanor changes
  201. >She smiles brightly and cheerily
  202. >”Goodbye, Rarity, see you soon!”
  203. >She turns her back to you and trots back up her stairs
  204. >…
  205. >You stand by the doorway
  206. >Speechless
  207. >Mind in scrambles
  208. >After a few moments, you turn around and leave, shutting the door behind you
  209. >Your mind begins to race as you walk
  210. >The way she acted…
  211. >…you’ve never seen her that way before
  212. >Not since after that minotaur’s lessons, at least…
  213. >So assertive…
  214. >You kick yourself as you walk
  215. >Darn it, Rarity! You showed weakness! You showed weakness and she used it to her advantage!
  216. >You enter into town, still in thought
  217. >She wants to keep this a secret… at least for now… and any leverage you could have used vaporized when she caught on to your desire to keep it a secret as well…
  218. >You approach your boutique
  219. >With a hung head, you glance over to Sugarcube Corner
  220. >…
  221. >You sigh
  222. >…she can take care of herself…
  223. >Just be a supportive friend for now, Rarity
  224. >Focus on helping her with Pinkie
  225. >You enter your shop
  226. >…and keep an eye out for Fluttershy…
  227. >The door shuts
  229. >You are Femanon
  230. >And you just arrived at Pinkie’s restaurant, new clothing ready for wearing!
  231. >You knock on the door, straighten out your blouse, readjust your new bra, and wait
  232. >The door swings open, and cute lil’ pink p0ne is there to greet you
  233. >She looks in great shape
  234. >You’d never be able to tell she was plastered the night before
  235. >She looks up to you and gasps
  236. >”Hi Emmy!”
  237. >She practically grabs you and pulls you in
  238. >You stumble into the house and laugh
  239. Whoa, Pinkie, easy!
  240. >She trots past you and giggles
  241. >”Did you have fun last night?!” She calls as she heads toward the kitchen
  242. >You follow her
  243. I sure did! I had a blast!
  244. >She giggles her classic Pinkie giggle
  245. >”That’s great!”
  246. >You both enter into the kitchen
  247. >Looks like Pinkie Pie has started up some morning baking
  248. >Without a word about it, you put your bag of clothing down, get an apron, and begin helping
  249. >Pinkie turns to you
  250. >”But how come you left so early?” She says, with a more mellow tone
  251. >You catch this, and try to hit minor damage control
  252. I-I’m not sure! I don’t actually remember what happened… according to Rarity, we both passed out in your bed, then Fluttershy took me home.
  253. >She looks at you with a content smile
  254. If I was awake for the decision, I would have insisted on staying!
  255. >She smiles even brighter
  256. >”Aww, that’s sweet, Emmy!”
  257. >She begins frosting some cupcakes
  258. >You head over to the oven and take out some cookies
  259. So…
  260. >You begin
  261. Do you actually remember much of what happened last night?
  262. >She giggles
  263. >”Not too much! But some!”
  264. >You look to her
  265. >Her back is turned to you, continuing to frost her baked goods
  266. >A smile creeps to your lips
  267. Oh yeah? Like what?
  268. >You bring the cookies to the counter and place them next to her
  269. >She looks up to you with her big, blue eyes
  270. >”Well!”
  271. >She places the froster down, puts a hoof to her lips, and thinks
  272. >”I remember drinking LOTS of cider with you! Then it gets fuzzy… but then I remember asking you to come nap with me, after Rarity suggested it…”
  273. >She pauses
  274. >You wait
  275. >…she locks eyes with you
  276. >”Then we snuggled!”
  277. >She closes her eyes and smiles wide, then picks up her froster again and continues frosting
  278. >You stand there with your mouth open
  279. >Pinkie seems oblivious to this
  280. >So she remembers…?
  281. >…she seems… indifferent to it…
  282. >Or… happy about it?
  283. >You can never tell with Pinkie
  284. >You decide to prod a little more
  285. So…
  286. >You reach over and take one of her fresh cupcakes
  287. >You know she doesn’t mind one bit
  288. Was I a good cuddler?
  289. >You take a bite of the delicious pastry
  290. >She turns back to you and giggles
  291. >”Only the best!”
  292. >Your heart warm to this
  293. Oh yeah?
  294. >”Mhmm!” She exclaims with cheery, closed eyes
  295. >She opens them, and they meet with yours
  296. >”We should snuggle more often, Emmy,” she says
  297. >Your heart skips a beat
  298. >Wait a minute…
  299. >”Wouldn’t that be fun?”
  300. >Your eyes are still locked
  301. >She drops her eyelids halfway, giving, what you interpret, to be a kind of sultry expression
  302. Um, uh y-yeah!
  303. >Her lips curl slowly up
  304. >Then, as abruptly as the expression started—
  305. >”Okie Dokie Lokie!”
  306. >It transforms back to standard Pinkie
  307. >She redirects her attention back to her cupcakes
  308. >You stare at her in awe
  309. >Speechless
  310. >Was that…?
  311. >”How are they, Emmy?” Pinkie asks
  312. Uh, what…?
  313. >You look down to the bitten cupcake in your hand
  314. Oh! They’re delicious!
  315. >You laugh nervously
  316. >”Perfect!”
  317. >She takes the fresh tray and places them in the fridge
  318. >You carry your tray of cookies and store them as well
  319. >Pinkie takes off her apron and shakes her mane a bit
  320. >It bounces beautifully in place
  321. >”Well, that’s all the baking I need to do for today!”
  322. >You nod, and take your apron off as well
  323. >She springs out of the kitchen, and you follow behind her
  324. >”Hey Emmy! There’s something I’ve wanted to ask you…” she inquires as she continues to spring
  325. >You avert your eyes from her bouncing plot
  326. Sure, what is it, Pinkie?
  327. >She lands on the ground and speeds over to you
  328. >Wrapping a front leg around your waist, she lifts up your hand and carefully observes it
  329. >”These! Hands, right?” She asks, not breaking eye contact with your right grabber
  330. >This is… abrupt
  331. Yes, my… hands.
  332. >She drops it and looks up to you
  333. >”They must be really useful, huh?”
  334. >You nod
  335. I… guess. Can’t compare them to anything else, personally. But yes, fingers do have their uses.
  336. >She smiles
  337. >”Okay! Just as I thought!”
  338. >You laugh a little
  339. >Pinkie Pie is so random…
  340. >”Well,” she starts, turning her back to you and trotting towards the stairs, “after last night and this morning, I could really use a shower!”
  341. >A shower?
  342. >Your hearts sinks a little
  343. >But you only just got here…
  344. >You hide your disappointment quickly
  345. Yeah, that’s okay.
  346. >You eye your bag at the kitchen entrance
  347. I’ll see you later then?
  348. >Pinkie stops in her tracks, and turns to you, eyebrow raised
  349. >”You want to leave?”
  350. >…what?
  351. Well… if I don’t have to, no.
  352. >She smiles
  353. >”Okay, good! Then come on!”
  354. >…come on?
  355. Where…?
  356. >She’s already at the stairs
  357. >”To the shower! Come on, it’ll be fun!”
  358. >Your beating heart shuts down for a moment
  359. >An indescribable kind of shock radiates through your whole body
  360. Sh-Shower?
  361. >She smiles widely
  362. >”Yeah! I’m really dirty, so you should help! Your hands are useful, right?”
  363. >You look to them
  364. Y-Yeah…
  365. >”Then come on, slowpoke!”
  366. >She’s up the stairs, out of sight
  367. >”Show me what they can do…”
  369. End of Part 6
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