
Dinner with Dash's dad

Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. >"What in the name of Celestia is that thing?!"
  2. >"Dad! Be nice! This is the guy I was telling you about."
  3. >Rainbow Blaze turns to look at you with sharp, inquisitive eyes.
  4. >"THIS is the coltfriend you were telling me about? What the hell is it, even?"
  5. >"Dad, don't be mean. This is a human, and HIS name is Anon."
  6. >You and Rainbow Dash had been going out for a few months now.
  7. >Rainbow Dash was going to to visit her Dad for dinner, and asked if you wanted to come along.
  8. >You had a feeling it would be sort of awkward meeting him, being a different species and all, but not that it would be this bad.
  9. >The dark blue stallion stood before you, staring aggressively at you.
  10. >Despite being only about half your hight, he almost seemed to almost tower over you.
  11. >You nervously stick out your hand, hoping to bridge the gap a bit.
  12. "I-its a pleasure to m-meet you sir."
  13. >Smooth, Anon.
  14. >After staring at your out stretched hand for a moment, sizing it up, he reluctantly takes your hand, and gives it a shake.
  15. >"The name is Rainbow Blaze."
  16. >You motion to Rainbow Dash.
  17. "I can see the resemblance between you two."
  18. >Rainbow Blaze just continues to stare at you, not finding your wisecrack humorous at all.
  19. >You nervously fiddle around in place, trying to avoid his gaze.
  20. >The silence lingers for a moment, before Rainbow Dash jumps in to bail you out.
  21. >"Sooo Dad, dinner ready? The trip here from Ponyville was suuppeerr long, I'm starving!"
  22. >Blaze's expression immediately brightens up when he looks at her.
  23. >"Of course it is honey, I even made your favorite."
  24. >"Alright, spaghetti and wheatballs! Awesome!"
  25. >"She turns and takes you by your arm, which was dangling stiffly at your side.
  26. >"Hey Dad, can I show Anon around the house? Let him see my old room?"
  27. >He looks back to you, his face becoming stone cold once again, his eyes looking you over.
  28. >"I don't know, is he.... house broken already?"
  29. >You try your best not to glare at him as Dash rolls her eyes at her Dad.
  30. >"Dad, come on, he's just like a normal pony, he just looks different."
  31. >"Well, alright, thats fine I guess."
  32. >Just as Rainbow Dash goes to pull you away, Blaze is floating up in your face in an instant, staring you down intensely.
  33. >"But I'm watching you with my daughter, "
  35. Anon"."
  36. "O-of course, there's nothing to worry about sir."
  37. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes at her Dad before tugging you along by the hand down the hallway.
  38. >While a bit smaller then Rainbows house, her fathers house is just as ornate and elegant, most likely due to the clouds.
  39. >The entire hallway was covered in picture frames, most of them of Rainbow Dash and her father.
  40. >Some have her surrounded by a few rather large looking stallions, all bright different colors.
  41. >You stop and look at a few of the pictures, looking at all of the particularly cute ones.
  42. >Noticing you staring at them, Rainbow Dash looks at a few with you.
  43. >"Whatcha looking at? How awesome-looking I was as a filly? My dad was too. I guess it just runs in the family."
  44. >A particular picture catches your eye.
  45. >Its a picture of Dash as a filly, hanging off her dads neck.
  46. >She looks just as carefree and fun-loving back then as she does now.
  47. "No, I was just admiring at how little your cuteness has faded since you were a filly."
  48. >You feel a familiar slug on the shoulder, which always seems to occur when around Dash.
  49. >"Come on Anon, lets go see my room. It's just down the hall."
  50. >She tugs you by the hand again, guiding you down the hallway.
  51. >As you reach the end of the path, you find the door to Rainbow Dash's room.
  52. >The door is still covered in teenage door decorations, stamped with "KEEP OUT", and "DANGER: AWESOMENESS LEVELS HIGH" stickers.
  53. >Dash pushes open the door, revealing the most fangirl style room you've ever seen.
  54. >The walls are entirely covered in Wonderbolts memorabilia, with a few posters on the ceiling too.
  55. >Her shelves are covered in trophies and medals, relics of her competitive filly days.
  56. >"Pretty sweet digs, huh? Looks like my dad hasn't changed anything at all."
  57. >You take a few steps into the room, careful not to touch any of the well preserved artifacts.
  58. "Well, its certainly interesting, ill give you that."
  59. >You make you way over to her bed in the corner, plopping down on it.
  60. >While you're distracted with looking over all of her rainbow decorated blankets, Dash springs forward, pinning you to the bed.
  61. >She holds down your arms with her hooves, and brings her face right up next to yours.
  62. >A mischievous grin splits across her face.
  63. >"Hey Nonny, ever had one of those teenage-make out sessions when you lived at home?"
  64. "U-uh, no, I never did Dash."
  65. >"Me neither. We have some time before dinner, wanna have some fun?"
  66. >Before you could even answer, she's already on you.
  67. >Her warm lips contact with yours, with her tonger already probing your lips
  68. >"Damn, she works fast."
  69. >You guide your hands up to her underbelly, sliding them along her ribcage up to her back.
  70. >She briefly breaks off her kiss for short breath, its heat landing on your face.
  71. >Surprising her, you initiate the kiss this time, going deep.
  72. >You tongue pokes its way through her lips, reaching into her mouth.
  73. >As soon as it gains entrance, your tongue is instantly shoved back by hers, which starts aggressively probing your mouth.
  74. >Turning almost into a fight rather then making out, you rush to the defense, trying to throw her off guard.
  75. >You focus on the wings, gripping the base rather tightly.
  76. >Your run your hand up and down the tendon, just the way you do when she's preening.
  77. >Your sudden movement causes her to gasp with pleasure, slightly throwing her head back.
  78. >"Ah, Nonny, keep going...."
  80. >Oh shit.
  81. >Dash immediately jumps off of you onto the floor.
  82. "U-ummm, I was just...."
  83. >You're drawing a blank.
  84. >"Helping me get something out of my wings! I got something stuck in my wing, and I couldn't get it, thats all."
  85. >Rainbow Blaze glares at you intensely, almost looking into your soul.
  86. >After the longest few seconds of staring to ever pass, he seemed to reluctantly believe the answer, or at least decided not to press it further because he drops his "I'm going to kill you" look, taking up a much more friendly, "I'm going to break every bone in your body" look.
  87. >"Sure.... Anyways, dinner's ready."
  88. >Rainbow Dash is already in the hall, speeding towards the table.
  89. >You can hear her calling down the hallway.
  90. "Awesome, I'm starved!"
  91. >As you start that way too, you're stopped in the doorway by suspicious looking Rainbow Blaze.
  92. >He prods your chest with an aggressive hoof.
  93. >"Listen "Anon", I don't know what you are, but you need to know three simple things while you're in this house. First, while you're here, no touching my daughter. Second, I'm friends with all of the law enforcement around here, and third, I own a woodchipper and a large property. See what I'm saying here?"
  94. >Seeing as you didn't plan on being murdered today, you hastily agree.
  95. "Yes sir, loud and clear."
  96. >"Good."
  97. >He allows you through the doorway, and you walk down the hall to the table.
  98. >When you get there, you find three places set.
  99. >Two right next to each other at one side of the table, and one set all the way at the other side.
  100. >Its pretty clear where you're supposed to sit, so not wanting to die, you reluctantly take the lonely spot at the end of the table.
  101. >Rainbow Blaze takes his spot at the other end of the table, sitting right next to Dash.
  102. >Dinner progresses slowly and rather silently, with you in constant fear of the woodchipper sitting in the back yard.
  103. >Rainbow Dash acts as a mutual party between you and her dad, constantly breaking the silence between the two of you.
  104. >You three finish dinner rather slowly, followed by cleaning off the table and washing a few dishes.
  105. >A little while after dinner, you and Dash notice that its getting pretty late, so you get ready to leave.
  106. >Your about to go get your jacket out of the coat closet down the hall, when Rainbow Blaze stops you.
  107. >"Dashie dearest, would you go get Anon's coat for him?"
  108. >"Umm sure thing Dad, I'll be right back."
  109. >Rainbow Dash hovers slowly down the hallway, quickly rounding the corner.
  110. >As soon as Dash is out of sight, Blaze turns back to staring at you probingly, looking right into your eyes.
  111. >"So Anon,..... you and my daughter get along? Is she happy with you?"
  112. >Damn, not a tactful bone in his body.
  113. "Well, I think so sir. I try my best to make her happy, and evidently she hasn't left me yet."
  114. >He actually chuckles softly at your joke, and seems satisfied with your answer.
  115. >"Well Anon, I might not like you very much, but if thats true, and she really is happy, I guess I wont have to feed you to the woodchipper this time."
  116. >Realizing that this is as close to a complement as you're going to get, you chuckle at his joke.
  117. >However, the steadfast stern expression his face indicates it wasn't a joke.
  118. >Almost as if on cue, Rainbow Dash returns with your jacket, and you quickly put it on, desperate to leave the house of a potential murderer.
  119. >Rainbow Dash and her Dad hug each other and exchange goodbyes.
  120. >Seems like he can get real soft around his daughter.
  121. >As the two of you step out of the warm house and into the cold nighttime cloud air, Dash is the first to speak up.
  122. >"That went really well, huh Anon? I really think Dad likes you."
  123. "Well yea, once you get around the death threats, he seems like a nice guy."
  124. >Dash gives you a quizzical look.
  125. >"Death threats?"
  126. >You shrug at her.
  127. "Nothing, never mind."
  128. >You walk in silence for a few minutes before Dash speaks up.
  129. >"Well if you liked him, just wait till you meet all of my brothers!"
  130. "Wait, you have brothers?"
  131. >"You remember those stallions in those photos with me? Those were all my brothers! Ive told them all about you, and they cant wait to meet you either."
  132. >You slouch over, tired and dejectedly.
  133. "Oh, yaaayyy. Sounds like fun."
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