
Hand In Hand (ch5)

Jul 19th, 2018
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  3. As some of you may know Neon planned Dianakko Week to be on my birthday this year and the pampering Diana day is my actual birthday cuz pampering/spoiling Diana is my Favorite Thing.
  5. Day 5: Pampering Diana
  7. Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.
  9. ------------
  11. Chapter 5.
  13. Diana continued her spoiling of Akko the following morning by letting the brunette sleep in as long as she wanted, which was nearly noontime. Diana couldn't stay in bed that long with chores to do, so she slipped away early and got things done, then brought back breakfast for when Akko did eventually wake.
  15. Once she'd changed and gotten ready for the day, Diana took her on a broom-ride across campus, and even treated her to a miniature private magic show, during which she transformed herself into various animals.
  17. Akko was nearly beside herself with joy at that. She always loved watching Diana perform magic, but she rarely ever transformed herself. Every animal she took the form of always looked just as legitimate and twice as majestic as a genuine one.
  19. Diana even took requests from Akko about what animal she should become for her: a horse, a tiger, a swan, and so on. It was both to prove to Akko that Diana had fully recovered her magics, and to thank her for helping her in her recovery.
  21. By the end of it all Akko was begging for "just one more!" transformation, but she'd already requested so many she couldn't think of any others.
  23. So she ended up tackling Diana – who at the time had been in the form of a white wolf – onto the ground in a big hug. Diana had transformed back immediately to both scold Akko and hide her face in her shoulder due to how hard she was blushing.
  25. Akko was giddy all day long, soaking up her day of spoiling from Diana. She requested another broom-ride in the evening and spent the whole time cuddling up to Diana's back even more so than she had during their daytime flight.
  27. They ate supper together after that, and by the time they got back to the dorm rooms, Diana was pleasantly exhausted from the day, while Akko still had energy to spare. Diana hushed her as they got back to the suite, finding Hannah and Barbara already in bed.
  29. Diana showered first while Akko lounged on the couch, enjoying the cup of tea her girlfriend had so dutifully prepared for her.
  31. It was about this time last night when Diana started pampering me. She's been doing whatever I ask all day. She even let me eat dessert before dinner! It's only fair I repay the favor!
  33. With her mind made up on what she was going to do, now she just needed to consider how to do it.
  35. Diana emerges from the bathroom a moment later, dressed in her robes and running a towel through her hair. Akko gets the idea to dry her hair for her, but Diana picks up her wand and dries it off instantly with a quick heating spell. Akko deflates into the couch and gets to thinking some more.
  37. "Akko?" Diana comes up behind her and rests both hands on her shoulders. "You should shower."
  39. "Aw, do I have to?"
  41. "I insist." Diana leans over to kiss Akko atop the head, then retreats to her desk, rousing the little sprite in the lamp to give light.
  43. Akko mulls it over as she showers too, trying to think of things she can do to start repaying Diana for the repayment.
  45. Her next idea is to make Diana a cup of tea. She hurries through her shower, drying off and dressing in a minute flat before scurrying back out in the main room. But to her disappointment Diana already has a cup of tea sitting at her desk.
  47. Akko puffs up her cheeks into a giant pout and mopes silently to herself, trying to think of something else she can do instead. She plops down onto the couch, crossing her arms to mumble and think for a few minutes.
  49. She glances over at her girlfriend diligently reading across the room, her posture as stiff and perfect as ever. Akko watches her for a little while, admiring her from afar as she entertains thoughts of what she can do. She waits until Diana has finished sipping at her tea before she calls out for her.
  51. "Hey, Dianaaa~ Come sit here with meeeee~"
  53. Diana jumps slightly, as though she's been pulled from a trance. Looking back at Akko, her eyes are wide with surprise.
  55. "My apologies, I did not mean to ignore you. I simply got invested..."
  57. "That's okay. But wouldn't it be a lot more comfortable if you 'got invested' in that book over here~?" Akko pulls her wand out from her bag with her folded-up uniform and casts a small lighting spell, providing enough brightness for Diana to read by, but not enough to wake Hannah and Barbara.
  59. Diana thanks the sprite in the lamp and has it extinguish the light, picks up her book, and then makes her way over to the couch. Akko wiggles over to make plenty of room for her.
  61. As soon as Diana sits down with the book in her lap, Akko cuddles up to her side, wrapping an arm around the small of her back.
  63. "See~? Isn't this muuuch more comfy?"
  65. "I suppose I cannot argue with that statement."
  67. But in spite of how Akko cuddles up to her and slumps her weight against Diana lazily, Diana's posture remains perfectly erect as she scans the book in her lap. Akko subtly tries to ease her back enough to lean against the couch cushions, but Diana doesn't budge. It isn't even a conscious refusal; Akko can tell she just naturally needs to sit up straight.
  69. How can she relax like that?! It's so stifling!
  71. Akko wraps both arms around Diana's waist and slouches against her side, then gets to thinking about other ways she might be able to repay her.
  73. She internally debates one idea after another with herself and shoots them all down. Everything she thinks of can only be done outside of the room, on a date or at some other location. She wants to do something for her now!
  75. Dang it! What can I do for her? What can I...
  77. As she struggles for an answer, Diana actually gives her one.
  79. Until now it's been quiet in the room, save for Diana's soft breathing and the occasional turn of a page. But now Diana lets out a tiny yawn, which ends up as more of a sigh. Akko perks up instantly.
  81. "Diana, are you tired?"
  83. "Not very. I could stand to read a bit more."
  85. "That's no good, Diana! You've gotta listen to your body!" Akko pushes the book closed and puts it on the table, then cancels her lighting spell.
  87. "Akko, I assure you-"
  89. "No, no! I assure you, Diana! It's time for bed!"
  91. Her eyes are sparkling with that familiar determination again, the kind Diana knows she can't win against. She sighs again.
  93. "Very well. Then let us-"
  95. "Nope! 'Us' nothing! I'll take care of it!"
  97. "Eh? Akko, what-"
  99. "Just sit back and relax, Diana! I got this!" Akko jumps up from the couch and stretches herself out quickly before leaning back down over her girlfriend. Before Diana can react or protest, Akko scoops her up into her arms princess style, grinning from her accomplishment. "See? I'll carry you to bed, Diana!"
  101. "A-Akko!" she yelps. "I can walk by myself-"
  103. "I know you can, but I wanna carry yooooou. Can't I? I promise I won't drop you!"
  105. "How reassuring..." Diana angles her face away so Akko can't make out her expression. "Very well... But make haste!"
  107. "Diana, you're too funny~"
  109. Akko leaves everything else behind and takes Diana around the bookshelf, past the little barrier for their privacy. She isn't heavy at all, as Akko expected.
  111. Once she reaches the bed she lays Diana down gently on her back. When she pulls away she finds her blushing, hair strewn across her face. Akko leans down to kiss her lips, then tucks her hair aside.
  113. "Diana, you're so pretty."
  115. "Hush." Diana turns over onto her side, giving Akko her back. Akko chuckles and climbs up next to her. She trails a finger along Diana's side, making her jolt.
  117. "Diana, there's something I wanna do. Can I?"
  119. "Will anything I say be able to stop you?"
  121. "If you don't like it, just tell me to stop." With this, Akko carefully pushes her girlfriend the rest of the way over, so she's lying completely on her stomach. Akko grabs the pillow and pulls it closer to Diana, who glances curiously back at her from over her shoulder.
  123. "What is the meaning of this, Akko?"
  125. "Just relax, Diana! I wanna give you a massage!"
  127. Her cheeks darken another shade of pink.
  129. "M-Massage?"
  131. "Yeah! You're always so tense and stiff, Diana! Always sitting up straight in class or on a field trip or on your patrols. It's gotta be killing you!"
  133. "Akko, the concern is appreciated, but I don't-"
  135. "Shhh!" Akko dips down and silences her with a kiss. "Just lemme do this! You just relax, got it?"
  137. "Akko-" But Diana stops upon seeing that determined sparkle again. She sighs, folding her arms over the pillow and turning her face away again, accepting her fate. "Then do as you wish."
  139. Victorious, Akko sidles into position, kneeling next to her as she cracks her fingers and prepares herself.
  141. "Ah! B-But if you really don't like it just tell me to stop anytime!"
  143. "Yes, yes..."
  145. At last Akko begins, reaching out to rest her hands on Diana's shoulders. Immediately she can feel Diana tense up at the contact. Akko lessens the pressure of her hands.
  147. "It's okay, Diana. It's just me!"
  149. "I am aware..."
  151. "Then just relax! Take a deeeeeep breath!"
  153. Akko doesn't move for a minute. She waits until she can feel Diana inhale and then exhale, her shoulders rising and falling beneath Akko's palms.
  155. Then she gets to work.
  157. She doesn't squeeze hard or apply too much pressure, not knowing just how delicate Diana might be and not wanting to hurt her. Akko rubs her hands in circles over her shoulder blades to loosen her muscles a bit, then starts pressing her thumbs in here and there.
  159. Diana is nearly frozen solid, both confused and pleased by the odd contact to her back. She's never experienced anything quite like this before, but she trusts Akko. So she buries her face into the pillow and does her best to relax.
  161. Akko can tell she's trying, but Diana is just such an on-edge person by nature. She knows she's going to have to work for it in order to bring down her defenses.
  163. She rolls her hands into fists and gently presses her knuckles in, applying and relieving pressure in a sort of predictable rhythm so Diana can get used to it.
  165. Akko alternates between using her knuckles and her palms, rubbing and assuaging the tension away little by little. Just about every muscle is knotted and taut, and each time she begins massaging them she feels Diana jolt beneath her.
  167. Akko presses down gently around the sore areas rather than onto them directly. She pauses to brush Diana's hair away, collecting it aside over one shoulder, though she still can't see her face. She feels Diana breathing a bit raggedly beneath her and pauses.
  169. "Diana? Are you okay?" Akko runs her palms up and down her back fretfully. "Sh-Should I stop?"
  171. A few seconds pass with no response. Then, Akko feels Diana let out a long breath.
  173. "I... did not say that..."
  175. And Akko feels herself filling up with glee from the tips of her toes.
  177. "Really?! I can keep going? Are you sure? Ahh, b-but don't forget to breathe, Diana! I feel like you're forgetting sometimes..."
  179. Diana continues concealing her expression and says nothing more. Akko rubs her shoulder gently for a moment, waiting until she can feel her breathing regularly again before continuing her massage.
  181. She spends a lot of time on Diana's shoulders and upper back, since that's where most of the gnarled muscles are. Using both her hands and sometimes her elbows, Akko eases away the knots one at a time.
  183. Diana isn't very vocal about it. In fact, she isn't vocal at all. So Akko has to pay great attention to her body, adjusting her technique depending on how tense or relaxed Diana is. Whenever she feels her shift slightly, Akko always eases back and lets her move however is most comfortable for her, though she never does reveal her expression.
  185. Akko pauses everyone few minutes to remind Diana to inhale, as she really does seem to be forgetting sometimes as she gets caught up in the sensations and the warmth of Akko's hands on her back.
  187. Diana had never expected it to feel this good. She can feel the stiffness and soreness melting away beneath Akko's touch, as if she's using some kind of healing spell on her. But there's not an ounce of magic involved, and that astounds her even more.
  189. Akko seems to know exactly where to place her hands, and where to avoid placing them. She seems to know just how lightly or hard to push; enough to ease the pain but not enough to create more.
  191. Diana does her best to stay relaxed and limp so Akko can work, but she still makes absolutely sure not to reveal her face. She knows her cheeks must be horribly pink right now, her hair frazzled, her breath unsteady. She's an absolute mess, but it feels heavenly.
  193. Since Akko is receiving no protest from her girlfriend she continues massaging her shoulder blades, spreading her fingers out to cover as much as possible. From what she can tell she's gotten most of the knots now. There's only a bit of tightness she can still feel toward the center of Diana's back. Akko rolls her knuckles around the spot in a brushing motion, then uses her palm to push in.
  195. But she must push just a little too hard this time, because all at once Diana gasps and her entire body tenses up, her nails digging into the pillow, back arching. Immediately Akko stops.
  197. "S-Sorry! Diana, are you okay? I-I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm sorry!" She clasps her hands together nervously before reaching out to gently rub her back.
  199. Gradually, Diana relaxes again, but she doesn't reply. Akko bites her lip.
  201. "Diana? Diana? Does it hurt?"
  203. She waits. Diana's only response is a small shaking of her head from side to side. Akko feels a little better.
  205. "Y-You're okay?"
  207. A sigh.
  209. "Yes..."
  211. "I-I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! Y-You've gotta speak up, Diana! If I'm hurting you, you've gotta tell me!" She trails her fingers gently through Diana's hair, wishing she'd show her face. "Diana...?"
  213. The white-haired witch continues hiding her expression for a moment. But she can tell Akko's troubled and wants to see her. So Diana opens her eyes, bracing herself for the embarrassment from how red she knows her face probably is. She only peeks out slightly from behind her forearm and glances up at her.
  215. "It is fine, Akko."
  217. The brunette perks up again, relieved to finally be seeing her eyes again.
  219. "Are you sure? Your face is really red, Diana!"
  221. "And who do you think is to blame for that?" A second later she hides her face once again. Akko cracks a smile.
  223. "Awww, Diana, are you embarrassed? That's so cute!"
  225. "I still have enough magic in me to toss you out the window."
  227. "Eep! R-Right, sorry." Akko grins, glad she hasn't hurt her physically - perhaps only her pride a bit. After a moment, she starts moving her hand up and down Diana's back again. "Can I keep going?"
  229. She waits. Diana takes another breath.
  231. "Very well..."
  233. Akko swallows back a squeal before getting back to work. Just knowing Diana is relaxed enough to the point of being embarrassed about it motivates Akko to pamper her even more. She'll do it all night if Diana lets her.
  235. But for now she avoids the sore spot on her back and instead moves downward, pressing in over Diana's sides and ribs, rubbing up and down and back and forth.
  237. She knows it's all a bit overwhelming for Diana, who has never been touched in such a way, so Akko is sure to pause frequently to give her time to adjust. She makes her way down to the small of Diana's back and leans her weight onto her palms. Almost immediately she feels several little cracks.
  239. But even more surprising than that is the sound Diana makes.
  241. "Ah-!"
  243. It isn't a sound of pain, but more of relief. Until now she'd been biting back all the noises that wanted to work their way up, but just this once she fails to. And of course she regrets it instantly.
  245. "Oh my gosh!" Akko gapes. "Diana, th-that was so cute!"
  247. "The window is already unlocked-"
  249. "Eep! Sorry, sorry!"
  251. Akko does her best to contain herself and continues focusing on the massage, kneading her fingers into her girlfriend's back. She pushes her palms down and rubs gently, traveling up and down from the small of her back to the tops of her shoulders.
  253. Only when she feels Diana has completely relaxed once again does Akko gradually make her way back to the final sore spot. She takes care not to apply too much pressure this time, easing some weight onto the area of tightness, assuaging it little by little. She pauses frequently to give Diana time to breathe and adjust, repeatedly asking if she's okay before continuing.
  255. It takes a few more minutes, but Akko can tell the last couple tense muscles in Diana's back are finally unraveling, allowing her to relax more and more. Akko gives one last little push, coaxing a sigh from Diana that's longer and more relieved than anything she's heard yet. Akko withdraws her hands and shakes them out, rotating her wrists with a grin.
  257. "There! How does it feel, Diana?"
  259. The other witch doesn't move for a long moment, keeping her face buried in her hair and pillow. Akko chuckles and pats her back softly.
  261. "You're okay, right? Diana?"
  263. With Akko's prompting Diana finally manages to turn herself over onto her back, revealing her flushed cheeks and relaxed expression. Her chest deflates with another sigh, eyes fluttering barely open as she lifts her arms up to lock them around Akko's shoulders.
  265. "Would you please be quiet? I am fine." Even her attempt to sound irritable and chiding doesn't work due to the calm smile on her lips. She closes her eyes again and pulls Akko down on top of herself. "Go to sleep now, Akko..."
  267. Akko nuzzle her cheek, burrowing into the side of her neck.
  269. "You enjoyed it, didn't you? I'm glad! I'll do this more often!"
  271. Akko plants a small kiss on Diana's cheek and waits for some kind of bashful response. But her soft breathing and relaxed grip tell Akko she's already fallen fast asleep.
  273. Akko grins, glad that she's managed to spoil and pamper her girlfriend properly. She stretches out her legs a bit before hugging Diana's stomach, snuggling up against her side and shoulder. Akko is proud of herself for what a good job she did.
  275. Diana sleeps soundly through the night and even through her alarm the next morning. When she does finally wake she mumbles chastisement to the drooling brunette on her stomach.
  277. "You are very lucky I did not have a patrol this morning." And then she bends forward to kiss Akko's head. "Thank you."
  279. Diana lays back down, realizing just how comfortable it is for her to move around now after Akko's treatment. She feels like she's drifting on a cloud, warm with sunlight. As thanks she lets her girlfriend sleep as long as she likes that morning.
  281. -------------
  283. A/N: God I could use a massage right about now jshdfjhskjdfa
  285. Next theme: Anniversary.
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