
O.C.T.O. comic Chapter 4

Nov 8th, 2015
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  1. Page 1: In Octo Valley, Dank and Georgia are trying to follow Aqua without alerting him to their presence. The two converse quietly as they go.
  2. Georgia: "So, Dank...why are you here, exactly?"
  3. Dank gives Georgia a funny look.
  4. Dank: "Same reason as you, chica. We stalkin' Aqua cuz we all salty 'bout him keepin secrets, homie."
  5. Georgia facepalms.
  6. Georgia: "No, that's not what I--"
  7. Georgia stops short and removes her hand from her face for a moment, seeming confused.
  8. Georgia (in low voice): "--wait, stalking?"
  9. Georgia: "Dank, that's not what I..."
  11. Page 2: Realizing that Dank has already moved forward, Georgia increases her pace to catch up to him; we see this from a distance, as a silhouetted figure watches them from the foreground.
  12. Georgia: "That's not what I mean, Dank."
  13. ??? (thought bubble): "?!"
  14. Georgia continues to try to make conversation with an unusually crabby Dank, who is busy trying to scale a pile of debris.
  15. Georgia: "I...look. I know why I joined O.C.T.O. It's to watch out for Francine. And yes, I do know why she's interested in all of this, but that's her story to tell. I was hoping...Dank?"
  16. Dank turns his head to look at Georgia irritably.
  17. Georgia ignores Dank's irritation.
  18. Georgia: "I was *hoping* you'd be willing to tell me your story."
  19. Dank: "Georgia..."
  21. Page 3: We replay the "Aqua studies a diminutive Octoling" sequence from last chapter, this time more from Aqua's perspective. Behind him, the silhouette of a wicked-looking Octoling rises...
  23. We see a silent panel of Dank and Georgia going for their weapons in shock, but quickly switch back to the action, where the two silhouettes are engaged in a fierce battle: the larger one with an Octoshot, the smaller with what looks to be an Octobrush. One thing is clear: both silhouettes are Octarian, not Inkling.
  25. Page 4: Aqua, who has taken cover, spots his notebook lying on the ground near where he'd been standing. He tries to sneak back to it, but the Octoshot user notices him and unleashes a barrage of sickly pink ink. Aqua skids to a stop just in time, then reverses course and flees for his life.
  26. Meanwhile, Georgia and Dank have readied their weapons, Georgia holding an E-Liter 3k while Dank wields a Splattershot Jr.
  27. Georgia: "Dank--"
  28. Dank: "On it, chica!"
  29. As Dank dashes down from his and Georgia's position on the hill, the diminutive Octoling Aqua had been watching pulls out her own Octoshot and begins firing the standard purple Octarian ink at him. Dank dodges deftly, inking and squidding with a dexterity disconnected from his dunce-like getup (though we never actually see his squid form). He returns fire, forcing the diminutive Octoling to use her stop sign as a shield. She grits her teeth, then retreats, carrying the sign as cover as she continuously returns fire.
  31. Page 5: Georgia is stunned by Dank's display of hyper-competence. She is quickly distracted, however, as the small Octobrush-wielding Octoling leaps high above her opponent's head, landing surprisingly close to Georgia's makeshift sniper nest. The Octobrush user doesn't seem to notice her, but her opponent does notice Dank nearing the notebook. She unleashes another barrage of pink ink, as Georgia prepares to fire--
  33. A razor-sharp arc of sea-green ink cuts cleanly through the charger, utterly destroying both weapon and shot. The Octobrush user looks at Georgia and shakes her head subtly, as if warning not to interfere.
  34. Georgia is incensed.
  35. Dank looks up, distracted from his mad dash for the notebook.
  36. Dank: "Daaaaaaang, dude. I want me one a' those!"
  37. The purple-inked Octoling resumes fire from off-panel, forcing Dank to go defensive.
  39. Page 6: Georgia looks on at the battle, seemingly unable to influence its outcome; the purple-inked Octoling has Dank pinned down, while the other two Octarians appear locked in her own battle. She grips the severed segments of her weapon furiously, beginning to crush them slightly, when she suddenly has an awful idea. Georgia gets a wonderful, *awful* idea, and grins savagely.
  40. Dank and the purple-inked Octoling are fighting furiously, with Dank being forced to activate his Bubbler in response to a particularly furious barrage. Suddenly, Georgia pops up from her sniper nest holding a piece of bent metal and throws it, the spinning projectile managing to smack away the Octoling's stop sign shield. An instant later, a long, narrow pipe spears through the Octoling's uniform, clearly not injuring her but still pinning her dominant firing arm to the ground. She growls in frustration, but is helpless to stop Dank's advance.
  42. Page 7: In the midst of her duel, the pink-inked Octoling notices Dank is no longer covered, so she ducks under the Octobrush user's swing and swims down the hill to flank him. She lines up her shot, waits for the Bubbler to run out...
  43. We see Dank's hand reaching for the notebook just as his shield dissipates...
  45. Page 8:
  46. SFX: *WHAM!*
  47. Hero shot of Georgia leaping in from above to kick the pink-inked Octoling's weapon away in midair. In a series of small inset panels, the Octoshot arcs into the air, as Dank grabs the notebook, rolls, and slides around a corner to cover. Georgia's hand snatches the spinning Octoshot from midair.
  49. Page 9: Georgia holds the Octoshot sideways as she threatens the pink-inked Octoling with it, while Dank covers her in the background with his own weapon. No words are necessary; the pink-inked Octoling backs up a few steps, waits for the diminutive purple-inked Octoling (now sporting a torn uniform) to join her, and the two disappear down the Kettle from whence they came. Georgia allows herself a second to release the breath she'd been holding before turning her weapon towards where the third Octoling had last been seen, but all that remains is a trail of sea-green ink, shimmering softly as it reflects the moon and stars above.
  51. Page 10: A weary but uninjured Georgia and Dank emerge from the sewer grate to Octo Valley, heading back across the empty Inkopolis Plaza to their homes. Georgia walks Dank to the train station, but stops before they pass the ticket wickets.
  52. Georgia: "Hey, Dank?"
  53. Dank: "Hmm?"
  54. Georgia: "...Thanks. You were...really good out there. *Really* good."
  55. Dank seems to be at a loss for words. A few moments later, he smiles, then laughs.
  56. Dank: "Ha ha ha!"
  57. Dank grins at Georgia, already back to his old self.
  58. Dank: "Chica, you gots to get out more offen. Dat ain't no thing, yo. Shiz, homequid, you gotta fight yoself some real Turf Wars, then y'all'll see some legit pro skillz, gurl."
  59. Georgia smirks sardonically, the mood broken.
  60. Georgia: "I look forward to it...when squids fly."
  61. Dank: "...Dang, girl, ain'chu heard of Super Jumpin'?"
  62. Georgia shakes her head in amusement.
  63. Georgia: "Never mind. So what did we get?"
  64. Dank: "Dunno. Les check it out."
  66. Page 11: Inside the notebook, we can see a multitude of formations, maps, sketches, and formulas, including several tactical notes that seem old enough to be from the Great Turf War.
  67. Dank (from off-panel): "Daaaaaaang, son, dis squid's been hella busy."
  68. Georgia (from off-panel): "Aqua's older than most of us, but not THAT old. Where did he get this...?"
  69. In a pair of inset panels, we see Georgia's hand start to turn the page, then her and Dank's shocked reactions.
  71. Page 12: On the next page, resting on top of the pages, is a Polaroid-looking photo of a full squad of Turf Wars champions in an award ceremony...with a much younger Aqua as their leader. The banner above them reads "Team O.C.T.O., ???? Grand Champions" (one of the taller squad member's head is blocking the year from view).
  72. Georgia (from off-panel): "This...just became our top priority."
  73. Georgia snaps the book shut, clenching her fist with determination. Dank looks at her a little nervously.
  74. Georgia: "Get some sleep, Dank. Tomorrow, we find some answers. Who are these people? Why didn't he tell us about them? And what the old O.C.T.O.?"
  75. -To Be Continued!-
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