
Glassdell Mini 2: Meeting at Chanoma

Sep 12th, 2013
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  1. [19:24:41] * Kimi has been trying to get the nerve to text one of the people she got the contact info of from Jeff. She's already contacted Ryoko, who may or may not be hanging out with her on campus. But either way, she finally starts typing at her phone, and soon, Ramita gets a text from an unknown number. {Is this Ramita?}
  2. [19:25:43] * Ryoko is indeed hanging out with Kimi on campus after a student government meeting. Hopefully this would be quick, because she's got a lot of practice to catch up on. :(
  3. [19:26:16] [Ramita] {Yes. Who is this? Sebastion? This isn't the number you gave me!}
  4. [19:27:42] [Kimi] {Er, no. This is Kimi Miyama. I got your number from Jeff? Concerning new years. I figured you might want to meet up?}
  5. [19:28:32] [Ramita] {Oh! Sure. I'm at work at the moment, so where and when?}
  6. [19:28:48] * Kimi looks at Ryoko and types, {Where should we set this meeting up? I was thinking outside of Chanoma, though it'd mean going out to Wakefall. Do you have time for that?} she asks, not yet responding to Ramita.
  7. [19:29:28] [Ryoko] "That's fine. Honestly, I'm feeling a little hungry as it is..."
  8. [19:30:27] * Kimi nods and starts texting Ramita back. {When do you get off work? We can meet at Chanoma, the dessert shop I work at in Wakefall District. It's right next to the Aeon Mall.}
  9. [19:32:15] [Ramita] {Sorta near KU. Probably will get there a bit after you do.}
  10. [19:34:08] [Kimi] {Alright. We'll meet you there.}
  11. [19:36:17] * Kimi nods to Ryoko. {Okay, she's going to meet us at Chanoma.} she types. {Ready?}
  12. [19:36:55] [Ryoko] "Definitely. I have to admit that I haven't ordered many things from Chanoma before, though."
  13. [19:38:32] [Kimi] {I'm partial to the mochi, but they have a pretty wide selection of desserts. Or you can go for pork bun if you're feeling like having more of a meal.}
  14. [19:38:45] * Kimi gets up and heads out to get a bus then!
  15. [19:39:47] * Ramita wraps up selling cock rings to old retired couples and phallic shaped toys to young women and gets a move on herself
  16. [19:39:59] [Ryoko] "Got a copy of the menu on you?"
  17. [19:40:29] * Ryoko enters the bus with Kimi. Hey, just because she's got status doesn't mean she's a stranger to public transportation.
  18. [19:41:50] [Kimi] {Always.} she takes a folded menu out of her pocket and hands it over. Kimi always, always goes for a seat in the front of the bus, willing to get off as soon as she can.
  19. [19:42:29] [Kimi] Chanoma Dessert House - it's a nice little store crammed into an area full of eateries, food stalls and the like near the Aeon Mall, a mall area with a large focus on Japanese stores.
  20. [19:44:11] [Kimi] Once they're off the bus, Kimi finds a little table out front to sit at. She's of course, still a dark-haired, blue-eyed little asian girl who is looking around suspiciously at nearly all times in public, shrinking down and trying not to be very visible in general under her thick winter coat and glasses. She puts her laptop in front of herself to entertain herself while she waits.
  21. [19:45:23] [Kimi]
  22. [19:45:27] [Kimi] Whoops, forgot to link this.
  23. [19:45:29] [Kimi] The menu ^
  24. [19:48:51] * Ryoko is a blue-haired, blue-grey eyed young woman of Japanese descent, carrying herself with rather more confidence than her friend, who she is sitting just across from. Her coat hangs on the back of her chair, but she opts to keep her usual white scarf on. Currently, she's browsing the menu, and seems to favor a barbecue pork bun with a chocolate cornet on the side, with some tea.
  25. [19:48:56] * Ramita shows up about a quarter of an hour afterwards, wearing the usual north face / yoga / uggs combo. She looks around out front of the place, not sure who she's looking for.
  26. [19:49:37] [Kimi] Probably to make it easier on her, Kimi and Ryoko are probably the only ones out front at the moment!
  27. [19:50:02] * Kimi looks up, discerning Ramita for a moment, before looking to Ryoko. She picks up her phone and types, {Think that's her?}
  28. [19:50:36] [Ryoko] "Probably. It's otherwise a bit of a slow day for business."
  29. [19:52:42] * Ramita fiddles with her phone. {Just who am I looking for?}
  30. [19:53:08] * Kimi really can't say she approves of the yoga pants but whatever. She looks towards Ramita again questioningly, checks her phone, nods and beckons Ramita over voicelessly once she's gotten that text.
  31. [19:54:18] [Kimi] If that isn't enough, she taptaptaps at her phone. {The two Japanese girls at the table.}
  32. [19:54:45] * Ramita looks around and catches her gaze and gesture. "Oh!"
  33. [19:56:34] [Ramita] She waltzes over and throws her purse into one of the spare seats, sitting down herself, laughing as well. "Right in front of me, huh? So you must be Kimi, then?"
  34. [19:58:08] * Kimi edges back a little bit, still looking over her. Her expression is just a tad uncomfortable, but she nods. She glances at Ryoko a moment, waiting to see if she says anything, before she reaches for her phone. {Yes, I'm Kimi.} she types, then holds the phone of the screen for Ramita to see.
  35. [19:58:34] [Ryoko] "I'm Ryoko. Nice to meet you."
  36. [19:59:00] * Ryoko lays her menu flat on the table and offers a handshake.
  37. [19:59:22] [Kimi] *screen of the phone
  38. [20:00:56] * Ramita looks confused a bit until she recalls Jeff mentioning this, and nods. "I am Ramita, of course. So you two were with Jeff and...Nick?"
  39. [20:01:08] [Ramita] "At new years."
  40. [20:01:15] * Kimi nods again.
  41. [20:01:37] [Ryoko] "Yes. We were on the roof of the KU lounge when we saw that strange light."
  42. [20:01:43] [Kimi] {A lot of things happened}
  43. [20:03:25] [Kimi] {Those strange creatures, Shadows. Persona. And the Velvet room after, right?}
  44. [20:04:40] [Ramita] "Uh huh. Not really -strange- creatures though..."
  45. [20:05:09] [Ramita] "Jeff did not mention what you saw, and the other one was being creepy and not saying anything," she shrugs.
  46. [20:06:05] [Kimi] {I suppose yours weren't horrible hounds made out of scalpels, syringes and other various medical equipment, stabbing holes in the floor and screeching bloody murder trying to locate us?} she asks with just a slight dripping of sarcasm.
  47. [20:06:26] [Ryoko] "...our experience with them wasn't great."
  48. [20:06:28] [Kimi] Though she's not trying to be mean about it, she's actually curious.
  49. [20:07:01] [Ramita] "Oh? You must have been the one on a date with 'Black Frost' then? Poor you!" She mentions to Ryoko.
  50. [20:07:04] [Ryoko] "It was rather dangerous there even with the power of Persona. Two of us had to go to the hospital afterwards because our wounds were just that bad."
  51. [20:07:21] [Ryoko] " Noooo. You misunderstand."
  52. [20:07:34] [Ryoko] ( wait, retcon i am a dumb )
  53. [20:07:40] [Ryoko] ".....Black Frost?"
  54. [20:07:57] [Ramita] "Nick's silly nickname for himself."
  55. [20:08:12] [Kimi] {Black Frost? Really?} she italicizes this for emphasis. Somehow the phone has italics.
  56. [20:08:33] * Ramita looks at the phone and uuuuums. "Nothing like that, no..."
  57. [20:08:50] [Kimi] {Poe said it before but I didn't really connect the dots.}
  58. [20:09:06] [Ramita] "A building fell on a friend of mine, and we went in to try to help him, and there were dead cute little animals, a train station, and then one of my murals tried to eat my friend."
  59. [20:09:19] [Kimi] Oh god her fingers are lightning fast. Come to think of it, she just puts the phone down and types into a notepad on her laptop instead. Easier to read here and faster typing.
  60. [20:10:27] [Kimi] {We went on a little trek from the roof of the building with the student lounge and ended up exiting at the computer science cluster, though spacial anomalies weren't the weirdest part of that night.}
  61. [20:10:41] * DL is now known as Jeff
  62. [20:11:49] [Kimi] "Those creatures were all through the place, and though we avoided them we almost got shanked by a man made of newspapers. Well, Ryoko and Nick DID get shanked.}
  63. [20:11:52] [Kimi] {
  64. [20:11:55] [Kimi] *
  65. [20:12:00] [Jeff] Kimi recieves a text from Jeff, [Hey, did you meet up with Ramita yet]
  66. [20:12:24] * Kimi texts back Jeff with her left hand while typing on her pc with her right. {We're at Chanoma.}
  67. [20:12:56] [Ryoko] "What was particularly troubling was that one of the Shadows had some of the qualities of a journalism professor at KU."
  68. [20:13:06] [Kimi] {One of your murals, though? You're an artist?}
  69. [20:13:20] [Ryoko] "So these Shadows aren't just some twisted reflection of humanity as a whole, but of particular aspects, too."
  70. [20:13:23] [Jeff] *TAP TAP TAP* comes from the window. Jeff is standing outside waving.
  71. [20:13:45] * Ryoko looks out the window with a sigh, and waves at him to come in somewhat reluctantly.
  72. [20:14:10] * Kimi looks considerably more uneasy as the space starts to crowd.
  73. [20:14:40] * Jeff comes in through the door and has a seat, "Lucky me, right? Just on my way back from the Arcade."
  74. [20:15:17] [Kimi] Yeah they were actually sitting outside, Jeff, what the heck man. :3c
  75. [20:15:32] * Ramita is sort of fixated on the double device action and loses track of things before having to pause and think a bit. "You are really, really good at that...uh. Wow. Think yours sort of takes the cake."
  76. [20:15:50] [Jeff] (Jeff was IN THE CAFE ALL ALONG.)
  77. [20:15:53] [Jeff] (STALKER.)
  78. [20:16:18] [Jeff] (dessert shop*)
  79. [20:16:34] [Ramita] "I think there was a voice that mentioned something about the artist's desire and drive, sort of a muse. Which is sort of weird cause it was my paintings..."
  80. [20:16:37] [Jeff] (What country are we in again? Russia, right?)
  81. [20:17:01] [Ramita] "Hi Jeff!"
  82. [20:17:12] [Ryoko] "...hello, Jeffrey."
  83. [20:17:13] [Kimi] (What)
  84. [20:17:22] * Ryoko pats the seat next to her.
  85. [20:17:28] [Jeff] (Pretty sure we're in Russia. Or Lybia.)
  86. [20:17:37] [Kimi] (get out of here stalker)
  87. [20:18:29] [Ramita] "I sort of started freaking out and was already hallucinating so I'm not sure what else happened. I think Cassie did some sort of music magic and made them turn into really cute little critters, and then they exploded..."
  88. [20:18:35] [Ramita] "...I might have hallucinated that part though."
  89. [20:18:45] * Jeff seats himself right up to Ryoko, seemingly oblivious to her curtness.
  90. [20:19:06] [Ramita] "And yeah, I'm an graphics design major." She nodnods.
  91. [20:19:21] [Ryoko] "...maybe before we go on with such strange subject matter, we should order something."
  92. [20:19:34] [Ryoko] "Do you guys want anything? I'll take care of it."
  93. [20:19:41] [Jeff] "So who's this Cassie? I think I heard you mention her before, right? The girl you were with?"
  94. [20:20:43] [Ramita] "Yeah, we were at the same celebration."
  95. [20:22:20] [Ramita] "Oh? Okay!" She's not at all protesting someone buying her stuff, scrambling for a menu. "uuuuuuh....hmm...."
  96. [20:22:30] [Kimi] {It must have been a persona power.} Kimi notes. {I've been trying to take notes and I worded them really, really dryly like someone trying to cover a logical, scientific phenomenon, but it turns out, nope.} She picks up her phone and taps at something, before this plays:
  97. [20:22:48] [Kimi] Kimi's first bit is responding to Ramita's line about exploding critters.
  98. [20:22:55] [Jeff] "If you're treating, I'll have a pork bun."
  99. [20:23:00] * Kimi slides a menu over to Ramita.
  100. [20:23:59] [Kimi] {I think I'll keep my notes in -readable- form from here out.}
  101. [20:24:22] [Ramita] "Uuuuh...pineapple cake!"
  102. [20:25:26] [Ryoko] "And Kimi?"
  103. [20:26:43] [Kimi] {Those are good... but I think I'll have black sesame soup.}
  104. [20:28:04] [Kimi] {Thank you, Ryoko.} She tries to keep her breathing steady. {Anyway... Ramita, is there anything you want to ask us? Or maybe we could ask you.}
  105. [20:28:45] [Ryoko] "Mostly, I just want to take this time to have us all get to know each other and compare our experiences in the Durance."
  106. [20:29:10] [Ramita] "Uuuuh..."
  107. [20:29:13] * Kimi did, by the way, nod a greeting at Jeff.
  108. [20:29:17] [Ryoko] "Build some trust. Get a feel for what we're capable of, and....maybe have something resembling a good time while we're at it."
  109. [20:29:41] [Kimi] {I can't say no to a sentiment like that.}
  110. [20:29:46] [Ramita] "...You're all KU students I guess?"
  111. [20:29:50] * Kimi nods.
  112. [20:31:15] [Ramita] "Huh. I go to GMU, but I'm around KU a lot, if that helps?"
  113. [20:31:49] [Kimi] {Network security major, minor in computer science. I do some freelance work for companies on rare occasion breaking into their systems. In other words, I'm a hacker. Computers are my absolute territory.}
  114. [20:32:28] [Jeff] "I go to KU as well. I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but I'm the center of KU's football team."
  115. [20:32:33] [Kimi] {But it's not something a college student can really rely on for funding, so I work here, too.}
  116. [20:33:01] [Ryoko] "Yeah. Head of student government, but otherwise I'm a biology major trying for a doctorate."
  117. [20:34:26] [Kimi] {You have mentioned, Jeff.} she puts simply.
  118. [20:34:36] [Ryoko] "....many times, even."
  119. [20:35:06] * Kimi was trying to put it politely!
  120. [20:35:10] * Ryoko has just gotten completely used to integrating Kimi's thoughts into the flow of the conversation as if they were spoken words, but to an outsider it must sound positively stilted.
  121. [20:36:00] * Kimi nods again at Ramita. {I have a friend who goes to GMU.}
  122. [20:36:00] [Ramita] "...Oh." Well, that's a bit humbling even if the conversation took a weird turn there. "So how did you three end up in the same boat as that creeper?"
  123. [20:36:44] [Kimi] {We all were hanging around in the student lounge separately and the girl working the coffee shop offered to let us onto the roof to see the fireworks.}
  124. [20:38:04] [Jeff] "Well I'd just came back from a party with some of me mates from football club, decided to have a coffee and pudding to sober up, then just ended up around these foru."
  125. [20:39:11] [Ryoko] "....I was practically chained to the lounge to make sure that students didn't get too sloshed and make utter fools of themselves."
  126. [20:39:34] [Ryoko] "There was a brief lull in activity, so I figured heading up to the roof would be harmless."
  127. [20:39:37] [Kimi] {I was just trying to find a quiet place to enjoy myself while getting sloshed.}
  128. [20:40:57] * Kimi considers for a moment. {Could you tell us about some of the art you do?}
  129. [20:42:27] * Ramita ponders how to answer that.
  130. [20:43:38] [Ramita] "I set up a canvas and whatever is around to draw or paint with, make sure I'm not sober, and then stuff just happens?"
  131. [20:44:11] [Ramita] "It usually turns out nature or fantasy themed..."
  132. [20:46:07] [Kimi] She starts to put two and two together from the way she's wording that. {You get high to paint? I see..}
  133. [20:47:50] [Ramita] "...Well...yeah, basically?"
  134. [20:48:09] [Ramita] "..."
  135. [20:48:12] [Jeff] "I don't really know much about modern art... it usually gives me a hedache."
  136. [20:48:17] [Kimi] "?"
  137. [20:48:39] * Kimi looks more curious than judgmental.
  138. [20:48:55] [Ryoko] "I have to admit I don't really know much about it either."
  139. [20:51:14] [Ramita] "Well, uh. Graphic Design is more like..."
  140. [20:51:38] [Ramita] "Ya know...lay outs for posters, websites and stuff..."
  141. [20:51:47] [Ramita] "I do the other stuff for fun."
  142. [20:51:55] * Kimi nods, after a moment.
  143. [20:53:53] [Kimi] {So you know some HTML, CSS and the like and you apply your talents to making things look good. I respect that. I've done a little bit of graphical design for game mods, but if someone asked me to make a pretty website for them I think I'd choke on the aesthetics bit.}
  144. [20:56:06] [Kimi] {There isn't anything wrong with applying your creativity for fun, either. That's why I like artists, it's most often a talent developed because of a passion for it than out of necessity.}
  145. [20:56:24] [Cass] "Ah!"
  146. [20:56:42] * Kimi winces at someone yelling, and looks around.
  147. [20:56:49] [Cass] A girl rushes into the bakery, running up next to Ramita
  148. [20:57:05] * Cass is breathing heavily, her hands on her knees as she catches her breath.
  149. [20:57:22] [Cass] "Hi everyone!" HUFF HUFF HUFF "Sorry I'm" HUFF HUFF "late."
  150. [20:58:18] [Ramita] Ramita seemed a bit stuck on what exactly to say with this spotlight of sorts on her, so jolts a bit with an "ah!' when Cassie shows up.
  151. [20:58:36] [Ryoko] "....hi?" Honestly, this was a little unexpected.
  152. [20:58:37] [Ramita] "Oh! Hi Cassie. Everyone, this is Cassie, who I mentioned."
  153. [20:59:16] * Kimi scoots back even further when person #5 shows up. At this point she's not even really at the table anymore, awkwardly, gripping her laptop. She nods, after a moment, just trying to get some space between her and the crowd.
  154. [21:00:21] [Ryoko] "...I....well."
  155. [21:00:21] [Jeff] "It's good to finally meet you. I'm Jeffery Miller. I go to KU, and play center in their Football Club."
  156. [21:00:28] [Ryoko] "I'm guessing we're ready to order."
  157. [21:00:36] * Cass steals a long gulp of Ramita's drink if it's out, whatever it is!
  158. [21:00:39] * Jeff extends a hand to Cassie.
  159. [21:00:41] [Ryoko] "And I'm Ryoko Shimizu. Also a student at KU."
  160. [21:01:04] [Cass] "Nice to meet you Jeff!"
  161. [21:01:14] * Cass grasps Jeff's hand with boh of her own and shakes it
  162. [21:01:31] [Cass] (*both)
  163. [21:01:47] * Kimi typity type types on her laptop and turns to show the screen to Cassie, from a distance. On Notepad, large text reads, {Hello, I'm Kimi.}
  164. [21:02:29] [Ryoko] Feeling somewhat concerned, Ryoko takes out her phone and texts someone.
  165. [21:02:52] [Cass] "And nice to meet you too, Ryoko," Cassie says, turning on her.
  166. [21:03:05] * Ryoko sets her phone down and extends a hand towards Cassie.
  167. [21:03:14] * Cass peers down at Kimi's laptop. "And ... nice to meet you too, Kimi!"
  168. [21:03:17] [Ramita] "They were all, uh, at the same place on new year and such."
  169. [21:03:31] * Cass shakes Ryoko's hand, then walks around to hug Kimi's shoulders briefly since she's sitting.
  170. [21:04:10] [Cass] "I'm so excited to meet all of you! I already talked to Basil, and, well, he's definitely in, and he's going to try his best even though this is all sort of scary, and I'm determined to as well."
  171. [21:04:14] * Kimi picks her phone up and WINCE. She shrinks into her chair and into her coat, looking for all the world like a turtle that's being pawed at.
  172. [21:05:37] [Jeff] "Glad to hear you're so enthusiastic about this."
  173. [21:06:32] * Ramita notices Kimi's behavior but doesn't really ask about it. "So...I guess the big question is, uh...what do we do now?"
  174. [21:06:41] * Kimi typity typity and then meekly shows {not good with people please dont take it personally}, lacking capitalization or punctuation.
  175. [21:06:49] [Cass] "Well, I mean, I am, but it's not so much that as that I'm ... honored, you know?"
  176. [21:07:02] * Cass reads Kimi's screen as she types.
  177. [21:07:44] [Ryoko] "Honor's kind of a strange way to put it."
  178. [21:08:59] [Cass] "Oh, that's okay. If any of us make you uncomfortable, please tell us, and we'll give you your space."
  179. [21:09:13] * Kimi nods. {I appreciate it.}
  180. [21:09:32] * Kimi relaxes a bit after that and types, {You feel honored?}
  181. [21:10:02] [Cass] "And I don't mean honor like... uh, like a Knight's honor or something, I just mean like ... I was just telling Basil, but, it's like, so much of our escapism is centered around being special or magical or powerful, and having a mission for a higher cause and ... we actually get that."
  182. [21:10:07] [Jeff] "I dunno if we were really chosen for any specific reason."
  183. [21:10:21] [Cass] "So... yeah, I do feel honored, it's like the Universe gave us what so many many people wish for every day."
  184. [21:10:24] [Jeff] "I mean, they said that to get through this, we'd have to connect with each other, and become closer."
  185. [21:10:26] [Ryoko] "Being any of those things isn't necessarily a good thing."
  186. [21:10:37] * Cass shakes her head
  187. [21:10:42] [Cass] "That's not the point."
  188. [21:11:03] [Jeff] "And then we have Black Frost in our group... I dunno if a guy like that really does "other people."
  189. [21:11:27] * Ramita snrks at that comment
  190. [21:12:01] [Jeff] "Heh, but I guess we shouldn't really be too hard on the guy."
  191. [21:12:05] [Cass] "I just mean, like, we've been given a chance lots of people have always wished they had. They probably wouldn't really want it, because fantasizing is easier and safer than actually being in a situation like this, but..."
  192. [21:12:08] [Jeff] "I mean we have to at least try."
  193. [21:12:19] [Cass] "Still, I guess I'm just saying I'm grateful for the chance."
  194. [21:13:07] [Jeff] "I know what you mean, Cassie."
  195. [21:13:41] [Jeff] "But we've still got to deal with the fact that we're in real danger like this."
  196. [21:13:53] [Ramita] "It is pretty fantastic! Though I don't really know what we're supposed to do at the moment other than, like, go back into one of those places?"
  197. [21:13:59] [Jeff] "Ryoko got it bad on new year's."
  198. [21:14:09] * Kimi is thinking on the way Cassie said this.
  199. [21:14:41] [Cass] "Oh no. I'm sorry Ryoko. Are you feeling better now, at least?"
  200. [21:15:14] [Ryoko] "For now, yes. I just don't want something like that happening again because we were careless."
  201. [21:15:32] [Cass] "Well, I don't know if your experience was anything like ours, but..."
  202. [21:15:34] [Kimi] {You're right, I feel pretty much the same way. Having these powers, rising above the mundane, is an incredible gift, one I intend to make full use of. But we'll also need to figure out how to use it to combat these Shadows.}
  203. [21:15:35] [Ramita] "That bad? I mean, we both got bit..."
  204. [21:15:41] [Ramita] "Wasn't the worst was it, Cassie?"
  205. [21:16:23] [Cass] "It was completely unexpected, so that made it more dangerous, but now that we know what we're dealing with and don't have THAT stress on top of everything else..."
  206. [21:17:00] [Cass] "I think if we plan carefully, we have a good shot! It'll still be dangerous of course, so safety should be our #1 priority, but... I guess I'm still optimistic!"
  207. [21:17:03] [Kimi] {For now, yes, going to one of the 'Durance' entrances is likely the only way we're going to pick up more clues. And luckily, I seem to have a few analytical powers. I can sense things about the Shadows, for instance.}
  208. [21:18:11] [Kimi] {But if it came to a fight, don't think I'd do so hot.}
  209. [21:18:38] [Cass] "Well, what if we all tried to train for fights a little?"
  210. [21:18:59] [Jeff] "I've already got that down a bit."
  211. [21:19:14] [Cass] "You know, go to the gym twice a week from now on! We'll all keep each other motivated!"
  212. [21:20:03] * Kimi thinks on it. {I'd rather put more effort learning to control my Persona, honestly. I don't think those things are going to be much affected by a can of mace, and I don't think I can get away with carrying weapons more illegal than that.}
  213. [21:20:25] [Kimi] {Then again Ryoko has a bleeding naginata.}
  214. [21:20:56] [Kimi] {But I'll try thinking on something I can do to help.}
  215. [21:21:01] * Ramita shrugs. "I think I can handle myself alright, long as it isn't like those...needle dog things you mentioned."
  216. [21:21:03] [Cass] "Well, you can do that too, but I just mean getting in shape. I'm sure we'll all have to run, climb, push, and shove at some point! Could make all the difference."
  217. [21:21:08] [Ramita] "Can't really kick or hit that easy."
  218. [21:21:33] [Kimi] {Oh, actually I'm into parkour. I do that a little already.}
  219. [21:21:47] [Cass] "Well there you go then!"
  220. [21:21:50] * Ryoko remains silently contemplative as she listens in, waiting for the food. Seriously, she could go for that pork bun right about now.
  221. [21:21:54] [Cass] "You can TEACH us!"
  222. [21:22:05] * Kimi looks a little dubious about that.
  223. [21:22:28] [Jeff] "Trust me, I've trained my body more than enough. I've learned some Muay Thai that can come in handy, and for training..."
  224. [21:22:48] * Jeff pulls up his pants leg and shows several ankle weights attatched to him.
  225. [21:23:13] [Kimi] {I'll leave the needle dogs to the big, strong center then.} she types.
  226. [21:23:42] [Jeff] "I won't let 'em through."
  227. [21:23:48] [Ramita] "No, like, I mean."
  228. [21:23:50] [Kimi] {By the way, those are a thing, Cassie.} she goes on to describe the dog creatures made out of scalpels and syringes and medical equipment they saw.
  229. [21:23:53] [Ramita] "Where would you hit them?'
  230. [21:24:18] [Kimi] {Joints?}
  231. [21:24:34] [Ryoko] "I mean, I do practice naginatajutsu twice a week, but I'm not exactly an expert. It's just enough to handle the rudiments."
  232. [21:24:53] [Cass] "Oh do you want one? Are they cool with t- ohyoumeanthedogs"
  233. [21:25:02] [Ramita] "One wrong move and you got a needle in your arm...Guess that's where our powers come in huh?"
  234. [21:25:44] [Ramita] "How the hell do you three find time for all these fancy trainings with schedules like yours?" :O
  235. [21:25:46] [Jeff] "Yeah... those dogs are another thing."
  236. [21:25:52] [Ryoko] "...I..."
  237. [21:26:00] [Ryoko] "I don't," she admits reluctantly.
  238. [21:26:13] [Jeff] "Fair enough, neither do I."
  239. [21:26:14] [Ryoko] "Finding the time to even come here was difficult."
  240. [21:26:20] * Kimi nods at Ramita, then looks at Cassie, shaking her head politely.
  241. [21:26:51] * Kimi excuses herself from the table to go get their orders.
  242. [21:27:43] [Jeff] "Usually I just skive off studying."
  243. [21:27:50] [Jeff] "It's not workiing out for me too well."
  244. [21:28:11] * Kimi brings back out the pork buns, sesame soup, pineapple cake and a few extra egg tarts that Kimi probably just snuck out or put on her employee tab.
  245. [21:28:41] [Kimi] {You shouldn't neglect your studying.} she scolds Jeff.
  246. [21:29:01] [Ryoko] "Uh, Cass, right? Did you want anything? I'll handle it."
  247. [21:29:08] [Ramita] "Oh. Well. Uh."
  248. [21:29:24] [Ramita] "...Well, guess we should figure out what to do about this now then?"
  249. [21:29:29] [Cass] "Uhm. Something without meat maybe?"
  250. [21:30:38] * Kimi slides a third menu over to Cass.
  251. [21:30:44] [Kimi]
  252. [21:30:52] [Jeff] "Bloody... you sound like me mum."
  253. [21:31:06] * Jeff bites into a pork bun
  254. [21:31:55] [Ramita] "I dunno how, uh, dangerous the one Cassie and I were in was. Yours sounds pretty terrible, though."
  255. [21:32:12] [Kimi] {I'm serious. Isn't there some sort of minimum grade point average for athletes?}
  256. [21:32:22] [Cass] "Oooh! What about some dango? Or some Melon Pan?"
  257. [21:33:06] [Jeff] "Yes, there is, and I'll manage."
  258. [21:33:25] [Cass] "Of course you will, Jeff! So let's not worry about silly things like that."
  259. [21:33:33] [Ryoko] "Go for it." She drops a lump of sugar into her tea and stirs, while biting into the pork bun.
  260. [21:33:55] * Cass orders delicious foods
  261. [21:33:56] * Shawyun_Sariri ( has joined #GlassdellIC
  262. [21:34:00] * Shawyun_Sariri is now known as Ramita_
  263. [21:34:54] [Kimi] Well, okay. You try to be concerned for someone, and... well, she turns to Cassie. {I'll pop into the kitchen and get the freshest for you.}
  264. [21:35:45] * Kimi excuses herself again, thankful for the chance to leave the table.
  265. [21:36:42] [Kimi] After a minute she comes out with some melon pan and whatever else Cass ordered, passing the tray over.
  266. [21:37:34] [Ramita_] "Or...well...I dunno. I guess we -could- ask Gordon what happened there but it's sort of awkward."
  267. [21:37:48] * Ramita_ shrugs and nibbles at her pie.
  268. [21:38:20] [Kimi] {I suppose we should think about our first moves... probably hard to coordinate on everything with potential schedule conflicts.}
  269. [21:38:41] [Kimi] {But can we agree to always approach the Durance in at least groups of three to four?}
  270. [21:39:30] [Kimi] {All eight of us would be ideal but that's never going to work out. I just know it.}
  271. [21:40:01] [Ryoko] "That's reasonable. Besides general scouting, our first order of business there is to find out what exactly happened to Czeslaw. He's definitely left things for us in the Durance."
  272. [21:40:07] [Ryoko] "And I don't want to make the same mistakes he did."
  273. [21:41:27] [Kimi] {And... I guess we should make some effort towards getting to know each other better.} she types reluctantly. {Since we're all in this together.}
  274. [21:41:57] [Jeff] "Wonder if time flows weird in the Durance."
  275. [21:42:31] [Jeff] "It'd be a thing to get lost in there."
  276. [21:43:02] [Kimi] {Right. So don't lose your keys.}
  277. [21:43:54] [Ryoko] "Perhaps this might be a little too forward, but..."
  278. [21:44:03] [Ryoko] "May I see the invitations you got to the Royal Raven?"
  279. [21:44:13] * Kimi blanches. This again?
  280. [21:44:43] * Cass doesn't balk at all, handing it over
  281. [21:45:04] [Cass]
  282. [21:45:08] * Kimi reluctantly puts hers on the table again.
  283. [21:45:09] [Kimi]
  284. [21:45:29] * Ryoko fishes her invitation out of her purse.
  285. [21:45:32] [Jeff] (I don't have a link to mine on this computer ; ;)
  286. [21:45:53] * Ramita_ shrugs, tossing hers on the table as well.
  287. [21:46:12] [Ramita_] (I'll go log diving and find them)
  288. [21:46:17] * Jeff brings his out though. Hanged Man blah blah find balance in all things so you don't fuck yourself over.
  289. [21:46:27] [Ryoko]
  290. [21:46:52] [Ryoko] Jeff's
  291. [21:47:25] [Ramita_]
  292. [21:48:28] [Ryoko] "...interesting."
  293. [21:48:45] [Ramita_] "Are they really? Seems all the same to me."
  294. [21:49:46] [Jeff] "I don't really get what this stuff means. But I'm pretty sure Ramita's not the devil."
  295. [21:50:15] [Kimi] {It's symbolic, not literal. I wouldn't call myself a gambler, either.}
  296. [21:50:28] [Ramita_] "Who says? I totally have horns." She laughs.
  297. [21:50:38] [Ryoko] "It's the symbolism that's bothering me. With all of the weirdness that's surrounding this entire situation, I can't help but feel like it will be important."
  298. [21:51:18] * Kimi looks at Ramita a bit confused.
  299. [21:51:47] [Ramita_] "...What?"
  300. [21:52:17] [Cass] "If it is, Ryoko, I'm sure we'll figure it out when the time comes."
  301. [21:52:36] [Ryoko] "I'd like to think we will."
  302. [21:52:45] * Kimi shakes her head and shrugs, typing "Nothing."
  303. [21:52:49] [Ryoko] "But someone as resourceful as Czeslaw -didn't-, so it seems."
  304. [21:53:03] [Kimi] { }
  305. [21:54:15] [Kimi] {We'll figure it out, I'm sure. Cass, could you tell us about yourself?} Kimi eventully types
  306. [22:00:20] * Ryoko finishes off the last of the pork bun.
  307. [22:00:36] [Ramita_] "How open would some of you be to exploring one of these places, then? Like, the one Cassie and I saw? I think she sort of cleared out most of it when they all got all cute and exploded."
  308. [22:00:54] [Ramita_] "...There was that bear though, hm."
  309. [22:01:01] [Ryoko] "Bear?"
  310. [22:02:10] [Ramita_] "Yeah...a...paint bear."
  311. [22:03:35] [Cass] "Oh, about me?"
  312. [22:03:36] [Cass] "Well."
  313. [22:03:38] [Ryoko] "WE mostly had to deal with shadows made of newspaper and medical tools."
  314. [22:04:20] [Cass] "My name's Cassandra Husher, I grew up in Londontown, I live out in Caliburn...."
  315. [22:04:22] [Kimi] {I want to. There are three places, then. Where you and Cassie were, where Poe and Basil were, at the docks, and on KU campus, the lock is on the comp sci building.}
  316. [22:04:38] * Kimi nods at Cass.
  317. [22:04:45] [Cass] "I play music, I work at Cadenza Hall, I uh... that's it, I guess!"
  318. [22:04:51] [Jeff] "I'd like to be there when we go over to the comp sci building."
  319. [22:05:31] * Ramita_ hrrrms.
  320. [22:05:59] [Ramita_] "Ours was in a collasped building. Might have to sneak into it. Imagine the city doesn't want people getting hurt there."
  321. [22:06:23] [Cass] "Well, it's not like there's anyone GUARDING it."
  322. [22:06:33] [Cass] "Do you think they'd really bother with a building way out like that?"
  323. [22:07:14] [Ramita_] "I've been caught in weirder places!"
  324. [22:08:11] [Ryoko] "....doing weirder things?"
  325. [22:08:32] [Ramita_] "Seriously have you ever had to deal with Bibi?"
  326. [22:08:42] [Kimi] {Well, this is going to be a bit of an interesting time to say the least.}
  327. [22:08:53] [Ramita_] "...Sometimes, yeah?" to Ryoko
  328. [22:09:07] [Ryoko] "Bibi?"
  329. [22:09:54] [Ramita_] "Yeah! The copper grandma! I swear she has a tracker on me somewhere."
  330. [22:11:04] [Ryoko] "I, uh..."
  331. [22:11:11] * Ryoko doesn't really quite know what to make of this.
  332. [22:11:17] [Jeff] "Wouldn't know... about that."
  333. [22:11:54] [Ramita_] "Older lady? Obnoxious sunglasses? Loud music..? Really?"
  334. [22:12:00] [Ramita_] "As close to Soho as you all are?"
  335. [22:13:37] * Kimi shakes her head, she's probably never heard of this chick.
  336. [22:13:49] [Ryoko] "I haven't really gone very deep into Soho."
  337. [22:13:51] [Cass] "They're probably busy with class all the time, Ramita!"
  338. [22:13:57] [Ryoko] "...haven't been there often to begin with, really."
  339. [22:14:05] [Ramita_] :|
  340. [22:14:55] [Ryoko] "Honestly, in the rare chance I have some free time, I usually stick around here in Wakefall. It's close to home."
  341. [22:15:04] [Ramita_] "...So, uh, well, anyway..."
  342. [22:15:24] [Ramita_] "...Did Poe say anything about the other door?"
  343. [22:16:10] [Ryoko] "I believe he only mentioned what came -out- of it."
  344. [22:16:14] [Kimi] {Not much, if I recall. Why?}
  345. [22:16:56] * Kimi thinks.
  346. [22:17:04] [Kimi] {Actually, there was something very important.}
  347. [22:17:17] [Jeff] "There was?"
  348. [22:17:19] [Kimi] {Apparently a Shadow emerged from one of the warehouses. It was outside the Durance.}
  349. [22:19:03] [Jeff] "A shadow was outside of the Durance?"
  350. [22:19:15] [Kimi] {That's what Poe said.}
  351. [22:19:39] [Kimi] {Poe makes his nest behind this shop apparently, by the way.}
  352. [22:20:47] [Kimi] {Anyway, I don't know if there's something special about the door at the docks or if that's just something we'll have to be wary of everywhere.}
  353. [22:21:05] [Jeff] "I see."
  354. [22:21:18] [Jeff] "I think if we check any place out first, it should be there."
  355. [22:21:53] [Kimi] {Right. And to keep in mind if we do see one of those things outside... Using Persona outside of the durance seems to be a little more draining than inside.}
  356. [22:21:55] [Jeff] "I don't want to see any more shadows coming out."
  357. [22:22:14] [Ryoko] "We could make a case for heading to the CS department in KU, though."
  358. [22:22:32] [Ryoko] "It's closest to where we found some notes likely written by Czeslaw himself. We do have some pictures."
  359. [22:22:40] [Kimi] {We should probably investigate if there's anything going on with professor sykes before we return there.}
  360. [22:22:59] [Kimi] {Remember, there's now a large newspaper shadow roaming around that area.}
  361. [22:23:09] [Kimi] {One I don't think we can defeat easily.}
  362. [22:23:31] [Jeff] "I'd like to take a crack at it once we're ready."
  363. [22:24:02] [Kimi] {Classes aren't starting until monday, so we'll have to wait.}
  364. [22:24:26] [Kimi] {But yes, let's try and arrange something soon.}
  365. [22:24:40] [Jeff] "Okay then. Cassie, can I get your phone number?"
  366. [22:24:43] [Ryoko] "True enough."
  367. [22:24:56] [Ryoko] "Likewise. I'll just write it here."
  368. [22:25:16] [Cass] "Of course!"
  369. [22:25:19] * Ryoko takes a blue pen out of her purse and jots down her name, e-mail, phone number, and MSN on a napkin.
  370. [22:25:25] [Kimi] {Did you get our contact info from Alexandra?} she asks Cassie.
  371. [22:25:25] * Cass writes her phone number down for everyone to see
  372. [22:25:35] [Jeff] "Also, you've met Basil, haven't you? Is... Basil a man?"
  373. [22:25:51] [Kimi] {Well, either way...} she types down all of her contact info for Ramita.
  374. [22:25:53] [Ryoko] "It's good to finally meet the both of you. I'm hoping we can all trust each other by the time we start exploring."
  375. [22:25:54] [Cass] "No, he's a giant potted plant!"
  376. [22:26:07] [Cass] "He fights by garnishing pizzas!"
  377. [22:26:34] [Jeff] "Oh don't go taking the piss like that, come on. I'm just wondering if I'm really the only man in the group."
  378. [22:26:34] [Cass] "And yes, Alexandra was good enough to pass on your contact info to me and Basil."
  379. [22:26:50] [Cass] "Yes, he's a man. And there's another boy too!"
  380. [22:26:53] [Cass] "In the book..."
  381. [22:27:00] [Cass] "It said... Nicholas? I think?"
  382. [22:27:09] [Jeff] "Like I said, the only man."
  383. [22:27:18] [Cass] "Oh, Nicholas is a girl?"
  384. [22:27:34] [Jeff] "N-No, she's no- I mean no he's not."
  385. [22:27:41] [Ryoko] "Nicholas...."
  386. [22:27:49] * Ryoko sighs. "Strange, bloke, he is."
  387. [22:27:52] [Jeff] "I was just sort of taking the mickey out on him."
  388. [22:27:56] [Kimi] {This conversation is hilariously awkward.}
  389. [22:27:58] [Ryoko] "PAranoid and hard-headed."
  390. [22:28:10] [Jeff] "You'll get it when you meet him."
  391. [22:28:10] [Ryoko] "Nearly got us killed." She still a little bitter about that one.
  392. [22:28:17] [Jeff] "Hope I get a chance to meet Basil."
  393. [22:28:38] [Kimi] {Poe is a gentleman as well. Just not a human one.}
  394. [22:28:44] [Ramita_] "How'd he nearly get you killed?"
  395. [22:28:52] [Ryoko] "For all of the emphasis on trust and bonds, I'm very much much not looking forward to getting him to come out of his shell."
  396. [22:29:04] [Ramita_] "All he did was sit in the corner acting all pretentious."
  397. [22:29:09] [Ryoko] "He charged a Shadow right as we were running and got nicked."
  398. [22:29:36] [Ryoko] "I tried to cover him so he could get out, and the newspaper shadow got me in the stomach."
  399. [22:29:38] [Jeff] "Best of luck when you do meet him though, eh Cass? Lively bird like you might be just the thing he needs to open up."
  400. [22:29:45] [Ryoko] "I was in the hospital for four days and needed surgery after that."
  401. [22:30:17] [Kimi] {I wonder if we can learn healing abilities.}
  402. [22:30:29] [Jeff] "Yeah... I'm glad I was able to get her out of there."
  403. [22:30:35] [Ryoko] "Maybe. I know first aid, but given what we're dealing with, I'm not saure how helpful it will be."
  404. [22:30:40] [Ryoko] sure*
  405. [22:30:43] [Cass] "I'm sure he's not all that bad!"
  406. [22:30:46] [Jeff] "But I'm used to running with weights!"
  407. [22:30:51] [Ryoko] "....thanks for that, Jeff."
  408. [22:30:57] [Cass] "It was a stressful situation, anyone is bound to make some bad decisions then."
  409. [22:30:57] [Ryoko] "I realized that I didn't--" :|
  410. [22:31:10] [Ryoko] "Never mind."
  411. [22:31:11] [Kimi] {Ouch.}
  412. [22:31:28] * Ryoko huffs and takes a bite out of her chocolate cornet.
  413. [22:31:59] [Jeff] "Uh, that is, not to say you're er, heavy or anything. I mean a person's got to weigh... I mean, you're very much in proper shape, couldn't be more than 150. 140? 110!" he stammers out
  414. [22:32:19] * Ramita_ ppppffffftttt's.
  415. [22:32:21] [Jeff] (also convert to metric)
  416. [22:32:31] [Kimi] {I'm willing to give Nick more of a chance than first impressions. We hardly know the guy. Black Frost... he's probably a comic book fan or something.}
  417. [22:32:37] [Ramita_] (NOPE, KILO's)
  418. [22:33:49] [Ryoko] ( NOPE STONE)
  419. [22:33:55] [Ryoko] "I am too."
  420. [22:34:17] [Ryoko] "I mean, I'm sure he's nice and has....reasons for being how he is. Not necessarily great ones, mind you, but certainly -reasons-."
  421. [22:34:39] [Ryoko] "It's just that first start, you know? How do you figure out how to get someone like that to trust you?"
  422. [22:34:52] [Ryoko] "And honestly, that's the part that's making me the most nervous."
  423. [22:35:02] [Ryoko] "We're going to disagree at some point - sometimes rather explosively."
  424. [22:35:22] [Cass] "Do any of you have his number?"
  425. [22:35:28] [Kimi] {By the way, as long as we're in awkward conversation, my persona is a large, burly scandinavian man.}
  426. [22:35:34] [Ryoko] "I don't, for...obvious reasons."
  427. [22:35:43] * Kimi gives Cass Nick's number, he texted her before.
  428. [22:35:51] [Ryoko] "Lachesis was mine. The Fate that measures lifelines."
  429. [22:35:57] [Cass] "Thanks Kimi!"
  430. [22:36:02] [Ryoko] "Mind letting me have his as well, Kimi?"
  431. [22:36:07] * Kimi nods.
  432. [22:36:54] [Jeff] "Uh, Enkidu." he says plainly.
  433. [22:36:59] [Ramita_] "I can't pronounce the name of mine."
  434. [22:37:05] [Jeff] "I should probably get back to training soon..."
  435. [22:37:12] * Ramita_ writes it down on a napkin or something.
  436. [22:37:30] [Kimi] {How the hell DO you pronounce that?}
  437. [22:38:06] [Ramita_] ( sandwiche's sound thing)
  438. [22:38:14] * Ryoko takes a look at the cheque as she finishes off the tip of her chocolate cornet, leaving her card, signature, and a decent-sized tip for Kimi.
  439. [22:39:03] * Kimi looks a bit embarassed and grateful at the tip considering she wasn't even working yet, just bringing their stuff out. But sure.
  440. [22:39:22] [Jeff] "Anyway, pleasure meeting you all."
  441. [22:39:40] [Kimi] {Thank you. Let me get these rung up then.}
  442. [22:39:43] [Jeff] "If we can find the time, maybe we ought to meet up together somewhere else."
  443. [22:39:51] * Kimi waves to Jeff.
  444. [22:39:53] [Jeff] "Just to hang out."
  445. [22:39:56] [Ryoko] "Any suggestions?"
  446. [22:40:01] [Kimi] {The Raven is probably a good place in the future.}
  447. [22:40:10] * Ryoko still seems a little sour after Jeff's comment, but waves him off anyway.
  448. [22:40:20] [Ryoko] "Yeah. Just request a private booth.:
  449. [22:40:21] [Ryoko] "
  450. [22:40:41] * Kimi slinks off with the card to ring them up.
  451. [22:40:44] [Jeff] "All right then... I'll see you 'round then."
  452. [22:41:00] * Jeff waves and heads off
  453. [22:41:08] [Cass] "Yeah, good meeting all of you."
  454. [22:41:15] [Cass] "I'm sure we'll make a great team!"
  455. [22:41:36] * Kimi comes back a minute later with the card and the bill.
  456. [22:41:45] [Ramita_] "Tlaazoocootel? I think I need a nickname for it."
  457. [22:41:54] [Ryoko] "While actually -scheduling- something might be difficult, if you message me I'll usually be able to respond."
  458. [22:41:59] [Cass] "Tassle Cooter."
  459. [22:42:02] * Jeff is now known as DamienLunas
  460. [22:42:14] [Ramita_] "Tassle Cooter. Done."
  461. [22:42:25] * Kimi pfffffs.
  462. [22:42:32] * Ramita_ high fives Cassie for TEAM WORK
  463. [22:42:36] [Ryoko] "...."
  464. [22:42:40] * Cass ^5!
  465. [22:42:45] [Kimi] {It was nice meeting the two of you in any case.}
  466. [22:43:05] * Kimi starts to pack up her laptop.
  467. [22:43:20] [Kimi] Somewhere in that conversation Kimi did indeed nom all of her black sesame soup.
  468. [22:43:43] [Ramita_] "The Raven? Alright. Good enough..."
  469. [22:44:13] [Ramita_] Seeing as people are getting ready to go, Ramita stands herself, checking her phone first.
  470. [22:44:43] [Cass] "Well, see you at Caliburn soon, I hope!" Cassie says, patting Ramita's shoulder.
  471. [22:44:52] [Cass] "Later~ ThanksforthefoodIloveyou~"
  472. [22:45:14] * Kimi waves goodbye.
  473. [22:45:16] [Ryoko] "No problem. See you guys soon, and don't be strangers. Call or message."
  474. [22:45:18] * Ryoko waves
  475. [22:45:25] * Ramita_ nods. "Not tonight at least. More work then homework."
  476. [22:46:00] [Kimi] {Where do you work?}
  477. [22:47:14] * Ramita_ digs around in her purse, pops something into her mouth and downs it with what's left of her drink. "Oh. Early to Bed."
  478. [22:51:18] [Ryoko] "....well, Kimi. That wasn't so bad, right?"
  479. [22:52:34] * Kimi doesn't think she knows the shop. Maybe. Either way her face looks kind of blank.
  480. [22:53:17] [Ramita_] "It's an adult toy store in Soho."
  481. [22:53:19] * Kimi looks at Ryoko and... kind of shrugs. {I don't know if I'll be able to get used to working in a large group.}
  482. [22:53:49] [Ramita_] "I'm a sales rep for toys for girls and couples!"
  483. [22:53:57] [Ryoko] "Well, you lived through this meeting, right?" she notes with a smile. "Look to the little things."
  484. [22:53:57] * Kimi turns a bit red. {Oh.}
  485. [22:54:01] [Ryoko] "....oh."
  486. [22:54:03] [Ryoko] "Oh, my."
  487. [22:54:30] [Kimi] {Well, that sounds... fun.}
  488. [22:55:07] [Ramita_] "It's awesome! You get tons of free stuff - can't give advise if you don't know about the products you know? You should stop by sometime! Bye!"
  489. [22:55:11] * Ramita_ goes on her way!
  490. [22:55:21] * Kimi sort of blankly waves after Ryoko.
  491. [22:55:29] [Kimi] *Ramita
  492. [22:55:32] [Ryoko] "....."
  493. [22:55:32] * Kimi looks at Ryoko
  494. [22:55:36] [Ryoko] "Well, then."
  495. [22:55:43] * Ryoko puts down her tea cup. "That was a -thing-."
  496. [22:56:06] [Kimi] {They're not so bad... but this might get a bit out of my comfort zone.}
  497. [22:56:34] * Kimi looks a bit worried.
  498. [22:57:15] [Ryoko] "There's no gain without venturing at the boundaries a bit, you know."
  499. [22:57:29] [Kimi] {You're probably right.}
  500. [22:57:58] [Kimi] {Anyway, see you later, Ryoko. I'm going to have to start my shift soon.}
  501. [22:58:31] * Ramita is now known as zoofman
  502. [22:59:23] [Kimi] {Thanks again...}
  503. [22:59:26] [Ryoko] "Alright. I'll leave you to it."
  504. [22:59:31] [Ryoko] "It's no trouble at all."
  505. [22:59:41] [Ryoko] "It's just like exploring the Underground, you know?"
  506. [22:59:49] [Kimi] {And I realize you're trying to help me with things. I want to let you know I appreciate that.}
  507. [22:59:55] [Ryoko] "At risk of sounding absolutely cheesy, it's just an Underground of a different sort."
  508. [23:00:08] [Kimi] {Maybe it even extends to the underground.}
  509. [23:00:15] [Kimi] {She did mention a train station.}
  510. [23:00:18] * Ryoko smiles warmly. "Thanks for sticking with me in turn. It's nice having someone to talk to on a regular basis."
  511. [23:00:55] * Kimi nods and gives a small smile back, adjusting her glasses. {I better get going.} she types.
  512. [23:01:16] * Ramita_ has quit (Ping timeout)
  513. [23:03:13] * Ryoko nods, packs her things, and heads out, calling someone to get a ride home.
  514. [23:04:49] * Kimi heads into Chanoma through the back entrance, getting ready for work.
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