
New Khelan faction

Jul 31st, 2015
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  1. The Hevaitis are a Khelan faction and race who lives in a large Country completely west of Khang, the country was once in civil war and plagued by war but now the Country is completely united once more for 15 years now. The Heavaities are very different from other khelans this implying, Culture, technology, how they run there government and what they rely on for survival.
  2. Culture: The Hevaitis are a lot older than any other Khelans there probably as old as the Bijivers, but hardly anyone truly meet a heavitia or knew about there culture. See they do not pray to there "gods" echo,kore,grue,and dev but they dictate them as "Friends" Knowing that there extremely powerful beings who has no interest on becoming gods. They Put titles on this gods instead of praising them or praying to them for ridiculous things. Kore is despite as "Knowledge" Heavaities who is under this are usually scholars, and people who enjoys learning and studying, Grue"Strength and hardship" People who serve under him usually are strong and despite them as a "Father" as they say he taught the first khelans to forge and build and wield metals. They despite Dev as a caring Mother, and Echo as "Change" Who uses her massive destructive capabilities to help shape Koff-enge. Now the HEavaities do not pray to them instead they meditate for hours, and hours as if they were praying the "great Four" would not appreciate that as they see them as friends to make and not gods to praise as. they also have a different language set which its calls "Shatinkauri", its Khelans version of a dead laungage as its so ancient no one can really....learn it unless they have been taught be a Hevaitia
  4. Government: The Heavities are governed in a weird Monarchy but a consul based system the Monarchy having a strict and very Pure Blood family tree called "The Blackhearts" people who are in the Royal Family tree or has been married into this. As per the King and Queen has both equal power each other they do have the power to regulate the Heaviaties armies, work on there almost perfect economical status, and other very minor changes onto the country and or culture. The Consul base system limits the Monarcy though as the Queen and King cannot declare war without discusing it to the Consul, change there culture, Add a LAw that may change how things run, allying themselves with another faction etc etc, this is all massive changes that can affect the Heavities way of life.
  6. Country terrain: There country is called "Archidia" Which means in there language "The Envy of others" in there language. In the north region of Archadia, is completly cold, harsh, and extremly rockey if you keep heading north, there tallest mountain is called "Shame'ru" Which is called "King of Mountains" its so massive that its probably the largest in all of Koff-enge. There are some valleys and areas where small villages and or kingdoms could be built. Heading towards the Western parts of Archadia, is where is at its tropical to almost humid conditions there, it has Great forests, that seems to never end and packed with wild life, it disconnects slightly when going towards its coastline which is just as beutaiful, The eastern coast is hot and unbearable it is also a desert which thought to be unlivable but there are lacks and springs within the desert that cities could possibile be built, they have decent rockey mountains and maybe a few patches of Forests, a River comes form the desert and goes across towards the north too. now in the central almost has perfect weather conditions they have plains after plains, forest packs here and there, and several beutiful lacks, and Rivers that connects into the Central area of this country from the east,west and Espicailly the south. THE south is probably just as provinced as, as it has massive forests, that in some areas have large gaps of patches of just grass and nothing but it. the southern end has several rivers and streams coming from it, and probably is also the most thriving part of it. As you would know there is wildlife. They have very rare creatures there and are often protectedby the Blackhearts they have creatures like that they use for meat products that looks a lot like Deer, and or cows, chickens and a lot of animals very similar to earths animals. They are very large espicailly there pollenaters, there probably 3 inches large, they have magnificient other wild life such as Pig like creatures who looks like boars, winged feather like dinosaurs, and even winged bat like creatures that they can ride upon. There plant life is completely unknown though they have posionous and none-posounous, flowers, Fruits, and maybe plants that can move very quickly. Usually a typical khelan would be unable to survive if they do not know the terrain as well which is always the case.
  8. Currently now: The Northern parts have massive "unbreachable" Forts, and around Shame'ru, have built in stair case which heads up the mountain where miners work in it to harvest its almost infinite ores, and treasures, also its wear there "Master smiths" and near the top is where there "Paragons" would be which they can wield and build almost any metals they have been known on making impossible things that only they can. There is also many factories and manufacturing plants which mainly build there weapons, armors, and vehicles almost. The King of "Hal" which is called "the Kingdom of Work" it is also a little over populated as the workers get almost great pay rolls. During the summer and spring when the snow is now a bother they have fertile soil as they grow there crops, to stock up for the long winters. They rely on the central and southern parts though during there winter seasons to provide crops and food for them as they sometimes hit shortages from time to time. In the Western coast you have another city which is probably 900 miles away from the coastal regions and probably having 4 millitary bases near the coastal areas of the region to ensure and prevent possible invasion, the cities have many fishermens who would gather and catch a large amounts of fish. Also in some areas they have built dams which runs off a hydroponic power system(Using water as a power source), the dam also have been modified several times to where the fish and aquatic life is able to still travel through the dam from its built in tunnel systems which are very wide and large in the bottom of the dams. The city is always thriving now, as they do have factories, and a lot of fishermen ports, most of there cities have a wall around it which is just for security measure, there are also smaller communities which are extremely close to the coastal regions. They really rely on the central and Southern for..archiculture things as there soil is rough tough, and since there in a coastal region it is often rockey and tough but thrives with fishes, and other aqautic life forms. Teh southern region is tropical and its a great archiculture area having half the forest cut down which really is just the southern northern parts of it where the trees didn't grow as tall and hardly any wildlife there the city is large and takes up half of this southern region as in the city they still have this large tress and allow them to still grow, 40% of the main city having large small forest areas. this city is called "Bestai"(The main city names are also the states name). They have small towns, smaller cities who is very deep inside the forest and they have several forts in this forest. The towns, cities people are mainly farmers, and mainly it is where most of the countries doctors also originates from, also a lot of there medicines comes from this city, and some wood products, also a high concentration of devs as they help replace the cut down trees by growing a new one.
  9. Now the western region of this Country is a desert so you woudn't think this city would offer or be built but this city is actaully the top number 2 it has massive thriving cities...walls so tall it almost beats the Coastal walls, the cities are built around the tropical forest and water regions of the desert and roads connects almost all the cities together which comes back out towards hte other cities. They have massive factories and they also harvest the resources in the mountain regions as they produce, a lot of what Archidia civilians use, such as clothing, accessory, jewelry, and there famous spring water, they are also number one when it comes down producing glass products, such as bottles, jars. and also number one when it comes down to clay. Now the central is the capital of Archidia, there main city is well "Archidia" there second main city is "Stark Haven", and there third is Shab-stia" which is known as the city of kings. all three of this cities major in one thing, Archidia is the only self sustaining city as it has a population of 3 million people now 4 million. they have a great workforce,factories and assemblies, Archidia build its own weapons, armor, ammunition, transportation and pretty much everything. it is also the most well defended as its wall is made out of there most unique metal "Dragon Steel" Stark Haven is famous for its archicultural, and mass production it is also know to be unbreachable as it faced multiple battles and never was conquered but was under seiged for multiple years and days. it has agood population of 3 million people. it is also known for its great millitary, as Archidia does not truly rely on Starkhaven Starkhaven is probably top on having millitary soldiers pumping out, also known for building and manufactering millitary products.And Shab-stia, is probably one of the most wealthiest but smallest cities of all, it only has a population of 400,000, but it is known for making the economy by Producing "Credits" which is basically Bronze coins and or Golden coins to serve has 100 worth of "Credits" there known as "Tri-gons" It is also the source of knowledge and wealth it is near the northern borders than the rest but usaully they also thriev off of manufactering plants, archicultural and other majors.
  12. Education/wealth: Now what is known about Heveaities is that there very educated people, and wealthy, there is no such thing "as a Low close or Poverty" no one ends up losing there homes or being in debt. as per the average and lowest grade a student has ever received was a 70%, and if a student fails they are not shammed but sent into a different school which they are personally taught by a personal teach one on one. They also have a school and massive profession for Heaviities with Learning disabilities and children or people who really aren't fortunate when it comes down to knowledge. There teachers teaches them All the basic Core knowledge but 75% of there students goes to collage and get some form of degree the other 20% is students who continue there education and 5% is students who don't educate themselves at all. As they are literally BANNED from the country and sent to Khang family and all this is not harsh or cruel as the Blackhearts law dictates that you are here to "learn" and "Work" and not here to be lazy unless you are pardon. Only 1% of that is children who are unable to work but they usaully end up being priest and scholars who study. They teach them in both Aura and common knowledge, there wealth comes from various other location from there manufacturer plants, workforce, miners, and other simple coorperations.
  14. Heavitia in general: Hevaitie are born with a larger Aura capacity, and a slightly faster aura producting being a lot faster than a regular khelan. As they are also begin training in a very young age, so young that upon turning 13 they have already reached what Khelans say"Mastery of Aura" this is not what the Heavitias though consider but just "Novice" As they learnt how to control there aura flow, regulate there aura, and even to regulate over there soul, as they can slow there aura production or make it where the soul can produce twice as much. If they have an echo there echo does not rely on Stones that drian there aura or they have to use there aura.which brings up to the next special thing
  16. Aura: They can something called "Aura Manupulation" It is the manupulation of an aura made product, this is OFTEN seen in devs as they make vines they can move them around as they so desire.Aura manupulation goes off several techniques people who are not masters of it have to use there hands and a more visaul way of manupulating the Products of what they created, this does not mean they can do changes, or do much towards the products. But can make there objects move around as a living creature IF ITS ABLE TOO, that implying they can't make a wall bend towards the right or left, but if it dented for some odd reason they can fix the dent by having that spot being pulled out. but doing that simple action require concentration.
  17. Aura manupulation relies heavily on a mass amount of meditation and the regulation of there aura allowing them to control it and manupulate it. Novice and apprentice's can create objects that can move freely and they can control how they move around but going in simple directions and movements unable to do anything too complicated. Now People who mastered this can make there objects Lunge at opponents at unimaginable speed lashing at there opponents and even create objects that will already have some form of climatic resistance. Such as Devs if living in cold conditions could create there vines that has an extreme resistance to the cold. Masters would be able to command objects that are created with there mind instead of using there body to move an object around.
  18. Now ranks that is above master such as the rank of Vinderators or Zealots they can actaully manupulate other peoples aura created objects able to even de-materialize it by removing the aura that created it in the first place. That implying that the object that was created would suddenly vanished, but they still require some form of contact or touching an item.(there will be ranks and another Paste bin concerning about this).
  19. But Another addition is that They can also have there aura also be placed out in its raw state by gathering the aura from themselves and projected it in a form of an attack such as a slash or gathering it in front of a particuler person than having it commence a blast of energy. Aura though would also gain a heat property just as hot as plasma if not put into a blast product aka if they would to expand there aura and gather it in a particular directions and have project there aura outwards in a form oof a flash which would rapidly heat up and gathering a lot of heat and becoming as hot as plasma. downfall is that this probably takes a lot of aura to do complicated things, but Heavities can also make barriers around themselves that can be so strong and powerful it can withstand almost anything, given if aura is still fueled into it.
  20. Now the most "OP" thing is that they have the abilty to "Steal" Aura and it has been recently discover as they can draw the aura out of another subject it can even be an aura that is not entirely khelan but still needs a large quantity of it to form something and they can do the same thing..but the people who can do this is called "KEepers" and there very rare to come across.
  21. Echoes: if it does so happen heavities gets a Echo which is so rare, its probably 2x as rare as having an ordinary echo khelan. they know how to "Suppress" there aura by having there soul stopping aura production and the echo can than edmit there aura out of them by just having it seap out at a constant rate. They can do it for as long as they want compared to to other heavities its like holding there breath under water. (YES ECHO CAN DIE IF THYE DO THIS FOR LIKE SEVERAL HOURS)Echoes only do this when there aura is about to hit its climax and they simply do that and have there soul produce aura at a very slow rate. but it begins to speed back up like a typical organ would.
  24. Blackhearts/Blackwoods/Purebloods/Truebloods/The Zealots: The Blackhearts are a unique race of Heavitia as everything about them is amplified there aura capciety how they can use there aura or manipulation of it. But Blackhearts are the only ones who has something called "BlackBlood" which is a blood that gives them strange traits, its origins is still unknown but it allows them to manipulate there own blood and gives them Resistance that can corrupt there aura(Yes AD resistance its a thing now). the reason why is that the Black blood absorbs this energy instead of there soul as the outputted energy source this not only allowing the Black blood to take in this aura but also filter it out into its pure energy state again. The Black hearts can use "Black hearts Powers" which anything they create is as black as there blood and it is probably 40x stronger than steel. Blackhearts consider this a blessing, and if someone joined to be one thy have to drink the blood of a true blood to become a black heart.
  25. Blackhearts are people who are not truebloods but are a possible next in line in starting a new True blood family line, this mean they are very powerful aura users to start with and gaining inhuman capabilities and are well educated in aura.
  26. Black woods: there only about 100 years old but this are HUMANS who have survived taking in the Blackblood from a trueblood and granting them super human strength and speed, lacking the amount of aura to create thigns they are able to manupulate there blood in a particuler fasion. They can have there blood come out from the pores of there skin and than hardening up in a mere instance this is PAINFUL, but can give them more protection, Blackwoods also have an offensive tree which allows them to have there blood projected out and harden on contact...they can harden it up to 10x stronger than steel but this can be enhanced by "veteranizing" and "Blood training" by a Blackheart,true-blood. They can also manipulate themselves in enhancing there strength even further..but may end up hurting and injuring themselves..there considered "reavers" people who over time takes damage but only getting stronger..and not weaker...but gain die from regular means
  27. True-Bloods: Now this is a very Superior race..Truebloods are a threat to reckon with as there blood is so unique that the Blackhearts try to steal it at one point, truebloods are the founders of the Blackhearts and have a very strict family tree, that only upon marriage you can become a "true blood". True bloods are Heveaties but are able to manipulate there blood and any other Black blood users. They have a Superb Defensive tree and a Deadly offensive tree. They have there blood come out of there pores of there skin which can harden up to 20x stronger than steel and can get stronger over time. True bloods can REGENERATE, there cells can replicate and regenerate a lot faster. this is by there blood of course. THEY ARE NOT VAMPIRES as they still need to breath, and all the essentials this relys heavily on how long you have been having it. and True bloods age at a very slow rate, they can live up to 400 years if need be. True bloods are also the current leader or next in line.
  28. Military: They have 100,000 of soldiers who constantly train, and they have a separate division which they are called" Mages" who focuses on there aura and than military training. There soldiers can be able to use there aura but are limited as they learn how to deal with aura users and to eliminate them. they pack very advance weaponary such as Guns, body armor and such they are the advance millitary in Koff-enge
  29. Stuff they have:Body armor which the standard soldier is equiped with ceramic armor, and a helm with a Head up display, veterans get a more"Advance" Geo-Armor, which is an Armor composed out of Dragon steel, and having many hardware, including a portable shield which defends them against ballistic rounds. There weaponary is AW, Aura weaponary which has Compacted and stored aura into there weaponary in a form of cartridges and fires short control concentrated Aura Shots which can be a downgraded form of plasma. there armor and shielding allows them to counter that if they are against another millitary who has something similar.
  31. Personality: Heavitias HAVE NO INTEREST IN BEING AN ANTAGONIST, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT KHANG. They have tried multiple times to have a settlement there but when a group of Blackhearts that they were informed died in the conflict between the Guardians and the Clans of the titans, the Truebloods decided to severe ties and will not attempt another form of trying to have a small settlement so they can try to spread there culture. The Black-hearts control there country in Koff-enge and the Blackwoods are still trying to gain a settlement in Exodus so they can begin making there civilization. as they mainly travel from one place to another.
  34. Dragon Steel: Dragon steel is an alloy by combining Dragon scales, Dragon bones, or Bones and or scales which are eqaul to Dragon scales and dragon bones toughness and strength and hardness. By infusing steel in the mix, the temperature is about 25,000 Degrees Fahrenheit. Once the Alloy is completed it has a very high density,strength, and tensile strength which could withstand mainly anything. It can also cut through and pierce dragon scales or dragon bone fairly easily, and has a an extreme High melting point, along with having a heat resitance since the Molecules in the Dragon scale or dragon bone(This if Dragon scales and Dragon bones were put into the mix). Would gain a heat resistance that is equal to a dragon scale and a dragon bone. But if Dragon scales or dragon bones was not inputed into the Metal they used Dinosaur scales which are scaley creatures that scales are as hard as dragons but lack the heat resistance and if infused together with steel it cannot penetrate Dragon scales or Dragon bones. but still gains its density,strength, tensile force. Also it is also alloyed with Stainless steel and would gain a Corrosive resistance too.
  35. "Alloy": alloy is a very strong and rare Alloy to come across it is an alloy that actaully infused a small amount of Salem, the amount would need to be 1-2 centimeters,as it can be infused with any other metal as it truly doesn't matter,when it is infused into the metal by a Master Grue they can make a complete sword, or even armor out of the small amounts of salem depending on the swords size would depend on how much salem it takes ( this meaning 2 centi-meters of Salem can be used for a blade of a sword, an only a s3 milimeters of it for a hilt and a handle). They can also make armor but that would put it in inches, instead of centimeters or milimeters, and more metals are needed to be involved..the amount of heat would require the very metals forged in the most largest of all mountains and right infront or in magma itself. It gains its strength,tensile force and losing some of its high density.It also gains its aura disruption
  36. Soul Weaponry: This is a weapon that has been very unique to the Blackhearts see a PAragon can only make these weapons as its primary component is...a living soul, that has been stored, and kept alive before being handled also needs to first be depleted of all aura...than requires, a very superior metal of either dragon steel or Alloy. But its primary component is A soul, the soul and the metal goes at extreme temperatures.The soul would be heat up beyond any temperatures that could melt even diamonds . The soul gem would than melt into hte metal and making a new metal, which has a crystal like appearance. Now it can't produce aura like the previous Soul Gem could, but Aura can be transferred into it and enhancing its abilities further more, making energy slashes, or extending the blade out of pure energy...depending on how and what metal is used into the Soul Gem depends on its properties. (All this metals will be explained a little bit more, on how its made, and THERE ARE CERTAIN TECHNIQUES TO MAKE THIS EXTROINARY METALS).
  38. OOC: The Blackhearts have been in -22 for 6 full years now, and they haven't become a faction yet, as they also tried to do ic settlements. When i was told Aura manupualtion was voided i took the chance to get it unvoided and probably fullfill my dreams in making the Black-hearts a successful faction. I take great interest in the Lore of -22 and i do not want to change it but i do want to have my favorite Family in this lore. the reason why i made them very old its because i have been trying to 6 years to get them to become a faction and i would love for them to become a faction
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