
output of oslo-incubator$./update ../python-glanceclient

Nov 7th, 2014
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  1. shaifali@ubuntu:~/devstack$
  2. shaifali@ubuntu:~/devstack$ cd /opt/stack/
  3. shaifali@ubuntu:/opt/stack$ git clone git://
  4. Cloning into 'oslo-incubator'...
  5. remote: Counting objects: 18594, done.
  6. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10334/10334), done.
  7. remote: Total 18594 (delta 12432), reused 14032 (delta 8194)
  8. Receiving objects: 100% (18594/18594), 2.79 MiB | 202 KiB/s, done.
  9. Resolving deltas: 100% (12432/12432), done.
  10. shaifali@ubuntu:/opt/stack$
  11. shaifali@ubuntu:/opt/stack$ cd oslo-incubator/
  12. shaifali@ubuntu:/opt/stack/oslo-incubator$ ./ ../python-glanceclient/
  13. Copying apiclient under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  14. Copying gettextutils under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  15. Module not found. Tried:
  16. openstack/common/gettextutils
  17. openstack/common/
  18. Copying importutils under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  19. Module not found. Tried:
  20. openstack/common/importutils
  21. openstack/common/
  22. Copying network_utils under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  23. Module not found. Tried:
  24. openstack/common/network_utils
  25. openstack/common/
  26. Copying strutils under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  27. Module not found. Tried:
  28. openstack/common/strutils
  29. openstack/common/
  30. Copying _i18n under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  31. Copying uuidutils under the glanceclient module in ../python-glanceclient
  32. shaifali@ubuntu:/opt/stack/oslo-incubator$
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