Guest User

Stop ruining alternative playstyles.

a guest
Mar 8th, 2014
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  1. So the Lee Sin nerfs on the front page have a lot of negative feedback, but I feel that this is part of a bigger philosophy of riot that has to be stopped. Riot is eliminating alternative builds and playstyles. Lee Sin's new passive encourages bruiser-esque brawling, and his bonus AD ratios have been replaced with total AD. This makes full AD assasin Lee Sin unplayable. The ulti was nerfed very hard as well, making it more of a cc tool than a damage source. The Lich Bane nerfs also weaken other alternate playstyles, such as ap alistar, ap janna splitpush, etc. Ezreal's AP playstyle has been continually nerfed. Being able to choose from a variety of build paths adds more fun and diversity to the game. Please Riot, don't continue to enforce roles as you have in the past.
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