
Dogs of War (FR One-Shot)

Jan 29th, 2013
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  1. I lost track of whether or not this was ironic. Regardless, enjoy.
  4. >”I’m… I’m so sorry, Anon…”
  5. >She’s weak, the wound she’s suffered is starting to bleed even through the pressed cloth
  6. Don’t speak, Fluttershy. You’re… you’re going to make it.
  7. >A large dragon swoops over your dug trench, dropping a keg close to it
  8. >It explodes, dirt erupting in a column, peppering the area in fine pieces
  9. >The boom is deafening, and you clamp your body over Fluttershy to protect her
  10. >A p0ny not far from you pops up from the trench and charges
  11. >Another to your other side falls back into the trench
  12. >She hits the ground hard, her helmet popping off and rolling
  13. >The bullet pierced right through into her skull
  14. >You check Fluttershy’s wound
  15. >It’s only worse, the bullet is deep
  16. >”I’m sorry… I didn’t want it to turn out like that, it’s just…”
  17. >She closes her eyes
  18. >”I… I needed you to see my love…”
  19. >A pegasus slams hard into the dirt above the trench
  20. >You look up to the sky
  21. >The dogfighting is not looking up for our side
  22. >The sound of more bullets firing toward the trench grates on your ears
  23. It’s alright, Fluttershy, you didn’t do any harm.
  24. >A tear rolls down your cheek
  25. >You’ve made the realization by this point
  26. Maybe…
  27. >You sob a little
  28. Maybe once this whole war is over, we could… go on a date, give it a… a real try…
  29. >They’re freely flowing now, streaming down your face
  30. >”I’d… like that, Anon…” she says
  31. >”They’re advancing!!” a p0ny yells, “A whole battalion of unicorns!”
  32. >You can’t see above the trench
  33. >But you know things have only gone to shit
  34. >”Anon…”
  35. >You focus back down to Fluttershy
  36. >She’s breathing heavily
  37. >She… doesn’t have much time left
  38. >”Just know that… even with what I did to you… that I… love you…”
  39. >She closes her eyes, chest heaving up and down
  40. >You pull her close to you and hold her
  41. >Another deafening blast, inside the trench
  42. >Dirt and supplies careen throughout the area
  43. I… love you too…
  44. >Her chest stops moving
  45. >You release your grip and look down to the mare
  46. Fluttershy…
  47. >She’s not moving
  48. Fluttershy… wake up… wake up! Fluttershy!
  49. >You shake her, but she doesn’t respond
  50. >Even in…
  51. >Even in death, she’s so serene
  52. >Why were you so harsh to her? She was only showing her emotions any way she could
  53. >You could have given her a chance, but…
  54. >These bastards…
  55. >They took her from you
  56. >Sobbing, you start to evaluate your life
  57. >Your service
  58. >What could you do…?
  59. >You swing the rifle off of your back and check your magazine
  60. >…empty
  61. >You slam it down in frustration
  62. >You couldn’t do it… you couldn’t avenge her
  63. >You couldn’t help your p0ny comrades
  64. >You gaze to your left
  65. >Bodies and injured coat the ground
  66. >Your right… not much different
  67. >The alive p0nies are giving it their all
  68. >Their everything
  69. >What are you doing? What are you giving?
  70. >You sigh
  71. >Then, it hits you…
  72. >You swing around your backpack and check the contents
  73. >…it’s still there
  74. >The device Princess Twilight gave to you before her…
  75. >…public execution
  76. >…
  77. >…this was for her too
  78. >You had to
  79. >For P0nyville
  80. >You gaze at Fluttershy’s body
  81. >For… her
  82. >You grip the device in your hands
  83. >And hop up out of the trench
  84. >The scene is grisly
  85. >Almost none of your brothers and sisters remain
  86. >A swarm of unicorn come stomping toward you
  87. >You just… laugh
  88. >This was for them
  89. >You take a step
  90. >An explosion to your right
  91. >There goes your hearing
  92. >You don’t care
  93. >The unicorn open fire
  94. >Bullets and blasts of magic whizz past you
  95. >You don’t care
  96. >You keep walking
  97. >A bullet hits, connecting straight into your shoulder
  98. >You stumble, and grit your teeth
  99. >It’ll take… more than that to stop you
  100. >One more step
  101. >Snap!
  102. >Another, right into your collar bone
  103. >But you brush it off
  104. >Slowly, you continue your steps
  105. >Bam! Leg
  106. >Another in the stomach
  107. >One… more… step…
  108. >You ignore the pain…
  109. >Forearm
  110. >You drop a knee
  111. >You’ve come so far…
  112. >Blood trickles from your mouth
  113. >You collapse onto the ground, struggling to stay conscious
  114. >The unicorn battalion passes you
  115. >They laugh heartily as they do
  116. >”Leave the monkey be! He’s dead like the rest of them!”
  117. >One spits
  118. >They continue marching past you
  119. >But they don’t notice…
  120. >You’re smiling
  121. >Laughing, even…
  122. >You’ve hit the button on the device
  123. >A red numeric countdown starts from 00:05
  124. >One walking past notices
  125. >His face shows confusion
  126. >00:04
  127. >Wonder
  128. >00:03
  129. >Realization
  130. >00:02
  131. >”The monkey!”
  132. >00:01
  133. >”He’s got a--!”
  134. >00:00
  135. >For Fluttershy…
  136. >Nearly the entire battlefield lights up
  137. >A huge purple colored explosion engulfs you and the unicorn around you
  138. >It travels back into the bulk of the enemy soldiers
  139. >It passes over your trench, sparing your comrades and injured
  140. >It’s absolutely deafening
  141. >It roars with ferocity
  142. >It encompassed the Element of Magic
  143. >And it wreaked havoc
  145. >A p0ny with a cigar pops his head up from the trench
  146. >Where the unicorn were is now… nothing…
  147. >The path is cleared, their soldiers rattled
  148. >Now’s the time
  149. >He takes out his cigar and exhales a breath of smoke
  150. >”Anon… that sunovabitch…”
  151. >He blots out the cigar on the ground
  152. >”MEN! WOMEN! MOOOVE OUT!!”
  153. >The other p0nies who witnessed the eradication cheer, their spirits up
  154. >They hop out of the trench and charge
  155. >Although you were no longer there
  156. >And your sacrificed promised nothing
  157. >It gave them hope, and morale
  158. >And… it was worth it
  159. >For Princess Twilight
  160. >For… Fluttershy…
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