
Emptiness Pt. 5 (Finale)

Feb 16th, 2013
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  1. >You gather up all the scattered pieces of paper and neatly tuck them in the record book
  2. >This needs to be seen
  3. >What happened here… it needs to be known
  4. >…they need to be remembered
  5. >You hold the book under your arm and relight your torch
  6. >You approach the false wall
  7. >And make your way through
  8. >…You’ve returned to the dark, cavernous dungeon
  9. >You sigh
  10. >It’s time to find your way out of here
  11. >Out of this whole mess…
  12. >You walk out from the dead end hallway and around the corner, continuing down the direction the phantom mare was taking you
  13. >The pathway continues straight, passing by many more caged off areas sunken in darkness
  14. >Your light briefly and partially returns these relics of devices and tools to the world of the visible
  15. >…there’s a lot of them
  16. >How many p0nies were sent here…?
  17. >Not to mention all the fillies and colts…
  18. >…
  19. >You turn your head away from them, trying to get it out of your mind
  20. >How could this injustice go unnoticed for so long?
  21. >…
  22. >Well…
  23. >You look down to the book and papers under your arm
  24. >…you’re going to change that
  25. >But who could you show it to…?
  26. >Who could you tell?
  27. >…Twilight of course
  28. >She’ll take this seriously, and study these notes
  29. >Probably can come back for the rest, too
  30. >Although… Celestia is her teacher
  31. >Whose side would she take…?
  32. >…
  33. >Twilight would do what’s right
  34. >You could count on her…
  35. >Right…?
  36. >The pathway begins to twist slowly to the right
  37. >As you gradually round this corner, your eye catches the grand stone steps at the end of the path
  38. Finally…
  39. >From the main part of the mansion, you could surely find a way out easier
  40. >You pick up your pace, eager to escape
  41. >Your peripherals still picking up the cells of torture around you
  42. >Only a few more steps until—
  43. >…wait
  44. >You halt, and step backwards a bit
  45. >From the side of your eyes…
  46. >You swear…
  47. >You walk up to the cell--
  48. >One of the final cells here
  49. >--And shine your torch into it
  50. >It eats away at the darkness inside, making it a little easier to see
  51. >It’s still hard, but you can definitely make it out
  52. >That minty green and banana yellow stand out against the dull, metallic hues of the chamber
  53. Bloody hell…
  54. >You can’t fit your arm in any further, you can’t see the damage these two have undergone
  55. >Are those two p0nies taking a lively nap?
  56. >Or are you gazing upon two fresh p0ny corpses…
  57. >…
  58. >Only one way to find out
  59. >You approach the gated cell door
  60. >…It’s rusted shut completely
  61. >Probably hasn’t been opened in decades…
  62. >…
  63. >Well, rust is weak, right?
  64. >You back up a bit, get a walking start, lift up your leg, and kick hard
  65. >The rusty, whiney clang grates against your ears, and swirls down the halls throughout the entire dungeon
  66. >You back up once more and deliver another strong kick
  67. >You hear what sounds like bolts snapping
  68. >One more time, you deliver
  69. >The gate cracks under the pressure, and caves into itself
  70. >You grip its corners and push it in more, giving you more room to enter with
  71. >You hold up your torch, and offer this room the full benefit of your light
  72. >All kinds of things: knives, clamps, chains; rest on various tables
  73. >A pendulum hangs from the ceiling in the back corner of the room
  74. >But these are not your concern
  75. >You approach the area you saw the pastel colors
  76. >On a table rests Lyra
  77. >She’s unbinded, but has several fresh, shallow cuts carved all across her body
  78. >Some in various, recognizable shapes
  79. >But the significance of these shapes are lost on you
  80. >You approach her and place your hand on her chest
  81. >…
  82. >Up…
  83. >Down…
  84. >…Yeah, she’s alive
  85. >You turn your head to the yellow one
  86. >Fluttershy is strapped to a vertical table, upside down
  87. >She has suffered much the same fate as Lyra
  88. >But she’s still breathing
  89. >You glance over to these two p0nies
  90. >These two antagonistic rapists
  91. >What were their motives…?
  92. >Why you?
  93. >You hardly even know them…
  94. >…
  95. >Well, a great impression they’ve made on you
  96. >And now, here they lie
  97. >Broken, unconscious
  98. >In a deep, forgotten dungeon connected to P0nyville’s past
  99. >A dungeon used for torture and punishment…
  100. >…
  101. >How fitting…
  102. >You glance over their bodies
  103. >…
  104. You deserve this…
  105. >You mutter
  106. >You run your hand across Lyra’s body
  107. I ought to just leave you two here to rot…
  108. >You move your eyes to Fluttershy’s inverted state
  109. >…
  110. >You squat down…
  111. >And move Lyra’s body onto your left shoulder
  112. >You tuck the book and notes into the front of your jeans
  113. >You approach Fluttershy and undo her bindings
  114. >She drops down into your hands, and you hoist her over your right shoulder
  115. I ought to…
  116. >You sigh
  117. But… I won’t.
  118. >You stand still for a moment, thinking over your actions
  119. >You break out in a smile, and let loose a single, breathy laugh
  120. What am I doing…?
  121. >You say, shaking your head and smiling
  122. >You breathe deeply
  123. I better not regret this…
  124. >With an arm over Lyra for support, and just letting Fluttershy slump on her own, you leave the cell with the two mares on your shoulders
  125. >You grip the torch in your right hand firmly as you approach the stairs
  126. >Tripping… would be bad
  127. >You carefully place one foot on the first step
  128. >Then the other on the next
  129. >And proceed up the steps
  130. >After about fifteen minutes of careful, balanced climbing, you emerge at the top of the steps
  131. >They lead up to a dead end, very similar to the one you started from behind the bookcase
  132. >The torch you carry brilliantly illuminates the small area you’re in, and you easily notice a lever to the right
  133. >You take your hand off of Lyra, grip the handle, and crank it down hard
  134. >You hear gears and cogs turn behind the walls
  135. >And the dead end in front of you slides to the right
  136. >It grinds onto the floor below it, kicking up dust that gathered from ages upon ages of neglect
  137. >As it opens, and the loud groan of stone-on-stone friction halts, the heavy rain once again becomes audible
  138. >Ahh…
  139. >Back to the first floor
  140. >You step out of the hidden passage and lift up your torch
  141. >You appear to be in some kind of storage area
  142. >In relation to where you are in the mansion, you haven’t the slightest
  143. >But you best get moving
  144. >You weave around a few cabinets and shelving units, until you’re out a door, back into the main corridors
  145. >They unsettle you a little bit
  146. >…
  147. >But…
  148. >As you step into them…
  149. >…And glance up on your shoulders…
  150. >…You realize there’s not nearly as much reason to fear these halls as there was earlier
  151. >You let out a single sigh of relief
  152. >And continue down aimlessly though the mansion
  153. >There are no windows
  154. >And everything looks the same
  155. >How did any of the children staying here even know where they were?
  156. >Maybe they didn’t
  157. >Those poor fillies and colts…
  158. >…
  159. >You try to put the thought out of your mind
  160. >You’ll be doing them justice
  161. >You’ll bring their case to the light
  162. >The public will see…
  163. >You nod to yourself
  164. Yeah…
  165. >”…uhhh…”
  166. >A groan comes from your left shoulder
  167. >You bolt your head in that direction
  168. >Lyra’s head moves slightly
  169. >Well… look who might be waking up
  170. >You bob your shoulder up and down, shaking her
  171. Hey.
  172. >You call in a whisper
  173. Lyra. Lyra, wake up.
  174. >She stirs just a little, then lies motionless again
  175. >You shake her some more
  176. >But she doesn’t respond
  177. >You sigh
  178. >Not yet, you suppose…
  179. >You continue pressing on
  180. >Each lift of the leg seems harder than the last
  181. >You’re exhausted after this whole ordeal
  182. >You trudge along
  183. >Leg after leg
  184. >Until
  185. >You step in something… cool
  186. >Like your leg was placed in front of an air conditioned for a second
  187. >You glance down quickly
  188. >But nothing looks out of the ordinary
  189. >…
  190. >There it is again
  191. >A cold feeling around your leg
  192. >You stop in your tracks, and focus
  193. >Looking around
  194. >…
  195. >…
  196. >There…
  197. >…a white wisp
  198. >About the size of a young filly
  199. >It fades in and out of visibility
  200. >You look down to your feet
  201. >It wraps around your legs a few times
  202. >…it’s so cold
  203. >You think you hear a soft giggle
  204. >And it disappears
  205. >…
  206. >It reappears a few feet in front of you, making its way down the hall
  207. >…
  208. >You begin walking again
  209. >Picking up the pace
  210. >You make lengthy strides, keeping up with this odd wisp
  211. >It disappears and reappears constantly
  212. >But you always seem to know where it’s going
  213. >It rounds a few corners
  214. >You follow it intently
  215. >Could it be…?
  216. >You think you see other wisps pass you by
  217. >Standing around, or heading the other direction
  218. >Are these…?
  219. >You continue following it
  220. >Windows start appearing at the sides of the corridors
  221. >Moonlight pours in once more
  222. >The little wisp swirls around the squares of light that shadow each window
  223. >…how playful…
  224. >After a few minutes of walking, the hallway begins to open up
  225. >You see a grand staircase to your left
  226. >Large windows to your right
  227. >Over a large door
  228. >You stop, and look up
  229. >Observing this magnificent hall
  230. >…
  231. >Yes…
  232. >This is the main entrance
  233. >The one Fluttershy used
  234. >You’re back…
  235. >You glance over to the door
  236. >…
  237. >A small shape is perched in front of it
  238. >…you smile
  239. >You walk slowly over to the door
  240. >The green maned filly slowly becomes more visible
  241. >Her yellow fur shines brilliantly, yet eerily, in the moonlight
  242. >You approach her, and do your best to kneel down to her level
  243. >Her eyes meet yours
  244. >…
  245. >”…you’re helping mommy, aren’t you?” she asks, twisting her body back and forth
  246. >You nod at her
  247. Yes. Not just her, though.
  248. >You motion to her
  249. You.
  250. >You turn your head away from her, to the main hall
  251. All of you.
  252. >Your voice echoes into the vast space
  253. >You think you hear various murmurs and giggles
  254. >But over the rain, it’s hard to hear
  255. >You turn back to the filly
  256. >She’s smiling
  257. >”Thank you, mister.”
  258. >You smile back
  259. And thank you.
  260. >She closes her eyes and giggles
  261. >She slowly begins to lose her color
  262. >Her shape becomes less solid
  263. >She fades to white
  264. >Then becomes clear
  265. >And fades away completely
  266. >…just like that… she’s gone
  267. >…
  268. >A sound echoes throughout the hall
  269. >The sound of a turning lock
  270. >You look up to the grand door in front of you, and stand
  271. >Grabbing the handle, you squeeze and push
  272. >It creaks open slowly
  273. >It’s a heavy door
  274. >And with that, you step onto the front porch of the mansion
  275. >Finally free…
  276. >At last…
  277. >You drop the torch down in front of you
  278. >The impact puts out your trusty flame
  279. >You step over to the edge of the wooden awning above you
  280. >The rain is still coming down, hard as ever
  281. >Beyond it lays the thick, dark woods of the Everfree Forest
  282. >You grit your teeth
  283. >…
  284. >You dip your left shoulder, shifting the weight of the unconscious Lyra
  285. >It briefly moves to your arm, and you use that moment to push her
  286. >She less than gracefully falls from your possession, into the rain, and hits the muddy ground with a thwap
  287. >She groans again
  288. >The thick drops of rain pelt her and splash upon her face
  289. >Eventually, she’s brought back to the world of the waking
  290. >She groggily opens her eyes
  291. >Then, they shoot wide open
  292. >Her pupils shrink, and they dart around
  293. >She starts hyperventilating
  294. >She finally notices you, and her eyes meet yours
  295. >She screams at the top of her lungs, covering her face with her hooves
  296. >”N-No! P-Please! Leave me alone!!”
  297. >You place Fluttershy down next to you, less than gently, and step into the rain yourself
  298. >You grip Lyra by her neck fur and shake her
  299. Lyra!
  300. >She looks at you, panicked
  301. >You slap her across the face
  302. Lyra! Wake the fuck up!
  303. >You backhand her the other way
  304. >She’s letting out pants and silent whimpers
  305. Lyra!
  306. >You say again, finally getting her attention
  307. We’re out! It’s done, we’re gone! We never have to set foot in there again!
  308. >She’s still whimpering
  309. >…
  310. >Come to think of it…
  311. >You don’t even know what’s happened to her
  312. >She may be traumatized
  313. >…
  314. >You’d be lying if you said you cared immensely
  315. >Not that you’re heartless, but…
  316. >…she deserved it
  317. Lyra!
  318. >You call again
  319. >You have her full attention
  320. >She look at you, panting
  321. >…you calm down a little
  322. >…
  323. Get us out of here. Take us to P0nyville. Now.
  324. >She looks to you surprised for a moment
  325. >Then nods
  326. >You walk back over to Fluttershy, pick her up, and get next to Lyra
  327. Let’s go.
  328. >”O-Okay…”
  329. >And with a flash, you leave the porch of the mansion forever
  331. >You reappear in P0nyville square
  332. >It is only a light drizzle this far out
  333. >Lyra stands next to you shaking
  334. >You hold Fluttershy in your arms
  335. >You look down to her
  336. >Her eyes meet yours
  337. >You dig them deeply into hers
  338. >Her eyes contort a bit…
  339. >She whimpers
  340. >…shame
  341. >…yes, shame
  342. >She knows
  343. >She knows what she did
  344. >And what YOU did
  345. >She knows very well
  346. >She opens her mouth, but no words come out
  347. >You shake your head
  348. Here.
  349. >You place Fluttershy on her back.
  350. Take her home. Then get out. I don’t ever want to see you again.
  351. >Lyra looks shocked
  352. >Her mouth opens again
  353. >…but she gives up
  354. >She droops her head to the ground, ears falling flat
  355. >”…o-okay.”
  356. >And with that, she walks slowly off, head hanging
  357. >You watch her go into the distance
  358. >…
  359. >Right
  360. >You reach into your pants and pull out the book
  361. >You tuck it under your shirt to protect it from rain
  362. Alright…
  363. >The library isn’t far
  364. >Time to get going
  366. >You don’t bother knocking
  367. >You grip the handle and head right inside
  368. >The room is lit so nicely, every inch illuminated
  369. >It’s nice to finally be in a room not obscured by eerie darkness
  370. Twilight.
  371. >You call, as you close the door behind you
  372. >You hear a shuffling from the other room
  373. >”A-Anon!?”
  374. >Galloping hooves sound off closer and closer
  375. >Twilight rounds the corner, and sees you
  376. >Beat up, muddy, wet, a curved bloodstain on your shirt by your chest
  377. >She gallops over and hugs your stomach
  378. >”Anon! What happened!? I was so worried!”
  379. It’s okay, Twilight. I’m alright.
  380. >”Where did you go!? I’m sorry, I just panicked! I had no idea what I was doing, and—“
  381. Don’t worry.
  382. >You say sternly
  383. >She releases you from her hug and backs up a bit
  384. >She can tell in your voice
  385. >You have something of importance to say
  386. >You take a breath
  387. Twilight, we really need to talk. Where I went… I—
  388. >”Actually, Anonymous…” you hear from the other room, where Twilight came from
  389. >Hooves clop slowly toward you
  390. >They get closer and closer
  391. >Until…
  392. >Princess Celestia emerges
  393. >…
  394. >”WE need to talk.”
  395. >Your heart sinks
  396. >You put on a stern face
  397. >And you glare at her
  398. >She looks no more happy to see you
  399. >Twilight looks at you both
  400. >”It’s okay, Anon. She’s here to help.”
  401. >You look down to her
  402. >”When I teleported you, I… I panicked. I wrote a letter to Princess Celestia about it, and she came right away. She’s been trying to locate you ever since.”
  403. >”And I had located him.”
  404. >You glance over to her
  405. >”Y-You did…?” Twilight asks
  406. >She nods
  407. >”Twilight Sparkle… please, may Anonymous and I have a moment to talk?”
  408. >She walks closer
  409. >”Alone?”
  410. >You stare daggers into her
  411. >You could cut the tension with a knife
  412. >Twilight notices this
  413. >”Oh, um. O-Okay…”
  414. >She trots over to the other room
  415. >She looks back at you one more time, then leaves
  416. >…
  417. >You hold the book in your hand, glaring right into the eyes of the Princess herself
  418. >Celestia does not look amused
  419. >”…I know where you were, Anonymous.”
  420. So you say.
  421. >She squints her eyes more
  422. >”…how Twilight sent you there, I have no idea. I’d like to believe it coincidence.”
  423. Probably was.
  424. >You grip the book tighter in your hand
  425. >…
  426. >Celestia notices this
  427. >”But… it seems it was no coincidence you found that.”
  428. >She glances down to the book in your hands
  429. >You let out a sarcastic laugh
  430. Found more than just this. There’s a whole record of them.
  431. >You crouch down just a little, to get to her eye level
  432. I know, Celestia.
  433. >She doesn’t flinch
  434. I know. And these p0nies need to know too.
  435. >She scoffs
  436. >”And what was your plan? To come here, and share this book? With who, Twilight? My student?”
  437. >You glare at her
  438. >”Who would she believe? Me, the Princess of Equestria and her mentor? Or you, some monkey who strolled in, unannounced and unwanted?”
  439. >You grip the book tighter
  440. I have proof.
  441. >She smiles
  442. >A sinister smile
  443. >”So you do. And you’ll give it to me.”
  444. >Your heart skips a beat
  445. >You stand up, and hold the book behind your back
  446. …no. No, I won’t.
  447. >”You will.”
  448. >Celestia gets closer
  449. >”You know, Anonymous…”
  450. >She starts pacing around you
  451. >”That mansion… its basement, more specifically… has been out of use for some time. I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
  452. >You don’t say anything
  453. >”But… that doesn’t mean…”
  454. >She gets right to your ear
  455. >”Its practices are…”
  456. >Your eyes widen a little
  457. >”Now…”
  458. >She paces away, not facing you
  459. >”You can give me that book now… and maybe I’ll forget about this whole ordeal.”
  460. >You’re still silent
  461. >”Or…”
  462. >She turns to face you
  463. >”I can have you, or anyp0ny you love, sent back to that age of torture.”
  464. >Your heart pangs a great shock
  465. >It rattles your soul
  466. >She smirks, and glances away
  467. >To the room Twilight retreated in
  468. >”Are we in agreement…?” she asks, turning back toward you
  469. >…
  470. >You’re… speechless
  471. >How could you let this happen?
  472. >How could Twilight bring her into this…?
  473. >…she didn’t know
  474. >How would she…?
  475. >”Are we?” she asks again
  476. >A yellow aura has surrounded the book in your hands
  477. >It softly tugs away from you
  478. >You hold on to it
  479. >Just barely
  480. >Your eyes are wide, mouth hanging slightly open
  481. >You look up
  482. >…
  483. >and sigh
  484. >You release your grip
  485. >The book slowly floats over to Celestia
  486. >She smugly smiles
  487. >”…good. I’m glad we’re seeing eye-to-eye, Anonymous.”
  488. >You squint your eyes at her once more
  489. >She’s got that shit-eating grin on her face
  490. >”I don’t think I need to remind you to stay quiet about this.”
  491. >You say nothing
  492. >…
  493. >…
  494. >”…goodbye, Anonymous.”
  495. >And with that, she teleports
  496. >Disappearing, with your evidence, away from the library
  497. >…
  498. >…
  499. >You’re really shaken up
  500. >Your body trembles slightly
  501. >You walk slowly over to the couch and sit down
  502. >And bury your face into your hands
  503. >…
  504. >Twilight trots out from the other room
  505. >”Did… did the Princess leave?”
  506. >You don’t respond
  507. >She noticed your state
  508. >She quickly trots over
  509. >”Anon… are you alright?”
  510. >You move your hands from your eyes
  511. >Cupping your nose and mouth, you gaze over to Twilight
  512. >She has such a look of concern on her face
  513. >…
  514. >She’s trying to read you
  515. >You take a silent breath
  516. >…
  517. Yeah, Twi. Yeah, I’m alright.
  519. >You are Princess Celestia
  520. >And that was too close of a call
  521. >You teleport into the study of your castle
  522. >The ancient book Anonymous had brought back from the manor hovers in front of you
  523. >You crack it open, and quickly glance over all of the papers and notes inside
  524. >You laugh
  525. >You walk over to your sitting area
  526. >Tossing the book into the fireplace as you do
  527. >It lands onto the wood, and quickly, the flames engulf the pages
  528. >Cleansing it from existence
  529. >Removing it from reality
  530. >…
  531. >Good
  532. >You sit down, and begin thinking
  533. >Why did Twilight take him there?
  534. >Was it accidental?
  535. >It must have been
  536. >She has no knowledge of the history of P0nyville, other than Granny Smith’s tales
  537. >And we all know how reliable those are
  538. >…
  539. >Still…
  540. >She gave Anonymous power, however unintentionally, that he shouldn’t have had
  541. >…
  542. >And knowledge that he shouldn’t have
  543. >…
  544. >She needs to be punished
  545. >…but how…?
  546. >Physically?
  547. >…
  548. >No, too extreme
  549. >Mentally?
  550. >…
  551. >No, her mind is brilliant, it would simply be a waste
  552. >Emotionally…?
  553. >…
  554. >Yes, perfect
  555. >An emotional lashing will do her well
  556. >And keep her in line
  557. >…
  558. >And this Anonymous…
  559. >…
  560. >…you’ve taken a serious risk letting him live here in your land
  561. >And look what it’s brought you…
  562. >Nothing but trouble…
  563. >He’s nothing… nothing but a nuisance…
  564. >…
  565. >…it’s time to get rid of him
  566. >He’s stuck around long enough
  567. >…and how will you go about this?
  568. >…
  569. >You smirk
  570. >A devilish idea comes to mind
  571. Ahh…
  572. >Why not kill two birds with one stone?
  573. >Yes… it’ll be perfect
  574. >You hover a quill and paper over to you
  575. >…
  576. >You know a student of yours can never deny your orders
  577. >No student can or will
  578. >Not even Benedine did…
  579. >…You smile maliciously
  580. >And press quill to paper
  582. To my Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle…
  584. End of Emptiness
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