
new gem statblocks

May 23rd, 2016
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  1. Adult Aquamarine Dragon Level 14 Solo [something]
  2. Large aquatic natural magical beast (dragon) XP [something]
  4. Initiative +11 Senses: Perception +17; Darkvision
  6. HP 520; Bloodied 260; see also bloodied breath
  7. AC 23; Fortitude 26, Reflex 21, Will 24
  8. Resist 20 Force
  9. Saving Throws +5
  10. Speed 8, fly 8, swim 10
  11. Action Points 2
  13. Bite (standard; at-will)
  14. Reach 2; +18 vs AC; 3d8 + 9 damage
  16. Claw (standard; at-will) 
  17. Reach 2; +18 vs AC; 3d8 + 8 damage
  19. Tunnel Snake (standard; at-will)
  20. The dragon makes one bite attack and one claw attack and shifts 2 squares.
  22. Wing Flurry (immediate reaction; when an enemy enters an adjacent square)
  23. Targets the triggering enemy, +21 vs. Reflex, 1d12 + 6 damage and the target is knocked prone.
  25. Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5, 6) Force
  26. Area blast 3 within 10; +19 vs Fortitude; 2d12 + 10 Psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of its next turn and dazed (save ends).
  28. Bloodied Breath (free when first bloodied; encounter)
  29. Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
  31. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear
  32. Close burst 5; targets enemies; +20 vs. Will; the target is stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
  34. Preternatural Fear (immediate; the dragon scores a critical hit) Fear
  35. The target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
  37. Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic, Common
  38. Skills Endurance +15, Intimidate +14, Survival +12
  39. Str 16 (+6) Dex 22 (+11) Wis 19 (+10)
  40. Con 20 (+10) Int 22 (+11) Cha 16 (+6)
  42. Flavor notes:
  43. -- Natively aquatic dragons who only see the surface when they reach adulthood
  44. -- Prefer alcoves in the sides of deep-sea trenches as lairs, but have also been found dwelling in sunken ships
  45. -- Due to their deep-sea nature and their few interactions with landdwellers, they are distrusted by land-folk and distrust them in turn
  46. -- They are less openly suspicious of aquatic races, but still much prefer to be left to themselves and their mates
  47. -- Hoard artifacts made of coral and shells, as well as sunken treasure
  48. -- Start off pure white as hatchlings; their shimmering turquoise scales grow in and their fins stain with color as they age
  49. -- Wings resemble large fins as opposed to the true wings of land dragons
  50. -- Think bronze dragons are weird and like to poke them; bronze dragons do not appreciate this
  51. -- Breath weapon is a pressurized vacuum-blast of water
  52. -- Somewhat distant as parents, but not overtly neglectful
  53. -- Nests consist of 1d12 eggs, spend 4 months inside the mother and 16 months outside
  54. -- Eggs are very unusual among dragons for their soft shells which only harden during the last few months of incubation, this makes it difficult for aquamarine eggs to last very long on land
  56. ------------------------
  58. Adult Tiger's Eye Dragon Level 12 Solo [something]
  59. Large natural magical beast (dragon) XP [something]
  61. Initiative +10 Senses: Perception +14; Darkvision
  63. HP 520; Bloodied 260; see also bloodied breath
  64. AC 22; Fortitude 25, Reflex 21, Will 22
  65. Resist 20 Fire
  66. Saving Throws +5
  67. Speed 8, fly 10, overland flight 10
  68. Action Points 2
  70. Bite (standard; at-will)
  71. Reach 2; +16 vs AC; 2d10 + 8 Fire damage
  73. Claw (standard; at-will) 
  74. Reach 2; +16 vs AC; 2d10 + 9 damage
  76. Sandwyrm's Dance (standard; at-will)
  77. The dragon shifts one square and makes one claw and one bite attack.
  79. Buffetting Flurry (immediate reaction; when an enemy enters or exits an adjacent square)
  80. Targets the triggering enemy, +18 vs. Reflex, 1d10 + 5 damage and the target is knocked prone.
  82. Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5, 6) Fire, Force
  83. Close blast 3; +17 vs Fortitude; 3d8 Fire and Force damage, and creates a zone that lasts until the end of the dragon's next turn. Any enemy creature who starts their turn in this zone takes 1d10 Fire and Force damage.
  85. Bloodied Breath (free when first bloodied; encounter)
  86. Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
  88. Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear
  89. Close burst 5; targets enemies; +20 vs. Will; the target is stunned until the end of the dragon's next turn. Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
  91. Desert Fortitude (immediate when first bloodied; encounter)
  92. The dragon gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of its next turn.
  94. Alignment Unaligned Languages Draconic, Common
  95. Skills Heal +15, Diplomacy +14, Survival +12
  96. Str 18 (+8) Dex 20 (+10) Wis 19 (+10)
  97. Con 20 (+10) Int 18 (+8) Cha 15 (+6)
  99. Flavor notes:
  100. -- Prefer arid, desert environments; dig shallow, sandstone-lined burrows to use as lairs
  101. -- Hoard old relics, each one has a specific type of history they like to hoard from; one might hoard antique military weaponry while another might hoard medical paraphenalia
  102. -- Each one has a unique pattern on its face, among tiger's eye dragons there is a superstition that this marking defines who they are from hatching
  103. -- Hatchlings are born a light beige color and slowly darken and develop rich brown stripes over the course of their life
  104. -- Scales are smooth and translucent, and present as an amber color striped with umber
  105. -- Dislike combat aned prefer to avoid violence if at all possible
  106. -- If forced to fight, they prefer to flee as soon as they are able; if unable to flee, they fight defensively
  107. -- Prefer to avoid brass and brown dragons for territory reasons
  108. -- Good parents who prefer to keep their hatchlings close, but not too close; sometimes you will find tiger's eye dragons living in 'family groups' of sorts where lairs are clustered together
  109. -- Nests consist of 1d6 + 1 eggs, incubate inside the mother for 8 months and outside for 10
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