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a guest
Aug 28th, 2015
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  1. Lam – Head Admin, Team Management, EU Manager
  2. JP – Head Admin, Development Lead
  3. Kuferl – Head Admin, Developer
  4. Wieth – Head Admin, PRVoidWhisper – US Manager
  5. Kenneth – AU Manager
  6. LikaLota - SA Manager
  7. Developers
  8. Kampfkeks
  9. foxy_daveAdmins
  10. Sepu
  11. Raptor
  12. Deox
  13. Kaneco
  14. HYS
  15. ArthurHead-Admin - the most powerful userlevel role in the website. Can do everything, ban, warn, remove/pause/disable regions/gamemodes, edit bans/remove bans, change roles, change announcers, change user regions...basicly everything. They should be able to choise their own colour for the chat/pickupbot(and its reserved and bold)
  16. Devs - Can't change roles but can administrate the website(in order to have 'dev' look over the things if something brokes).
  17. Managers - They are basicly admins but with different color nickname maybe +1 number over the admins userID
  18. Admins - Can't change roles but they can ban/warn/disable/pause region/gamemodes. They can edit/remove THEIR own bans but cant remove and edit the bans of the other admins.
  19. Trial-Admin - They can warn players but the bans should be approved by any of the other admins.
  20. Honorary - green/genuine nickname in chat(those are people who helped us in any way, and announcers)
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