
Ezzel Music Montage

Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. 21:50:59 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *the always present frowning face*
  2. 21:52:19 <Piranhaqueen> Dexter: *mews*
  3. 21:53:34 <CarlKindle> (([link] he is so fricken cute)
  4. 21:53:49 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *The always present reassuring smile* Don't let the others get to you.
  5. 21:54:36 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  6. 21:54:45 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  7. 21:55:05 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "Okay..."
  8. 21:55:13 <Piranhaqueen> Dexter: *mews*
  9. 21:55:51 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "I need to go to the library, or book store...I need another notebook."
  10. 21:58:00 <Piranhaqueen> ((by now there's probably a stack of notebooks near ferdinand's bed))
  11. 21:58:40 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *nods*
  12. 22:00:09 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *doesn't know whether to ask if ezzel wants to come since thibaut's boyfriend will be there*
  13. 22:01:37 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *covering for for an actaul wholesome and supportive secret relationship of a high overseer would be a sad but refreshing change*
  14. 22:02:13 <Piranhaqueen> ((lord.))
  15. 22:03:08 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "I will go to the bookstore, i'm not sure if you two would want to go though." *To thibaut* "Since you're high overseer 'n' all...."
  16. 22:03:17 <CarlKindle> ((damn it...did someone keep logs from earlier?))
  17. 22:04:01 <CarlKindle> ((with all the book spirit stuff? cause Lilac might be gone for awhile and i dont want her to miss anything))
  18. 22:05:03 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Hmm. *really wants to see Toby*
  19. 22:05:24 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "You seem busy 'n' all..."
  20. 22:05:31 <Piranhaqueen> ((toby and thibaut are so adorable))
  21. 22:07:09 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *looks to the ground* "I'll go to the bookstore myself then."
  22. 22:08:15 ** GhostlyInsomniac has left * connection closed
  23. 22:08:22 ** GhostlyInsomniac has joined *
  24. 22:08:57 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I do have some reports to file with all this mess...
  25. 22:09:58 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "No worries." *smiles* "I'll go by myself."
  26. 22:10:11 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *thumbs up* "I'm sure that's fine,no?"
  27. 22:11:31 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I do not see why it would be
  28. 22:12:22 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *turns at his heels and begins walking* "I'll be back later." *this is you last chance,thibaut.COME OR YOU WON'T SEE TOBIAS*
  29. 22:13:57 <Piranhaqueen> Dexter: *mews and hops off of ferdinand * *follows after him*
  30. 22:14:06 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: ... *oh what the heck* I suppose I could use a walk. *smiles*
  31. 22:14:39 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *waits for thibaut to catch up*
  32. 22:14:59 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *jogs up to him* *smiles*
  33. 22:15:31 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *Turns at his heels and begins walking*
  34. 22:16:04 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *after walking for a while once they're out of ear shot he asks quietly* "So. You and him.." *smiles like a little child* "How was it when you two met?" *asks it quietly*
  35. 22:17:06 <CarlKindle> ((well i wrote myself out of this. good job me))
  36. 22:18:04 <Piranhaqueen> ((The taxes? good job friend! ))
  37. 22:18:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Woo! ))
  38. 22:18:14 <CarlKindle> ((no the rp))
  39. 22:18:22 <Piranhaqueen> ((we're all proud of yo-- oh. still proud of you!)
  40. 22:18:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Also good! ))
  41. 22:18:31 <CarlKindle> ((i can' anymore))
  42. 22:18:34 <CarlKindle> ((i just leave))
  43. 22:18:38 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Wait waht ))
  44. 22:18:54 <CarlKindle> ((all i have lef is ezzel alone in the abbey))
  45. 22:19:06 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( I have an idea :3 ))
  46. 22:19:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *watching Ezzel from a hole in the ceiling*
  47. 22:20:12 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *is this the guy? This can't be the guy... then again he smells like the guy*
  48. 22:20:30 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *does not notice mister snake* *going about his paper work*
  49. 22:21:20 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *smiles bashfully* Well, he was very sweet, and everything down to his mannerisms were incredibly cute and genuine. It was easy to be smitten.
  50. 22:21:36 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *slides down onto a bookshelf to get closer*
  51. 22:21:52 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *smiles* "awwww!"
  52. 22:22:08 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Yes that's what I said. *smiling*
  53. 22:22:23 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *giggles* "What more?"
  54. 22:22:31 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *Yep. That's the guy* *rattles a little*
  55. 22:22:48 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *yeps back, beginning to draw his sword* What the Void!
  56. 22:23:19 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: He makes a wonderful cup of tea, and he has the cutest dog and the cutest laugh. He's very warm, and gentle, and I admire his desire to run his own little business.
  57. 22:23:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *on the bookshelf with little puppy snake face*
  58. 22:23:42 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:....What.
  59. 22:23:55 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "But how did you two meet?"
  60. 22:24:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: I just went to the store one day, curious. I was on a walk, wanting to meet people. We had tea, and that was all she wrote. *smiles* I think that perhaps he might have felt something for me first, he wouldn't stop staring. Eventually I couldn't stop either.
  61. 22:25:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *gestures his head to the window*
  62. 22:25:43 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  63. 22:25:48 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *laughs*
  64. 22:25:55 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  65. 22:26:02 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *Am I really about to listen to a snake?* *Fine*
  66. 22:26:17 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "Seeing you with him... you two look so happy together. You two forget your worries when you look into eachothers eyes."
  67. 22:26:26 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *hand still on his sword cause, hey that thing might be posionious- he heads to the office window*
  68. 22:27:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *blushes a little* Very astute. *smiling. Always all smiles*
  69. 22:27:27 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *opens the door to toby's bookshop and enters it. the bell on the door rings*
  70. 22:27:37 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *I am venemous thanks for noticing*
  71. 22:27:47 <GhostlyInsomniac> *Out on the ledge is a note*
  72. 22:27:54 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  73. 22:28:04 <Piranhaqueen> *once the door opens and the bell rings a shiba inu quickly runs up to thibaut* *barking happily*
  74. 22:28:33 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *sighs* *wha the fuck is happening and if this turns into another Dubois incident I will waterboard evenone in this bulding*
  75. 22:28:51 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *picks up the note*
  76. 22:28:54 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  77. 22:29:30 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  78. 22:29:33 <Piranhaqueen> Shibe: *barks at thibaut * *HI FRIEND*
  79. 22:29:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *laughs* And his dog is adorable! *picks him up* Hello Shibe!
  80. 22:29:54 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  81. 22:30:23 <Piranhaqueen> Shibe: *gives thibaut doggy kisses*
  82. 22:31:08 <GhostlyInsomniac> Note: "It isn't over. Retrieve the journal or the incident will repeat itself. You are the only of the Overseers I have seen I can trust to do this. The journal is with Anton Sokolov. It must be done with a child."
  83. 22:31:13 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *peeks his head out of a book section* *calls over to thibaut and ferdinand* *Waves* "Hello! I'm stacking books." *Smiles*
  84. 22:31:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: *snuggling Shibe* Hello Toby!
  85. 22:31:26 <Piranhaqueen> ((with a child?))
  86. 22:31:50 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *smiles and blushes* "Hello Seeley."
  87. 22:31:56 <CarlKindle> ((Free of sin))
  88. 22:31:59 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: "He knows your first name?"
  89. 22:32:01 <Piranhaqueen> ((ah))
  90. 22:32:25 <CarlKindle> ((i'm not even sure if Ezzel was 100% up to date with the ghost shit))
  91. 22:32:39 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *Still stacking books* *calling from where he is* "I'm sorry,it's really messy in here. Books everywhere."
  92. 22:33:00 <CarlKindle> ((i can't recall what Dubois said, but Ezzel took it with a grain of salt especailyl whne he ran))
  93. 22:33:38 <CarlKindle> ((And really the only things that have made him doubt less was seeing Grigori go to town on Doc's hand))
  94. 22:33:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Dammit Ezzel that's what you get for being pragmatic ))
  95. 22:33:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Of course he does.
  96. 22:34:08 <CarlKindle> ((..but for plot sake i will say he understands otherwise this will get no where fast))
  97. 22:34:32 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *busy picking up books and placing them in the shelves* "Who does?"
  98. 22:35:01 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: The journal...? That journal? *looks at the snake like he could give a proper explanation of this*
  99. 22:35:52 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "Glad you two came,by the way." *places a few stack of heavy books on a table while replacing another ones in the proper shelves*
  100. 22:36:05 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *If I could turn back and tell you bucko I would.*
  101. 22:36:39 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *flicks out tongue*
  102. 22:36:48 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Just one thing after another these days. *puts the note in his pocket* ....Damn.
  103. 22:37:36 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *walks to tobias* "Can I help?"
  104. 22:37:40 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: And even better I get to deal with Sokolov. *heavy sarcasm*
  105. 22:39:14 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "Not sure... i'm cleaning around this whole store. Not sure if you'd have that time."
  106. 22:40:00 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Why am I telling you this? You're a snake. *I'm too old for this*
  107. 22:40:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *gestures with his head to the door*
  108. 22:41:01 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Are you telling me what to do again? Fine. *I can't be bothered to give a fuck anymore*
  109. 22:41:27 <GhostlyInsomniac> Aloysius: *slithers back up into the hole in the ceiling*
  110. 22:41:45 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibuat: Why are you cleaning the whole store?
  111. 22:42:06 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "It's always seems to be so messy.."
  112. 22:42:06 <CarlKindle> *montage of Ezzel going to Kaldwin's bridge set to cheerful music*
  113. 22:42:35 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "A few days ago I stacked the books in a very neat way-- This morning the books where scattered all around."
  114. 22:42:57 <CarlKindle> ((ah i know the song too i need to find it))
  115. 22:43:11 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "And other times because it's boring being here by myself half of the day." *laughs*
  116. 22:43:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( he's not going with a kid, is he ))
  117. 22:43:55 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Dammit Ezzel ))
  118. 22:44:19 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Scattered? How?
  119. 22:44:27 <CarlKindle> ((he's not going to touch it he's just confirming it's there))
  120. 22:44:39 <CarlKindle> ((WHERE AM I SUPPOSE TO GET A CHILD THIS TIME OF NIGHT?))
  121. 22:45:16 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "Books here. Books there. A lot of books out of the shelf,unorganized." *looks at the book in his hand and back at thibaut* "Is it ridiculous?"
  122. 22:45:57 <CarlKindle> ((THIS SONG [link]))
  124. 22:46:41 <Piranhaqueen> ((hell yes))
  125. 22:46:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( GOOD ))
  126. 22:47:06 <CarlKindle> ((with that face plasted on his mask))
  127. 22:47:13 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Just curious that they were alright in one day and completely scattered the next.
  128. 22:47:33 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *knocks on Sokolov's door still feeling ridiculous about this*
  129. 22:47:34 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "This store is just messy."
  130. 22:48:19 <GhostlyInsomniac> Watch Officer: *opens the door* Brother?
  131. 22:48:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: What are you doing here this time of night?
  132. 22:48:45 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "But then again when you're in a two floor bookstore by yourself half the time you get bored and read most of the books here."
  133. 22:49:07 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I'm hear to speak to Sokolov *all but pushes himself in* It is important.
  134. 22:49:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: I'm afraid he's out at the Academy, at the moment. Might as well not bother. He's been acting stranger than usual.
  135. 22:50:14 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *about to curse but pauses* Stranger how?
  136. 22:51:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: Pouring over some book lately. Some book he got months ago from some Overseer. Not like, a real book or anything either... just some old painted, bloody thing.
  137. 22:51:45 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "I guess I could stop cleaning around here." *puts his books down* "So what're you and Ferdinand doing here?"
  138. 22:52:11 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:...You said the Academy?
  139. 22:52:58 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  140. 22:53:17 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: He left this morning.
  141. 22:53:18 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  142. 22:53:37 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Damn it. *turns to go*
  143. 22:53:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: ...The book is here.
  144. 22:54:03 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: ...What?
  145. 22:54:05 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: Do you.. as an Overseer you... can have it.
  146. 22:54:15 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: I don't like it.
  147. 22:54:23 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:....Where is it?
  148. 22:54:28 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: I think it moves... when i'm not looking.
  149. 22:54:44 <GhostlyInsomniac> Thibaut: Well Ferdinand would like a book, and I just wanted to see you. *smiles*
  150. 22:55:08 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *nudges him playfully* "Aw you sweetie."
  151. 22:55:11 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Well, where did you see it last?
  152. 22:55:21 <Piranhaqueen> Ferdinand: *looking around the library for a good notebook*
  153. 22:55:29 <CarlKindle> ((i think Cas is our only kid right now))
  154. 22:55:44 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: *lets him in and brings him up to Sokolov's studio where he was working on the book, let's out a yelp*
  155. 22:55:53 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: IT MOVED! IT MOVED AGAIN!
  156. 22:56:06 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: It's OPEN! It wasn't open when I left this room!
  157. 22:56:33 <Piranhaqueen> ((im gonna go to bed))
  158. 22:56:35 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *puts a hand on the WO's chest and gently pushes him out of the room, going with him*
  159. 22:56:59 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Goodnight Piran :3 ))
  160. 22:57:18 <Piranhaqueen> ((gnighty gnight,i'll be on mobille if any of you nerds wanna bother my muses))
  161. 22:57:18 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: And that's not all, it whispers when Sokolov isn't here.
  162. 22:57:20 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  163. 22:58:05 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: He's been chipping the paint off of it bit by bit, studying it. Half of it is full of names, the other half is... I don't know, personal Overseer ramblings.
  164. 22:58:21 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: And have you read it?
  165. 22:58:58 ** guardplz has left * timed out
  166. 22:59:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: *now visibly paler* A- A little bit. When Sokolov isn't around.
  167. 22:59:32 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  168. 22:59:38 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  169. 22:59:41 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *frowns os loud i'm sure the outsider could hear it* Idiot!
  170. 23:00:17 ** guardplz has joined *
  171. 23:01:10 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *I can not do this on my own Voiddamnit*
  172. 23:01:31 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: ...Can you take it?
  173. 23:01:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: You're an Overseer, you should know what to do. It's a heretic object!
  174. 23:01:49 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: wouldn't be safe.
  175. 23:02:06 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: But it's not safe NOW!
  176. 23:02:19 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I know that!
  177. 23:02:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: Do you know what this is?
  178. 23:02:57 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: ...I need you to go to the Academy and get Sokolov.
  179. 23:04:17 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *all i know is i needa kid and i don't have access to one atm*
  180. 23:04:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: He said he would be back in a few days...
  181. 23:04:40 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Well we need him back now!
  182. 23:05:36 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: *flinches* Why?!
  183. 23:05:54 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I don't care what you tell him, convince him to come here. Before that...I need you to go to The Abbey and seek out an Oracle named Bibisi. Tell her where I am.
  184. 23:06:09 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:...Are you hindering an Abbey investigation, sir?
  185. 23:06:19 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: N-No!
  186. 23:06:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: *salutes* I will send for him immediately!
  187. 23:07:08 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Go then.
  188. 23:07:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> WO: *flees*
  189. 23:07:53 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:...*looks at the book before backing out of the room and shutting the door*
  190. 23:07:59 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: *softly, familiarly, from the book on the table* Oh my..... is that Saul I smell?
  191. 23:08:47 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *back stiffens* *don't even pay attention to it.*
  192. 23:08:55 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Brother Ezzel- where is Brother Dubois?
  193. 23:09:42 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *If you think you're getting answer you are wrong*
  194. 23:10:28 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Are you here to do something to me? Poor decison on your part. There is a much more heretical object than I floating around.
  195. 23:10:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Another book, even. I can smell it.
  196. 23:10:55 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:....I- *NOPE DONT DO IT SAUL*
  197. 23:12:31 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Witches in this city. In the Abbey- sent you after me. You're being played, Brother.
  198. 23:13:17 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Do you remember my sermon? How passionate you were... I assuaged your doubts, and smoothed them over like fine sand...
  199. 23:13:23 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *quietly* That would explain the snake.
  200. 23:13:59 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *No, fuck, don't listen to ghosts* *That's like OVerseer 101*
  201. 23:14:28 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Who is the High Overseer, now?
  202. 23:14:51 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: You're not killing another one.
  203. 23:15:53 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Martin was a scoundrel. A fraud. I could taste it on him. All he cared about was power- but you weren't the only one who was fooled.
  204. 23:16:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Were it not for the taste of pus and vomit from him I smelled, I would have been fooled myself.
  205. 23:17:50 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Like you fooled and manipulated Dubois?
  206. 23:20:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: You misunderstand. It was his choice to relinquish the hold of his body to me. He welcomed it. It filled him with joy to be used. Once I got used to the smell, it was fine. Completely consensual.
  207. 23:21:06 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: After having seen him...I'm less then convinced.
  208. 23:22:26 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: His own fear is irrelevant to the fact that he let me use him. In fact, he begged for it. I don't lie, Brother, it IS against the Strictures, after all.
  209. 23:23:58 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I was not....though I think you've been dead far too long to see or even care.
  210. 23:26:16 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: ... *chuckles* You have even more doubts since I last met you.
  211. 23:27:17 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Even now I taste them on the tip of my tongue. Doubts in the structure of the Abbey, in the new High Overseer... in the legitimacy of this mission to retrieve a cursed object in a way that SCREAMS heresy is afoot...
  212. 23:28:01 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *I really should stop talking to it*
  213. 23:28:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: We can help one another, Brother.
  214. 23:28:40 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: All you have to do is burn me.
  215. 23:30:15 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: No.
  216. 23:30:31 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Why?
  217. 23:31:38 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *No answer*
  218. 23:32:45 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: <You're really going to let them play you for a fool?</i>
  219. 23:33:16 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: I know that you are better than that.
  220. 23:33:24 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *Still no talking*
  221. 23:33:34 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Better than the way you are treated at the Abbey by those young fools.
  222. 23:35:20 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I don't want to hear anything else out of you.
  223. 23:35:58 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: You don't want to hear me? Then come closer and shut me. That is, unless the fear in your heart is as wide as the doubts.
  224. 23:36:57 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *bristles at that but REMEMBERS WHAT HAPPENED WITH EBENEZER*
  225. 23:40:38 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  226. 23:41:33 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: *Whispers* I know men like you, I used to be a man like you.
  227. 23:42:20 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: Now that, I doubt.
  228. 23:44:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: I know. You doubt many things, as I once did. The Abbey and their works, the decisons of your so-called 'betters'... the things that you see, nowadays. Different from the things you witnessed as a simple soldier. And now... everything is different. Things that one seemed right seem wrong- very wrong. I'm right, aren't I?
  229. 23:45:02 <CarlKindle> ((If Azia possessed a person and a marked person tried to posses them how would it go?))
  230. 23:45:13 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( They would fight in the host ))
  231. 23:45:20 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Might kill the host ))
  232. 23:45:28 <CarlKindle> ((poop))
  233. 23:46:03 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Weeeelll it MIGHT kill them, the more likely solution is the stronger willed spirit would drive out the 'losing' one ))
  234. 23:47:00 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: *head tilt*...I don't think you know me at all.
  235. 23:48:55 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: I knew you well enough when you pledged to follow my words during my sermon... or have you forgotten that?
  236. 23:49:56 <CarlKindle> *He saw them burn, all of them while his mother screamed his name reaching out to him before an Overseer kicked her back. He remembered that man. When he met him later at Whitecliff and killed him, only one person ever knew that.*
  237. 23:50:13 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I have not forgotten that..instead something else.
  238. 23:50:29 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:...We have never been right.
  239. 23:51:02 <CarlKindle> ((because there is no better time to abridge Ezzel's backstory))
  240. 23:52:05 <freemorley> ((It's always backstory o'clock. *READS UP LIKE WHOA*))
  241. 23:52:17 <CarlKindle> ((WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?))
  242. 23:52:20 <freemorley> ((Oh, and you like Westerns, right? I just got into RDR, dude. 8I))
  243. 23:52:26 <freemorley> ((SAUL BACKSTORY ALWAYS SUMMONS ME.))
  244. 23:52:27 <CarlKindle> ((oooo)))
  245. 23:53:16 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: And yet, you strive for a more brutal Abbey.
  246. 23:53:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Aw yeeee ))
  247. 23:54:32 <CarlKindle> Ezzel: I live. I used some unfortunate means to do that.
  248. 23:55:16 <GhostlyInsomniac> Azia Sr.: Does that not make you a hypocrite? Don't disguise your brutality. It only makes it taste worse.
  249. 23:56:12 <CarlKindle> Ezzel:..Yes. I've known it all my life..despite my denial. That witch saw it better then you have though.
  250. 23:57:06 <CarlKindle> ((aaand the only person to even die in his chair while he was leading an interrogation was a withc who saw into his heart and was like "you dont belive any of this:" so he stabbed her))
  251. 23:57:31 <CarlKindle> ((did not feel like trying to make it sound prettty))
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