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Mar 14th, 2014
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  1. WeeklyQuiz: Let's begin.
  2. WeeklyQuiz: Question #1: Let's have something topical. Question #1: The word potpourri originates from what language?
  3. Precarious: french
  4. Syx0: french
  5. Syx0: die
  6. Precarious: latin
  7. Pigjr1: greek
  8. WeeklyQuiz: Prec got it first
  9. adv0catus: That was 5 seconds, not 5 minutes. [Vote: Precarious]
  10. MyNameIsNothing: wow was to busy seeing what technical def of potpourri was
  11. Precarious: D:
  12. WeeklyQuiz: Question #2: How many calories in a medium length banana, to the nearest 10?
  13. Precarious: 100
  14. randomboy839: 70
  15. Pigjr1: 110
  16. Syx0: 69
  17. randomboy839: 80
  18. Pigjr1: 90
  19. Syx0: (70)
  20. MyNameIsNothing: 60
  21. randomboy839: 50
  22. MyNameIsNothing: 50
  23. WeeklyQuiz: 110 is right Pig
  24. Precarious: 50
  25. adv0catus: 69
  26. WeeklyQuiz: The actual answer is 105.
  27. MyNameIsNothing: **** too tired for this
  28. TheGame147: 69
  29. Precarious: 100 was within 10 :(
  30. MyNameIsNothing: i will win tho
  31. Syx0: Nearest 10
  32. adv0catus: Rounding up.
  33. Syx0: as in rounded up.
  34. Pigjr1: i has pro strats
  35. WeeklyQuiz: Yup, simple law of maths - always round up on a 5
  36. WeeklyQuiz: A mathsy one now.
  37. Pigjr1: say numbers right after and right before prec's answers
  38. MyNameIsNothing: 3.14159
  39. WeeklyQuiz: Question #3: The Gettysburg Address’ most quoted line is ‘four score and seven years ago’. If taken from today, what year would it mean?
  40. MyNameIsNothing: 60
  41. Pigjr1: 87
  42. MyNameIsNothing: oh ****
  43. Pigjr1: oops
  44. Precarious: 1927
  45. Syx0: 1986?
  46. WeeklyQuiz: As in, what year would it be from 2014
  47. MyNameIsNothing: 1937
  48. WeeklyQuiz: Prec got it
  49. Syx0: idk what it means
  50. Pigjr1: a score is 20 years
  51. MyNameIsNothing: 4 score and 7 years is 87 years
  52. Precarious: 2014-87
  53. adv0catus: is37
  54. MyNameIsNothing: couldnt to 2014-87 quick enuff
  55. Syx0: 4 score = ?
  56. randomboy839: 80 years
  57. adv0catus: 20
  58. WeeklyQuiz: 4 x 20
  59. MyNameIsNothing: a score is 20 years
  60. Pigjr1: a score is 20 years
  61. Syx0: Oh, okay.
  62. WeeklyQuiz: It is 1927 btw
  63. Pigjr1: mhm
  64. randomboy839: 1924
  65. adv0catus: oh ya
  66. Syx0: Well, if Prec got it
  67. WeeklyQuiz: Question #4: What was the slogan of the Sochi Winter Olympics?
  68. Syx0: and it was 1927
  69. Syx0: lol
  70. Syx0: dont die
  71. MyNameIsNothing: "we h8 gays here lol"
  72. MyNameIsNothing: idk
  73. Precarious: First the World, then Sochi
  74. Syx0: dont eat the yellow snowww
  75. adv0catus: "We ****ed up, look to the mountains and BELIEVE we didn't."
  76. Syx0: weird names anonymous
  77. Precarious: *First the World, then the Crimea
  78. randomboy839: hot cool yours
  79. Syx0: >___ wank
  80. WeeklyQuiz: random got it
  81. MyNameIsNothing: "let us hack ur internet"
  82. WeeklyQuiz: 'Hot. Cool. Yours.'
  83. Pigjr1: hot cool yours
  84. WeeklyQuiz: If you can believe it
  85. randomboy839: lmao
  86. adv0catus: hot cool yours sounds like a trojan commercial
  87. WeeklyQuiz: Worst slogan ever? Quite possibly
  88. TheGame147: Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equal Rights
  89. Precarious: I remember that from the opening ceremony, now
  90. WeeklyQuiz: Ironic considering their stance on homosexuality
  91. WeeklyQuiz: And what it sounds like
  92. adv0catus: i stand by my "sounds like a condom commercial slogal"
  93. adv0catus: slogan*
  94. Syx0: Oh my god.
  95. Precarious: when the snowflake didn't open, and then it cut directly to Putin
  96. Syx0: An ad for the Paralympics just came on
  97. Precarious: my favorite moment of 2014 so far
  98. Syx0: with the mfsik slogan.
  99. adv0catus: lol prec
  100. adv0catus: did he look pissed?
  101. Precarious: he looked sick, actually
  102. Precarious: it was an unusual look for him
  103. randomboy839: heh
  104. WeeklyQuiz: After that, let's get some class in here: Question #5: ‘Danse Macabre’ was first performed in 1875 by which French composer?
  105. MyNameIsNothing: bach
  106. randomboy839: saens
  107. MyNameIsNothing: mozart
  108. randomboy839: macabre
  109. Precarious: Verde
  110. WeeklyQuiz: random got it
  111. Pigjr1: Lucian
  112. MyNameIsNothing: chkoveksiske
  113. Pigjr1: Tchaicovsky?
  114. adv0catus: leonardo da vinci
  115. WeeklyQuiz: Camille Saint-Saens
  116. MyNameIsNothing: rendom so gud
  117. Pigjr1: rendom must beat prec
  118. randomboy839: i did twice before
  119. Pigjr1: can points be donated
  120. WeeklyQuiz: Let's dumb it down again. Question #6: SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple, Patrick Star lives under a rock, but what does Squidward Tentacles live in?
  121. Pigjr1: a tiki house
  122. Precarious: A house
  123. DragonArcherZ: A...
  124. DragonArcherZ: house
  125. MyNameIsNothing: easter island head thing
  126. WeeklyQuiz: Pig got it first, close enough
  127. Syx0: I was gonna say clarinet
  128. Syx0: because brain..
  129. WeeklyQuiz: Easter Island Head thingy or whatever
  130. randomboy839: lol
  131. Precarious: moai
  132. randomboy839: yeah
  133. MyNameIsNothing: wtf a tiki house wasnt even close
  134. adv0catus: eg's answer is better though
  135. Precarious: My brother has been to Easter Island :o
  136. Pigjr1: pls
  137. DragonArcherZ: eg?
  138. MyNameIsNothing: <- eg
  139. Pigjr1: it's not a thing
  140. Syx0: MNIN.
  141. Pigjr1: it's a hosue
  142. randomboy839: eggy
  143. Pigjr1: house
  144. WeeklyQuiz: Fiiiiiiiiiiine, i'll give it to MMIN
  145. adv0catus: yey
  146. randomboy839: lul
  147. MyNameIsNothing: thx bby cakes
  148. Precarious: lel
  149. randomboy839: mmin
  150. adv0catus: ur welcum eg
  151. MyNameIsNothing: but no its literally an easter island head
  152. WeeklyQuiz: Question #7: What picture has recently become the world’s most retweeted image on Twitter?
  153. adv0catus: thing
  154. MyNameIsNothing: I DUHSURVED DAT PT THX ADV)
  155. Syx0: oscars selfie
  156. Precarious: Ellen's Oscar picture
  157. WeeklyQuiz: Yep
  158. randomboy839: oscar thing
  159. randomboy839: nooo
  160. MyNameIsNothing: wot
  161. WeeklyQuiz: Ellen Degenere's Oscar Selfie
  162. MyNameIsNothing: why did you know that?
  163. adv0catus: >adv)
  164. adv0catus: Oh, it's semi-faked, btw.
  165. Pigjr1: i knew that pls
  166. Syx0: it was planned
  167. WeeklyQuiz: Yeah, I heard about that
  168. Behemoth542: Hmm?
  169. Syx0: even down to the phone they used, apparently
  170. Syx0: idk
  171. Behemoth542: OHLOOK
  172. Behemoth542: A QUIZ
  173. adv0catus: yes
  174. adv0catus: btw behe, come to chat.
  175. Syx0: Promotion for samsung..woo
  176. adv0catus: there's a quiz
  177. randomboy839: it's k i was late to a quiz and won it
  178. Behemoth542: Oh, and who wants me to host a chat-version of "Everybody is John"?
  179. adv0catus: ok
  180. WeeklyQuiz: Obligatory pokemon question. Question #8: How many different Pokemon in total are there in the Generation 1 games?
  181. DragonArcherZ: It's confusing
  182. Pigjr1: i do
  183. randomboy839: 151
  184. DragonArcherZ: Behe lol
  185. MyNameIsNothing: 151
  186. Precarious: 151
  187. Pigjr1: 151
  188. Behemoth542: After the quiz, obviously
  189. adv0catus: 69
  190. WeeklyQuiz: random got it first
  191. DragonArcherZ: I don't quite get it 100%
  192. Pigjr1: i want to marry you behe
  193. Pigjr1: jk
  194. Syx0: Pokemon and me don't bode well..
  195. adv0catus: pig thats gay
  196. adv0catus: isnt it 152?
  197. Behemoth542: Luckily, I get it perfectly
  198. randomboy839: no adv0
  199. WeeklyQuiz: Question #9: What does the ‘J’ stand for in Homer J. Simpson?
  200. Precarious: Jay
  201. Syx0: james
  202. Pigjr1: James
  203. Behemoth542: John
  204. MyNameIsNothing: John
  205. WeeklyQuiz: Prec gets it
  206. Pigjr1: Jackson
  207. MyNameIsNothing: Jimmy
  208. Behemoth542: Stupid mouse
  209. MyNameIsNothing: noooo
  210. Precarious: Homer J. Simpson is now...Homer Jay Simpson!
  211. Behemoth542: Right click is as sensitive as acne in the butthole
  212. randomboy839: rip
  213. Pigjr1: When it comes to pronunciation
  214. WeeklyQuiz: Question #10: ‘Hold a trifle’ is an anagram of what historical figure?
  215. Pigjr1: Same thing
  216. Behemoth542: Washington?
  217. Pigjr1: Adolf Hitler
  218. Pigjr1: pls
  219. WeeklyQuiz: Pig got it
  220. Syx0: >WASHINGTON
  221. WeeklyQuiz: Selective dyslexia?
  222. DragonArcherZ: uhh
  223. MyNameIsNothing: i totally forgot what an anagram was for a bit there
  224. Precarious: lol
  225. randomboy839: nub come to countdown
  226. Pigjr1: An Anagram might Nag A Ram
  227. WeeklyQuiz: (That's a quote from American Dad btw)
  228. adv0catus: behe, that's almost as bad a vietnam for six day war
  229. adv0catus: #LM
  230. MyNameIsNothing: im always sleep when countdown is :c
  231. adv0catus: wow eg nub
  232. Pigjr1: How long was the 6 day war?
  233. MyNameIsNothing: 6 days
  234. randomboy839: 69 years
  235. adv0catus: 2 weeks
  236. Syx0: I planned on staying awake for it last week.
  237. Syx0: I fell asleep at like 2..
  238. Pigjr1: i dunno the answer
  239. WeeklyQuiz: Question #11: It was recently discovered that what were Steve Irwin’s last words?
  240. Pigjr1: so rendom is right
  241. Precarious: I'm dead
  242. Precarious: I'm dying
  243. Pigjr1: I like pie.
  244. MyNameIsNothing: i hate sting rays
  245. adv0catus: "Avenge me!"
  246. Precarious: It killed me
  247. randomboy839: wow very close
  248. WeeklyQuiz: Prec got it
  249. TheGame147: OH NO WHAT HAPPEN
  250. WeeklyQuiz: I'm dying
  251. WeeklyQuiz: How sad
  252. Precarious: Steve Irwin :(
  253. adv0catus: :(
  254. Pigjr1: ur mum is dying
  255. MyNameIsNothing: ahahaha
  256. Precarious: rip
  257. Pigjr1: her hair pink
  258. MyNameIsNothing: das dabes last words
  259. WeeklyQuiz: With that Prec takes the lead with four questions left to go
  260. adv0catus: WQ: Scores?
  261. Pigjr1: scores pls
  262. WeeklyQuiz: MMIN and syx have 1
  263. Syx0: so pr0.
  264. Pigjr1: i have 3
  265. WeeklyQuiz: Pig has 2
  266. Pigjr1: 2
  267. WeeklyQuiz: Random has 3
  268. Pigjr1: and prec has 69
  269. WeeklyQuiz: Prec has
  270. WeeklyQuiz: 4
  271. adv0catus: random
  272. adv0catus: go go go
  273. Syx0: I can still win.. :d
  274. Precarious: lol
  275. MyNameIsNothing: ok i only need to get all 4 of these right to win
  276. adv0catus: im your cheerleader
  277. Pigjr1: 69*
  278. adv0catus: win, mother fukker.
  279. Precarious: everyone hates me :(
  280. Pigjr1: no
  281. randomboy839: nou.
  282. MyNameIsNothing: prec 3 op 5 me
  283. Syx0: Just your brain.<3
  284. Pigjr1: we just want somebody else to win
  285. WeeklyQuiz: Question #12: The axilla is the medical name for what part of the body?
  286. Precarious: knee
  287. randomboy839: armpit
  288. Syx0: lymphs
  289. Precarious: ankle
  290. WeeklyQuiz: random got it
  291. adv0catus: penis.
  292. Syx0: idk
  293. Pigjr1: The elbow
  294. MyNameIsNothing: thats da maxilla prec
  295. Pigjr1: Axeilla
  296. WeeklyQuiz: Question #13: Who is the only US president to have been divorced?
  297. Precarious: Buchanan
  298. randomboy839: reagan
  299. WeeklyQuiz: Reagan is right
  300. Pigjr1: Obama
  301. adv0catus: Obama.
  302. MyNameIsNothing: Obama
  303. WeeklyQuiz: random takes the lead
  304. MyNameIsNothing: dat
  305. randomboy839: dat
  306. adv0catus: dat
  307. MyNameIsNothing: dat
  308. Precarious: oh, Buchanan was the only bachelor
  309. Precarious: my bad :(
  310. Behemoth542: dat...
  311. Syx0: American General Knowledge. :'(
  312. Behemoth542: 4-tuple dat
  313. WeeklyQuiz: Question #14: What chemical element, with the atomic number 16, is a component of gunpowder, can be used to make fertilisers and is often found in meteorites?
  314. Precarious: carbon
  315. randomboy839: phosphorus
  316. randomboy839: oxygen
  317. Precarious: sulfur
  318. MyNameIsNothing: phoshfsdkjaf;ds
  319. Behemoth542: Banananite
  320. WeeklyQuiz: Sulfur is right
  321. WeeklyQuiz: Prec got it
  322. Precarious: TENSION
  323. WeeklyQuiz: It comes down to a nail-baiting conclusion.
  324. adv0catus: dun dun dun
  325. Precarious: someone other than random get this pls
  326. MyNameIsNothing: **** i should've memorized muh periodic table
  327. Pigjr1: potassium is 18
  328. Pigjr1: do i win
  329. adv0catus: periodic table sucks
  330. Syx0: K.
  331. WeeklyQuiz: This
  332. WeeklyQuiz: is
  333. WeeklyQuiz: intense
  334. adv0catus: cant even eat at it
  335. Behemoth542: This}
  336. Behemoth542: Is
  337. WeeklyQuiz: Question
  338. Pigjr1: wut question number
  339. Behemoth542: SPARTA
  340. WeeklyQuiz: #15
  341. WeeklyQuiz: :
  342. Syx0: INB4STOOPID.
  343. Pigjr1: 69
  344. adv0catus: wow, WQ is flooding
  345. adv0catus: b&
  346. adv0catus: dewhitelist
  347. WeeklyQuiz: Who...
  348. WeeklyQuiz: recently became Kongregate’s new CEO?
  349. Pigjr1: Precarious
  350. Precarious: Emily
  351. MyNameIsNothing: Emlyktjsa;lkjsa
  352. MyNameIsNothing: fjdsakfj;salkfjsad
  353. Pigjr1: Emily Greer
  354. Precarious: Greer
  355. MyNameIsNothing: fjdsakfsjf
  356. MyNameIsNothing: lsadj
  357. randomboy839: wow
  358. adv0catus: Wow.
  359. MyNameIsNothing: etc
  360. adv0catus: Too easy.
  361. TheGame147: Matt Damon
  362. WeeklyQuiz: Sorry, {ig got it first
  363. WeeklyQuiz: Pig
  364. Precarious: but
  365. Behemoth542: I didn't knew it
  366. WeeklyQuiz: I needed a full name, not just Emily
  367. adv0catus: why full name
  368. WeeklyQuiz: I think we're gonna need a tie-break question
  369. Precarious: :(
  370. randomboy839: meth pls
  371. Behemoth542: *drum roll*
  372. randomboy839: pokeman pls
  373. WeeklyQuiz: Just for Prec and random plz
  374. TheGame147: Emily Bronte
  375. adv0catus: pokemans meth pls
  376. Pigjr1: om nom nom
  377. MyNameIsNothing: mnin's favorite vocaloid tunes pls
  378. Precarious: literature pls
  379. Behemoth542: *moar drum roll*
  380. randomboy839: clean freak
  381. MyNameIsNothing: (rendom would win that)
  382. Precarious: we haven't had one yet
  383. Behemoth542: WeeklyQuiz, can I ask that question?
  384. WeeklyQuiz: Panama hats originated in what country?
  385. Precarious: Bolivia
  386. Pigjr1: wut
  387. randomboy839: ecaudor
  388. Precarious: Colombia
  389. MyNameIsNothing: panama
  390. WeeklyQuiz: ECUADOR IS RIGHT
  391. Precarious: Venezuela
  392. Precarious: argh
  393. Pigjr1: Panama
  394. WeeklyQuiz: random got it first
  395. randomboy839: yessssssssssssssssssssssssss
  396. adv0catus: random wins.
  397. adv0catus: Grats. :3
  398. Pigjr1: Canalia
  399. MyNameIsNothing: woo random
  400. WeeklyQuiz: gg all
  401. MyNameIsNothing: go random
  402. MyNameIsNothing: hipe
  403. Pigjr1: Aman
  404. Precarious: I will wreak terrible vengeance tomorrow
  405. Pigjr1: Aplan
  406. WeeklyQuiz: Thanks for playing.
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