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a guest
Aug 24th, 2012
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  1. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  2. -- version 3.2.4
  3. --
  4. --
  5. -- Host: localhost
  6. -- Erstellungszeit: 24. August 2012 um 17:53
  7. -- Server Version: 5.1.41
  8. -- PHP-Version: 5.3.1
  12. --
  13. -- Datenbank: `latino`
  14. --
  16. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  18. --
  19. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `catalog_pages`
  20. --
  22. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `catalog_pages` (
  23. `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  24. `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1',
  25. `caption` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  26. `icon_color` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  27. `icon_image` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  28. `visible` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  29. `enabled` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  30. `min_rank` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  31. `club_only` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  32. `order_num` int(11) NOT NULL,
  33. `page_layout` enum('default_3x3','club_buy','frontpage','spaces','recycler','recycler_info','recycler_prizes','trophies','plasto','marketplace','marketplace_own_items','pets','pets2','spaces_new','soundmachine') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default_3x3',
  34. `page_headline` text NOT NULL,
  35. `page_teaser` text NOT NULL,
  36. `page_special` text NOT NULL,
  37. `page_text1` text NOT NULL,
  38. `page_text2` text NOT NULL,
  39. `page_text_details` text NOT NULL,
  40. `page_text_teaser` text NOT NULL,
  41. `text3` text NOT NULL,
  42. `link` text NOT NULL,
  43. `mobile_frntpg` text NOT NULL,
  44. `coming_soon` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  45. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  48. --
  49. -- Daten für Tabelle `catalog_pages`
  50. --
  52. INSERT INTO `catalog_pages` (`id`, `parent_id`, `caption`, `icon_color`, `icon_image`, `visible`, `enabled`, `min_rank`, `club_only`, `order_num`, `page_layout`, `page_headline`, `page_teaser`, `page_special`, `page_text1`, `page_text2`, `page_text_details`, `page_text_teaser`, `text3`, `link`, `mobile_frntpg`, `coming_soon`) VALUES
  53. (116, -1, 'Flohmarkt', 3, 69, '1', '0', 1, '0', 13, 'default_3x3', 'marketplace', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  54. (13, -1, 'Wechselstube', 3, 6, '1', '1', 1, '0', 14, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_bank_headline1_de', 'catalog_bank_teaser', 'catalog_special_txtbg1', 'You can exchange your Uber credits here for Exchange furniture, which you can use in a trade or simply exchange for actual credits.', '', 'Click on an item to see more details.', 'Gold! Glorious Gold!', '', '', '', '0'),
  55. (301, -1, 'WIRED', 2, 80, '1', '1', 1, '0', 12, 'pets2', '', 'ctlg_pic_teaser_wired', '', 'WIRED gibt dir endlose Möglichkeiten. Du kannst Möbel fast alles tun lassen, indem du lernst wie man Auslöser, Effekte und Bedingungen verwendet.', '', 'Wie Funktioniert es?', 'Für Wired brauchst du 3 Arten von Möbeln:\r\n1. Auslöser: Dinge, die passieren müssen, damit Effekte passieren 2. Effekte: Dinge, die passieren, wenn ein Auslöser aktiviert wird 3. Bedingungen (optional): Was sein muss, damit ein Auslöser funktionieren kann\r\nAlso: Auslöser + Effekt + (Bedingung) = Wired!', '', '', '', '0'),
  56. (7, -1, 'VIP Club', 1, 137, '1', '1', 1, '0', 2, 'club_buy', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  57. (8, 7, 'Club Geschenke', 1, 137, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'habboclub_2', 'catalog_hc_teaser', '', 'We''ve got all that exclusive club furniture available for you right here .. but for an exclusive price.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  58. (15, -1, 'Böden und Tapeten', 4, 55, '1', '1', 1, '0', 11, 'spaces', 'look_feel_text', '', '', 'Mit Bodenbelag, Wandfarbe und Landschaft hinter den Fenstern ist die Grundaustattung perfekt.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  59. (10, 9, 'Ecotron', 1, 7, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'recycler', 'catalog_recycler_headline3', 'ctlg_ecotron_image', '', 'Become an Eco-warrior', 'Recycle your worthless stuff and be rewarded with a random prize. Check out the prizes and the instructions for recycling.', 'Drag 5 items to the boxes below and click recycle!', '', '', '', '', '1'),
  60. (11, 9, 'Gewinne', 1, 26, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'recycler_prizes', 'catalog_recycler_headline3', '', '', 'What are the prizes? Ecotron box may contain one of these:', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  61. (12, 9, 'Anleitung', 1, 42, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'recycler_info', 'catalog_recycler_headline3', 'ctlg_ecotron_box', '', 'The Ecotron is a furni recycler. Get rid of old furni... what will you get in return? It''s a surprise! Become a Habbo eco-warrior. No refunds!', 'How to use the Ecotron?', '1. Just drag 5 items from your hand to the Ecotron. One item / square. Recyclable items are marked in your inventory with an image. When you have 5 items in the boxes, click the "Recycle" button. You can now find the Ecotron prize box from your hand.\r\n\r\n2. Click the box to see its tag. Open the box, or trade it unopened. The timer shows you how long you have to wait before you can recycle more items. Check the prizes before you recycle- don''t be surprised by the surprise!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  62. (2055, 91, 'Pool', 0, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 4, 'default_3x3', 'pool', 'catalog_teaser_pool', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  63. (14, -1, 'Haustiere', 2, 8, '1', '0', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  64. (173, -1, 'Drachen', 10, 500, '1', '1', 1, '0', 9, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Rawr', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  65. (350, -1, 'Möbel nach Typ', 1, 121, '1', '0', 1, '0', 8, 'default_3x3', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  66. (3, -1, 'Möbel', 2, 2, '1', '0', 1, '0', 7, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  67. (24, 3, 'Fenster', 0, 63, '1', '1', 1, '0', 180, 'default_3x3', 'ctlg_windows_headline1_en', 'ctlg_windows_teaser1_en', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Let some light in! Our windows come in many unique styles to give an exciting look to your room. Buy landscapes to go with your windows from the ''Spaces'' page!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Ooh, new view!', '', '', '', '0'),
  68. (26, 3, 'Stimmungslichter', 0, 40, '1', '1', 1, '0', 90, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_dimmers_header_de', 'dimmers_teaser', '', 'Our range of moodlights allow you to control the atmosphere and transform your room in just a click. What will your room look like? Click the switch and find out now!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  69. (2000, 91, 'Theater', 0, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 2, 'default_3x3', 'theater', 'catalog_teaser_theater', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  70. (2053, 91, 'Picknick', 0, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 3, 'default_3x3', 'picnic', 'catalog_teaser_picnic', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  71. (501, 91, 'Silvester 2011', 1, 91, '1', '1', 1, '0', 27, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', 'catalog_limited_teaser_en', '', 'Hello 2011!', '', 'Click an item for more info!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  72. (160, 91, 'Keine Kategorie', 1, 10, '1', '1', 7, '0', 12, 'default_3x3', 'catalogus_limited', '', '', 'Habbo Goes UN, Roundpad, Eleblock, Boutique sign, Bubblelamp, Blocklamp.', '', 'By HabMoon :]', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  73. (29, 3, 'Teleporter', 0, 58, '1', '1', 1, '0', 160, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_doors_headline1', 'catalog_door_a', 'catalog_special_txtbg1', 'Take your room to a whole new level with our range of space age teleporters! Just buy a pair, put one in each room and voila! You''ll have two linked rooms!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Take your room to the next level!', '', '', '', '0'),
  74. (30, 3, 'Mode', 0, 39, '1', '1', 1, '0', 80, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_mode_headline1', 'catalog_mode_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Steely, grey industrial standard metal with a sleek design. The perfect range for a streetwise city dweller.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'So shiny and new..', '', '', '', '0'),
  75. (31, 3, 'Candy', 0, 19, '1', '1', 1, '0', 40, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_candy_headline1', 'catalog_candy_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'A bit more feminine than ''Mode'', this will add a bit of glamour and glitz to your rooms. Lacking a few items? Head on over to the ''Mode'' catagory!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'lol I killed a pink bear for this rug!', '', '', '', '0'),
  76. (32, 3, 'Pura', 0, 48, '1', '1', 1, '0', 120, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_pura_headline1', 'catalog_pura_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'The clenest, freshest range. You can almost hear it breath cool and tranquility within your room. Use it to create a haven away from the hetic lifestyle of UberHotel.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'So many colors!', '', '', '', '0'),
  77. (33, 3, 'Area', 0, 14, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'A chunky and sofisticated line for the down-to-earth, studious Uber. It''s simplicty is beautful and will add a welcoming charm to every room.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Beautiful in it''s simplicity! ', '', '', '', '0'),
  78. (34, 3, 'Landleben', 0, 21, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'country_header1_en_001', 'country_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Lets leave the busy city streets and head over to the wide abyss of golden whear, emerald fields and home grown, organic vegetables. Everything you need to create a farm!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Who''d be a crow, eh?', '', '', '', '0'),
  79. (35, 3, 'Landhaus', 0, 37, '1', '1', 1, '0', 70, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_lodge_headline1', 'catalog_lodge_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'For that splendid ski-lodge effect with an open fire and whisky on the sidebar. This range is for those who appreicate the true beauty of solid wood.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'I liek wood!', '', '', '', '0'),
  80. (36, 3, 'Plastic', 0, 46, '1', '1', 1, '0', 110, 'plasto', 'catalog_plasto_headline1', '', '', 'Throw on an afro and grab a disco ball! Feel that retro, 1970s vibe? You soon will with this colourful, plastic range! Choose a colour to suit your mood and off you go!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  81. (38, 3, 'Bad', 0, 17, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_bath_headline1', 'catalog_bath_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Lets face it.. you can''t live without your bathroom. Give yours guests somewhere to freshen up with our cheeful bathroom collection!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Every Uber needs one!', '', '', '', '0'),
  82. (39, 3, 'Pflanzen', 0, 45, '1', '1', 1, '0', 100, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_plants_headline1', 'catalog_plants_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Every room needs some greenery, dear! Not only do they enhance the air quality, they cheer up a room to make it simply splendid! And what better gift for a friend than an elegant rose..', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'I''m a tree!', '', '', '', '0'),
  83. (40, 3, 'Teppiche', 0, 52, '1', '1', 1, '0', 140, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rugs_headline1_de', 'catalog_rugs_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Rugs for all occasions, white for weddings, black for funerals and everything in between! All rugs and non-slip and machine washable. Take your pick!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Macht den Raum gleich viel wärmer', '', '', '', '0'),
  84. (41, 3, 'Wandschmuck', 0, 47, '1', '1', 1, '0', 50, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_gallery_headline1', 'catalog_posters_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Adorn your walls with posters, art, plaques and wall hangings. This gallery is bursting with items to suit all tastes, traditional and modern!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Brighten up your walls!', '', '', '', '0'),
  85. (42, 3, 'Pokale', 0, 60, '1', '1', 1, '0', 170, 'trophies', 'catalog_trophies_headline1_de', '', '', 'Everyones a winner with Habboon trophies! Now you can reward all your friends with our pre-polished array of trohpies. In bronze, silver and gold. \r\nFirst choose your trophy model, then the metal and carefully type your inscription. Don''t worry, we''ll engrave it all with your name and the date.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  86. (43, 3, 'Extras', 0, 11, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_extra_headline1', 'catalog_extra_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'However you like to place your essentials, its the finishing touches that really make a room and express your true personality. Don''t forget, like anything else, you can move them all about to suit your mood!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'I love my rabbit...', '', '', '', '0'),
  87. (45, 4, 'Verleih', 0, 5, '1', '1', 1, '0', 2, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_pixelrent_headline1_de', 'catalog_pxl_teaser3_en', '', 'Erstelle einen coolen Raum - diese besonderen Effekte sorgen für den Rest. Deine Gäste werden Staunen!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  88. (58, 3, 'Bensalem', 0, 18, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_lc_headline2_en', 'catalog_lc_teaser1_en_001', '', 'Under the seaaaaaaaaa, oh, Under the seaaaaaa! What will your underwater world look like? We have it all here, crabs, HIV and genital warts!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  89. (59, 3, 'Ostern', 3, 25, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_easter_headline1_de', 'catalog_easter_teaser1', '', 'Little birdies hatching from their eggs, pretty, dainty flowers blooming and cute rabbits bouncy in Spring meadows.. It''s Easter!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  90. (60, 3, 'Executive', 0, 27, '1', '1', 1, '0', 50, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_exe_headline1_en', 'catalog_exe_teaser_en', '', 'For the ultimate business man, the Executive range with its leather seats and Italian coffee is a dream! How about you try the easy lifestyle?', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  91. (61, 3, 'Glass', 0, 29, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_glass_headline1', 'catalog_glass_teaser1', '', 'You can really open up a space with this stylish glass furniture, just don''t walk into it!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  92. (62, 3, 'Gothic', 0, 30, '1', '1', 1, '0', 70, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_gothic_headline1', 'catalog_gothic_teaser1', '', 'As the church bells ring out midnight, you walk through your cobbled hall lit by candles, throw yourself into your medieval throne and paint your nails black. This is what we imagined when we ordered this range!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  93. (63, 3, 'Sport', 0, 56, '1', '1', 1, '0', 180, 'default_3x3', 'sports', 'catalog_sports_teaser1', '', 'Sport contains all those vital Olympic pieces from running tracks to basketball courts! 3 2 1 GO!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  94. (64, 3, 'Grunge', 0, 32, '1', '1', 1, '0', 80, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_grunge_headline1', 'catalog_gru_teaser_en', '', 'Sleeping rough? Make the streets a bit more bearable with our collection of homeless furni, Grunge!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  95. (56, 3, 'Alhambra', 0, 12, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_alh_headline1_en', 'catalog_alh_teaser1_en', '', 'For the cold Arabian nights and hot Arabian days, you''ll need a palace.. and we have just what you need! Green blossom print should cover it just fine!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  96. (57, 3, 'Asian', 0, 15, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_asian_headline1', 'catalog_asian_teaser1', '', 'Ting tong! Ching chong? Ting chong ting, ping ping! I mean uh.. with our authentic Chinese furniture, you can make a beautiful oriental room!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  97. (55, 3, 'Iced', 0, 13, '1', '1', 1, '0', 60, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_iced_headline1', 'catalog_iced_teaser1', '', 'The Iced range, squishy, soft and most definitely cool. Whatever your needs, this stylish range should cover it!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  98. (65, 3, 'Datschewood', 0, 33, '1', '1', 1, '0', 90, 'default_3x3', 'habbowood', 'cine_2011_teaser', '', 'No flash photography, darling! This range is only for the VIP Hollywood actors!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  99. (497, 3, 'Stray Pixels', 1, 64, '1', '1', 1, '0', 13, 'default_3x3', 'Stray Pixel', '', '', 'Stray Pixel', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  100. (900, 91, 'Datschewood', 1, 33, '1', '1', 7, '0', 6, 'default_3x3', 'ctlg_habbowood_headline1_de', 'cine_2011_teaser', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  101. (67, 3, 'Japan', 0, 36, '1', '1', 1, '0', 50, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_jap_headline2_en', 'catalog_jap_teaser3_en', '', 'We have sushi, tatami and katana''s! I have no idea what the difference is, but I sure know its Japanese! Fulfil your fantasies and buy some today!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  102. (68, 3, 'Lost Tribe', 0, 38, '1', '1', 1, '0', 60, 'default_3x3', 'losttribe', 'LT_teaser_en', '', 'Start your own tribal village with our ancient furniture, all carved from hard wearing stone. NOTE: Lava is hot, get an adult to help you.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  103. (69, 3, 'Neon', 0, 41, '1', '1', 1, '0', 120, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_neon_header1_en', 'catalog_neon_teaser1_en', '', 'New years eve, birthdays and every other day of the year, there''s always an exscuse for a party! So, why don''t you buy some Neon furni!?', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  104. (71, 3, 'Relax', 0, 49, '1', '1', 1, '0', 140, 'default_3x3', 'rela_header_en', 'rela_teaser_en', '', 'Relax after a busy day in the Welcome Lounge. Light a few candles, and chill out with a good read in a wicker chair. We understand the needs of an Uber with a hectic lifestyle!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  105. (72, 3, 'Romantique', 0, 50, '1', '1', 1, '0', 150, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_romantique_headline1', 'catalog_rom_teaser_en', '', 'Found in a French barn, this sweet but sexily romantic range caters to every ladies needs. Just going to powder my nose!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  106. (73, 3, 'SciFi', 0, 53, '1', '1', 1, '0', 170, 'default_3x3', 'sf_header_en', 'sf_teaser_en', '', 'Blipblop blip blip blip.. Oooh.. what''s this button do?.. You can find out exactly what it does with our new Scifi range, batteries included!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  107. (74, 3, 'Shalimar', 0, 54, '1', '1', 1, '0', 70, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_shal_header1_en', 'catalog_shal_teaser_en', '', 'Everyone loves Bollywood! Want some free credits? Tell Oscar you successfully read the Shalimar page! Tell no one else you found this Easter egg. Watch out for rose petals!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  108. (185, 91, 'Fisch Statuen', 1, 18, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rares_headl ine1', '', '', '?Aqu? tienes una larga lista de rares! ?Aprov?chalos!.', '', 'Clickea en un furni para obtener m?s informaci?n.', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  109. (172, 91, 'Sonderangebote', 0, 10, '1', '1', 7, '0', 14, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_cltbs_header1_en', 'catalog_cltbs_teaser_en', '', 'Los Raros coleccionables son Furni especial que se vende s??lo por un breve espacio de tiempo. Aumentan tu poder de cambio y lucen como ning??n otro objeto en tus Salas.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  110. (77, 3, 'Greek', 0, 31, '1', '1', 1, '0', 40, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', 'Be transported back to ancient Greece with a couple of thousand pounds and British Airways. Until then, build your own panthenon with our realist Greek range!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  111. (163, 91, 'CapriSonne', 1, 64, '1', '1', 1, '0', 16, 'default_3x3', 'caprisun_header', 'caprisun_teaser', '', 'Mira ese jugo, tal persona quiere tomarlo, ?eh? Hay muchas formas de refrescarse ahora en este verano. Y CapriSun es uno de los mejores refrescos de este verano 2010. ?Pruebalo!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  112. (88, 3, 'Virus', 0, 42, '1', '1', 1, '0', 210, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_vir_header1_en', 'catalog_vir_teaser_en', '', 'All of Uber''s emergency pandemic supplies are kept here! They need a bit of a clean after the exploding puss disease but.. they''ll do fine!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  113. (145, 91, 'Hochzeit', 0, 10, '1', '1', 1, '0', 17, 'default_3x3', 'Wedding', '', '', 'Quien es el afortunado de casarse?', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  114. (134, 91, 'System', 0, 145, '1', '1', 7, '0', 8, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  115. (137, 91, 'Organo', 51, 1, '1', '1', 1, '0', 18, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', 'The latest range from Ann Summers, the Orgie line. Made of soft, wipe clean plastic, its perfect for any three, four or fivesome!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  116. (105, 91, 'Rares', 0, 145, '1', '1', 7, '0', 7, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', '', 'On this page, we have some lovely rares for you! We''ve kept a few behind for competition and event prizes!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  117. (95, 91, 'Werbung', 1, 11, '1', '1', 7, '0', 34, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', '', 'This page contains special promotional items available for staff. STAFF CAUGHT GIVING OUT THESE WITH NO REASON WILL BE DEMOTED.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  118. (103, 3, 'Diner', 0, 51, '1', '1', 1, '0', 40, 'default_3x3', 'diner', 'catalog_diner_teaser_en', '', 'Originally from the 50''s this furni has been refurbished and put right into the catalogue! Use this with the Kitchen range for ultimate diner experience!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  119. (112, 3, 'Twilight', 0, 64, '1', '1', 1, '0', 190, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_twilight_header_de', '', '', 'I''ve never read the book, all I know is it has vampires playing basket ball and some heart throb called Edward Cullen, but the furni looks good!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  120. (123, 4, 'Hello Möbel', 0, 35, '1', '1', 1, '0', 5, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_hello_header1_de', 'catalog_hello_teaser1_en', '', 'Hello Möbel kannst du mit Pixeln kaufen. Sie eignen sich perfekt für das Dekorieren deines ersten Raumes. Die Möbelstücke sind nur für dich und können daher nicht getauscht werden.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  121. (125, 4, 'Spezialeffekte', 0, 61, '1', '1', 1, '0', 1, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_pixeleffects_headline1_de', 'catalog_pxl_teaser1_en', '', 'Pimp deinen Habbo: es gibt supercoole Effekte für deinen Avatar. Du und deine Freunde werden staunen.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  122. (126, 3, 'Tiki', 0, 59, '1', '1', 1, '0', 80, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_tiki_header1_en', 'tiki_teaser', '', 'Imagine in the scene.. lost on a desert island when you stumble across a small local tribe.. now you can with our Tiki range!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  123. (128, 3, 'Urban', 0, 26, '1', '1', 1, '0', 200, 'default_3x3', 'urban_header_en', 'urban_teaser_en', '', 'New York City styled furni range, Urban is perfect for any street, alleyway or road. Rubbish bins, street lights and benches, all the Urban furniture you need!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  124. (129, 4, 'Automobile', 0, 16, '1', '1', 1, '0', 4, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_automobile_header1_de', 'catalog_automobile_teaser1_en', '', 'Jeder Raum braucht ein Auto...oder etwa nicht? Bring die Aussenwelt ins Hotel und steigere damit die Qualität der Fortbewegung.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  125. (509, 4, 'Kuurna', 1, 5, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'default_3x3', 'kuurna1', 'kuurna_teaser', '', 'Kuurna: Möbel für Pixel!', '', 'Kein Geld? Kein Problem.', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  126. (94, 91, 'Rares', 1, 10, '1', '1', 7, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', '', 'This page contains special rares available for staff. STAFF CAUGHT GIVING OUT THESE WITH NO REASON WILL BE DEMOTED.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  127. (136, 3, 'Bling', 0, 92, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', 'Bling, Bling! Flash, Flash! Want to have that real celebrity lifestyle? Well, go somewhere else, all we have here is a tacky range of furni.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  128. (139, 14, 'Haustier Info', 0, 42, '1', '1', 1, '0', 80, 'pets2', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', 'ctlg_pet_note', '', 'Pets are inhabitants of uberHotel too, so each pet owner needs to know a bit about them. Look after your pet by looking through our key points below.', '', '', '- You cannot trade or give away pets. Once you purchase them, they will be yours forever.\r\n- You can own as many as you want, but you can have no more than 5 pets per room.\r\n- You can take pets with you to other rooms, should the room owner allow you to do so.\r\n- Your pet needs to be trained before it''ll listen to your commands. By training your pets, you can gain some awesome achievements as well.', '', '', '', '0'),
  129. (141, 14, 'Schweine', 0, 67, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'These little scamps were destined for the dining table until we struck a deal with a local farmer to rescue their cute pigtails! Adopt your little piglet today, all you need now is a name.', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  130. (142, 14, 'Tierfutter und Zubehör', 0, 43, '1', '1', 1, '0', 70, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', 'ctlg_pet_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'This page has everything you need to give your pet the happy life it deserves. We''ve got a huge selection!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', 'Keep ''em happy!', '', '', '', '0'),
  131. (143, 3, 'Flower Power', 0, 73, '1', '1', 1, '0', 60, 'default_3x3', 'flowerpower', '', '', 'Woah! Far out man... let the petals take control. Lets collaborate on a hippy hideout and plant some seeds! Lucy in the sky with diamonds style eyy?!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  132. (144, 3, 'Runway', 0, 74, '1', '1', 1, '0', 160, 'default_3x3', 'runway_header_en', 'runway_teaser_en', '', 'Spice up your salon, hair parlour or boutique with our stylish yet practical range! From sewing machines to comfy seating, we''ve got the perfect option for you.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  133. (147, 14, 'Terrier', 0, 66, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Good things come in small packages and Habbo''s Terriers are no exception!', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  134. (148, 14, 'Bären', 0, 68, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'A large, heavy, mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, with thick fur and a very short tail. Fall in love with our adorable range of Bears that include the Grizzly and Polar varieties!', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  135. (149, 14, 'Katzen', 0, 20, '1', '1', 1, '0', 40, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Fluff, whiskers, meows and purrs! You''re about to enter the world of Habbo Cats. These cute little critters make great playmates and will keep you company if you look after them well. Find a new friend from our ever-changing selection.', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  136. (150, 14, 'Hunde', 0, 24, '1', '1', 1, '0', 50, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Wet noses, paws, yaps and woofs! You''re about to enter the world of Habbo Dogs. An adorable and faithful servant awaits you with a wagging tail everytime they see you. Find a new friend from our ever-changing selection.', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  137. (151, 14, 'Krokodiele', 0, 22, '1', '1', 1, '0', 60, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Scaly skin, growls and snaps! You''re about to enter the world of Habbo Crocs. Security for your room or to scare your friends a trustworthy and surprisingly loving companion can be yours. Find a new friend from our ever-changing selection.', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  138. (152, 503, 'DatscheLC WM', 0, 56, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'WorldCup', 'worldcup_teaser', '', 'Football', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  139. (102, 3, 'Roller', 0, 96, '1', '1', 1, '0', 130, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_roller_headline1', 'catalog_teaser_rollers_en', '', 'Zoooooooom, Zooooooooooooooooooooooooooom! Was it a plane? Was it a bird!? No, it was Roy on a roller! You can use rollers in games, events or even just to move a queue along.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  140. (93, 91, 'Pokale', 1, 60, '1', '1', 7, '0', 10, 'trophies', 'catalog_trophies_headline1', '', '', 'This page contains special trophies available for staff to give as prizes. STAFF CAUGHT GIVING OUT THESE WITH NO REASON WILL BE DEMOTED.', '', 'Click in this grey box and type your inscription *carefully* - it''s permanent!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  141. (159, 3, 'Gefängniss', 2, 14, '1', '1', 1, '0', 130, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_extra_headline1', 'catalog_extra_teaser1', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', '?Nuevos Furnis C?rcel en JavvoHB!', '', 'Wooow, JavvoHB siempre est? a la ultima.', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  142. (117, 116, 'Angebote', 1, 70, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'marketplace', 'marketplace', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  143. (118, 116, 'Meine Verkäufe', 1, 71, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'marketplace_own_items', 'marketplace', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  144. (85, 91, 'Sammlerstücke', 0, 145, '1', '1', 7, '0', 9, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_pixeldeals_headline1_en', 'catalog_pxl_teaser2_en', '', 'The Pixel Collectables are the ultimate collectors items, requiring a mammoth 2000 pixels and credits to buy! If you collect all the pieces and manage to put them together in certain ways, you''ll receive a special effect!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  145. (121, 91, 'Trax Machines', 0, 4, '1', '1', 7, '0', 520, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', 'Buy your Trax machines here, ready to load with all your wonderful, musical creations! Check the Sound Sets page for all the discs you could use!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  146. (76, 91, 'Love', 0, 62, '1', '1', 1, '0', 21, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_love_headline1', '', '', 'Love is in the air once again! Buy your sweetheart a rose or whisper sweet nothings in their ear on a love sofa. Can you feel it? <3', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  147. (496, 3, 'Krankenhaus', 10, 1, '1', '1', 1, '0', 100, 'default_3x3', 'The new hospital furniture range is here! Buy it now and create your own Hospital!', '', '', 'The new hospital furniture range is here! Buy it now and create your own Hospital!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  148. (502, 3, 'Afrika', 1, 30, '1', '1', 1, '0', 0, 'default_3x3', 'The new African furniture range is here!', '', '', 'The new African furniture range is here!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  149. (178, 3, 'Küche', 1, 51, '1', '1', 1, '0', 110, 'default_3x3', 'kitchen_header_de', 'kitchen_teaser_de', '', 'Cocina con los nuevos objetos de HabbliX', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  150. (999, 91, 'Trax Packs', 0, 4, '0', '0', 1, '0', 530, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', 'We have every sound you could ever want right here! From sound effects and ambient tunes to rock and roll and heavy metal!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  151. (120, 503, 'Battle Banzai', 5, 78, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_battleBanzai_header_en', 'catalog_battleBanzai_teaser', '', 'Prepare for Battle Banzai!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  152. (168, 14, 'Nashorn', 1, 77, '1', '1', 1, '0', 60, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', '', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  153. (167, 14, 'Löwe', 1, 76, '1', '1', 1, '0', 0, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', '', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  154. (504, 503, 'Du bist!', 1, 86, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'ice_2', 'iceskate', ' ', 'Coming Soon', ' ', 'Coming Soon', ' ', '', '', '', '0'),
  155. (505, 503, 'Freeze!', 1, 87, '1', '1', 1, '0', 40, 'default_3x3', 'freeze', 'freeze1', ' ', 'Coming Soon', ' ', 'Coming Soon', ' ', '', '', '', '0'),
  156. (302, 301, 'Wired Auslöser', 1, 81, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_wired_header2_de', 'ctlg_pic_wired_triggers', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  157. (303, 301, 'Wired Effekte', 1, 82, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_wired_header3_de', 'ctlg_pic_wired_effects', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  158. (304, 301, 'Wired Bedingungen', 1, 83, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_wired_header4_de', 'ctlg_pic_wired_conditions', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  159. (305, 301, 'Wired Extras', 1, 85, '1', '1', 1, '0', 40, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_wired_header5_de', 'ctlg_pic_wired_support_furniture', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  160. (175, 3, 'Waasa', 1, 103, '1', '1', 1, '0', 220, 'default_3x3', 'waasa_header', 'waasa_teaser', '', '', 'Click here >>', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  161. (174, 3, 'Cubie', 1, 100, '1', '1', 1, '0', 25, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_cubie_header_en', 'catalog_cubie_teaser', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  162. (169, 14, 'Spinne', 1, 95, '1', '1', 1, '0', 0, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'One of the most feared creatures in nature, and perhaps the most misunderstood. The majority of Spiders are predators with sharp fangs that inject venom into their prey- but dont worry, these spiders wont bite you! Maybe...', '', 'Name your pet:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  163. (170, 14, 'Frosch', 1, 97, '1', '1', 1, '0', 0, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'The Frog. Cute, green and slimy! Frogs come in a variety of weird colours and can be found all over the world. Frogs are great jumpers, and make great pets, but are harder to hold onto than a supermodel in a tornado', '', 'Name your frog:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  164. (171, 14, 'Kücken', 1, 107, '1', '1', 1, '0', 0, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Habboon is full of chicks (the pet kind!) Adopt your new born chicklet now and start training it to perform the Chicken Dance for your friends... it will be a show to remember!', '', 'Name your chick:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  165. (180, 14, 'Affe', 1, 128, '1', '1', 1, '0', 15, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Give a name:Pick a color:', ' ', '', '', '', '0'),
  166. (179, 14, 'Schildkröte', 1, 126, '1', '1', 1, '0', 20, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', 'Anything but slow, these guys are ready to ride the waves and swim laps at your beaches!', '', 'Name your Turtle:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  167. (567, 3, 'Coco', 1, 127, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'default_3x3', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  168. (1042, 3, 'Schwarzes Loch', 8, 125, '1', '1', 0, '0', 40, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  169. (518, 16, 'Verkaufte Rares', 1, 145, '1', '1', 1, '0', 7, 'default_3x3', 'limited_header_sold', '', '', 'This page shows past Limited Edition Rares. They won´t come back on sale in the Shop. If they´re not sold out, they might be given as prizes later on, but for now the only way to get one is throught trading!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  170. (97, 3, 'Anna', 1, 104, '1', '1', 1, '0', 8, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_anna_header', 'catalog_anna_teaser', '', 'Short on Credits? Anna furni is for you! The new budge range is here!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  171. (513, 3, 'Picknick', 1, 1, '1', '1', 1, '0', 9, 'default_3x3', '', '', '', 'Visit - Italian fansite!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  172. (78, 91, 'Sommer', 0, 57, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_sum_teaser1_en', '', 'Everyone loves a tan, this range of furni allows you to be on the beach!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  173. (66, 91, 'Halloween', 0, 34, '1', '1', 1, '0', 23, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_halloween_headline1', '', '', 'WooOOOOoooOOoo! Spooky! Don''t wanna be left with this range at night.. who knows what would happen!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  174. (2038, 3, 'Weihnachten', 1, 86, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_xmas_headline1', 'xmas2009_catalogue', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Get yourself some kristmas furniture for your house. Make it all cosy.', '', 'Click on an item for more details!', '''Tis the season!', '', '', '', '0'),
  175. (2047, 3, 'Silvester 2012', 1, 86, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_xmas_headline1', 'xmas2009_catalogue', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Get yourself some kristmas furniture for your house. Make it all cosy.', '', 'Click on an item for more details!', '''Tis the season!', '', '', '', '0'),
  176. (190, -1, 'Executive Vanilla', 0, 161, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_exe_headline1_en', 'catalog_exe_teaser_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  177. (503, -1, 'DatscheLC Games', 2, 61, '1', '0', 1, '0', 4, 'default_3x3', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '', '0'),
  178. (28, 91, 'Arctic', 0, 86, '1', '1', 1, '0', 30, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_arc_header1_en', 'catalog_arc_teaser1_en', '', 'Stay cool (or warm with out campfire!) with and create your own Winter Wonderland or Humble Homeland for your Penguins.', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  179. (1, -1, 'Geldbörse', 1, 1, '1', '1', 1, '0', 1, 'frontpage', 'habbtimes', 'ts_generic_90', '', 'Willkommen im DatscheLC ShopCheck die neue\nMöbelkollektion!', 'Wie bekomme ich Datsche Taler?Es gibt viele Wege um an DatscheLC Taler zu kommen.\r\nAlle 15 minuten bekommst du 10 Taler Schalte Bonuslevel frei Bestätige deine E-mail und erhalte 15 Taler Kaufe dir VIP für doppelte Taler!', 'Gib hier den Talercode ein:', '', '', 'Klick hier!', 'Purple', '0'),
  180. (16, -1, 'Rares Limitierte Auflage', 5, 145, '1', '1', 1, '0', 6, 'default_3x3', 'limited_header', 'limited_sold_promo', '', 'Here for one week only, it''s the purple umbrella! Grab it while you can!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  181. (4, -1, 'Pixel Shop', 4, 5, '1', '0', 1, '0', 5, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  182. (1188, 173, 'Drago', 10, 51, '1', '1', 1, '0', 1, 'default_3x3', 'drago', 'teas_drago2', '', 'Maak hiermee je eigen grot in Babbo!', '', 'Klik op een Meubel voor meer informatie.', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  183. (2044, 91, 'Xmas', 1, 86, '1', '1', 1, '0', 31, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_xmas_headline2_en', 'xmas11_catalog_teaser_02', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  184. (27, 91, 'Christmas', 1, 86, '1', '1', 1, '0', 32, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_xmas_headline1', 'xmas2009_catalogue', 'catalog_special_txtbg2', 'Get yourself into the Christmas spirit with our selection of festive furni! From baubles to Reindeer poo, we''ve got it all!', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '''tis the season!', '', '', '', '0'),
  185. (166, 14, 'Pferd', 1, 132, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1_de', '', '', '', '', 'Give a name:Pick a color:Pick a race:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  186. (2056, 91, 'Lobby', 0, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 5, 'default_3x3', 'lobby', 'catalog_teaser_lobby', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  187. (2057, 91, 'Room - ADS', 0, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 1, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_spaces_headline1_de', 'special_offers', '', '', '', 'Für mehr Details einfach anklicken!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  188. (161, 3, 'Garten', 1, 64, '1', '1', 7, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalogus_limited', '', '', 'Habbo Goes UN, Roundpad, Eleblock, Boutique sign, Bubblelamp, Blocklamp.', '', 'By HabMoon :]', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  189. (162, 91, 'Plastic', 1, 154, '1', '1', 7, '0', 19, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_plasic_headline_transp1', 'plastic_transp', '', 'Die neue Plastic Kollektion ist da!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  190. (164, 91, 'Nicht im Katalog', 6, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 16, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  191. (165, 91, 'Buchstaben', 7, 84, '1', '1', 7, '0', 16, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  192. (9, -1112233, 'Ecotron', 3, 7, '1', '0', 1, '0', 15, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1'),
  193. (91, -1, 'Staff', 6, 84, '1', '0', 5, '0', 16, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_frontpage_headline2_en', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  194. (191, 3, 'Purple', 1, 981, '1', '1', 1, '0', 15, 'default_3x3', 'purple_love headline', 'purple_catalog_image', '', 'Brandneu "Purple"! komm und sieh es dir an.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  195. (192, 503, 'Puzzlebox', 5, 99, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'puzzlebox_headline1', 'puzzlebox_teaser1', '', 'Spiele Puzzlebox!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  196. (193, 503, 'DatscheLC Rollschuh', 5, 94, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rollerskates_header', 'catalog_teaser_rollerblades', '', 'Spiele Puzzlebox!', '', 'Schnell die Rollerskates an!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  197. (194, 91, 'Feuerwerk', 5, 91, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rollerskates_header', 'catalog_teaser_rollerblades', '', 'Spiele Puzzlebox!', '', 'Schnell die Rollerskates an!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  198. (90148, 14, 'Depressed Bunny', 1, 148, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', 'catalog_pet_headline1', '', 'Buy a Bunny and be nice to them! Grow them big and strong!', '', 'Name your Bunny:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  199. (90147, 14, 'Depressed Bunny', 1, 148, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', '', '', 'Buy a Bunny and be nice to them! Grow them big and strong!', '', 'Name your Bunny:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  200. (90146, 14, 'Böser Hase', 1, 148, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', '', '', 'Buy a Bunny and be nice to them! Grow them big and strong!', '', 'Name your Bunny:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  201. (90144, 14, 'Monster Pflanze', 1, 148, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', '', '', 'Buy a Plant and be nice to them! Grow them big and strong!', '', 'Name your Plant:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  202. (9012, 14, 'Hase', 1, 148, '1', '1', 1, '0', 3, 'pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', '', '', 'Buy a Bunny and be nice to them!', '', 'Name your Bunny:', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  203. (195, 91, 'Ancients', 5, 91, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rollerskates_header', 'catalog_teaser_rollerblades', '', 'Spiele Puzzlebox!', '', 'Schnell die Rollerskates an!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  204. (196, 91, 'Anna Add-On', 5, 91, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rollerskates_header', 'catalog_teaser_rollerblades', '', 'Spiele Puzzlebox!', '', 'Schnell die Rollerskates an!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  205. (197, 91, '[LTD] Spezialeffekte', 5, 145, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'limited_header', '', '', 'Alles was es hier zu kaufen gibt kann man nur mit Sternen erwerben.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  206. (198, 91, 'Olympia', 5, 91, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'catalog_rollerskates_header', 'catalog_teaser_rollerblades', '', 'Spiele Puzzlebox!', '', 'Schnell die Rollerskates an!', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  207. (3013, 91, 'Furni 2-2-2012', 1, 1, '1', '1', 7, '0', 707, 'default_3x3', '', '', '', 'Made by Skittluier -', '', 'Klik op een meubel voor meer info.', '', '', '', '', '0'),
  208. (199, 3, 'USVA', 5, 129, '1', '1', 1, '0', 10, 'default_3x3', 'usvatitle', 'catalog_teaser_theater - Kopie', '', 'Neu und wild sind es noch Möbel? Oder schon Kunstwerke? Nichts lässt sich so perfekt stapeln wie die Möbel der neuen USVA Serie. USVA steht für Unvorstellbar stapelbare variationsreiche Ausstattungsgegenstände. ', '', 'Hol sie dir!', '', '', '', '', '0');
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