
Anonpencil Writes Drunk: The Glue That Holds Us Together

Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. >For the first time in a while, you're alone in the crystal castle, and Twilight is leaving you be. Usually at this point, she's pestering you to help with something, screaming something about friendship and magic, or even just trying to use you for experiments. Today, however, she's busy with some friendship problem elsewhere. Last you heard, the Yaks got crabs, and one of them passed it to a pony and well... now it's this whole big STD international incident. Either way, it's granted you a bit of peace, and you know just what to do with it.
  2. >Now that Twilight is a princess, it seems that she's become a bit of an icon. This has lead to stories and songs being written for her, food being named after her, and even toys made of her. This is where things have gotten interesting for you. Right away you went out and purchased a tiny figurine of Twilight, standing coyly with her weight on one hip. She's looking up at you with these large, full bedroom eyes, and smiling a gentle, inviting smile. It's everything you never knew you wanted, and it was worth every bit.
  3. >Now, all that remains is the obvious. You take it home, put it on a table with some good lighting, admire the craftsmanship... and then cum all over it. I mean. Who wouldn't want to do that?
  4. >As you set out the figurine, making sweet eye contact with its artificial plastic orbs, you breathe a heavy sigh of anticipation. This has been a long time coming. You always knew Twilight would take your seed one way or the other, and today is the day. You can't help the powerful, satisfied, predatory grin that spreads across your lips as you unzip your pants and slowly unsheathe your dick. You reach for your already pulsing shaft...
  5. >The door to your bedroom bursts open with bang.
  6. "Hey Anon! False alarm, turns out they were just lice and not crabs. An itchy situation, sure but not a..."
  7. >Twilight's words die in her throat as she spots first you, then your exposed penis, then the figurine of her standing provocatively in front of you. You follow her gaze, and now it seems that the figure is leering up at you tauntingly, laughing at your misfortune in an almost domme way. Stupid sexy Twilight toy. Really, you ought to say something to ease the tension quickly growing in the room before the proverbial balloon bursts. Quick, say something! Anything!
  8. "Uh... I didn't think you'd be here today..." you say in a cracking voice.
  9. >Well, that was the wrong move, good job. The silence bursts.
  10. "Anon, what in Celestia's irreverent pagan name are you doing?!" Twilight shrieks.
  11. "Uh..."
  12. "Is... i-is that me!?"
  13. "Uh..."
  14. "Why is your reproductive organ exposed?! What were you going to do?"
  15. "Uh..."
  16. >Twilight says something else unintelligible, that sounds like a jumble of many questions all at once. Her face is flushed, her expression panicked. You have to try to do something to explain yourself now, or things could get pretty bad. Last time you freaked her out this much she removed your frontal lobe for "cleaning." You still don't remember what happened, but ever since then you've always smelled the lingering scent of Lysol whenever you breathe.
  17. >Gradually, you put away your quickly-shriveling dick, and hold up your hands in front of you in a defensive gesture.
  18. "Okay," you say, keeping your tone even. "Easy now Twilight, I can explain."
  19. "Then I suggest you do this instant!" she screams at you.
  20. >Fuck, you didn't get this far. How do you even explain something like this? You've made up your mind to just offer her another "uh" when suddenly your mouth starts working before your brain can stop it. And oh boy, does it have a lot to say.
  21. "Look, I went to get a figuring for personal use and at first I thought about getting the Spike one because it was so cheap but who the fuck wants a Spike figurine oh well maybe as a dogs chew toy or something anyway I liked the Twilight one and I thought I'd come home and put give it some hot glue because it's well... hot and back home people make hot glue videos with figurines because people think it's sexy and I've done it with other characters before but I always wanted to try it with a pony specifically you so I was doing that and then you came home and I'm sorry please don't take my brain out again!"
  22. >You're pretty certain you didn't breathe more than once during that whole tirade. Twilight stands there, mouth open, staring at you in absolute shock. You quickly realize, as your face flushes, that you've said way too much and there's no way you can take it back now. You stare at your feet, wondering who you got out of bed today, why you were born at all, why you haven't just killed yourself by now and ended it all. You swallow hard, and interject once more before Twilight can speak. You can't make this better, but maybe you can give some context.
  23. "Uh, to be clear, when I say hot glue, I mean-"
  24. "I know what hot glue is," Twilight says softly, her tone calm
  25. >You look up at her to find that her eyes are closed. As she opens them again, slowly, they're shining and provocative. Just like on that figurine you got.
  26. "Actually," she says softly, and now you can hear a certain allure behind her words. "I think hot glue is sexy too."
  27. >You blink at her.
  28. "What, what? You mean you... you like the idea of a guy taking his dick and..."
  29. >She nods vigorously.
  30. "Oh, definitely," she says, practically moaning with desire as she speaks. "I've done stuff like that in private, even watched ponies do it before. But I've never gotten someone to, well... try it with. I mean, hot glueing a toy is all well and good, but... I don't suppose you'd be willing to try it with me instead? I can set it all up, get you started all you have to do is provide, well... that."
  31. >She glances at your crotch, and you can now see that your penis is again betraying you by bulging at the front of your pants. Stupid sexy non-toy Twilight. When you look back up, she's approaching you, batting her eyes seductively, her rear swaying behind her.
  32. "What do you say?" she breathily whispers, trailing one hoof up the inside of your thigh. The feeling of it sends pins and needles through your entire leg.
  33. >You assess briefly. Twilight is into hot glue, but would prefer to have it done to her than to a toy. This could be a facial situation, this could be something she likes done to her cutie mark, just not the mane. You never get cum in the hair, that's rude. Either way, do you really want to do this with your roommate? You've meant to for a long time now, but it's just never happened, you've always been afraid of her waking up as you jacked it over her sleeping body like an anime boy who refuses to get in the damn robot. She's asking you to. Is there a downside here? What about your friendship?
  34. >The bitch once tried to bite your dick off. Yeah, no worries on ruining a friendship here.
  35. >You swallow once more and nod.
  36. "Yeah. Yeah I'd really like that," you try not to wheeze out as her hoof nears your cock. "Do you want me to... should I just..."
  37. >She holds up a hoof for silence, and you quickly shut your mouth in obedience.
  38. "Wait right here. Let me put my mane up, don't want it getting in the way."
  39. >Hot, it'll be just like that limited edition babysitter teen twilight fig you saw advertised and put a pre-order on! Before you can tell her this and reveal your true power level, she turns and sways out of the room.
  40. >Instantly, you spring into action. You practically leap out of your pants and underwear, and snatch the fig off the table. You consider throwing it hastily away across the room, but instead take it and set it down carefully on a shelf, because come on, that thing is a high quality investment. You try posing yourself in the middle of the room for her return, then on the bed, then like one of your French girls, and at last just sit down as you're most comfortable, so you don't put unnecessary strain on your legs while you're jackin' it.
  41. >At last, Twilight re-enters, hair pulled up to reveal two blushing cheeks. She giggles lightly as she sees your naked form, then saunters your way and looks up at you with gleaming eyes.
  42. "I'm all warmed up," she practically purrs. "Seems you're ready too."
  43. "Yeah," you breathe.
  44. >You reach down to your dick to begin stroking, but Twilight stops you.
  45. "Here, let me get it started for you," she murmurs, then turns her attention to your erect cock with a smile.
  46. >You watch, breathing heavily, as she lowers her head and hooves towards your dick. Hell, at this rate, she might get you off on her own without you having to move a muscle! If she just pushes right there and there, and maybe if she uses her tongue a little, maybe she could...
  47. >Wait, what's in her hoof? It doesn't look like lube, it couldn't be...
  48. >Before you can react, before you can fully understand what's going on, Twilight squeezes the trigger of the light violet hot glue gun, sending a stream of clear, molten glue, right onto your dick, right below the head. Your body freezes in the shock of the pain, as she moves towards the base, leaving a winding path of scalding glue in her wake. Then, all you can hear is screaming, and it takes you a moment to realize it's your own.
  50. >Twilight frowns at you, or at least you thing she does. Your eyes are watering too hard for you to be quite sure.
  51. "Oh don't be such a baby," she croons. "There's almost enough on there. Gotta be quick before it gets too cool."
  52. >Enough on there for what?! What is she...?
  53. >You reach down to try to stop the stream of burning glue frying the skin off your dick, but before you can reach the gun, she abruptly stops. With an infatuated moan, Twilight hops up and plants her pussy right on the area where she placed the hot glue. The added pressure, pain, and sudden friction on your scalded dick is enough to let loose a new round of shrieking. Beneath it, you can hear Twilight moan.
  54. "Mnhhhh yes, so hot, so sticky, so crafty, mnnnnnnnh god I want to add sequins to it, make your project and my project become one! Gnnnnh yes!"
  56. "Hush, you said you wanted to do this," she says reproachfully.
  58. "Oh come on, I put hot glue on my clit all the time, it's positively electric."
  59. >Through your pain-addled mind, you take in that this means Twilight pleasures herself with hot glue. She's into hot glue, literally. Of course she is. Of course. You should have guessed that, it was obvious, you know how this goes by now and you should have known better. You just should have masturbated on the figurine like the pathetic loser with no friends that you are. This is your own fault. But more self hatred another time, there are more pressing matters. If you don't get Twilight off of you NOW, you're going to end up with her pussy stuck to the shaft of your dick. And not at all in the fun way.
  60. "GET OFF YOU STUPID CUNT!" You cry.
  61. "I'm trying, just give me a minute."
  63. "Anon, wait, if you do that it'll..."
  64. >Twilight's warning comes too late, as does your attempt to remove her. You throw her backwards off of you, feeling at first tension against the glue on your penis, then something much, much sharper. There is a horrifying ripping noise, like the sound of someone pulling duct-tape off of a stray puppy. Your vision goes white, sound deadens itself in your ears, and you feel a wet, painful cold on your cock, where there was once skin. Then, the screaming commences, and even though you can't hear it over the pain, you can feel it burning in your lungs, like the heating element of a hot glue gun.
  65. >You fall to the floor, clutching your opened package, and began thrashing in agony. Twilight simply looks down at you and sighs.
  66. "Damn, I guess we should have tried wood or fabric glue as a test run. Ah well, you know what they say, Anon," she says wistfully. "If you can't stand the heat... don't put hot glue on your dick!"
  69. -END-
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