
Adventures of Eggnon [WORLD DOMINATION] Part 2

Feb 28th, 2014
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  1. >You are Twilight
  2. >Eggnon borrowed the Elements a while ago
  3. >You hope you didn't make a mistake
  4. >There is a knock on your door
  5. >You open it with magic and 6 robots walk in
  6. Uhh...
  7. >One steps forward and pulls out a piece of paper from its...chest?
  8. >Oh right...chest
  9. >You chuckle as you take it from the robot
  10. >It reads
  11. >"Sorry Twilight I couldn't get them back to you in person so I sent my robots to deliver them. My deepest apologies, Eggnon."
  12. >Then each of the robots pulls an Element out of its chest
  13. >You levitate them all to yourself
  14. Uh...thank you?
  15. >They all bow and with a zap and a flash they are gone
  16. >You look at the Elements
  17. Completely perfect...
  18. >Maybe he really is trustworthy
  19. >You put them up in-
  20. >He didn't bring the chest...
  21. >The instant you sigh in annoyance the chest materializes on the floor with a note on it
  22. >"P.S. here's the case."
  23. >You smile and put away the Elements
  24. >You head off to bed because it's sundown
  25. >Today was an okay day
  26. >You are Eggnon
  27. Metal Blonic. Fire at that robot!
  28. >Metal raises his arm and it reforms into a canon
  29. >He fires it at the robot
  30. >All that remains is smoke
  31. Great job Metal! Now go back to your cell and shut down for the night. It's getting pretty late and I want to get some shuteye.
  32. >He zooms back to his cell
  33. >You walk to your elevator to get back to your house floor
  34. >You walk to your room and get in bed
  35. >You review how well a day this has been in your head
  36. >In a few minutes you fall asleep
  37. >Day *insert day here* in Equestria
  38. >You are Fluttershy
  39. >And this is the time you visit Eggnon every morning
  40. >Exactly at 10am you fly into his house
  41. >It isn't breaking and entering if it's always open right?
  42. >You hope so
  43. >You fly into his house and sit on his couch
  44. >So comfy...
  45. >"Fluttershy what have I told you about the couch?!"
  46. >You jump up and start flying
  47. You said to never get on unless I didn't step in mud!
  48. >He looks at you angrily
  49. >"Well I guess I did say that."
  50. >You sit back down on the couch
  51. So what are you going to do today Eggnon? I was thinking of going to the spa if you're interested...
  52. >"Not interested..."
  53. >He grabs some donuts out of the fridge
  54. You like your donuts cold?
  55. >"I just don't feel like warming them up."
  56. >He's so cute when he's lazy
  57. So...what are you doing today?
  58. >"Nothing."
  59. Oh...can we cuddle?
  60. >"No."
  61. Aw...okay. Doing nothing all day?
  62. >"Maybe."
  63. Can we hang out at least once today?
  64. >"We are right now."
  65. >You curl up on the couch
  66. Okay.
  67. >"Fluttershy don't be sad about it. If I have time I'll come see you. I would like you to leave now though."
  68. Oh really you will?! I'll be in town all day if you decide to come okay?
  69. >You fly out of his house fast
  70. >Then slow down because goodness it's scary flying fast
  71. >You wonder how Rainbow does it so well
  72. >You fly down to the town square and sit on a step
  73. >He'll be here eventually
  74. >You are Eggnon
  75. >It's time to put the gears in motion
  76. >You summon one of your high class warrior bots
  77. You are to go equip your long range weapon and mortally wound the pony known as "Rainbow Dash" when she is on cloud duty and away from the town. Understand?
  78. >"Wound Rainbow Dash on cloud duty. Any more requests master?"
  79. Try to be as descrete as possible.
  80. >"Yes."
  81. >You nod to it and it flies out
  82. >It's a good thing this room only has three walls
  83. >Or else the robots would have to take the elevator out
  84. >Well the ones without teleportation that is...
  85. >You stop your thinking session and pull out some binoculars to watch the shooting
  86. >You see your bot in place up in a cave on a mountain
  87. >Rainbow is sitting on a cloud right above P0nyville
  88. >It fires a thick laser at her
  89. No you idiot! Well I guess I wasn't specific enough...damnit!
  90. >The cloud reddens quickly
  91. >The bot teleports back inside
  92. >"I have completed the task master."
  93. >You resist the urge to shatter it right then and there
  94. Go check to see if she is alive. If she is dead leave her. If she is still alive bring her back here. GO NOW.
  95. >It teleports away and then back with a bloody mess of Rainbow Dash
  96. >She's unconscious
  97. Fucking great...take her to the infirmary on level two and do not hesitate!
  98. >It teleports away
  99. >You sigh
  100. >So much for starting the chain of events...
  101. >Oh can just wait until later when everything is perfect
  102. >Like that will ever happen...
  103. >The elevator opens and Metal walks in
  104. Hello Metal...want to have some fun?
  105. >He nods
  106. Okay. You go have fun out there in the world. Just don't let any p0nies see you and stay away from P0nyville at all costs.
  107. >He nods again and with a boost of air he's gone
  108. >Papers and shit fly everywhere
  109. >Fuck you need a drink
  110. >You go to your fridge and pull out a beer
  111. >You being a genius and all recreated it in this world
  112. >Fuck that cider
  113. >You crack open the can and sit on the couch
  114. This is going to be a long day...
  115. >You are Rainbow Dash
  116. >You wake up in a white room in a really comfortable bed
  117. Where is this?
  118. >You sit up and see a metal thing standing there looking at you
  119. >"You are healed! Thank you for using Eggnon's healing station, we hope to see you again!"
  120. >You stand up and are a bit wobbly
  121. >You hear on the intercom
  122. >"Nursebot please walk our guest to the elevator and press floor seven."
  123. >So this is Eggnon's place huh?
  124. >You saw it in the distance and never really had been there
  125. >The metal thing touches your side
  126. >"This way please."
  127. >Okay so that's the Nursebot...
  128. >You follow it to an elevator and it reaches in and presses seven
  129. >Then it backs up and the doors close
  130. >The elevator clicks each time you pass a floor
  131. >You count out five clicks because you're bored and this place is huge
  132. >Then the doors open and you step into a more modern room
  133. >Less robots and more furniture
  134. >Also there's only three walls
  135. >Wat
  136. >"Rainbow Dash! I'm so glad you're okay!"
  137. >You are greeted by a hug from Pinkie Pie
  138. Hey let go I'm a bit you know what happened to me?
  139. >Eggnon comes out from behind a wall
  140. >"You were flying out there doing some tricks and you crashed...I saw you and sent over a bot to bring you back."
  141. >Wow
  142. Thanks Eggnon! I owe you my life!
  143. >"I'm sorry about your legs though."
  144. >You look down
  145. What do you mean they're fine...
  146. >"They may feel fine and thats because the nerve surgery was successful. You fractured your legs to the point where there was no repair."
  147. >You nod in confusion
  148. >"I had my bots remove them and replace them with bionic limbs that are powered by your blood. So they work just like your legs used to."
  149. Well then how come my skin looks fine? I don't believe you.
  150. >"Because we used the skin from your real legs and sowed it back over that when we did your nerve surgery. Then we used advanced scar removal on them so it looks brand new."
  151. >You move all of your legs in different ways
  152. Wait which ones?
  153. >"Your back legs. Look if you don't believe me then kick that wall there. It's made of 6ft thick solid steel."
  154. >You rear up and kick the wall
  155. >You turn around
  156. Oh my gosh...
  157. >There is a huge dent in the wall
  158. >Pinkie kicks it right next to where you did
  159. >The force from kicking the wall sends her vibrating the other way
  160. This is so...AWESOME!
  161. >Bots come out of the celing and repair the wall
  162. Thank you so much Eggnon!
  163. >"Anything for a...friend."
  164. >He said friend a little strange but you don't mind it
  165. C'mon Pinkie I'll give you a lift back.
  166. >"I can just teleport you if you want..."
  167. No I want to test out my new take off!
  168. >You walk over to where the 4th wall should be and Pinkie jumps on your back
  169. >You lean forward and use your back legs to jump
  170. >It launches you really far before you even start flying
  171. This is awesome!
  172. >You drop Pinkie off in town and launch yourself up again
  173. >This time you look back at the ground when you do
  174. >There's a dent in the ground from where you pressed off
  175. >You land perfectly on a cloud and gaze down on P0nyville
  176. This is awesome...
  177. >You fall asleep on the big puffy cloud
  178. >You are Fluttershy
  179. >Eggnon still hasn't come yet
  180. >What if he got lost in the forest on the way here?
  181. >Well maybe his fetish is getting lost
  182. >But what if he's never found and dies of starvation?!
  183. >Your fear forces you to go into the Everfree searching for him
  184. >You decide to fly above the trees and look down and around
  185. >It's just easier
  186. >You hear a strange sound from behind you
  187. >You spin around and look towards the noise
  188. >Three trees fall down, all in a line like something hit them
  189. >Your curiousity gets the best of you and you glide down and sneak over there
  190. >You crawl along the ground and into a bush right next to the fallen trees
  191. >You poke your head out and see a robot
  192. >It's skinnier than the other ones that Eggnon has made and it has a big spiked head
  193. >It's also blue and has red metal boots
  194. >It flies into the sky and zooms away
  195. >That was strange
  196. >You walk back home
  197. >Maybe Angel wants your company?
  198. >You hear a crash in the direction you're walking
  199. >You speed up a bit to see what's going on
  200. >You see your house half destroyed
  201. Oh my goodness!
  202. >You sprint up the hill to your house and Angel is laying outside with a gash on his head
  203. >"F...Fluttershy..."
  204. Y-yes Angel honey?
  205. >He grabs your leg
  206. >"I...I love you."
  207. >He stops moving
  208. >You burst into tears over top of the bunny
  209. >Then something hits you hard on the side and you go flying off the side of the hill you live on
  210. >You look up while soaked in mud
  211. >It's the same robot
  212. >It goes back behind the hill and you see animals running away
  213. >You need to get help!
  214. >You run back to Twilight's Library
  215. >She'll know what to do!
  216. >You are Twilight
  217. >You wake up and look at the clock
  218. >It's the middle of the day
  219. Oh gosh...
  220. >You shit shower and study magic
  221. >Then you eat a well balanced brea-er lunch
  222. >Suddenly there is a slamming knock on your door
  223. >You walk over and open it
  224. >It's Fluttershy
  225. >She looks terrified
  226. What's wrong Fluttershy?
  227. >She's crying
  228. >"B-b-blue m-m-m-meanie is h-hurting m-my animals! I t-tried t-to stop it b-but..."
  229. >She turns and you see a boot shaped bruise in her side
  230. Go get Rainbow Dash while I go hold it off!
  231. >You run to Fluttershy's house as fast as you can
  232. >You get close and hear a squealing noise
  233. What the...
  234. >You follow the noise to Fluttershy's backyard
  235. >You see a hovering blue machine beating a bear
  236. HEY!
  237. >It turns toward you
  238. >In seconds it is in your face
  239. >It has glowing red lights that resemble eyes
  240. >It's body is shaped like a monkeys so it stands on two legs
  241. >But it has some sort of booster where its butt would be
  242. >You look down and see that it has hands, also like a monkey
  243. >The fingers are blades though
  244. >It has red boot shaped feet
  245. >About the same size as Fluttershy's bruise
  246. >And the doesn't really fit the body
  247. >Its like Rainbow Dash's hair if it was stuck back in three points
  248. >It has pointed ears too
  249. >And all blue
  250. >This thing stares straight into your eyes
  251. >It is motionless
  252. >It begins to scare you
  253. >You hear galloping behind you
  254. >You turn your head
  255. >Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy come running up
  256. >You back away from it and go to them
  257. >Rainbow says
  258. >"Is this the thing that hurt you Shy?"
  259. >She nods
  260. It stopped moving...what do we do?
  261. >Rainbow backs up a little and prepares to pounce
  262. >"I say we smash it up!"
  263. >Before you can stop her, Rainbow collides with the machine
  264. >She carries it up high into the sky
  265. >But you notice it hasn't moved any part of its body
  266. >She grips it tightly and shoots down like a star
  267. >You see her go faster and faster until a Sonic Rainboom occurs
  268. >As soon as the Rainboom happens, she lets go and swirves upwards stopping herself
  269. >The machine plummets to the ground at an alarming rate
  270. >Just before it hits the ground you hear Rainbow yell
  271. >You look up and see it right there and Rainbow flying into the forest
  272. >You look at the untouched ground and back up at it
  273.'s fast.
  274. >Fluttershy begins crying again
  275. >The metal thing zooms next to her and brings a leg into her side at the same spot it did before
  276. >You hear some ribs crack and she falls over and passes out
  277. >It then stares at you
  278. >Then it shoots off into the forest towards...
  279. >Eggnon's building
  280. >You are Eggnon
  281. >And you are enjoying some delicious donuts while laying on the couch
  282. >Metal Blonic comes back
  283. So Metal, what did you do?
  284. >Using the telepathic ability super genius you built in him, he talks back
  285. >"I am afraid to inform you that I did incounter some p0nies."
  286. Metal what the fuck?! I tell you not to do one thing and you do it!
  287. >"I was enjoying the faces of little animals when I gutted them and the Pegasus known as Fluttershy spotted me. In fear of failing my mission I tried to kill her but missed her head and hit her torso."
  288. Then what?
  289. >"Twilight showed up and Fluttershy left and brought back Rainbow Dash."
  290. Okay...
  291. >"My systems malfunctioned for a couple seconds so I was paralyzed. Rainbow Dash took that time to attempt to crash me into the ground."
  292. >You nod
  293. >"I rebooted and caught myself before I smashed to pieces and sent her spiraling into the forest."
  294. >You facepalm
  295. She better not be injured again or she's gonna become a damn robot...
  296. >He is silent
  297. >You explain what happened earlier
  298. >"I understand now."
  299. >You press a button to speak through the intercom
  300. Begin assembling another Metal Blonic.
  301. >"Sir am I being disposed of?"
  302. No. We just need a less strong copy to fake your destruction.
  303. >"Ah very smart of you Dr Anonik."
  304. >It's been a while since anyone addressed you as that
  305. Just call me Eggnon. Anyways, you go to the basement level of the building and go to the far left corridor. At the end there is a door.
  306. >He nods
  307. Open it and go down the stairs into the storage area. Once there I want you to shut down until I come get you. Understood?
  308. >"Yes master. Right away."
  309. >He steps into the elevator and goes down
  310. >You sigh
  311. >Fuck today has been stressfull
  312. >A pipe comes down from the ceiling and the copy of Metal comes out
  313. >"What is your desire?"
  314. Follow me.
  315. >You put down a teleport pad and you both step on it
  316. >You teleport in front of the building
  317. >You look around
  318. There...
  319. >Twilight and a limping Rainbow Dash are storming your way
  320. Metal. Turn your arm into a canon and point it at me.
  321. >He does so
  322. >The two mares come within sight of you
  323. >"Eggnon!"
  324. >Twilight cries out distracting the Metal Blonic copy
  325. >You grab his arm and rip it off
  326. >You aim the canon at him and press the button on the side
  327. >It obliterates his central control system
  328. >He falls over
  329. >Rainbow and Twilight come over to you
  330. >Rainbow playfully punches you
  331. >"You got him Eggnon!"
  332. I know...but I'm so sorry it malfunctioned...I did this...
  333. >Twilight puts a hoof on your side
  334. >"It's ended it right? Doesn't that even it out?"
  335. Not for told me everything before attempting to murder me.
  336. >Damn you should have been an actor
  337. >"It's okay Eggnon...Fluttershy will understand. We need to get back to her though because she was hurt."
  338. >You nod and materialize a teleport pad
  339. >You and Twilight stand on it
  340. >Rainbow looks sceptically at you
  341. Oh just get on.
  342. >She steps on and you put in the coordinates for Fluttershy's place
  343. >You appear there and Fluttershy is knocked out
  344. >Twilight levitates her with magic and they start walking
  345. >" don't need to walk with us. You can explain this to her when she wakes up okay?"
  346. >You nod and send out your pad
  347. >You teleport to your house and sit back on the couch
  348. Another day another dramatic sequence of events...
  349. >You sigh
  350. >Hopefully your days will be more relaxing in the future
  351. Hopefully.
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