Guest User


a guest
Jan 31st, 2015
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  1. "Bad sys? -> DW Strikeforce pacchetto download 6" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0106-ULES01221_00-STRIKEFORCEDLC05", id: "EP0106-ULES01221_00-STRIKEFORCEDLC05", name: "DW Strikeforce pacchetto download 6", api_icon: "", size: 1615344, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-11T13:59:35Z", altri 5}
  2. "Bad sys? -> DW Strikeforce pacchetto download 7" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0106-ULES01221_00-STRIKEFORCEDLC06", id: "EP0106-ULES01221_00-STRIKEFORCEDLC06", name: "DW Strikeforce pacchetto download 7", api_icon: "", size: 1613632, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-11T13:58:00Z", altri 5}
  3. "Bad sys? -> N°3: Sicurezza" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0001-ULES01302_00-0000000000002003", id: "EP0001-ULES01302_00-0000000000002003", name: "N°3: Sicurezza", api_icon: "", size: 3134592, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-08T18:43:54Z", altri 5}
  4. "Bad sys? -> N° 2: Diplomazia" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0001-ULES01302_00-0000000000002002", id: "EP0001-ULES01302_00-0000000000002002", name: "N° 2: Diplomazia", api_icon: "", size: 3496272, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.3MB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-08T18:43:02Z", altri 5}
  5. "Bad sys? -> No1: Positive Attitude" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0001-ULES01302_00-0000000000002001", id: "EP0001-ULES01302_00-0000000000002001", name: "No1: Positive Attitude", api_icon: "", size: 2695632, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.6MB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-08T18:37:42Z", altri 5}
  6. "Bad sys? -> GEB: pacchetto contenuti aggiuntivi" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0700-ULES01519_00-EXTRAMISSION0001", id: "EP0700-ULES01519_00-EXTRAMISSION0001", name: "GEB: pacchetto contenuti aggiuntivi", api_icon: "", size: 35571904, platform: Array[3], size_f: "33.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-03T19:53:08Z", altri 5}
  7. "Bad sys? -> TONNO" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMETN00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMETN00100", name: "TONNO", api_icon: "", size: 425552, platform: Array[3], size_f: "416KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  8. "Bad sys? -> GALEA DI STANN" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEST00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEST00100", name: "GALEA DI STANN", api_icon: "", size: 461136, platform: Array[3], size_f: "450KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  9. "Bad sys? -> GLADIATORE SAMURAI" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMESG00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMESG00100", name: "GLADIATORE SAMURAI", api_icon: "", size: 618384, platform: Array[3], size_f: "604KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  10. "Bad sys? -> GLADIATORE ROBOTICO" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMERG00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMERG00100", name: "GLADIATORE ROBOTICO", api_icon: "", size: 575168, platform: Array[3], size_f: "562KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  11. "Bad sys? -> REMO" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEOR00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEOR00100", name: "REMO", api_icon: "", size: 426976, platform: Array[3], size_f: "417KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  12. "Bad sys? -> GLADIATRICE MISTERIOSA" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEMF00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEMF00100", name: "GLADIATRICE MISTERIOSA", api_icon: "", size: 525120, platform: Array[3], size_f: "513KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  13. "Bad sys? -> ALA DI ICARO" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEIW00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEIW00100", name: "ALA DI ICARO", api_icon: "", size: 455696, platform: Array[3], size_f: "445KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  14. "Bad sys? -> GALEA DI MARTE" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEGM00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEGM00100", name: "GALEA DI MARTE", api_icon: "", size: 463808, platform: Array[3], size_f: "453KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  15. "Bad sys? -> ELLA" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEEL00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEEL00100", name: "ELLA", api_icon: "", size: 509936, platform: Array[3], size_f: "498KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  16. "Bad sys? -> CORONA" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMECR00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMECR00100", name: "CORONA", api_icon: "", size: 448112, platform: Array[3], size_f: "438KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  17. "Bad sys? -> PANOPLIA MALEDETTA" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMECP00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMECP00100", name: "PANOPLIA MALEDETTA", api_icon: "", size: 474320, platform: Array[3], size_f: "463KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  18. "Bad sys? -> MOTIVO FELINO" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEAP00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEAP00100", name: "MOTIVO FELINO", api_icon: "", size: 566816, platform: Array[3], size_f: "554KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  19. "Bad sys? -> GLADIATORE FELINO" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEAG00100", id: "EP4293-ULES01515_00-GBPSPGAMEAG00100", name: "GLADIATORE FELINO", api_icon: "", size: 571120, platform: Array[3], size_f: "558KB", icon: "", date: "2011-06-02T10:11:58Z", altri 5}
  20. "Bad sys? -> Musiche di FINAL FANTASY IX" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000020003", id: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000020003", name: "Musiche di FINAL FANTASY IX", api_icon: "", size: 4599632, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-20T15:09:22Z", altri 5}
  21. "Bad sys? -> Musiche di FINAL FANTASY" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000020001", id: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000020001", name: "Musiche di FINAL FANTASY", api_icon: "", size: 2120208, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-20T15:09:22Z", altri 5}
  22. "Bad sys? -> Marina Sea Helm" Object { deep_type: "unknown", pid: "EP9000-UCES01421_00-DLF0000000000009", id: "EP9000-UCES01421_00-DLF0000000000009", name: "Marina Sea Helm", api_icon: "", size: 4976720, platform: Array[2], size_f: "4.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-20T11:18:46Z", altri 4}
  23. "Bad sys? -> Assist Character: Aerith" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0082-NPEH00108_00-PPCDISSIDI000001", id: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000030001", name: "Assist Character: Aerith", api_icon: "", size: 427744, platform: Array[3], size_f: "418KB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-13T15:56:21Z", altri 5}
  24. "Bad sys? -> DISSIDIA® duodecim prologus™" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0082-NPEH00108_00-PPCDISSIDI000001", id: "EP0082-NPEH00108_00-0000000000000001", name: "DISSIDIA® duodecim prologus™", api_icon: "", size: 252076752, platform: Array[3], size_f: "240MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-13T15:56:21Z", altri 5}
  25. "Bad sys? -> LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 5" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000005", id: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000005", name: "LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 5", api_icon: "", size: 1550528, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-13T15:47:19Z", altri 5}
  26. "Bad sys? -> Zidane Alt 3: Marcus's Hoodie" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000010010", id: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000010010", name: "Zidane Alt 3: Marcus's Hoodie", api_icon: "", size: 3292080, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-13T15:47:19Z", altri 5}
  27. "Bad sys? -> Kuja Alt 3: Treno Nobleman" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000010007", id: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000010007", name: "Kuja Alt 3: Treno Nobleman", api_icon: "", size: 3121888, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-13T15:47:19Z", altri 5}
  28. "Bad sys? -> Warrior of Light Alt 3" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000010024", id: "EP0082-ULES01505_00-0000000000010024", name: "Warrior of Light Alt 3", api_icon: "", size: 3113504, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-04-01T16:04:59Z", altri 5}
  29. "Bad sys? -> LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 4" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000004", id: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000004", name: "LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 4", api_icon: "", size: 1805088, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-30T18:00:33Z", altri 5}
  30. "Bad sys? -> LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 3" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000003", id: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000003", name: "LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 3", api_icon: "", size: 1803408, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-16T16:02:25Z", altri 5}
  31. "Bad sys? -> You're No Rock 'N Roll Fun" Object { deep_type: "unknown", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-YOURENOROCKNR000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-YOURENOROCKNR000", name: "You're No Rock 'N Roll Fun", api_icon: "undefined&w=31&h=31", size: 14550128, platform: Array[2], size_f: "13.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 4}
  32. "Bad sys? -> Wonderwall" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-WONDERWALL000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-WONDERWALL000000", name: "Wonderwall", api_icon: "", size: 18229792, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  33. "Bad sys? -> 'Waking The Demon'" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-WAKINGTHEDEMO000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-WAKINGTHEDEMO000", name: "'Waking The Demon'", api_icon: "", size: 19222720, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.3MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  34. "Bad sys? -> 'Wake Up Dead'" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-WAKEUPDEAD000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-WAKEUPDEAD000000", name: "'Wake Up Dead'", api_icon: "", size: 17547280, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  35. "Bad sys? -> Under The Bridge" Object { deep_type: "unknown", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-UNDERTHEBRIDG000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-UNDERTHEBRIDG000", name: "Under The Bridge", api_icon: "", size: 18701696, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.8MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 4}
  36. "Bad sys? -> Typical" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-TYPICAL000000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-TYPICAL000000000", name: "Typical", api_icon: "", size: 18865024, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  37. "Bad sys? -> 'Toxicity'" Object { deep_type: "unknown", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-TOXICITY00000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-TOXICITY00000000", name: "'Toxicity'", api_icon: "", size: 17459504, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 4}
  38. "Bad sys? -> The Trooper" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-THETROOPER000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-THETROOPER000000", name: "The Trooper", api_icon: "", size: 19304768, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  39. "Bad sys? -> The Rock Show" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-THEROCKSHOW00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-THEROCKSHOW00000", name: "The Rock Show", api_icon: "", size: 15625504, platform: Array[2], size_f: "14.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  40. "Bad sys? -> The Kill" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-THEKILL000000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-THEKILL000000000", name: "The Kill", api_icon: "", size: 17703296, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  41. "Bad sys? -> Still Alive" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-STILLALIVE000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-STILLALIVE000000", name: "Still Alive", api_icon: "", size: 14733888, platform: Array[2], size_f: "14.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  42. "Bad sys? -> Smooth Criminal" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SMOOTHCRIMINA000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SMOOTHCRIMINA000", name: "Smooth Criminal", api_icon: "", size: 16894416, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  43. "Bad sys? -> Sin Wagon" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SINWAGON00000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SINWAGON00000000", name: "Sin Wagon", api_icon: "", size: 17016944, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  44. "Bad sys? -> Shes Not There" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SHESNOTTHERE0000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SHESNOTTHERE0000", name: "Shes Not There", api_icon: "", size: 13544128, platform: Array[2], size_f: "12.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  45. "Bad sys? -> Sex Type Thing" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SEXTYPETHING0000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-SEXTYPETHING0000", name: "Sex Type Thing", api_icon: "", size: 16574976, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.8MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  46. "Bad sys? -> Renegade" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-RENEGADE00000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-RENEGADE00000000", name: "Renegade", api_icon: "", size: 18663872, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.8MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  47. "Bad sys? -> Red Barchetta" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-REDBARCHETTA0000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-REDBARCHETTA0000", name: "Red Barchetta", api_icon: "", size: 25329104, platform: Array[2], size_f: "24.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  48. "Bad sys? -> The Number Of The Beast" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-NUMBEROFTHEBE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-NUMBEROFTHEBE000", name: "The Number Of The Beast", api_icon: "", size: 21162320, platform: Array[2], size_f: "20.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  49. "Bad sys? -> My Old School" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MYOLDSCHOOL00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MYOLDSCHOOL00000", name: "My Old School", api_icon: "", size: 23299248, platform: Array[2], size_f: "22.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  50. "Bad sys? -> My Iron Lung" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MYIRONLUNG000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MYIRONLUNG000000", name: "My Iron Lung", api_icon: "", size: 19429248, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  51. "Bad sys? -> My Curse" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MYCURSE000000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MYCURSE000000000", name: "My Curse", api_icon: "", size: 18772000, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  52. "Bad sys? -> MONKEY WRENCH" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MONKEYWRENCH0000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-MONKEYWRENCH0000", name: "MONKEY WRENCH", api_icon: "", size: 18575728, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  53. "Bad sys? -> Love Spreads" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-LOVESPREADS00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-LOVESPREADS00000", name: "Love Spreads", api_icon: "", size: 24040176, platform: Array[2], size_f: "22.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  54. "Bad sys? -> Losing My Religion" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-LOSINGMYRELIG000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-LOSINGMYRELIG000", name: "Losing My Religion", api_icon: "", size: 19261440, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  55. "Bad sys? -> LONELY AS YOU" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-LONELYASYOU00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-LONELYASYOU00000", name: "LONELY AS YOU", api_icon: "", size: 20492528, platform: Array[2], size_f: "19.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  56. "Bad sys? -> Kool Thing" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-KOOLTHING0000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-KOOLTHING0000000", name: "Kool Thing", api_icon: "", size: 18515840, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  57. "Bad sys? -> Know Your Enemy" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-KNOWYOURENEMY000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-KNOWYOURENEMY000", name: "Know Your Enemy", api_icon: "", size: 16191216, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  58. "Bad sys? -> Just A Girl" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-JUSTAGIRL0000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-JUSTAGIRL0000000", name: "Just A Girl", api_icon: "", size: 15722048, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  59. "Bad sys? -> Jeremy" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-JEREMY0000000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-JEREMY0000000000", name: "Jeremy", api_icon: "", size: 21680528, platform: Array[2], size_f: "20.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  60. "Bad sys? -> I Stand Alone" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-ISTANDALONE00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-ISTANDALONE00000", name: "I Stand Alone", api_icon: "", size: 18541952, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  61. "Bad sys? -> 'Inside The Fire'" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-INSIDETHEFIRE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-INSIDETHEFIRE000", name: "'Inside The Fire'", api_icon: "", size: 16947040, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  62. "Bad sys? -> Im Shipping Up To Boston" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-IMSHIPPINGUP0000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-IMSHIPPINGUP0000", name: "Im Shipping Up To Boston", api_icon: "", size: 14253744, platform: Array[2], size_f: "13.6MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  63. "Bad sys? -> Hysteria" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HYSTERIA00000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HYSTERIA00000000", name: "Hysteria", api_icon: "", size: 16901376, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  64. "Bad sys? -> Here Comes Your Man" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HERECOMESYOUR000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HERECOMESYOUR000", name: "Here Comes Your Man", api_icon: "", size: 16126272, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  65. "Bad sys? -> Headknocker" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HEADKNOCKER00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HEADKNOCKER00000", name: "Headknocker", api_icon: "", size: 16343888, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.6MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  66. "Bad sys? -> Had A Dad" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HADADAD000000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-HADADAD000000000", name: "Had A Dad", api_icon: "", size: 17745776, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  67. "Bad sys? -> Gimme Three Steps" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-GIMMETHREESTE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-GIMMETHREESTE000", name: "Gimme Three Steps", api_icon: "", size: 19554432, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.6MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  68. "Bad sys? -> Funk #49" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-FUNK490000000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-FUNK490000000000", name: "Funk #49", api_icon: "", size: 18799280, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  69. "Bad sys? -> 'Flathead'" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-FLATHEAD00000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-FLATHEAD00000000", name: "'Flathead'", api_icon: "", size: 16649344, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.9MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  70. "Bad sys? -> Feed the Tree" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-FEEDTHETREE00000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-FEEDTHETREE00000", name: "Feed the Tree", api_icon: "", size: 16150064, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  71. "Bad sys? -> Excuse Me Mr" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-EXCUSEMEMR000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-EXCUSEMEMR000000", name: "Excuse Me Mr", api_icon: "", size: 16200128, platform: Array[2], size_f: "15.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  72. "Bad sys? -> Crushcrushcrush" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CRUSHCRUSHCRU000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CRUSHCRUSHCRU000", name: "Crushcrushcrush", api_icon: "", size: 14812816, platform: Array[2], size_f: "14.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  73. "Bad sys? -> Constant Motion" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CONSTANTMOTIO000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CONSTANTMOTIO000", name: "Constant Motion", api_icon: "", size: 27410464, platform: Array[2], size_f: "26.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  74. "Bad sys? -> Casey Jones" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CASEYJONES000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CASEYJONES000000", name: "Casey Jones", api_icon: "", size: 19394896, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  75. "Bad sys? -> California Über Alles" Object { deep_type: "unknown", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CALIFORNIAUBE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-CALIFORNIAUBE000", name: "California Über Alles", api_icon: "undefined&w=31&h=31", size: 17306016, platform: Array[2], size_f: "16.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 4}
  76. "Bad sys? -> 'Bring Me To Life'" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BRINGMETOLIFE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BRINGMETOLIFE000", name: "'Bring Me To Life'", api_icon: "", size: 18373248, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  77. "Bad sys? -> The Boys Are Back In Town (Live)" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BOYSAREBACKIN000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BOYSAREBACKIN000", name: "The Boys Are Back In Town (Live)", api_icon: "", size: 19991392, platform: Array[2], size_f: "19.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T15:11:56Z", altri 5}
  78. "Bad sys? -> Black Sunshine" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BLACKSUNSHINE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BLACKSUNSHINE000", name: "Black Sunshine", api_icon: "", size: 19171056, platform: Array[2], size_f: "18.3MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  79. "Bad sys? -> 'BACK FROM THE DEAD'" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BACKFROMTHEDE000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-BACKFROMTHEDE000", name: "'BACK FROM THE DEAD'", api_icon: "", size: 18012624, platform: Array[2], size_f: "17.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  80. "Bad sys? -> All I Want" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-ALLIWANT00000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-ALLIWANT00000000", name: "All I Want", api_icon: "", size: 12550672, platform: Array[2], size_f: "12.0MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  81. "Bad sys? -> Afterlife" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-AFTERLIFE0000000", id: "EP0006-ULES01243_00-AFTERLIFE0000000", name: "Afterlife", api_icon: "", size: 22499744, platform: Array[2], size_f: "21.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  82. "Bad sys? -> The Wilderness Theme - Level Kit" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM008", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM008", name: "The Wilderness Theme - Level Kit", api_icon: "", size: 4396416, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  83. "Bad sys? -> The Temples Theme - Level Kit" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM007", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM007", name: "The Temples Theme - Level Kit", api_icon: "", size: 4342320, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  84. "Bad sys? -> Tema Matrimonio Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM003", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM003", name: "Tema Matrimonio Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 4393600, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  85. "Bad sys? -> Tema Savana Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM002", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM002", name: "Tema Savana Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 4391232, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  86. "Bad sys? -> Wild West - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP012", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP012", name: "Wild West - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1562336, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  87. "Bad sys? -> Kit per livelli SackYule" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP006", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP006", name: "Kit per livelli SackYule", api_icon: "", size: 1472960, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  88. "Bad sys? -> Oggetti Sackanti non Identificati - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP003", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP003", name: "Oggetti Sackanti non Identificati - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1333424, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  89. "Bad sys? -> Il Sackboy dimenticato dal tempo" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP001", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP001", name: "Il Sackboy dimenticato dal tempo", api_icon: "", size: 4319088, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  90. "Bad sys? -> Uncharted™ - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK003", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK003", name: "Uncharted™ - costume", api_icon: "", size: 3883792, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:54:11Z", altri 5}
  91. "Bad sys? -> LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 2" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000002", id: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000002", name: "LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 2", api_icon: "", size: 1793712, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.7MB", icon: "", date: "2011-03-02T14:44:57Z", altri 5}
  92. "Bad sys? -> LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 1" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000001", id: "EP0082-ULES01507_00-0000000000000001", name: "LORD of ARCANA® - DLC PACK 1", api_icon: "", size: 1634992, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.6MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-16T16:31:18Z", altri 5}
  93. "Bad sys? -> Tema Isole Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM006", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM006", name: "Tema Isole Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 4273232, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  94. "Bad sys? -> Tema Metropolis - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM005", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM005", name: "Tema Metropolis - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 4445024, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  95. "Bad sys? -> Tema Canyon - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM004", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM004", name: "Tema Canyon - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 4412672, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  96. "Bad sys? -> Pack dal tema Giardini" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM001", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYTM001", name: "Pack dal tema Giardini", api_icon: "", size: 4358800, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  97. "Bad sys? -> Re Artu - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP013", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP013", name: "Re Artu - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1500336, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  98. "Bad sys? -> Robin Hood Men In Sacks - Level Kit" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP011", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP011", name: "Robin Hood Men In Sacks - Level Kit", api_icon: "", size: 1528720, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  99. "Bad sys? -> Fruit Salad - Level Kit" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP010", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP010", name: "Fruit Salad - Level Kit", api_icon: "", size: 1423680, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  100. "Bad sys? -> Eroi in uniforme Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP009", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP009", name: "Eroi in uniforme Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1495104, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  101. "Bad sys? -> Ammmore Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP008", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP008", name: "Ammmore Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1148704, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  102. "Bad sys? -> Tema Pasqua Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP007", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP007", name: "Tema Pasqua Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1181312, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.1MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  103. "Bad sys? -> MotorStorm Iuta - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP005", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP005", name: "MotorStorm Iuta - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1570992, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  104. "Bad sys? -> Sackfari nella giungla - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP004", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP004", name: "Sackfari nella giungla - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1525488, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  105. "Bad sys? -> Circo Sack - Kit livello" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP002", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLP002", name: "Circo Sack - Kit livello", api_icon: "", size: 1568688, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  106. "Bad sys? -> Pack costumi di Motorstorm®" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK004", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK004", name: "Pack costumi di Motorstorm®", api_icon: "", size: 3672256, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.5MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  107. "Bad sys? -> KillZone - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK002", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK002", name: "KillZone - costume", api_icon: "", size: 3431760, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.3MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  108. "Bad sys? -> Netherworld Radish" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-NPEH00101_00-RADISH0011223344", id: "EP1063-NPEH00101_00-RADISH0011223344", name: "Netherworld Radish", api_icon: "", size: 3337312, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-02-02T10:52:18Z", altri 5}
  109. "Bad sys? -> Asagi Wars Premium Special Ticket" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-NPEH00101_00-TICKET0011223344", id: "EP1063-NPEH00101_00-TICKET0011223344", name: "Asagi Wars Premium Special Ticket", api_icon: "", size: 3343200, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.2MB", icon: "", date: "2011-01-12T15:37:31Z", altri 5}
  110. "Bad sys? -> Prinny 2: Super Netherworld" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-NPEH00101_00-PRAM001122334455", id: "EP1063-NPEH00101_00-PRAM001122334455", name: "Prinny 2: Super Netherworld", api_icon: "", size: 7781984, platform: Array[3], size_f: "7.4MB", icon: "", date: "2011-01-07T00:15:04Z", altri 5}
  111. "Bad sys? -> Warship Showdown" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNWRSHPSWDWN", name: "Warship Showdown", api_icon: "", size: 1133424, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  112. "Bad sys? -> Ultimate Challenge" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNULTCHALLNG", name: "Ultimate Challenge", api_icon: "", size: 1135920, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  113. "Bad sys? -> Seven Secrets" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNSVNSECRETS", name: "Seven Secrets", api_icon: "", size: 1341040, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  114. "Bad sys? -> Battle At Roendahl Ex" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNROENDAHLEX", name: "Battle At Roendahl Ex", api_icon: "", size: 1497824, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  115. "Bad sys? -> Mine Offensive" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNMINOFFENSV", name: "Mine Offensive", api_icon: "", size: 1421824, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  116. "Bad sys? -> Mellvere Crisis" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNMELLVRCRSS", name: "Mellvere Crisis", api_icon: "", size: 959712, platform: Array[3], size_f: "937KB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  117. "Bad sys? -> Battle At Mellvere Ex" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNMELLVEREEX", name: "Battle At Mellvere Ex", api_icon: "", size: 963120, platform: Array[3], size_f: "941KB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  118. "Bad sys? -> Final Trooper Exam" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNFNLTROOPEX", name: "Final Trooper Exam", api_icon: "", size: 1314288, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  119. "Bad sys? -> Final Tech Exam" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNFNLTECHEXM", name: "Final Tech Exam", api_icon: "", size: 1383664, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  120. "Bad sys? -> Final Scout Exam" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNFNLSCOUTEX", name: "Final Scout Exam", api_icon: "", size: 1571344, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  121. "Bad sys? -> Final Lancer Exam" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNFNLLANCREX", name: "Final Lancer Exam", api_icon: "", size: 1270368, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  122. "Bad sys? -> Final Engineer Exam" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNFNLENGNREX", name: "Final Engineer Exam", api_icon: "", size: 1339056, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  123. "Bad sys? -> VC2 DLC Excercise VS Class F" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNEXRCSCLASF", name: "VC2 DLC Excercise VS Class F", api_icon: "", size: 1364656, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  124. "Bad sys? -> VC2 DLC Excercise VS Class E" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNEXRCSCLASE", name: "VC2 DLC Excercise VS Class E", api_icon: "", size: 1518656, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  125. "Bad sys? -> Exercise Vs Class D" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNEXRCSCLASD", name: "Exercise Vs Class D", api_icon: "", size: 1504848, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  126. "Bad sys? -> Exercise Vs Class C" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNEXRCSCLASC", name: "Exercise Vs Class C", api_icon: "", size: 1244992, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  127. "Bad sys? -> Battle At Doerfein Ex" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNDOERFEINEX", name: "Battle At Doerfein Ex", api_icon: "", size: 1098528, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.0MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  128. "Bad sys? -> Cerulean Catastrophe" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNCRLNCTSTRP", name: "Cerulean Catastrophe", api_icon: "", size: 1261840, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  129. "Bad sys? -> Battle At Lanseal Ex" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNBTLLANSLEX", name: "Battle At Lanseal Ex", api_icon: "", size: 1243600, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  130. "Bad sys? -> Banquet Of Ghosts" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNBNQUTGHOST", name: "Banquet Of Ghosts", api_icon: "", size: 1384736, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  131. "Bad sys? -> Race Against Time" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSNAGINSTTIME", name: "Race Against Time", api_icon: "", size: 1495120, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  132. "Bad sys? -> Two-Pronged Assault" Object { deep_type: "downloadable_game", pid: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-PPCVALKYRI000021", id: "EP0177-ULES01417_00-VC2MSN2PRNGDASLT", name: "Two-Pronged Assault", api_icon: "", size: 1382752, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-21T10:51:48Z", altri 5}
  133. "Bad sys? -> Pack costumi SackYule" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK019", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK019", name: "Pack costumi SackYule", api_icon: "", size: 1367616, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-12-20T20:18:35Z", altri 5}
  134. "Bad sys? -> Sbarco sulla luna - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK001", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK001", name: "Sbarco sulla luna - costume", api_icon: "", size: 3615504, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-09-16T12:18:35Z", altri 5}
  135. "Bad sys? -> Re Artu - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK026", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK026", name: "Re Artu - costume", api_icon: "", size: 1490752, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-09-01T18:52:37Z", altri 5}
  136. "Bad sys? -> Wild West - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK025", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK025", name: "Wild West - costume", api_icon: "", size: 1519312, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-08-18T20:24:56Z", altri 5}
  137. "Bad sys? -> Robin Hood Men In Sacks - Costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK024", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK024", name: "Robin Hood Men In Sacks - Costume", api_icon: "", size: 1447920, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-08-05T11:09:01Z", altri 5}
  138. "Bad sys? -> IMT Viewer" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-NPEG00041_00-GPCLOCOROC000001", id: "EP9000-NPEG00041_00-GPCLOCOROC000002", name: "IMT Viewer", api_icon: "", size: 340272016, platform: Array[2], size_f: "325MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-26T13:11:42Z", altri 5}
  139. "Bad sys? -> Guida strategica ufficiale" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-NPEG00041_00-GPCLOCOROC000001", id: "EP9000-NPEG00041_00-GPCLOCOROC000001", name: "Guida strategica ufficiale", api_icon: "", size: 2830000, platform: Array[2], size_f: "2.7MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-26T13:11:42Z", altri 5}
  140. "Bad sys? -> Pack livelli BuiBui" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-NPEG00024_00-PPCLOCOROC000001", id: "EP9000-NPEG00024_00-LOCOMCADDSTAGEP1", name: "Pack livelli BuiBui", api_icon: "", size: 11273056, platform: Array[2], size_f: "10.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-26T13:11:42Z", altri 5}
  141. "Bad sys? -> Woody e gli amici del West" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1006-ULES01405_00-TOYSTORY3PSPWOOD", id: "EP1006-ULES01405_00-TOYSTORY3PSPWOOD", name: "Woody e gli amici del West", api_icon: "", size: 7415328, platform: Array[2], size_f: "7.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-26T13:11:42Z", altri 5}
  142. "Bad sys? -> La avventure di Buzz" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1006-ULES01405_00-TOYSTORY3PSPBUZZ", id: "EP1006-ULES01405_00-TOYSTORY3PSPBUZZ", name: "La avventure di Buzz", api_icon: "", size: 10535600, platform: Array[2], size_f: "10.0MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-26T13:11:42Z", altri 5}
  143. "Bad sys? -> Alien Escapades" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1006-ULES01405_00-TOYSTORY3PSPALES", id: "EP1006-ULES01405_00-TOYSTORY3PSPALES", name: "Alien Escapades", api_icon: "", size: 6740192, platform: Array[3], size_f: "6.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-26T13:11:42Z", altri 5}
  144. "Bad sys? -> Fruit Salad - Costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK023", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK023", name: "Fruit Salad - Costume", api_icon: "", size: 1274032, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-25T21:43:23Z", altri 5}
  145. "Bad sys? -> Pack forze speciali australiane (SASR)" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK0", id: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK0", name: "Pack forze speciali australiane (SASR)", api_icon: "", size: 5649200, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-14T15:04:54Z", altri 5}
  146. "Bad sys? -> Kommando Spezialkrafte KSK Pack" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK1", id: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK1", name: "Kommando Spezialkrafte KSK Pack", api_icon: "", size: 5412000, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-14T15:04:32Z", altri 5}
  147. "Bad sys? -> Special Air Services SAS Pack" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK2", id: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK2", name: "Special Air Services SAS Pack", api_icon: "", size: 5457312, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-14T15:04:11Z", altri 5}
  148. "Bad sys? -> Pack 707° Commando dell'esercito sudcoreano" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK3", id: "EP9000-UCES01242_00-PRESELLADDONPCK3", name: "Pack 707° Commando dell'esercito sudcoreano", api_icon: "", size: 5274480, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.0MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-14T15:03:00Z", altri 5}
  149. "Bad sys? -> Eroi in uniforme costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK022", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK022", name: "Eroi in uniforme costume", api_icon: "", size: 1349408, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-07-07T17:38:11Z", altri 5}
  150. "Bad sys? -> Kit livello "Fantasy"" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLK002", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYLK002", name: "Kit livello "Fantasy"", api_icon: "", size: 1185792, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-06-30T18:32:34Z", altri 5}
  151. "Bad sys? -> Oggetti Sackanti non Identificati - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK016", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK016", name: "Oggetti Sackanti non Identificati - costume", api_icon: "", size: 1209456, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-06-23T18:02:20Z", altri 5}
  152. "Bad sys? -> MotorStorm Iuta - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK018", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK018", name: "MotorStorm Iuta - costume", api_icon: "", size: 1394432, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-06-14T09:59:11Z", altri 5}
  153. "Bad sys? -> Turbo Premium Level Kit" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYPK001", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYPK001", name: "Turbo Premium Level Kit", api_icon: "", size: 1204272, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-06-09T12:07:42Z", altri 5}
  154. "Bad sys? -> Il Moi Nome e Shota" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01418_00-BADMAN2DLC000002", id: "EP1063-ULES01418_00-BADMAN2DLC000002", name: "Il Moi Nome e Shota", api_icon: "", size: 2533648, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-06-09T12:07:42Z", altri 5}
  155. "Bad sys? -> Un Giorno Senza Badman" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01418_00-BADMAN2DLC000001", id: "EP1063-ULES01418_00-BADMAN2DLC000001", name: "Un Giorno Senza Badman", api_icon: "", size: 2580144, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-06-09T12:07:42Z", altri 5}
  156. "Bad sys? -> Circo Sack - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK015", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK015", name: "Circo Sack - costume", api_icon: "", size: 1528384, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-26T16:10:08Z", altri 5}
  157. "Bad sys? -> Sackfari nella giungla - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK017", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK017", name: "Sackfari nella giungla - costume", api_icon: "", size: 1409824, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-12T15:14:54Z", altri 5}
  158. "Bad sys? -> Hanako" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00007", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00007", name: "Hanako", api_icon: "", size: 6077056, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T16:18:35Z", altri 5}
  159. "Bad sys? -> Pram" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00006", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00006", name: "Pram", api_icon: "", size: 6104256, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T16:18:35Z", altri 5}
  160. "Bad sys? -> Marona" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00005", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00005", name: "Marona", api_icon: "", size: 6111072, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T16:18:35Z", altri 5}
  161. "Bad sys? -> Ash" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00004", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00004", name: "Ash", api_icon: "", size: 6101440, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T16:18:35Z", altri 5}
  162. "Bad sys? -> Almaz" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00002", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00002", name: "Almaz", api_icon: "", size: 6156560, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.9MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T16:18:35Z", altri 5}
  163. "Bad sys? -> Sapphire" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00003", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00003", name: "Sapphire", api_icon: "", size: 6140768, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.9MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T11:30:57Z", altri 5}
  164. "Bad sys? -> Plenair" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00001", id: "EP1063-ULES01392_00-DISGAEA2DLC00001", name: "Plenair", api_icon: "", size: 6105952, platform: Array[3], size_f: "5.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-08T11:30:57Z", altri 5}
  165. "Bad sys? -> Pack Salvatore" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01334_00-PPCTHEEYEO000008", id: "EP9000-UCES01334_00-1000000000000007", name: "Pack Salvatore", api_icon: "", size: 1914320, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-05T09:24:42Z", altri 5}
  166. "Bad sys? -> Pack Protettore" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01334_00-PPCTHEEYEO000007", id: "EP9000-UCES01334_00-1000000000000006", name: "Pack Protettore", api_icon: "", size: 1926128, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-05T09:24:42Z", altri 5}
  167. "Bad sys? -> Pack Maestro" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01334_00-PPCTHEEYEO000006", id: "EP9000-UCES01334_00-1000000000000005", name: "Pack Maestro", api_icon: "", size: 1906336, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-05T09:24:42Z", altri 5}
  168. "Bad sys? -> Prinny: L'il Asagi Come Home" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01278_00-PPCPRINNYC000003", id: "EP1063-ULES01278_00-PPCPRINNYC000003", name: "Prinny: L'il Asagi Come Home", api_icon: "", size: 3760912, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.6MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:47:23Z", altri 5}
  169. "Bad sys? -> Marona of Phantom Island" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01278_00-PPCPRINNYC000002", id: "EP1063-ULES01278_00-PPCPRINNYC000002", name: "Marona of Phantom Island", api_icon: "", size: 4110512, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.9MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:47:23Z", altri 5}
  170. "Bad sys? -> Flonne's Castle" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1063-ULES01278_00-PPCPRINNYC000001", id: "EP1063-ULES01278_00-PPCPRINNYC000001", name: "Flonne's Castle", api_icon: "", size: 4279616, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:47:23Z", altri 5}
  171. "Bad sys? -> Pack Harimau" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-PWIPEOUTPS000004", id: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-00000000000PACK3", name: "Pack Harimau", api_icon: "", size: 8816096, platform: Array[3], size_f: "8.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:40:17Z", altri 5}
  172. "Bad sys? -> Pack Icaras" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-PWIPEOUTPS000002", id: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-00000000000PACK2", name: "Pack Icaras", api_icon: "", size: 8512112, platform: Array[3], size_f: "8.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:40:17Z", altri 5}
  173. "Bad sys? -> Pack Mirage" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-PWIPEOUTPS000001", id: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-00000000000PACK1", name: "Pack Mirage", api_icon: "", size: 10615840, platform: Array[2], size_f: "10.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:40:17Z", altri 5}
  174. "Bad sys? -> Pack Auricom" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-PWIPEOUTPS000003", id: "EP9000-UCES00465_00-00000000000PACK4", name: "Pack Auricom", api_icon: "", size: 10993936, platform: Array[3], size_f: "10.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T14:32:02Z", altri 5}
  175. "Bad sys? -> Super Stardust Portable Expansion Pack" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-NPEG00008_00-PPCSUPERST000001", id: "EP9000-NPEG00008_00-PPCSUPERST000001", name: "Super Stardust Portable Expansion Pack", api_icon: "", size: 2899136, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.8MB", icon: "", date: "2010-05-04T13:57:41Z", altri 5}
  176. "Bad sys? -> Tema Natura selvaggia - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK014", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK014", name: "Tema Natura selvaggia - costume", api_icon: "", size: 3679296, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-30T15:05:02Z", altri 5}
  177. "Bad sys? -> Elementi palco da rock star" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1006-ULES01303_00-STAGEPACK0000004", id: "EP1006-ULES01303_00-STAGEPACK0000004", name: "Elementi palco da rock star", api_icon: "", size: 1817744, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.7MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:40:58Z", altri 5}
  178. "Bad sys? -> Effetti Speciali" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP1006-ULES01303_00-MUSICIANPACK0001", id: "EP1006-ULES01303_00-MOMENTPACK000003", name: "Effetti Speciali", api_icon: "", size: 2054112, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.0MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:40:45Z", altri 5}
  179. "Bad sys? -> Tema Savana costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK008", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK008", name: "Tema Savana costume", api_icon: "", size: 4782496, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.6MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:39:30Z", altri 5}
  180. "Bad sys? -> Tema Giardini costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK007", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK007", name: "Tema Giardini costume", api_icon: "", size: 4716592, platform: Array[3], size_f: "4.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:38:36Z", altri 5}
  181. "Bad sys? -> Ammmore Costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK021", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK021", name: "Ammmore Costume", api_icon: "", size: 843744, platform: Array[3], size_f: "824KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:37:31Z", altri 5}
  182. "Bad sys? -> Tema Matrimonio Costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK009", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK009", name: "Tema Matrimonio Costume", api_icon: "", size: 3629280, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:37:16Z", altri 5}
  183. "Bad sys? -> Tema Canyon - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK010", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK010", name: "Tema Canyon - costume", api_icon: "", size: 3659856, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:36:48Z", altri 5}
  184. "Bad sys? -> Tema Metropolis - costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK011", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK011", name: "Tema Metropolis - costume", api_icon: "", size: 3706048, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:35:11Z", altri 5}
  185. "Bad sys? -> Tema Pasqua  costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK020", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK020", name: "Tema Pasqua  costume", api_icon: "", size: 928464, platform: Array[3], size_f: "907KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:34:52Z", altri 5}
  186. "Bad sys? -> Tema Isole costume" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK012", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK012", name: "Tema Isole costume", api_icon: "", size: 3511696, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:34:25Z", altri 5}
  187. "Bad sys? -> Thema Tempels - Kostuum" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK013", id: "EP9000-UCES01264_00-LBPPDLCSONYCK013", name: "Thema Tempels - Kostuum", api_icon: "", size: 3605760, platform: Array[3], size_f: "3.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T18:20:11Z", altri 5}
  188. "Bad sys? -> Mercedes SLR McLaren 03 Magmarot Red" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-GTPSPSPEC0000001", id: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-0000000000000007", name: "Mercedes SLR McLaren 03 Magmarot Red", api_icon: "", size: 214400, platform: Array[3], size_f: "209KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T16:26:47Z", altri 5}
  189. "Bad sys? -> Citroen GTbyCitroen 08 Yellow" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-GTPSPSPEC0000001", id: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-0000000000000006", name: "Citroen GTbyCitroen 08 Yellow", api_icon: "", size: 213696, platform: Array[3], size_f: "209KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T16:26:47Z", altri 5}
  190. "Bad sys? -> Nissan GTR Spec V 09 Metallic Blue" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-GTPSPSPEC0000001", id: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-0000000000000004", name: "Nissan GTR Spec V 09 Metallic Blue", api_icon: "", size: 213376, platform: Array[3], size_f: "208KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T16:26:47Z", altri 5}
  191. "Bad sys? -> Lamborghini Countach LP400 74 Arancio" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-GTPSPSPEC0000001", id: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-0000000000000002", name: "Lamborghini Countach LP400 74 Arancio", api_icon: "", size: 210352, platform: Array[3], size_f: "205KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T16:26:47Z", altri 5}
  192. "Bad sys? -> Ferrari Enzo Ferrari 02 Giallo Modena" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-GTPSPSPEC0000001", id: "EP9001-UCES01245_00-0000000000000001", name: "Ferrari Enzo Ferrari 02 Giallo Modena", api_icon: "", size: 212832, platform: Array[3], size_f: "208KB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T16:26:47Z", altri 5}
  193. "Bad sys? -> echoshift Pack livello neve" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-SNOW000000000005", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-SNOW000000000005", name: "echoshift Pack livello neve", api_icon: "", size: 2328208, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.2MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T13:19:49Z", altri 5}
  194. "Bad sys? -> echoshift Pack livello deserto" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-DESERT0000000001", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-DESERT0000000001", name: "echoshift Pack livello deserto", api_icon: "", size: 2462992, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T13:19:35Z", altri 5}
  195. "Bad sys? -> echoshift Pack livello piramide" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-PYRAMID000000003", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-PYRAMID000000003", name: "echoshift Pack livello piramide", api_icon: "", size: 2251408, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T13:19:02Z", altri 5}
  196. "Bad sys? -> echoshift Pack livello oceano" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-OCEAN00000000004", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-OCEAN00000000004", name: "echoshift Pack livello oceano", api_icon: "", size: 2210320, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.1MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T13:18:43Z", altri 5}
  197. "Bad sys? -> echoshift Pack livello caverna" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-CAVE000000000002", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-CAVE000000000002", name: "echoshift Pack livello caverna", api_icon: "", size: 2462848, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.3MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T13:18:31Z", altri 5}
  198. "Bad sys? -> echoshift™ Pack livello navicella" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-SHUTTLE000000006", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-SHUTTLE000000006", name: "echoshift™ Pack livello navicella", api_icon: "", size: 2477152, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T13:18:12Z", altri 5}
  199. "Bad sys? -> echoshift™ Pack livello spazio" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-SPACE00000000007", id: "EP9000-UCES01313_00-SPACE00000000007", name: "echoshift™ Pack livello spazio", api_icon: "", size: 2470192, platform: Array[3], size_f: "2.4MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-17T00:57:34Z", altri 5}
  200. "Bad sys? -> DW: Strikeforce pacchetto download 8" Object { deep_type: "add_on", pid: "EP0106-ULES01221_00-STRIKEFORCEDLC07", id: "EP0106-ULES01221_00-STRIKEFORCEDLC07", name: "DW: Strikeforce pacchetto download 8", api_icon: "", size: 1615392, platform: Array[3], size_f: "1.5MB", icon: "", date: "2010-04-16T23:47:53Z", altri 5}
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