
Rebels in Equestria 11.5 - Anon's Arrival

Oct 29th, 2012
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  1. > Luna’s moon hangs high over the cloudy sky.
  2. > The party ended just a short while ago.
  3. > You remember Pinkie Pie’s warm smile as she sent you off with an array of sweets packed neatly in a small gift box.
  4. > Her welcoming gift to you.
  6. > And while the night still seemed young to you; many of the town’s residents have already retired to their homes.
  7. > It’s interesting to see town at night.
  8. > The verdant atmosphere puts you at ease.
  9. > You stroll throughout the town with Rarity at your side.
  10. > The constant pitter patter of her hooves is almost hypnotic.
  11. > It’s a rhythm that is often broken by her voice. She stops often to give you trivia and history on Ponyville’s landmarks as she leads you past them.
  13. > More often than not, she has to stop and wait for you to catch up.
  14. > You are seriously over encumbered and unable to run.
  15. > In your arms you carry a passed out Berry Punch.
  16. > You chuckle to yourself.
  17. > Rarity had introduced her to you that night. And you made friends relatively quickly.
  18. > It turns out you had some common interests.
  19. > [spoiler] Drinking. [/spoiler]
  20. > Needless to say, she had become your partner for the night. She kept the night interesting.
  21. > Never in your life had you ever imagined that you’d be able to see a drunk pony strut around a party.
  22. > She had drunk herself into unconsciousness.
  23. > [spoiler] Lightweight. [/spoiler]
  25. > Your mind wander’s to the events from earlier tonight.
  26. > The whole night felt more like a blur to you.
  27. > You had the pleasure of meeting dozens of new faces today.
  29. > Specifically you remember a certain cross eyes Pegasus asking you to dance.
  30. > She made an offer you couldn’t refuse.
  31. > After spending a bit of time with her, you learned much about her.
  32. > She was much brighter than everyone else leads her on to be.
  33. > She was a joy to have around. She brought great conversation and shared many great stories with her.
  34. > You could easily see the innocence of her character. An amiable trait that is hard to find.
  35. > She tells you how many of the p0nies around her judge her because of her lazy eye.
  36. > You offered your sympathies and friendship in return.
  38. > Another mare introduced herself to you that night.
  39. > Berry Punch.
  41. > You shift her around in your arms, trying to find a comfortable position to hold her in.
  42. > She had the softest scent of fine wine. Was it a perfume? Or did just naturally smell like that?
  43. > You juggle the thought in your mind for a bit.
  45. > “You’d think she would set higher standards for herself.” Rarity grumbles.
  46. “Hmm?”
  47. > “Berry Punch! I mean, honestly! Does she know no shame?”
  48. “Uhhh..”
  49. > “I mean, just look at her!”
  50. > She points at the unconscious Berry Punch. A dabble of drool has started to trickle down her muzzle.
  52. > You begin to question why you volunteered to take her home.
  53. > It’s not like you knew this pony for too long.
  54. > You juggle the thought around before coming to a conclusion
  56. > She WAS your drinking partner for the night.
  57. > And as such it was your obligation to make sure your partner gets home safely.
  58. > It was like an unwritten code.
  59. > It what any good partner would do.
  60. > You hope than one day she’d return the favor.
  62. > Eventually you find yourself in front of a small home.
  63. > It’s nestled in the middle of a row of similar houses.
  64. > Two story houses line the street.
  65. > The mailbox on the front reads “Berry Punch”
  66. > This must be it.
  68. > Rarity produces a key and allows herself in
  70. “You have keys to Berry’s place?”
  71. > “Well of course!” She states ever so nonchalantly.
  72. “…Why?”
  73. > “Anon, you may not have noticed, but Pinkie Pie has a tendency to throw these little get togethers quite often.”
  74. “Yeah. That seems like something she’d do. I can imagine this must be a routine thing for you.”
  75. > “It is. Constantly she’s finding more and more reasons to throw these parties.”
  76. “I see…. But what does this have to do with Berry?”
  77. > She chuckles.
  78. > “Darling, Who do you think is the one that brings this poor mare home after these venues? She can barely stand, let alone find her way home. That being said, it just becomes more convenient for all of us if I kept a key of my own.”
  79. > Makes sense.
  81. > You step inside the front door, leading you to her den.
  82. > The sweet aroma of fruit fills the air.
  83. > Various bottles of fine wine are displayed throughout the house.
  85. > “This way Anon.”
  86. > She leads you through the house.
  87. > She knows her way throughout the house inside and out. Quickly leading you to Berry’s Bed room.
  89. > “Just place her on the bed Anon. I’ll go fix something up for her.”
  90. > You do as your told, placing the sleeping mare on the bed.
  91. > You even take the time to properly tuck her in.
  93. > She looks peaceful now.
  94. > But wait until the morning.
  95. > You can only imagine how bad the hangover would be.
  97. > You have faint memories of similar experiences.
  98. > On certain occasions, you’d go out with your fellow classmates and war buddies to the local bar.
  99. > You’d either celebrated a special occasion or went simply to drink your troubles away.
  100. > [spoiler] It was usually the latter. [/spoiler]
  101. > By the end of the night, you’d be hammered beyond recognition.
  102. > You don’t have too many clear memories of what happened those nights.
  103. > But one thing was for sure.
  104. > When you went out, you stuck together.
  105. > Sometimes you all would wake up in one of your friend’s home.
  106. > Other times it would be in the back alley behind the bar.
  107. > No one was left to wander the streets.
  108. > It’s a certain sense of camaraderie that is even present here on Equestria.
  110. > “Alright Anon. This should do the trick.”
  111. > You turn to see Rarity in the door way.
  112. > She has a bucket, a towel and what seems like a glass of vegetable juice.
  113. > She places them on the night stand along with a little note that reads:
  114. Your breakfast is on the stove. You can thank me later.
  115. -Rarity
  117. > You burst into laughter.
  118. > “Come on Anon. We don’t want to stick around for when she wakes up. Things could get…messy.”
  119. “Oh, I hear ya alright.”
  120. >You leave Berry’s home, locking the door behind you.
  122. > The trunk’s wheels leave deep track in the gravel road.
  123. > It’s packed to the brim with contents unknown to you.
  124. > Surely but slowly, you hobble down the road.
  126. > “Anon?”
  127. “Yeah? What’s up?”
  128. > She stops and turns to you
  129. > “I’ve been wondering.”
  130. “Yeah?...”
  131. > “Why does your culture wear clothes?”
  132. “W-What?”
  133. > “Why does your culture wear clothes?”
  134. “What do you mean?”
  135. > “Well, you’ve told me that everyone in your world wears clothes all the time. But why?”
  136. “Uhh…I guess it’s just a social norm. I mean, you’re expected to wear clothes at all times.”
  137. > “But why? But for what occasion?”
  138. “Occasion? No. You see, we just wear clothes because it’s what it expected. I mean, if you were to go out onto the streets naked you’d probably be arrested for public indecency. It’s just something that you don’t do. Ever.”
  139. > Rarity blushes in embarrassment. But you’re unable to notice under the dim night.
  140. “Everyone wears clothes all the time. But whenever there’s a special occasion you have to dress appropriately?”
  141. > “Oh? And how so?”
  142. “Well, for starters. Men usually wear a suit and tie. Women on the other hand usually wear a long dress or something.”
  143. > Her eyes widen at the word ‘dress’. But her excitement is short lived once she takes a good look at you in the moonlight.
  144. > “Then why are you wearing that?”
  146. > She point at what once a presentable military uniform. Now a tattered mess of garbs
  147. > Nearly tattered to the point of rags, and covered in various stains.
  148. > “No offense darling. But that is simply the WORST outfit I’ve ever seen. Nothing works! This fabric is simply horrible! It doesn’t clash well with anything!
  149. > She struts around you
  150. > “The colors are all wrong too! I mean look at this shade of green! Honestly, it looks like you pulled this from a dumpster! Where did you even get these? Honestly?”
  152. > Your mind wanders for a moment. Your mind races back to when you took these clothes off of a dying soldier. Leaving him in the streets helpless and naked.
  153. “I ‘borrowed’ them.”
  154. > “You ‘borrowed’ them?”
  155. “Yeaah. Let’s go with that.”
  156. > She looks at you with disapproving eyes.
  157. > “That simply will not do. I refuse to have a friend of mine trotting the streets without any proper clothing.”
  158. “What?”
  159. > “You’re a new face in town Anonymous. All eyes will be on you. So you have to make an excellent impression on everyp0ny. And I know just the thing.”
  160. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
  161. > “Rubies!”
  162. “Pardon?”
  163. > “Yes! I can just picture it now! A fine overcoat embedded with the finest of rubies! Oh oh! And a matching outfit as well! You’ll be sure to knock them off their hooves!
  164. “But rubies!? That’ll cost you an arm and a leg!”
  165. > “An arm and a leg?...”
  166. > She stares at you in confusion.
  167. “Listen. I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t want to put on any extravagant costs on you. I feel bad enough as it i-“
  168. > “Oh nonsense! Rubies are the perfect choice; they’ll go great with your colors I just know it! You are going to look simply mignifique!”
  169. > She looks up to you with those big blue eyes.
  170. > You can’t help but smile in return
  171. “You know what? Yeah, I’m sorry. Go right ahead.”
  172. > Content, she strolls down the road once more.
  174. > You two make idle chit chat while traveling the lone road.
  175. > You converse on all different topics.
  176. > Everything from foods to fashion.
  177. > She was quite surprised to learn about your natural diet.
  178. > Although she didn’t approve of it. She did accept your carnivorous nature.
  179. > Much to your surprise, she took it quite well.
  180. > Rarity explains on another species in Equestria that was carnivorous: The Gryffons.
  182. > As she gave a brief detail of the proud race, you couldn’t help but constantly peer over your shoulder.
  184. > [spoiler] You suddenly feel uneasy. And you know this feeling all too well. [/spoiler]
  185. > [spoiler] Someone or something is following you. [/spoiler]
  186. > [spoiler] Stalking you like prey. [/spoiler]
  188. > You’re much too used to this feeling.
  189. > During the war you were under constant alert.
  190. > At any given moment there could be a sniper lying in wait, ending your life with the pull of a trigger.
  191. > It was maddening.
  193. > You decide not to tell Rarity of your gut feeling, but instead pick up your pace.
  194. > You also keep your hand over your rifle and side arm.
  195. > Keeping them at the ready.
  196. > Soon enough you re enter the town’s market district.
  197. > There are still a few p0nies strewn throughout the town doing various jobs.
  199. > You turn around once more.
  200. > Nothing.
  201. > No one.
  202. > Good.
  203. > “Are you alright dear? You seem worried. Is there something bothering you?”
  204. > You quickly turn your attention to the market
  205. “So which one of these is the famous Carousel Boutique?”
  206. > You point to the various buildings lining the streets.
  207. > Each one of them has a unique architectural style
  209. > “Oh! That one right there!”
  210. > She points to a large building smack dab in the middle of the square.
  211. > It looks like a merry go round converted into a home.
  212. > Its design is eye catching, with various windows and inlays embedded in the walls.
  213. > It’s definitely the most interesting sample of architecture you’ve seen
  215. > She leads to toward the front door.
  216. > “This is my home and business. The Carousel Boutique!”
  217. > She unlocks her door and trots inside.
  219. > You stand outside the door with you things by your side.
  220. > Rarity takes a few moments to realize you haven’t entered yet.
  222. > “Anon? Come inside! It’s cold out!”
  223. “I…”
  224. > “Anon?”
  225. “Rarity, it feels weird.”
  226. > “What?”
  227. “I feel like I’m just barging in your home all of a sudden. I really don’t want to impose. Are you sure there isn’t ano-“
  228. > She stops you before you can continue on.
  229. > “Anon. Darling please, stop being so modest.”
  230. “No. No. It’s not that it’s just I-“
  231. > “Anonymous.”
  232. > She gives you a stern but reassuring look.
  234. > You timidly step inside.
  236. > She smiles warmly.
  237. > “Welcome home, Anonymous.”
  239. --
  241. > You spent the rest of the night in your new home.
  243. > Rarity brewed up some late night coffee for you to share.
  244. > The perfect bitter fragrance of a brew that was darker than black. The rich fragrance piped through you as you sipped.
  245. > You enjoyed one of Pinkie’s sweets.
  246. > A freshly baked hot cross bun with icing on the top.
  247. > It was a perfect midnight snack.
  248. > The cup was so hot, you were forced to take your time.
  249. > As you savor the unique flavors of the Equestrian Coffee, you struggled to keep yourself awake.
  251. > After the late night snack, you finally made your way upstairs.
  253. > You would be staying in the guest bedroom.
  254. > One that was already occupied by Rarity’s younger sister, Sweetie Belle.
  255. > You didn’t mind sharing a room at all. In fact, it even reminded you of your child hood.
  257. > “Here we are.” Rarity whispered.
  258. > She opens the room and turns on a dim oil lamp.
  259. > The soft glow of the light reveals a sleeping filly on one of the beds in the room
  260. > A cool breeze from an open window blows into the room.
  261. > She shivers slightly in her sleep.
  263. > Rarity trots over to her sleeping sister and properly tucks her in.
  264. > “Good night Sweetie Belle.” She says before giving her a kiss on the forehead.
  266. > Rarity then trots over to a bed on the opposite side of the room.
  267. > It was a large bed, probably made for tall stallions, all ready for you. Untouched but for the little impression the cat left on the bed sheets.
  268. > She naps here often when no one else is in the room.
  270. > “Will you need anything else Anon?”
  271. “No. I’ll be fine. Thanks.”
  272. > “Well, in that case. Good night Anon. Sleep well.”
  273. “Thanks. You too.”
  274. > You exchange smiles as she trot’s off to her bed room.
  276. > You place your trunk on the edge of your bed.
  277. > Finally you open it and go through it.
  278. > Curious to see what Celestia and Luna have packed for you.
  279. > You go through the trunk.
  281. > It produces several unique items.
  282. > Several cloaks and blankets made of the finest materials.
  283. > Several bottles of the finest Equestrian wine.
  284. > A complete stationary set. Complete with fine parchment watermarked with the Royal Insignia.
  285. > An impressive telescope with Luna’s Cutie Mark engraved on the side
  286. > An array of books and scrolls; with topics ranging from Equestrian history to its diverse cultures.
  287. > Several maps and constellation charts. Each chart is dated a different day and is in extreme detail.
  288. > You assume these were made by none other than Luna herself.
  290. > You come across the last item in the chest.
  291. > A small red wooden box.
  293. > As you open the box and peer inside you find a pair of golden cuffs. Similar to those worn by Celestia and Luna.
  294. > It’s fine piece of jewelry embedded with the finest of gems that glimmer in the soft light
  295. .
  296. > On the left cuff, Luna’s Moon is engraved on the side.
  297. > On the right cuff, Celestia’s Sun.
  298. > You admire it’s fine craftsmanship, as it would put any jewelry maker from your home to shame.
  299. > There’s a note attached to them:
  300. Dear Anonymous.
  301. These cuffs are our gift to you. As we hope for you to find a new outlook on life with us. We welcome you into Equestria with open arms as an honorary member of the royal family. These cuffs are a testament to that fact. They represent all that and more. Wear them with pride.
  302. Sincerely, The Royal Family.
  304. > You put the snap the cuffs onto your wrists.
  305. “Huh, perfect fit.”
  306. > The have a certain weight to them and feel solid enough.
  308. > You glance around the room once more.
  310. > The warmth of the coffee in your belly and soreness of your legs is weighing you down, but you’re intent on exploring the room a bit before turning in.
  312. > Your attention is caught by the desk in the corner of the room, not too far from the door. Notebooks and scrolls sit haphazardly across the desk.
  313. > Under the undulating glow of the soft lamp you open the top drawer and peer inside. All the while careful not to awake Sweetie Belle.
  314. > Fountain pens, pencils, parchment papers and little glass inkpots fill up the first drawer.
  315. > You place your new stationary set inside the first drawer.
  317. > You spend a few minutes practicing your penmanship. Taking the time to perfect your cursive handwriting once more.
  319. > Only when you compared your penmanship to documents laying about did you realize it.
  320. > You were writing in English. The normal 26 letter language you have used your entire life.
  321. > The scrolls where written in Equestrian, the local language that looked similar to your alphabet, but was completely different.
  322. > Despite all this, you realized you were able to read and write both fluently.
  324. > Producing a small black notebook of yours, you read some of the entries out loud. Then taking an Equestrian scroll and reading aloud from it as well.
  325. > You focused hard on the phonetics of your mouth as you spoke, instead of the message being conveyed.
  326. > Realizing then and there that they were completely different.
  327. > You were speaking two different languages.
  329. > [spoiler] When did you learn this new languages? Who taught them to you? [/spoiler]
  330. > [spoiler] Your mind races to your encounter with Celestia in the throne room. [/spoiler]
  331. > [spoiler] Did Celestia teach it to you? [/spoiler]
  333. > You begin to cross examine all the fact once more before coming to the conclusion that it was Celestia.
  335. > It was then when you realize this could reap some benefits.
  337. > You were still able to read, write and speak in English.
  338. > This would grant you some layer of privacy in yourself.
  339. > You could easily write what was on your mind in your notebook without fear of it being written.
  340. > It was a god send.
  342. > You were about to head to bed when you notice a bookshelf between the desk and the bed, and you couldn’t help but sneak a peek.
  343. > The soft lamp and a street light from outside illustrates part of the bookshelf.
  344. > Some of the books here might be a decade or two old. While other’s look like they might have easily been printer over a hundred years ago.
  345. > There are some hand written journals and scrolls, but most are printed works.
  346. > You can see a photo album stuffed to the point where the memories are nearly oozing out.
  348. > You grow excited as you encounter a book of Equestrian myths and fairy tales.
  349. > Making a mental note to visit the library and take out as many books on P0nyville’s culture as possible.
  350. > You consider taking a crack at this book tonight…
  352. > But you need to get to bed.
  353. > Your tired and need to get ready for tomorrow.
  354. > As time would be both rare and scarce.
  355. > You crawl into bed.
  356. > Quickly falling asleep under the soft glow of the Equestrian moon under the premise of a new day.
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