
FoE RPG G0 - #042 Salvage Farm: Impasse

Jan 4th, 2014
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  1. [21:40]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #42 starts now
  2. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> =======================================================
  3. [21:50]<SpiritOfFate> The battle rages around you, as you invade the salvage farm through the hole in the wall. Griffin fly above, their guns blazing at your troops, Ignis and Buck catching their attention. Some of them try to unlock the garage where Hawkeye and Royal_Lace are.
  4. [21:51]? Hawkeye scuttles about inside the garage, pushing furniture up against the doors, setting mines by the entrance just in case, and nervously looking up at Royal_Lace from time to time. "Can y'all make a griffbot clear the doors?" she asks tensely. "Ah don't know how long cabinets an' workbenches are gonna hold up if them griffs decide it'd be easier to shoot their way in..."
  5. [21:55]? Royal_Lace types furiously away at the keyboard, "Working on it Hawkeye, Everything is down now its just a matter of pulling under my controle now, rewriting the defenses peramiters. Should be hearing some gunfire from the turrets any moment now but trust me when I say the bots are next on my list of things to take care of"
  6. [22:00]? Hawkeye leans her back against the workbench against the door for added reinforcement. "All right, sugarcube. Jus... hurry. Mercs ain't known fer their patience."
  7. [22:09]<SpiritOfFate> The griffin struggle with the door, snapping their pin and jamming it further. Royal_Lace and Hawkeye hear a frustrated caw from outside
  8. [22:10]<SpiritOfFate> The flying griffin turns their guns to the first invaders, firing a hail of bullets at them. Ignis and Buck are hit
  9. [22:10]? Hawkeye smirks and looks down at her necklace. "Got what we wanted. Let's see how long it takes them sons o' mules to get in here."
  10. [22:11]? Royal_Lace bites her lips and leans closer to the screan, leaving her comments unspoken as she focuses on her task.
  11. [22:12]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can hear a satisfied laugh of Avaritia as the cybergriffon finally succumbs to his wounds, his mangled eyesocket dripping blood
  12. [22:12]? Ignis cringes a bit, but stands his ground. "Eat it, flying faggot! Come down here and fight me like you actually had balls!" He yells out in fury.
  13. [22:15]<SpiritOfFate> Buck staggers back, his chest beeding. He grits his teeth and eyes the griffin with burning hatred.
  14. [22:32]? Royal_Lace Accesses the nearest computer controle turret possible to the entrance the mercs are trying to barge through and starts to take pot shots in a hope to scattering them.
  15. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> The south turret turns to the griffin trying to bash the door. One of them brings a rebar club to bash it, only to have it shot out of his talons. Royal Lace can see the eyes of griffin turning to the turret. To say they didn't think that would be a good day of work would be a vast understatement.
  16. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> They spread out as the turrets fires at their direction.
  17. [22:41]? Royal_Lace whipes sweat from her brow, "I think I baught us some more time"
  18. [22:42]? Wintergreen winces, looking between Buck and Ignis, trying to discern which was more needing of healing. She strains herself to not run immediately for Ignis.
  19. [22:42]? Hawkeye breathes a sigh of relief. "Peachy. Good work," she says. "Ah'm more worried about the other folks out there. That ain't a small amount o' gunfire. Can we get our friends some cover?" The sniper scrapes some of the blood off her hooves onto the floor. "Ah hate bein' useless when everypony's out there gettin' hurt. Ah wonder if there's a skylight?" Hawkeye looks up and around for roof access...
  20. [22:42]? Hawkeye ...and a possibly sniper nest.
  21. [22:47]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye sees a closed window to the landfill grounds high above. She can't reach it without something to get her up.
  22. [22:47]<SpiritOfFate> The other ponies see the turrets beginning to turn, and the commotion on the other side, where griffin fly in panic
  23. [22:53]<SpiritOfFate> The only movable objects in Hawkeye's room are the table, the workbench blocking the door and the terminal rack
  24. [22:54]? Hawkeye huffs at the scenario. "Lace, when y'all get a second, Ah could use a boost up there," she says, nodding to the window. "Should be able to provide cover for some of our friends, at least."
  25. [22:57]? Wintergreen notes that buck is much more hurt, and immediately bolts for the stallion. He's rather far into enemy lines, so, she hopes her metal armor is enough to protect her... As soon as Wintergreen reaches Buck, she pulls out a healing potion; pouring it slowly into the wounds on his chest.
  26. [22:59]<SpiritOfFate> Buck turn back at her with enraged eyes, then realizes it's Wintergreen and shakes his head. "T-thanks."
  27. [23:01]? Wintergreen nods her head with a slight smile. "No problem. Now, be careful," she says. "Hawkeye would be sad if you did something reckless."
  28. [23:02]? Sotho feels energy and adrenaline build up as he starts to make a dead sprint across the landfill, rushing past enemies, as he knows the true enemy in all this. He makes his sprint all the way to the owner's house, changing to a straight line as he charges the door.
  29. [23:02]<SpiritOfFate> Buck looks away and then nods.
  30. [23:08]<SpiritOfFate> The backdoor to the house takes a dent but holds in place. With all the weathered slaves in the field, Doodad never risked anything too shabby for his safety.
  31. [23:18]<Firefly> Batmare sweeps down out of the clouds, trailing lightning and fire as she flies. Her wingblades arc with the storms energy as the tiny hero starts taking left wings, and the two griffins flying in front of the Factory fall to the ground... a miserable pile of feathers.
  32. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> Both griffin find a quick way ot the ground, hurting themselves on the debris filled ground. A snort sounds not too far from there.
  33. [23:31]? Ignis scuffles some quality time with the door until he finally gets it to open...delicatedly, as in, busted off its hinges and cracked with his bare be it, somepony could fix that later...important thing is, he had access in...and he went inside pronto.
  34. [23:34]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis finds the giant unfinished griffbot inside, plugged with thick cables into large devices on the back of the building
  35. [23:34]<SpiritOfFate> There are two more griffbots on a corner, shut down
  36. [23:35]? Ignis goes off to investigate the devices.
  37. [23:35]<SpiritOfFate> It seems to be charging the giant griffbot.
  38. [23:36]? Ignis tries to find a setting to reverse the power, as in, drain the power from the bot itself.
  39. [23:38]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis can't find out how to drain the robot, but there is a switch to stop charging
  40. [23:39]? Ignis sighs and does press the off switch, better than nothing...
  41. [23:48]<SpiritOfFate> Buck charges at one of the fallen griffin, skewering her with his horn and then stomping the corpse. The griffin mercenary supporting the group look at each other
  42. [23:49]<SpiritOfFate> The turrets start to turn after the griffin on the towers. They see it and try to flee
  43. [23:51]<SpiritOfFate> One of them flies away while the other has their wing pierced and falls to the grass
  44. [23:56]<SpiritOfFate> The group advances in, while the griffin allies stay behind, providing suppressive fire. One of the griffin enemies flies closer to shoot at them but is caught on fire
  45. [23:58]<SpiritOfFate> The griffin fly on the distance, but the factory offers cover between them and the group. They take fire from the turrets
  46. [00:09]? Wintergreen dashes outside of the camp once again, running for the wounded zebra. Wintergreen examines his wounds as she reaches him.
  47. [00:11]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra has a deep bleeeding wound on his side, it must have been caused by the blast as well.
  48. [00:14]? Wintergreen unrolls a healing bandage, pressing it to the zebra's side as she begins to wrap to stymie the blood. "Hold off until you heal." Wintergreen points to the other warrior that she told to leave earlier.
  49. [00:19]? Royal_Lace turns and spots Hawkeye strugling and alerts her with a breif, "Hold on, Ill have you up there in a second". Lighting her horn she lifts the mare up to the window and turns back to her work on the computer. "Be carful Hawkeye..."
  50. [00:20]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra hobbles along with the other
  51. [00:32]<SpiritOfFate> Not anymore
  52. [00:33]? Hawkeye salutes as she is lifted up to the window. "If anypony knocks, don't let 'em in," she says as she scrambles out the window. The charcoal sniper takes cover behind a vent and draws a bead on a griffon dual-wielding revolvers. "Hey little filly, never ever cry," she sings softly as she squeezes the trigger twice in succession. The bullets rip out and tear holes through the griffon's wing.
  53. [00:34]<SpiritOfFate> The griffiness squawks and falls back into the garbage
  54. [00:37]<SpiritOfFate> The griffinbot in the room light up and so do the ones in the factory
  55. [00:38]? Ignis isn't sure if that's a good thing...did he pressed somewhere he shouldn't?
  56. [00:38]? Royal_Lace grins as she types in her commonds, dispatching the griffin bots to guard the slave house.
  57. [00:41]<SpiritOfFate> They start moving out of their pods, the ones at the factory finding their way out, though the others find a closed door and begin to walk in circles along the walls
  58. [00:43]? Ignis stands back as the robots make their way out...they didn't shoot him, so....they were on his side...probably...hopefully...
  59. [00:48]? Sotho hits the door twice until it falls inward, trotting in and bellowing. "Doodad! I am Sotho of the Shujaa tribe. I am here to challenge you to a duel of Honor." He says, rage quelling in his voice as he trots into the back entrance. "Stand and face me like a stallion."
  60. [00:51]<SpiritOfFate> You find a green earth pony resting by the kitchen sink. He turns to you, pointing a Plasma Pistol. "Y'know, I'd rather not to get into this mess, can't you just go back where you came from?" It's one of the taskmasters.
  61. [01:02]? The_Batmare pokes her head out of the cloud, the fruit bat mask looking at the line of griffins. She picks her targets, and with three brass punches the clouds erupt with lightning. One griffin with an assault rifle falls, while another has his wing injured. Firefly darts back to the others, hovering in front of the group. "Griffs are gathered in a line the center! Heavy arms, about half a dozen! Most...
  62. [01:02]? The_Batmare ...are still in the air!"
  63. [01:03]<SpiritOfFate> One of the griffing lands like a bag of potatos
  64. [01:04]<SpiritOfFate> The rest of them point their guns towards Firefly's path
  65. [01:04]<The_Batmare> More electricity crackles around the Batmare, little bits of electricity arcing around her. Caution: May fry electronics.
  66. [01:07]? Ignis does glare at the big-ass robot that still remained there, it was sorta ominous...the dragon sits right at the console, taking a short break, juggling some thoughts of what to do about it...well, the griffins were around the compound, it was just a matter of waiting out for them, where they couldn't use their numbers...or their flight abilities.
  67. [01:07]<SpiritOfFate> The green pony keeps his pistol pointed at Sotho. "C'mon, leave. It's easy."
  68. [01:07]<SpiritOfFate> The griffinness scrambles back from the ground and picks up a radio.
  69. [01:11]<Sotho> "It is indeed." He says simply.
  70. [01:13]<SpiritOfFate> "You are not gonna do it, are you?" The green pony sighs
  71. [01:13]<Sotho> "A Warrior takes that hard road."
  72. [01:20]<SpiritOfFate> "Got it." He fires twice at Sotho and backs down to the door to the hallways
  73. [01:25]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho swings at the green pony, but only manages to dent his Cestus.
  74. [01:25]<SpiritOfFate> Buck charges at the other fallen griffon nearby, but trips and falls on a pile of garbage
  75. [01:31]<SpiritOfFate> "Alright scum." Gabrielle, the griffiness speaks through the radio, which sounds out of the watch towers. You hear a beep. "A slave just lost their head because of you. So, fucking stop ruining everything before all of them get like that." She nods to the others, that surround her.
  76. [01:32]? Royal_Lace blinks
  77. [01:33]? Ignis releases a whistle. "oooh, they're getting desperate..." He grins. "I can almost taste the despair..."
  78. [01:35]<SpiritOfFate> Bucks gets up, his eyes screeming for murder. He grunts.
  79. [01:37]? Wintergreen 's ears fall back at the threat. She bites her lower lip. Good luck...
  80. [01:38]<SpiritOfFate> Two of the griffin line up their guns at Hawkeye's direction
  81. [01:46]<SpiritOfFate> Luckily one of their gun jams and the other misses
  82. [01:48]<SpiritOfFate> One of the griffin falls from the turret fire.
  83. [02:04]<SpiritOfFate> Gabrielle holds a controller in her talons, caressing the button with a wicked grin.
  84. [02:04]<SpiritOfFate> ===============================
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