
❥Aegisitter A.F

Dec 11th, 2016
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  1. △ name: Juliette Jeon
  2. △ birthdate + age: December 27,1998 + 17 (turning 18 as of December 2016)
  4. △ nationality:British-French
  5. △ ethnicity:Korean-British
  7. △ birthplace:Cannes,France
  8. △ hometown: London,England
  10. △ weight + height:5"2 + 46 kg
  11. △ blood type: AB+
  13. ○ background: Juliette had a nice childhood filled with laughter and fun but also with the occasional tears and hard times.She was born in Cannes,France but she moved alot due to both of her parent's jobs;especially after her father had become a Navy Seal when she was 7 years old but she didn't really mind the constant moving because she liked to travel and she felt that she was very fortunate to be able to see much of the world at such a young age.Her father had been a Marine and part of the Air Force before,even before she was born(he started out when he was 19) so she wasn't surprised when he was chosen to become part of a special tatical Navy Seal team.She travelled and stayed in places like London(3 years),Paris(1 year),Wales(1 year),New York(1 year),Berlin(2 years),Canada(1 year),and finally Seoul(4+ years,arrived when she was 9).One thing,though,she definitely could say that she was much closer to her family members when she was younger because her dad wasnt away that much and her mom had just started and wasnt away that much either but now since her mom became more famous and her dad became a Navy Seal she could not see them as much as often.Juliette has been considered as a performing arts prodigy since she was young because of her love for theatre arts;starting from the age of 3 she would always sing and dance to songs she heard and would hum a tune everywhere she went.Her parents noticed how much she liked performing that they let her get lessons in singing,dancing and acting plus she would perform in front of relatives when they came over to visit,pretty soon she entered competitions to test her skills.It wasn't until she moved to Seoul that things changed for her;at that time she was finishing middle school which was strict which left her barely enough time to work on her special set of skills and that left her depressed for a bit(throughout the whole of grade 9) because of the fact that she was so passionate about performing arts because she knew she needed to focus on her education and she thought what the school taught her about music wasnt enough.She then decided to tell her family about it and they helped her with it.They encouraged her to audition for SMent as that seemed to be the best option at the time.She auditioned when she was 10 years old and trained for 3 years until she debuted as a child actress at the age of 13.Two years later,she talked to her manager about becoming a singer/idol and they agreed after a while.
  15. ○ personality: Juliette has a unique personality,she cant really be placed into one groups as it varies like everyone else's.First of all,she is kind,caring and friendly to many people and likes to help them as much as she can.She knows how it feels to be where many people are when it comes to being independent.On the other hand she is sometimes asocial especially when she has to meet new people at school,for example;when the teacher tells everyone to pick partners for a project she will just sit there as everyone scurries to choose so she gets ends up getting partnered up by the teacher by someone who doesn't want to be with her.That is only when she is not comfortable with anybody or if she is in a bad mood.She is also quick to judge at times and tries not to do so but cant because of the way she grew up.She also tends to over think about things especially when she is in stressful situations that need her to think fast.
  17. Second of all,she sees the best in everyone no matter who they are or what they have done so needless to say she is usually forgiving.She is loyal to her friends and will remain loyal even when they have a huge fight,she wont ever talk behind their back and will keep their secrets safe with her to the grave.She also has a strong sense for justice and is always seeing that people get what they deserve but at the same time,she can't help but try to see the good in them..although those may be good points in her personality she does have the bad ones like...getting jealous easily especially when it comes to friends,family and crushes and when she is jealous she tends to be cold towards the people who made her jealous for a short period of times.She also holds grudges for a long time if she thinks anyone has wronged her,even if she is forgiving she does have her limits like everyone else.
  19. Finally,she is determined and will never give up on most things because she believes you won't be able to beat someone who doesn't give up.When she sets her mind on something she is determined to get through to it but of course there are limits to this like her weaknesses as roadblocks along the way.Since she is so determined she is sometimes described as stubborn since she sticks to what she believes in and will be determined to prove it and have it her way,even if everyone is against her she will stay with what she thinks is right.
  21. ○ family:
  22. -Arabella James,47,mother
  23. -Jeon Yejun,48,father
  24. -Jeon Jaeseung, 21, oldest brother
  25. -William Jeon, 20, older brother
  26. -Jeon Eunhye,11, younger sister
  28. ○ likes:
  29. -Food
  30. -Helping People
  31. -Fandoms(Marvel,Anime,Kpop,T.V Shows,Books,Youtubers,Music,etc.)
  32. -Travelling
  33. -Resting/Sleeping
  34. -Fashion/Jewellery
  35. -Cultures/learning new languages
  36. -Family&Friends
  37. -World News/Politics
  38. -Learning new things
  39. -Horror and Disney movies
  40. -Books
  41. -Binge Watching
  42. -Conspiracy Theories
  43. -Musicals
  44. -Sweets
  45. ○ dislikes:
  46. -Snobs
  47. -Bullies
  48. -Antis
  49. -Being made fun of
  50. -People suffering
  51. -Bad breath
  52. -Tangled hair
  53. -Failing
  54. -Not being able to help
  55. -Cheaters
  56. -Jerks
  57. -Racism
  58. -Inequality
  59. -Brutality
  60. -Homework(sometimes)
  61. ○ trivia:
  62. +She was a child actress and played many roles(you can pick) but her biggest role is in a Hollywood film;she's playing Liz Allan in the Marvel-Sony film "Spiderman:Homecoming".Of course,there was a lot of controversy with it but many people seem to accept it.
  63. +She's fluent in German,French,English and Korean.She wants to try and learn more languages and travel.
  64. +She can't handle spicy food sometimes
  65. +She is a huge fangirl of many things but is low-key about it sometimes unless a fan tells her that they are part of another fandom too
  66. +Her mother is British and her father is Korean-American
  67. +Her favorite shows are Supernatural,Game of Thrones,Abnormal Summit/Non-Summit and Running Man
  68. +When she got her biggest role,she literally almost fainted because she had always wanted to be apart of a Marvel movie
  69. +Her room is full of merchandise from her fandoms that fans gave to her
  70. +She is actually very active on social media;she has a tumblr,a twitter,an instagram,a snapchat and even a She's thinking of trying a Youtube channel but she has to ask her company first
  71. +Flaws:She can't apologize easily as she is very proud,She speaks her mind alot of the time sometimes evem when she knows it will get her in trouble, she is awfully curious and stubborn,she likes to make people jealous a lot
  74. ◇ stage name:Jewel
  75. ◇ occupation: Actress-Idol (under SM Entertainment)
  77. ◇ face claim: Nancy from Momoland
  78. ◇ backup: Somi from IOI
  80. ◇ slot: Old Souls
  81. ◇ backup: Let's Stay Inside
  83. ▽ love interest:Vernon from SVT
  84. ▽ backup: Wonwoo from SVT
  85. ▽ his personality: Vernon is a guy with a 4D personality which means that he thinks in a different way and sees things in a different way but he likes being known for having a 4D personality because he says it makes him stand out from the others.He is a kind guy and is kind to everybody even if they are rude to him a bit.He is also caring and empathetic to people also,at least tries his best to be empathetic.Since he sees things in a different way he wants to see things fromother people's perspective and tries to think about what they go through everyday,he doesn't like to judge people quickly no matter who they are.When he cares deeply about someone he will try his best to show it to them but sometimes it is hard for him to either because he is in a bad mood or the person is in a bad mood even if he isn't close to someone he still shows care for them but not as much as someone he is very close to.Vernon has a very unique sense of humour and sometimes is funny even when he means not to be but even when he is it's hard for someone to at least not crack a smile at what he is doing;he likes to do this so he can liften up somebody's mood especially when their having a 'bad' day.He doesn't know it but people find him charming because of his personality and his looks,he has a nice personality and he is considered actrattive to many girls but he is oblivious to all of it even when it is obvious he just doesn't get it,it is probably because he is younger than a lot of the guys in the group and doesn't know much yet especially about romance.Vernon is very easy-going and it is actually hard to make him angry because of it,he doesn't like to get angry with other people and he does have a high tolerance when it comes to people but he does have limits like everyone else.Accomplishing something(worth bragging about) leads to arragance especially when it is something great which will lead to him bragging about it;it is probably because since he is younger than the other guys he would obviously want to impress his upperclassmen but he does know when two or three people complain about his arrogance he will stop bragging for a while.When somebody whom Vernon is close to(especially like his crush) was spending a lot of time with somebody else he would get jealous easily but not to the point where he is possessive,he wouldn't be like that but he would subtly ask the person why he/she was spending so much time with the other person.If Vernon strongly believes in something,he will stand by it no matter who tells him not to;he will fight for what he believes in because he is very stubborn but he does know when he has to stop eventually.Lastly,he is passive agressive which means which is a type of manipulation in his eyes:when he gets angry he will bottle it up inside and pretend to be happy when in reality he is angry and will unitentionally manipulate the person to getting it his way because he is clouded by anger that he resorts to this kind of manipulation so fast.
  87. ▽ how she acts around him: The two were very awkward with each other at first and focused on the child a lot more than the relationship between them. She came to realize that they should at least develop a friendship with one another first to make it more enjoyable for the both of them so she started to try and get close to him.Now,she is very open with him and likes to tease him.They have many things in common so they can relate to one another.She tries her best to not make it awkward between them.
  88. ▽ how you act around her: The two were very awkward with each other at first and focused on the child a lot more than the relationship between them. It's not that he didn't want to be friends with her at first but he wasn't sure how to approach her so he was thankful when she approached him first.Now,he likes to talk to her and is also a bit protective of her.He supports her with what she does and she does that to him too.
  89. ▽ nicknames for each other:
  90. +She calls him Romeo because it makes sense;she is Juliette.Another reason is because he looks like Leonardo Di Caprio and Leo played a role as Romeo in a film adaptation of the play.
  91. +She also calls him Hasol-ie sometimes
  92. +He calls her J.J because of her initials
  94. □ child's name:Emily Winchester Lee (her nicknames are Em-em and Emi)
  95. □ birthdate + age: May 17,2008
  97. □ personality:Emily is a very hyper and outgoing girl.She loves to meet new people and try new things but she can be scared of it sometimes,depending on what it is.She is very verbal about her feelings and doesn't hide what she feels so when she is is very easy to tell.It doesn't take her long to warm up to the two as she loves making new friends and will always be the one to approach someone first unless that person beats her to it.Emily also likes attention and adoration from the people around her which is why she does aegyo quite a lot,but she also knows when it gets annoying.The only time when she doesn't like attention is when she feels embarrassed,but she doesn't like attention from strangers when she is crying.Emily can also be very sassy and isn't afraid to speak her mind but she also knows what is okay and not okay to say.
  99. □ face claim:Lauren Lunde
  100. □ backup:Keira Lisbeth Poulton or Aleyna Yilmaz or Cristina Fernandez Lee
  102. ♡ scene requests:
  103. +the child gets sick or hurt and they have to take them to the hospital or they just get a checkup
  104. +the child asks how children are made and they have to explain it awkwardly(I know,cliche)
  105. +the child asks why she never sees them kiss,they blush then she begs for them to;they slowly get closer but end up just kissing on the cheek
  106. +the child watching a performance of their babysitters
  107. +watching Harry Potter together
  108. +the child showing off their talents(gymnastics,singing,dancing,etc.)
  109. +them cooking/baking with the child
  110. +reading a story to the child for bedtime
  111. +the child meeting up with another couple's child
  112. +a huge tournament or party with everyone
  113. +them going to a set of a drama she stars in or movie
  114. +them meeting his group
  115. +family vacation
  116. +her shopping with the child
  117. +her talking about working on Spiderman:Homecoming and being a primary love interest to Tom Holland(Peter Parker/Spiderman) and he gets jealous
  118. +her seeing his and Seventeen MAMA stage with G-Friend and him teasing her to see if she is jealous
  120. ♡ message: Hello,I almost forgot about applying for this.I really really love the idea of the applyfic because it's unique and very cute.It appeals to me because I like kids so mix that in with a love interest and you've piqued my interest!I actually have a lot of scene suggestions but I put down a lot already so I will just keep it to myself unless you ask because it would be no problem!I hope you like my character!
  121. ♡ password: s.e.s
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