

May 4th, 2015
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  1. Name: Siegfried
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Griffon
  4. Hits: 7/5
  5. Class: Warmaster (Smith/Knight)
  6. Talent: Big Fucking Sword: On crit cleave hits all enemies present in combat area regardless of range.
  7. Skills:
  8. -Dextrous(racial): passive; You possess the rare gift of dextrous hands. They come in surprisingly handy when using otherwise unwieldy things. Great weapons do not have a larger crit fail range, dual weapons don't miss both attacks on a single crit fail.
  9. -Flight(racial): You use your wings to fly freely, given enough space to lift off. While in flight, you evade obstacles on the ground and can reach otherwise inaccessible places.
  10. -Surveyor(bonus racial): passive; You have keen eyes when flying on high. While flying give either you or an ally +1 for ranged attacks
  11. -Heart of Iron: passive; Once per combat, when you first go down to 1 wound or less, you are instantly restored to 3 wounds.
  12. -Sentry: passive; first action taken in combat is Automatic
  13. -Hot Irons: weapon; Cleave X targets with a critfail range of X-1.
  14. -Martial Defender: passive; you take +2 hits before going helpless (if you had 5, you now have 7, etc), and Slam crits on 8+
  15. Inventory:
  17. -"Pferdemörder Klinge" 2 meter long Zweilhander (Great Weapon)
  18. - Rusted Arquebus. (Needs repair, will explode on 1)
  19. - Red beret with horsetail plume.
  20. - Chainmail suit
  21. - Gothic Plate Armor. (Helmet[unequiped], Cuirass, greeves, boots, gauntlets)
  22. - Pantaloons.
  23. - x12 matchsticks
  24. - Bullet Pouch (x40 iron balls [giggidy])
  25. - Powder horn
  26. - Rucksack
  27. -Bitpouch (2 bits to rub together[giggidy])
  28. -First Aid kit
  29. -50 ft rope (2 sections)
  30. -Waterskin(fulL)
  31. -Compass
  32. -Map of Equestria
  33. -Tenderbox
  34. -Flint and Steel
  35. -Bedroll
  37. Traits:
  38. A unkempt red a gold feathered griffon wearing a wide beret with a horsetail plume. Covering his entire body is a beautiful but clanky suit of steel full plate armor. He has a strong square set beak that looks as if it has been broken and healed back into place slightly crooked.
  40. Backstory:
  41. Will work on this later
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