

Sep 20th, 2016
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  1. 1) Character's Name: Promise Delrosa
  2. 2) Character's Age: Looks late 20s
  3. 3) Character's Gender: Female
  4. 4) Character's Face Claim: Evilla D Ark
  5. 5) Character's Race: Purebred
  6. 6) What Age were they turned: Only answer this if they were turned.
  7. 7) Character's Parents: (Mother) Michelle Delrosa (Father) Jacob Delrosa - Both deceased.
  8. 8) Rank Preferred?: Healer or Scout (Prefer the healer or whatever is thought best)
  9. 9) Personality Traits: Quiet, has a slight temper, loyal, protective, helpful (major ones)
  10. 10) What should we know about your character?:
  11. 11) Your Timezone: Eastern
  12. 12) Your Activity Level: Scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being really active. (8)
  14. 13) Post Sample:
  15. It had been some time since the accident that took her parents. Wandering now after the funeral, Promise just packed up and left. Not wanting to be around their home and reminded of what she had lost, the she-wolf found herself going on a spirit walk. It was time for a fresh start and a new place to live. A new family. Though being an outsider she didn't exactly fit into most places. Quiet and reserved on things, she prefers to observe and gather information before assuming anything. This had labeled her as too shy. Which is completely the opposite of what she really was. Stopping just outside of a town, her bag brought from her shoulder and unzipped. Peering in a quick scan told her that a few things needed to be replaced. Reaching into her pocket, digits curling around the few dollars that she had and being withdrawn. A quick count told her that there was enough for what she needed and still have a little bit left over for a bus ticket if need be. Walking into a nearby mart, Promise slid up and down the isles. Toothpaste, a few perishable can goods, bottles of water, vitamins and jsut a few other odds and ends. Once paid for, all stuffed into that bag and she left. Not ever staying in one place for too long, all she was doing was trying to find that one place where she could belong. Feeling the fatigue and days of restless sleep, debating on getting a hotel room or just sleep out under the stars again. Either did not bother her, but outside she felt the most at home. Finding a small stand of trees, that could hide her well enough, she hunkered down and placed her back against a tall oak. Eyes closing, chin dropping to her chest she let herself doze for a short time.
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