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Sophia's CS Code

a guest
Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. [hider=Sophia Lemane - Arbiter - A Scanner Darkly][color=BD892F][h3] β„• 𝕒 π•ž 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
  2. [indent]Sophia Lemane[/indent]
  3. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝔸 π•˜ 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
  4. [indent]13[/indent]
  5. [color=BD892F][h3] ℍ 𝕖 π•š π•˜ 𝕙 π•₯ : [/h3][/color]
  6. [indent]5' 3"[/indent]
  7. [color=BD892F][h3] π•Ž 𝕖 π•š π•˜ 𝕙 π•₯ : [/h3][/color]
  8. [indent]116 lbs.[/indent]
  10. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝔸 𝕑 𝕑 𝕖 𝕒 𝕣 𝕒 π•Ÿ 𝕔 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
  11. [indent][img][/img]
  13. Sophia is a slim young teenager, but with broad shoulders and wide hips. She has very dark brown eyes that, depending on the light, can sometimes pass off as black. They seem to hold great depth and tend to make people feel uncomfortable if she stares at them for too long. Her hair that reaches down to her mid-back too is a dark brown color, thick and coarse. She prefers to keep it down, but if she is to be doing something more active, will tie it into two low pigtails at the back.[/indent]
  15. [color=BD892F][h3] β„™ 𝕖 𝕣 𝕀 𝕠 π•Ÿ 𝕒 𝕝 π•š π•₯ π•ͺ : [/h3][/color]
  16. [indent][i][color=f7976a]"I know you know the answer. Just say it."[/color]
  17. [color=f7976a]"Do you really not know, or are you just being stubborn?"[/color]
  18. [color=f7976a]"You're just hopeless."[/color]
  19. [color=f7976a]"Just give me an answer, already!"[/color][/i]
  20. Those are some of the words that have been spoken to her as the years passed. Her greatest fault is that she finds it extremely hard to talk, extremely hard to force the words she wants to say out of her mouth. It isn't that she doesn't wish to say anything or that she doesn't see the point in saying anything. She just [i]can't[/i] talk to others, especially those in her family. Whenever she wants to say something, she will formulate the sentence in her head perfectly, run it over and over in her mind to make sure there are no flaws. But when the time comes to open her mouth, she just can't begin to talk. She hates the way attention is focused on her when people want a response, and she always feels like they are going to judge every word that she speaks. It's like there's a gate blocking the words from coming out, and she hasn't been able to find the key. So the words just go around and around in her head until people give up on her.
  22. There are approximately three groups of people in her mind. People that she has never met before and probably will never meet again form one group. For those people she can usually get some sentences out, comforted by the fact that she may never see them again. The second group are those that she sees on a regular basis, and her mother and father fall into this group. For these people it is the hardest to speak, for they know her well and in her mind will always be judging her. She won't be able to forget what she says to these people. The last group are of those rare people that have managed to get into her comfort zone. Only two people have been able to get into this group, her two sisters. Even with them, however, she still will not say everything to. There must be another group that she can spill her deepest thoughts to, but she has never found anyone that would be able to make it there.
  24. [color=BD892F][i]"You're brilliant."
  25. "Yeah, I'm [/i]totally[i] going to do that."[/i][/color]
  26. Sarcasm is part of more than half of what she says when she speaks. The closer you get to her, the more sarcastic she becomes. Sarcasm has become part of her, and she herself does not totally understand why. Perhaps it is because she does not have to directly say what she thinks, her words can be interpreted as truth by some and by some others, as something she does not mean.
  28. [color=f7976a][i]"It's two against one anyway, why don't you just do it?"
  29. "Sophia, you're being unfair. Can't we just do it like this?"[/i][/color]
  30. Stubbornness. Another thing she wishes she could overcome. Part of her hates to be ordered around to do things, while the other part loves not having to make and voice her decisions. Most of the time she'll just follow along and do what she is told, but once in a while she stops and won't budge. Normally, it's for the simple things, like when a sister asks her to get down from her bed to sit on the floor so that she isn't sitting above them. She won't get down because she doesn't want to give in. At the same time, part of her wishes that she could just make her legs move so that everything could be over and solved. But it's already too late and she can't make herself give in.
  32. [color=BD892F][i]"How about we do it this way?"[/i][/color]
  33. As strange as it might seem because of her occasional stubbornness, she's good at helping other people make compromises. She dislikes loud noises and especially hearing people yell and argue. So she'll lend an ear to each opponent, think about it and suggest a different way of doing things. That's the peacekeeper part of her.
  35. [color=BD892F][i]"Are you alright? Need help?"[/i][/color]
  36. Sophia hates to see others cry or be upset, so if she can summon up the words she'll try and ask them what is wrong. Most of the time she is kind and relatively patient, and this attitude often instills in children a liking towards her. It is easiest for her to solve the troubles and woes of little kids because she finds it easier to talk to them. Maybe it's something about their innocence and youth that she feels she lost when she was ten.
  37. [/indent]
  39. [color=BD892F][h3] ℍ π•š 𝕀 π•₯ 𝕠 𝕣 π•ͺ : [/h3][/color]
  40. [indent]The morning after experiencing the Awakening, she knew something was not right the moment she looked in the mirror. Her older and younger sisters were the next people to notice as they trooped into the bathroom, leaving her no time to sort out her thoughts. The looks on their faces before they rushed back out were unforgettable, the horror, awe, and uncertainty. If only they would have seen that the same expression was mirrored on Sophia's face. As she remained standing frozen in front of that mirror, voices echoed through the house before all was silent. No part of her moved for a long time, save for the hand that kept tracing that white mark on her face over and over.
  42. About an hour later when they finally came to take her away with their guns in hand, they found her curled up on top of her bed still in her pajamas. When given a few minutes to get dressed and gather a few things to bring, she picked up a black cloak (a present from her older sister), a thick journal and pencil-case, and her knitting bag. Her family came to see her off and say goodbye, but none save her older sister dared to touch her. Then she was led away. She had not uttered a single word that day.[/indent]
  44. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝕄 𝕒 π•˜ π•š 𝕔 : [/h3][/color]
  45. [indent][u][b]A Scanner Darkly[/b][/u]
  46. When she uses her power she is no longer restricted to seeing just what is in front of her or just what is in the area. She is able to see through light and transparent things within 30 meters that normally cannot be seen through, and identify objects on the other side that other people might not have known were there. With it, she also acquires 360-degree vision, as well as night vision. However, when it is on she is unable to see any living creatures. This power can only be used for a short amount of time, around 10 minutes, before she tires. When her power is on her eyes seem to become unfocused, and they emit a very subtle white glow almost like headlights.[/indent]
  48. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝔻 𝕣 𝕖 𝕒 π•ž : [/h3][/color]
  49. [indent]She was in a boat, and with her sat a family. A father and a mother, along with two young children that could not have been over seven years old. The sun was shining as the boatman rowed along, but slowly a thick fog began to roll in. As it thickened, worried creases formed on the foreheads of the passengers, but she remained calm. Once the fog was too thick to penetrate with the naked eye, she stood and made her way cautiously to the front of the boat. Tapping the boatman on the shoulder, she turned on her power before beginning to whisper instructions to the man. Guiding them from sand dunes, rocks, and from a collision with another boat. A while later the boat bumped gently into the dock and climbing out, the family thanked her. Clasping her hands in theirs, eyes shining and mouths smiling. She accepted their thanks graciously, and soon the fog disappeared once more and the sun shone bright, revealing a small town and grassy slopes.[/indent]
  51. [color=BD892F][h3] β„• π•š π•˜ 𝕙 π•₯ π•ž 𝕒 𝕣 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
  52. [indent]From her vantage point at the top of a steep hill, she looked down at the many gray buildings that surrounded her. Around her were clustered five attendants, waiting for an order so that they could obey without hesitation. Yes, they would not hesitate to obey, for they knew her power. They listened to her, they waited until she was ready to speak. They understood why she did what she did. With a wave of her hand, they backed off a little, giving her room to stand. Her gaze traveled from one place to the next until she settled on a spot, and scanned. A cluster of people came into view, all gathered and gesturing around a table. Those people were obviously discussing something, and she had not been informed of that. That group had tried to leave her out. With a smirk, she pointed to the area and issued an order. [color=bd892f]"Summon a few others, and bring all the people gathered in that building to me. There are four, and I want every one of them."[/color][/indent]
  54. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝔸 𝕨 𝕒 π•œ 𝕖 π•Ÿ π•š π•Ÿ π•˜ : [/h3][/color]
  55. [indent]Arbiter[/indent]
  57. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝔸 𝕣 π•ž 𝕒 π•ž 𝕖 π•Ÿ π•₯ 𝕀 : [/h3][/color]
  58. [indent]None so far[/indent]
  60. [color=BD892F][h3] 𝕋 𝕙 𝕖 π•ž 𝕖 π•Š 𝕠 π•Ÿ π•˜ 𝕀 : [/h3][/color]
  61. [indent][url=]This one's kinda for when she is feeling unsure[/url]
  62. [url=]This one doesn't really describe her, it's more like what she wishes she could do[/url][/indent][/hider]
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