

Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. NOTE: This is the second part of the roleplay "MW: The Renaissance". If you'd like more context to this, please read the previous one.
  3. . .Nina: *the smile fades away quickly, and looks noticeably uncomfortable, trying not to pay attention*
  4. . .Rachel: *sighs and shakes her head* No I didn't. I said I was worried about...well...the cost to you and I didn't believe you could do it without suffering... you're a young kid. You don't need to do anything rash to be valuble to people Agape...
  5. . .Agape: No... no, for me, this is what I have to do. A little suffering's not going to get to me, I'm better than that, I can assure you. I'm just happy knowing I don't have another person telling me I can't. I'm tired of them.
  6. . .Rachel: I trust you know what's good for you Agape...just don't forget we've got your back. *smiles*
  7. . .Nina: *the high spirit returns* Wow that was really motivating! *she looks at Rachel suspiciously but in a playful way, with a faux scowl on her face* You're really something, Admiral.
  8. . .Rachel: Well yeah I'm the best. *smiles and winks to Nina* Nah I just...know how this sorta thing goes, It's better not to go it alone in situations like this.
  9. . .Agape: Right... so, if we're gonna get there quickly, shall we start finding a way in? I'm sure Terri's lost anyways, I need to explain to her all that's been going on.
  11. Terri: *nods twice* Yeah, leth go alreadthy!
  12. . .Rachel It's getting kinda late. I'm...taking some time off so we can head of whenever you guys are feeling up to it, guys seem a little tired *tilts her head and gestures to Terri and Nina*
  13. . .Agape: Oh yeah, is it? I was so busy looking stuff up, I never noticed the time... not that I've had too much of a chance to actually sleep...
  14. Terri: I justh goth bthoredth.
  15. . .Nina: It is kind of late, isn't it? Hard to tell in here. Maybe we can start early tomorrow, Aggy. I'll wake you girls up.
  16. . .Rachel: I know Terri just got up and need to photosynthesize right?
  17. . .Terri: Nah, I don't needth tho phothosynthethwhathever. Justh geth me some thunlight andth wather andth I'm goodth.
  18. Agape: *nods* Yeah, that'll be good. Night, Nina.
  19. . .Rachel:...Umn...that's our word for that process actually umn...but yeah the sun is going down soonish, so getting you something to eat would probably be a good idea.
  20. . .Nina: I'm heading back to my cabin, Admiral. Where should I look for these two tomorrow?
  21. . .Rachel: Agape was bunked in the medical wing, end of the hall, left door...but realistically we should all just meet up topside. I'll set up a small boat and we can go when you're ready tommorow guys....I kinda wanna borrow Terri for a while if that's alright.
  22. . .Agape: Alright, Rachel... and why do you need her?
  23. Terri: Cthan I thleepth outhidthe? Wendthy nether leth me... *pouts*
  24. . .Nina: *smiles and gives a thumbs up* Right then, time to crash. 'Till tomorrow, girls, Admiral! *snaps a better salute and leaves*
  25. . .Rachel: I just wanna run some scans and tests. We don't really have plant people so I just wanna get some data to work with. *Glances to Terri* Yeah that's fine if you want. I can try to set up some soil or something if it'd make it more comfortable for you.
  26. . .Agape: So long as you don't hurt her, sure... I don't think Terri's ever been to the doctor or anything, so she might be a bit squeamish.
  27. Terri: *jumps for joy* YETH!
  28. . *** Skilletz has renamed this conversation to "MW: The Decay" ***
  29. . .*The next day the group gathered up and took the long boat ride around the coast of france finally arriving in port, early that evening. Their small scouting boat seemed to more or less have sleeping room for themselves, the captain and their stuff and very little comparison to the federation base the Ascadian port seemed to be primative, brick and mortar warehouses. Anyone looking over the side would note a group of soldiers in tattered brownish armor and red bandanas and headbands. waiting as their boat finally made port. Two men seemed to be waiting, a half wolfman and a man in a green cape, and a brown scarf watching them pull into port....Rachel seemed to be sleeping pretty soundly under the deck, the captain calling out.*
  31. Captain: We're making landfall soon! Grab your bags and get ready to depart!
  32. . .Terri: *knocks on the cabin's door* Rathel, Rathel! We're landthing!
  33. *on-deck, Agape is looking out over the water, looking at the soldiers & strange people*
  34. Agape: (So, this is France, huh...)
  35. . .Nina: *finishes fastening her belt loop* C'mon Admiral, the ship's landing... *yawns, then pokes Rachel a few times in the belly before opening the door to find Terri* Hey girl, ready to go? Rachey won't budge... *Terri would see that Nina was wearing a chain as a belt, which she hadn't been wearing before*
  36. . .Rachel: Mhgn...*pushes herself upright and glances around* I'm up, I'm up...
  38. *Agape would note the wolfman making eye contact with her...and giving her a big toothy grin, the man in the green cape looking a little more pensive, almost unaware of her as the captain and the dock crew moored them up...she'd note he seemed to have slight points at his ears...*
  39. . .Agape: *as she notices him smiling at her, she shyly waves before quickly turning around to check on the others* H-hey, guys... we're here~!
  41. Terri: *stares at Nina's belt for a second, before turning to Agape as she comes up to them* I wokthe upth Rathel... I thinkth she'll be outh soon.
  42. . .Nina: *hurriedly goes up* Aaaand land's here! I don't like boats too much, hah. Hi Aggy, sleep well? *looks around taking in the view, noticing the two strangers and smiling at them too*
  43. . .Rachel: *yawns and opens the door* I'm here....Chester what's the sco-...*spots the two men*...Heyyyyyyy there....
  45. Scarf: *adjusts his scarf* Salutations Lady Redstroke. This isn't your usual crowd, I trust you have a good explaination for this arrival?
  47. Wolf man: *gives nina a quick wave, resting a hand at his side, his tail slowly wagging* This should be fun~!
  48. . .Agape: *waves* Uhh, hello, sirs.
  50. Terri: Why doeth he hath a thail? I thoughth ptheopthle dthidthn'th grow thothe...
  52. Agape: *shrugs in response to Terri*
  53. . .Nina: *wiggles her eyebrows at the wolfman while subtly nudging Agape* Oh yes it will~. *turns to Rachel. Friends of yours, Admiral?
  54. . .Rachel: No, not exactly...*smiles* Hey Erik, Rodion it's good to see you guys again! Why're you here?
  56. Rodion: *Shrugs and rests his hand at his axe.* I'm in charge of what's left of the Ascadian navy "admiral".
  58. Erik: And I was simply passing through. A supply shipment was diverted and I wanted to personally ensure that it stayed on course
  60. Rachel: Right....well...I just wanted to visit a friend, heard Leoric was operating in the area. Have your guys caught wind of him?
  61. . .Agape: H-he's big and kinda scary... why're they here?
  63. Terri: HEY! Wolth-man hath an akththe likthe me! *pulls out her own axe, as if simply proud of having one*
  64. . .Nina: *about to introduce herself, but Terri's axe catches her off guard* ... Girl, why are you carrying that around? *at a loss, simply fake-courtsies at Erik and Rodion* Hey boys, pleased to meet you.
  65. . .Rodion: *shuts an eye* Watch where you swing that, someone might get hurt...and nah the last i heard that annoying idiot was off in Africa.
  66. Erik: *bows to Nina* A little bird suggested a federaton vessel would be in the area, and we decided to investigate.
  67. Rachel:...(We didn't exactly do a meet and greet.) Tch...alright well...mind if I just take my friends around anyway?
  68. . .Terri: Okthay...
  70. Agape: *nods* Yeah, it's for something important.
  71. . .Nina: *beams at the bowing* So polite! *offers her best angelical look* Pretty please?
  72. . .Rodion: *tilts his head* What could be so important, you would bring a bunch of giddy school girls to a warzone?
  73. Erik: *crosses his arms*...What would you have done with Leoric if he were here? (She's lying, but I can't very well crush them for no reason...)
  74. Rachel: Mostly just research. *motions to Terri, then agape then Nina.* Terri's Agape's body guard, Agape is researcher on extra-dimensional activity and Nina is her assistant. They're doing studies on our world and we wanted an extra gun that wasn't waving federation flags everywhere.
  75. . .Agape: *nods* Yes, that's right. I'm particularly interested in the dimensional holes that show up around here. So, while it's in the middle of a war, I think this is a good time to gather information on them.
  77. Terri: ... Y-yeah, whath she saidth. *suddenly changes how she's holding her axe, in order to be more aggressive* I athume you're also a bodthyguardth? Thath why I goth ecththithedth tho see someone elthe in my line of workth.
  79. Agape: She's a BIT of a brawn-over-brains sort, but she's a good person I assure you.
  80. . .Nina: *assumes her most professional look, which doesn't really look all that professional but at least is more serious, and sports at least a light frown* Close inspection should provide some more precise data regarding the anomalies, which we could really use right now... *sounds slightly concerned*
  81. . .Rodion:*stares*...You guys just kinda made sounds that strongly resembled words but...*he rubbed his head* it sounds really bullshit.
  83. Erik: How convienent you cannot verify this in any way, nor can contradict your statements... *taps his foot*
  85. Rachel: Yep that's the size of it, can we go?
  86. . .Agape: Well, I'm sorry if you don't believe us, sirs, but that's the fact of the matter. I'll admit I'm far from comfortable here, which probably doesn't help me explaining our case, but I can safely assure you we're being honest.
  88. Terri: *after glancing at Agape very very briefly for the comment she made previously, she continues holding her pose*
  89. . .Nina: Boys, I know we don't exactly look the type, but really, what kind of girl would go out in a labcoat? *she shrugs a little* We'll be outta your hair in a jiffy, alright?
  90. . .Erik: *sighs* What is the problem anyway? The federation has data on the area...
  91. Rachel: Some chick died and unleashed an entity of evil and stuff, we wanna make sure it doesn't get worse.
  92. . .Agape: *nods* Like I said earlier, they have something to do with the dimensional holes, which is why we're here.
  94. Terri: *still holding her pose, looking at rodion & erik as though telling them she's prepared to fight*
  96. Agape: ... Terri, you can put the axe down, I'm sure we're safe.
  98. Terri: *slowly lowers her axe, still looking at rodion & erik*
  99. . .Nina: *raises her hands, as though defeated* That data we need might help us out. This entity thing is the kind that eats countries for breakfast, y'know? So we go in, pick up the info we need, and contribute to a nice don't-let-the-world-be-eaten cause. Sounds fair, boys?
  100. . .Rodion: *shrugs* We'll see about that girly...
  101. . .Erik:...(I don't have time for this...) Rachel I trust your judgement but....well I personally do not trust you. Do you three need the admiral at all? *raises an eyebrow*
  102. Rachel: G-gh...
  103. . .Agape: Well, yes, of course! Rachel is here to help get us to where our work is, as unfortunately, I have not been disclosed to the exact location of the experiment. It's a FEF thing and all, not necessarily a secret, but something miss Nina and I aren't allowed to know. So, if we can't take her with us, then how're we even going to get there?
  105. Terri: *nods*
  106. . .Nina: *matches Erik's eyebrow raise* I thought... you two were concerned about us going into a warzone, but, now you're going to have us do it... without the person specifically assigned to us for this?
  107. . .Erik: My quarel is not with you, and from how you speak it would be safer if you had a larger force at your call than one person and one unaccounted for party. We would assign you an escort after extracting the location from concerns do not exclude myself my dear.
  108. Rodion: *tilts his head* It's not like it would be easy to miss a demon in these parts...
  109. . .Agape: Well in actuality, a small group like ours will be able to handle it much better, without drawing as much attention and potentially causing a crisis in the process. I appreciate the offer of assistance, and I can tell that you care for our safety, but even if you don't trust her, I think miss Rachel is the best we can do for this mission.
  110. . .Nina: Look, I've got an idea... *she points to Rachel almost accusingly* I get that you don't trust HER... *she offers her sweetest smile, pointing at herself* But you can trust me! So how about we go with this - I'll guarantee that the Admiral won't do any funny business, and to prove it, I'll stay as collateral. *steps up closer to Rodion and Erik* The Head Researcher can get all the readings by herself, it'll just take a little longer if I'm not there. *she points to Terri* And with the Admiral and this here trusted bodyguard keeping the Head Researcher safe, we don't need to abuse of your kindness and take away escorts we're not really sure you can spare. *she offers Erik her hand confidently* What do you say? If the Admiral so much as breathes funny, I'll answer for it.
  111. . .Rodion: *Steps inbetween Nina and Erik* Sorry miss but you're lookin' suspect here too wh-hey!
  112. Erik: *brushes Rodion aside*You say you will take Redstroke's place...? a remarkable amount of faith to have in someone...fine but you will be held accountable....ALL of you...
  113. Rachel: *Grins and gives a thumbs up, stepping off the boat* Right we'll text you when we can pick you up Nina...Erik do you have a correction device we can borrow?
  114. . .Agape: R-right, we'll be back soon, Nina. *follows Rachel, grabbing Terri's hand and taking with her* Miss Terri will make sure nothing happens to either of us!
  116. Terri: Wha-hey! *nearly trips as she's dragged by Agape*
  117. . .Nina: Yes Admiral. *bows a little towards Erik* I am grateful for your understanding, sir. *turns towards Rodion* Don't worry big boy, it'll be fine, I'm sure! *winks* We can even get to know each other a little better~
  118. . .Rodion: *glances aside and steps away* Fine I guess I can settle for that...
  120. Erik: Rodion ready a wagon for them, I'll show Nina to her quarters. She will be held as a guest not a prisoner. *He offers his hand to her...*
  122. Rachel: Very kind of you Erik, but we won't be too long. *smiles and begins marching off...* I remember where you guys had the layout set up from last year, don't worry about it!
  124. Rodion:...*heads off after Rachel* Right right...I convinced the boss to use more modernized stuff so you guys probably know what to do with it....have any of you managed a car?
  125. . .Terri: Whath'th a ctha-
  127. Agape: Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with 'Kars', and neither is my bodyguard. Rachel should be able to do so, however.
  128. . .Nina: I'm to be your guest?! *she takes Erik's hand* That's... very considerate, Sir Erik. *offers a bashful look* We could get to know each other, too~
  129. . .Erik:...*he grumbles as he leads her to one of the warehouses, looking extremely weary* Thank you for the offer....may I ask what your interest in our world was?
  131. *Rodion lead them to a cargo truck, hastily painted white and gold. A large device seemed to be secured in the flatbed, though there seemed to be plenty of space in the back left over.*
  133. Rodion: Try to keep it in piece those things are expensive...
  135. Rachel: No promises! *she climbs and begins rummaging around* Only room for one more up front here first come first served!
  136. . .Agape: I'll stay with mister Rodion in the back then, I take it? *she quickly leans over to Terri, whispering in her ear before heading over to the back seat* I'm sorry about the brawn-over-brains comment, it was just to get us through that...
  138. Terri: Thath okthay, I don'th ethen know whath brawn ith! *heads off to the front seat*
  139. . .Rodion: *marches off* Fuck that noise, I'm not coming along...I've got bigger priorities than babysitting some science nerds. The car's fueled, we were gonna head out today but that shipment caused us problems...
  141. Rachel: I hear ya, logistics suck! *turns it on, the engine sputtering to life* Hah, okay this thing's...probably older than all of us put together but it still runs at least!
  142. . .Agape: (T-that's not a very nice word!) Alright then, goodbye sir!
  144. Terri: ... Tho, rathel, whath ethen ith this thing?
  145. . .Nina: Oh, you don't pull any punches, do you, sir? *she sighs* We could talk things over a little better once we're both sitting down, but... how do I say this? *shrugs a little* I didn't come here by choice, sir. So I might as well enjoy the view, learn as much as I can, you know?
  146. . .Rachel:...*thinks for a moment* It's a mechanical wagon I guess. Really old ones used to use dead plants but now they just require a mage
  148. Erik:...I'm...recently bereaved. I'm not quite in the mood to handle the flirting as kind as it is.*leads her inside the warehouse quickly heading to a sideroom...Nina would note she was in a makeshift barracks. The room they then entered looked to be more private quarters, a desk with a map, a picture of a much more upbeat Erik standing next to a more serious redhead and a few notes strewn about. His bed seemed well made but dust had begun to gather as if it were unused and the nightstand's candle approaching the end of it's lifespan...offering the chair at his desk he sat on his bed.* So you were forced along were you? By who...Redstroke?
  149. . .Terri: Wooooooow... you guyth cthan dtho so muth withouth pthlanthth!
  151. Agape: *looks around her, moving to the back window to try & look in on rachel & terri*
  152. . .*Agape would see the controls, Agape and the two passengers up front. it seemed to have a gearshift, a radio...and no ac...Rachel began driving before it sputtered, stopping for a moment before continuing on, starting to make it's way out of the lot and off base*
  154. Rachel: Damn, this thing might be older than I thought...*She looks into the rear view*...You need something Agape?
  155. . .Agape: *shakes her head* Nah, just checking up on you two. I'm kinda alone in the back, so...
  157. Terri: *she suddenly looks worried* I-ith sthill doesn'th uthe pthlanths, righth?
  158. . .Rachel: I don't think so, the plants cars used to use were dead for thousands of years anyway...but this one might be solar powered and it's getting late. *opens the back window for Agape, the wheel staying stable on it's own* You won't be for long...
  159. . .Nina: Oh! I'm... jeez, I'm so sorry for your loss, sir. *Nina would sit down on the chair* Thank you for letting me into your office, Sir Erik! *frowns a little* You should at least let me dust your bed a little, maybe fetch you a new candle... *she would look up as though lost in thought* No, that's not it, sir. As you've guessed, I'm not from around these parts. Don't remember much about arriving, just that I did, and that I neither caused it nor wanted it. The Admiral took me in and gave me a place to stay, and not long after that I met the Head Researcher. I decided then that I might as well make myself useful, right?
  160. . .Erik:...A noble decision to be sure but...Why not head home?
  161. . .Nina: **smiles sadly** I can't. We tried, but even the Admiral's got no idea what's going on. The gate... Just won't send me back.
  162. . .Erik: It seems you're less the hired help and more an indentured servant...*Sighs* We do not have much to spare, but I would like to offer you any accomodations we can afford.
  164. *Nina would recieve a text from Rachel*
  165. . .Nina: *offers Erik her most sympathetic look* I'm very grateful, sir. You don't need to worry much for me, I'm comfy just about wherever! *her expression changes to worry* But you, you look like you need a nap, sir, at least. Hot bath would be better but I'm not sure if you can afford to take one now. *feels the vibration from her phone* And speaking of baths, *she blushes a little, uncomfortable* d-do you think there's a toilet I could use?
  166. *moves legs a little*
  167. . .Erik:...I can't afford such people are in gra-huh? *He stares quizzically for a moment* (...Did I just hear...) *He raises an eyebrow* R-right....across the warehouse there's a bathroom you may use.
  168. . .Nina: *gratefully nods, then stands up* Don't mind me! *using her tk manipulates her phone into copying the text's contents into a separate document, sending Rachel a request for another giving just random nonsense, deactivating all types of notifications and erasing the previous messages, all while taking off her chainbelt and hoodie, leaving the phone inside the hoodie, blocked, then walks to the bathroom...* (Man, it was a good idea exploring the phone earlier... I still want a non-kitten motif, though. Gotta ask Joanie for that!)
  169. . .Rachel:....*Terri would note Rachel had flipped out her phone and was texting*... (Nina we don't have the time for this!)...*sends her a text asking if she thought Erik's butt was cute* Aghh....
  170. . .Nina: *returns after a minute* Phew... Thanks! *puts on her hoodie and belt, then checks her phone for the new text... and instantly reddens* A-admiral! *she looks at the phone, then again at Erik, then at the phone, then smiles sheepishly at Erik before quickly going over the copied text*
  171. . .Erik:...*tilts his head* Is there something amiss my lady?
  172. . .Nina: *switches back to the text* Well, umm... *closes her eyes, bows a little and holds the phone so that Erik can see the message, and after just enough time for Erik to see it, screams as loud as possible while righting hersel abruptly, to try and startle Erik* I-I-I-I-I DO THINK YOUR BUTT IS LOVELY, SIR!!! *immediately teleports with all her focused might as Rachel directed*
  173. . .*Nina would note due to her delays, the truck was actually a fair bit further ahead of her, she'd need to try to catch up with it, though the truck wasn't so amazingly fast she would have difficulty with it*
  175. Rachel: Kch! Alright Agape, get ready to help Nina on if she needs it!
  176. . .Agape: Help Nina? But isn't she ba- *sees Nina behind the truck* Oh! NINA, HERE! *run to the back of the truck, waving at her*
  177. . .Nina: Ah stupid, stupid! *gets a running start and then begins to fly without much altitude in order to bypass any obstacles/unevenness the ground may present and to move faster, checking behind her just to make sure Erik hadn't sent word to start chasing them*
  178. . .*After a moment...the group would hear alarm klaxons from the port....Shortly after that...they'd hear a loud rip....*
  180. Rachel: Hah alright we're in th....Uhhhhhhh....shit don't tell me.*She looks back through the window*
  182. *Nina and Agape would already see it, Erik sprinting after them with his weapons readied at ridiculous speed, having appeared from the same spot Nina did.*
  183. . .Agape: Shoot... Uh, h-hi, mister man... Nina, dodge outta the way! *pulling her handgun out quickly, Agape fires a shotgun blast of poison at Erik*
  185. Terri: Rachel, whath going on?! *looks out as well*
  186. . .Nina: *deftly dodges the poison blast while straining to crush as much earth behind the truck as possible, trying to make the terrain very uneven with obstacles and holes and hopefully slowing down Erik, then reaches out to land on the flatbed, panting* Crud, crud, I'm so sorry! *tries to regain her breath* T-terri, a little help here!
  187. . .Rachel: Climb out and help the others Terri, I need to keep the car steady!
  189. Erik: *jumps and sweeps his cape, sending Agape's shotgun blast back at the pair and himself over the obstructions* I thought you were better than this!
  190. . .Terri: *nods, quickly jumping out of the car window & forces a cherry tree to grow behind the truck, in a way that blocks the reflected poison* I'm on ith!
  192. Agape: Shootshootshoot... Terri, be careful! *fires a bullet at Erik*
  193. . .Nina: *panting, stands up* Nothing personal, sir! *turns to Terri* Girl, make as many of those grow as you can! Even if you don't hit him, it'll make it harder for the other pursuers to catch up! *uses her tk to pick up as much dirt and rocks from the ground as possible, both from before when the ground got crushed and now from the cherry tree's bursting, and guides it like a stream towards Erik, unfastening her chainbelt*
  194. . .Erik: *grabs the trunk and spun his dagger, sending a large wave of black energy at the party from it as he kicked off the newly formed tree, using the wave both to protect himself from the projectiles and potentially smash into the truck...* Does it matter?!
  196. Rachel: O-oy! We've got bigger fish to fry "prince charming"!
  197. . .Agape: WAH! Terri, I'll cover you! *fires another shotgun blast, hoping to nullify erik's wave & perhaps catch Erik*
  199. Terri: *nods to Agape, creating another cherry tree under Erik as she swings her axe horizontally upwards*
  200. . .Nina: Why you-! *grabs chain and holds it at the ready, then focuses intensely on creating her PSI-Shield right in front of the wave, confident of stopping it and hoping to have Erik crash into it and bounce off. The shield would be made at its max dimensions so that Erik would not be able to go over it or under it* Terri, spam those trees!! This guy's not going to be our only problem soon!
  201. . .Erik: *lands in the tree and kicks off it toward the truck as he tosses his sword into the air as several images of it began appearing above the truck's path...* It's not over yet!
  203. Rachel: *tries swerving out of the way* Agh, okay now would be a good time to get rid of that guy!
  204. . .Terri: Righth! *summons another tree, this time in front of Erik to catch him as he rushes towards them*
  206. Agape: *fires her gun at the swords as they appear*
  207. . .Nina: Haaaaaaah! *sweating and panting, focuses for a moment and sends a Psi Strike directly at the original sword, trying to send it careening back towards Erik, while she tosses the chainbelt's full length, making it hover extended behind the tree ready to intercept Erik in case he manages to move out of the way*
  208. . .Erik: *Catches his own sword with ease as some echos rain onto the truck, however...* Gh?! *He's caught in the tree and tries to get out of it, buying the group plenty of time...he seems to be glowering at the party unable to pursue as he gets out of the tree...*
  210. Rachel:...Hey good work girls....*Sighs* Jesus christ...
  211. . .Terri: *continues growing trees around them as they drive off; these ones are more random, though they're behind the truck*
  213. Agape: *sighs as she pulls back, putting away her gun* ... Thanks, Terri and Nina. How'd you even escape from Erik in the first place?
  214. . .Nina: *falls to her knees, trying to hold herself up, clearly very exhausted, but manages a thumbs up and a small smile* Nice... girls... *takes a deep breath* I'll show you guys... later. I can... I can bend space a little, move through that. Teleport, right? *sighs* Man that was rough.... And that Erik prince guy was good looking too. *lies down* I'll cave the road down... after a little rest... *closes her eyes*
  215. . .Rachel: *sighs*...He's a good kid too. Nina don't worry about it, they can't afford to follow us forever. With this truck we can make it to Clark no problem...
  216. . .Agape: He really didn't seem to like you, Rachel... Terri, just stop in a few minutes. I don't think we need that many trees.
  218. Terri: Ith okthay, I hath a hardth limith of then threes anyways.
  219. . .Rachel: My friends and I killed his girlfriend and nearly killed him, it's kind of understandable....
  220. . .Agape: .... Oh... *stares at Rachel for a moment* ... W-why?
  221. . .Nina: *bolts upright and seems shocked* I... I uh, alright, no caving but, uhm, Admiral...? H-h-how come? Erm, I mean I'm sure you've got your reasons! Just... seems... uh... *looks really down and lies down again*
  222. . .Rachel:....*Sighs* The kids were on a war path. We had bigger priorities. We couldn't afford to fight a war and everyone we stopped the war and saved everyone else.
  223. . .Nina: *opens eyes, impassive* For the greater good, eh...? *closes them again*
  224. . .Agape: If it was to stop a war, I can't say I blame you... I'd probably do the same in that situation.
  226. Terri: *stops throwing trees everywhere, sitting down across from Agape* Nina, are you okthay?
  227. . .Nina: *takes a deep breath* Y-yeah Terri, thanks for the help, don't worry... I'm just inexperience with my abilities, they take a lot out of me.
  228. . .Rachel: When you have the ability to make change in the world these are the decisions you get stuck with sometimes yeah...*sighs and glances back to Agape*...
  229. . .Agape: Of course, I get that! ... I'm aware of what'll happen when I become necromancer...
  231. Terri: Thorry abouth thath, Nina. If I hadth some dthirth, I couldth justh grow a three on here andth inthithe you tho sith undther ith... pthlanthth cthan really helpth likthe thath.
  232. . ..
  233. . .Nina: *laughs tiredly, more confused than anything* H-hey, don't sweat it girl, thanks for the offer?
  234. . .Rachel: Alright, let me know when you girls wanna take a break...we should be in the clear for a while!
  235. . *** Skilletz added <Absurdly Powerful SCP> ***
  236. . .+++++++++++++++++++++
  237. *Meanwhile Monste would feel a warm light pass over her, a quietly pleading voice whispering over her...*
  239. ???: Please....please awaken...
  241. *She hears something approaching, a somewhat familiar voice *
  243. ???: I'm surprised the sun spends much time indoors, it's kind of a downer really...
  245. ???: Not now Esther!
  247. Esther: Geeze alright I just came to let you know someone's requesting an're wasting your time with this one though....
  248. . Montse: ...H-Huh...? (What...? W-Where am I...? W-What happened here...? I-I think I can hear a familiar voice here...)
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