

Feb 25th, 2016
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  1. ▶Seige (Gestalt) 02/20/16 (Sat) 13:20:16 No.5853>>5857 >>5858
  3. >Out loud he says - with two simultaneous voices.
  4. "See ya Aunt TInker. If you're Suprised about this change, and my powers - don't be."
  5. "My Dad never got around to telling you about this. Don't blame him."
  6. >Seige then Launches into the Air, flying away at Supersonic Speeds.
  8. ▶Tinker (You) 02/20/16 (Sat) 13:23:44 No.5857>>5858 >>5860
  9. >>5853
  10. … Wait, what-
  11. >She's an aunt? What's going on here? What? Before she can ask more the boy has left the place.
  13. ▶Eidolon 02/20/16 (Sat) 13:30:47 No.5860>>5863 >>5864
  15. >>5858
  16. >>5857 (You)
  17. >Immediately Appears, seeing his son Fly away.
  18. >Turns back to Emit and Tinker
  19. "Yeah, "Gestalt" is my Son - long story but he's the reincarnation of that Monster Kaze created years ago.
  20. TInker - I know you don't want to talk about it but Kimi IS your Cousin, and as such she infused her own DNA into the Monster.
  21. After I reincarnated it into Gestalt - it retained her DNA, mixed in with Mine - so he's Biologically my son via Virgin Birth!
  22. >Eidolon takes a second to let the revelation sink in
  23. "So yeah Tinker - by being his only living Blood Relative - you're his Aunt and his Godparent. He looks up to you."
  24. "He can absorb the essence of anyone near death he encounters - you remember the villain Seige who died in that Robbery? Well Gestalt was there. He was the first Persona Absorbed if I remember."
  25. >Places a hand on Tinker's shoulder
  26. "Please T. look after him, I don't think he's ready to talk to me just yet. You saw how cold and distant he was. He may have your brains, but he doesn't have your heart. Help him, please"
  27. >Eidolon then leaves.
  29. Tinker_ [How far related are Tinker and Gestalt by the way?]
  30. Gestalt [Eh, not much surprisingly]
  31. Gestalt [His only relation to her is a partial Sample of Kimi's DNA who's Tinker's Cousin]
  32. Gestalt [His Dad technicaly doesn't have DNA, but would also have a Sample of Random - his Human Form]
  33. Gestalt [The Rest is Pure Reality Warping to fill in the missing pieces - but he is still your Nephew]
  34. Gestalt [Think of Gestalt as more of a "Project" of his Dad - a creation of Magic, Biology and Extra-Dimensional Power]
  35. Tinker_ [Ah, okay]
  36. Gestalt [A Gestalt of all those various ideas if you will ]
  37. Tinker_ [heheheh I see what you did there lol]
  38. Gestalt [So yeah hes barely related to you - but he still is. Assuming Kimi wasn't lying about you two beig realted]
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