
ping pong kingen

Apr 14th, 2014
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  1. ---SETTING---
  3. Everything is fuzzy for several moments, and you faintly remember large black shapes moving about in your field of vision before your legs give out and you shut your eyes.
  5. That was several hours ago, and now you sit inside what appears to be a warehouse filled with empty cardboard boxes and crates. It hasn't been touched in years and a fine layer of dust coats everything save the floor, which is covered in scuff marks presumably from when you were dragged here. The large florescent overhead lights make your eyes water and you have to look away... and at a woman who seems to be in her 20s.
  7. "Welcome to my finest experiment yet."
  9. It's all she says, no explanation of who she is, where you are, nor who the others gathered with you are. However she does move to open a heavy door beset in the warehouse's concrete walls. Beyond it is a whole different world, at least compared to the warehouse. There are flashing lights and plush carpets and the week's newest hit song pulses through the air. It's a casino, and it's empty.
  11. "You are free to play, however I have one condition. You must bet your life each night in the finest game of them all."
  14. ---CHARACTERS---
  16. CREAM
  18. 30?/??/5'10
  20. Cream is certainly a strange person, they are androgynous and use big poofy furcoats all the time, even during summer.
  21. They are really flamboyant but wearing bright pastell colours.
  22. They have curly hair like a sheep and long bright eyelashes
  24. Loves drinking tea and eating creampuffs
  26. BROWN
  28. old/M/5'10
  30. In truth Brown is nothing more than a very very old man. Although he'll do everything in his power to make you believe otherwise. Like, you know, trying his damndest to keep up with current hits such as "Greased Lightning" and "Dancing Queen". Very hip. He dresses in a suit. The suit jacket is a very dark blue velvet, it's super soft and smooth. Sometimes he just stands and strokes his sleeves while mumbling to himself. It's rather unsettling if you're not used to it, but once you do get used to it it's pretty comforting to hear some quiet German mumbling. Maybe. Or it just keeps on being unsettling.
  32. He actually does appear to be a young man, perhaps somewhere in his twenties. But he was born in Lübeck during the Hansa days, which means somewhere between 1300 and 1600. He won't say when. Regardless, he's too old for you and you need an adult. Not that he's going to try to flirt with anyone, he's so wrapped up in his own thoughts for that. But can you blame him? The world has changed a whole lot since somewhere between 1300 and 1600 and he has stayed pretty much the same rather confused young man. Albeit somewhat more confused over time.
  34. But you can't really go around telling people you're a 400-700 old German guy, so he's posing as just your regular ordinary bank clerk. He chose a bank because, well, he was originally from a family well known for their prowess in trading. It just seemed natural to him to take up banking.
  36. Ah, but I left out the best part! Appearance.
  37. He's unnaturally pale with impeccable teeth. It took decenniums of braces to fix those though so don't be jealous. His eyes are a golden brown, very neat, although since his hair is also, well, brown, it's not that neat if you ask him. Fairly slender since he never appears to eat or drink anything other than coffee and the occasional apple. It's rather strange and probably unhealthy. But what can you do when you're trying to avoid getting impaled with stakes and chased by pitchforks? Did I mention he's a vampire? Oh...
  39. BLACK
  41. M/28/6'6"
  43. The author of an incredibly well known series of children's literature, but from appearances alone you'd almost never guess. A quiet man often keeping more to himself rather than being outwardly social with others, but he's a very nice guy once you get to know him. He doesn't seem to like talking about himself often -- rather, he'd much rather hear about whoever he's talking to. If he's willing to talk to anyone, that is. Tends to put other people before himself. Something's kind of... off with this guy, though. He's hella tired all the time, his voice is hella quiet and somewhat raspy sounding, and if you chased him around a place long enough he'd probably get hella winded and/or pass out. What the fuck is this fucker's deal.
  44. Hella tall, hella pale, hella skinny. Seriously what is up with this guy. Short, messy black hair, light stubble, dark eyes the color of his namesake. Black jacket, turtleneck shirt the color of his namesake, black dress pants.
  46. GREEN
  48. 12/F/
  50. Soft-spoken little girl who wears dresses, headbands and has many regular hobbies, like drawing.
  51. And witchcraft.
  52. She's completely convinced that she's a witch, and even has her own frilly witch-hat. However she's not an evil witch, she's just mischievous and will steal any sweets you have on you without a seconds notice. Much to the disdain of others, she's constantly scolded for taking things without permission (namely sweets). Spews out references to various mmorpgs and spell names as she can. She's not very good at reading and sometimes struggles to say big words. She also owns a small slingshot, and uses jaw breakers as ammunition.
  54. OLIVE
  57. Unknown (Appears to be in her 20s)/F/5'8"
  59. Olive is a sociologist who was once rapidly climbing the ranks of her contemporaries, but has since vanished from the public eye and continued her studies off the grid. She was most well known for her case studies on human reaction to different emotional stimulus and testing to see the combinations of stimuli that will bring people closest to utter breakdowns.
  60. As expected from someone who conducts case studies such as hers, Olive is very detached and seems completely apathetic except for sporadic moments of extreme excitement. She is immensely distrustful and cannot stand the idea of failure.
  61. Olive is very pale with black hair pulled into a bun and freckles cover her arms and face. She has green eyes and wears a loosely fitting black blazer with a light blue blouse tucked into a pencil skirt.
  63. PINK
  65. M/5'5/??
  67. Pink.. Maybe you've heard of him. Pink Poison, perhaps? Pink is a DJ, electronic musician and singer. This guy has got some talent, and often plays at clubs and other various party-like places. He's got a way with his music to make you really feel it and dig it. If you were to look at him without knowing him, though, he's a bit scruffy, and seems to be permanently irritated.
  69. He has long white hair, though one side is shorter and more closely cropped to his face. He has various hot pinks streaked in his hair, as well as a few black ones. He's deathly pale, with dark circles under his rather pretty purple-blue eyes. He dresses in a zip up hoodie, black with glow in the dark blue circuitry, tight pants and combat boots. He always has headphones around his neck, with music heard faintly from its speakers. His ears are pierced and slightly pointed, and he seems to have fangs. He has sunglasses on at all times
  71. He's actually awful with social interaction. He's said numerous times half of him wishes he stayed underground. He doesn't like people, and generally avoids public as much as possible. Despite having quite an out there appearance, he does it for himself- not to get attention from anyone. He can be rude, blunt, and fairly harsh. Whether he means to or not is no matter, because being nice seems relatively impossible for him. He could start out complimenting you and end it in an insult. He's a good guy at heart, though.
  73. Rumours have it that he's a vampire. Silly stuff, right?
  75. POWDER
  77. 19/M/5'0
  79. You know all those instructions on how to summon a horrible spirit and play some stupid game that might result in a terrible fatal accident if done wrong or you anger the spirit? You know how there might be one idiot out there who has tried to summon them? Well that's exactly who Powder is. He's got in contact dozens of times and fucked up thousands of times. It's a marvel how he isn't laying in his grave yet. Have pity on anyone who is able to see ghosts, tons of them are following Powder around. Sometimes he can feel a breath on the back of his neck, or his luck goes so bad there's no way it isn't sabotaged. His way of dealing? Mostly ignore them and then get so curious he contacts even more. He really can't keep his nose out of other people's business and he's like some amateur mythbuster finding out if it's really possible to talk to a certain ghost. No matter which way you look at it however, he's pretty dumb and clueless. Either way, he's pretty excitable and ready to jump head first into something new. If someone bothers his or catches him off guard, he'll probably yell something that helps repel spirits, not people. Turn around and shout "Kitta!" Try to look for a bible! Beg Kokkuri-san that they go home! Spray them with holy water and realize it would be a bad idea to stab them with a silver knife!
  80. His hair is ruffled up and he looks kinda sleepy, due to being awake all night. His light brown hair needs a small trim and his light blue eyes almost seem blind. He wears a zip up hoodie and carries a huge backpack EVERYWHERE. What's in it, you ask? Well, the basics and by basics I mean he has just about everything in there to summon a shit-ton more ghosts and maybe a few things to shoo them away. I'm bad at talking about attire bye
  82. GRAY
  84. Grey:
  85. Name: ??? (just goes by Grey. all the time)
  86. Age: ??? (no one knows. has the body of a seventeen year old boy.)
  87. Gender: DMAB demi-boy (is totally fine with male pronouns as well as they/them)
  88. Height: 5'10"
  89. Build: Thin. Most prominent features are his collarbones which are extremely visible, especially since he wears lower-cut shirts.
  90. Eye colour: Red. His eyes are quite large, and his pupils are catlike.
  91. Hair colour: Silver
  92. Features: Grey is almost always wearing a dark red scarf tied around the bottom half of his head and his neck. There are a light scatter of freckles on his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. Grey has very dark eyebrows that contrast his hair, and two diamond studs at the end of his left eyebrow, arranged vertically.
  93. If he removes his bandanna for you, he has thin, light pink lips and two other diamond studs, one under his bottom lip and another near the curve of his jaw. His jawline is quite prominent as well. His teeth are oddly sharp- or... dull? Wait, you swore that he had-
  95. Clothing: He wears a dark blue hoodie that's quite loose on him, only halfway zipped up, and a very low cut white shirt underneath it, and another black v-neck tanktop underneath /that/. "Haha, no, I don't overheat. That's a stupid question, no?" He has white skinny jeans and dark red high-top sneakers. Under his scarf, around his neck he wears a black studded choker, similar to a dog collar. His belt is matching, and he has a matching wristcuff around his right wrist. He's wearing a white fingerless glove on his left hand. He also wears a silver doubled chain with an extremely odd silver pendant on it, which is tucked under his tanktop. Normally.
  97. Oddly enough, his fingernails are claw-like sharp and his ears are rather pointed. If you pay enough attention, you can see a silver cat tail that tends to be wrapped around his left leg.
  99. Personality: Quickwitted and sarcastic, Grey is the type of person who's really charming in an extremely weird way. His odd appearance tends to catch the eye of many people. He enjoys the attention. Grey is slightly pretentious and comes off as cocky. He is /always/ calm- the rumour is that the last person that angered him... well, he uses the word 'vanished' when he tells the tale. He's a joker and enjoys making people laugh. Sometimes he 'stretches the truth' (he will never call it 'lying'), and people who have gotten close to him can tell when he's lying. He judges every book by its cover, writing off people that look uninteresting and normal as being nothing close to worth his time. Emotions don't come easy to him, and he tends to not understand them at all. Grey is easily distracted by ball like objects, yarns, and things hanging from ceilings. He meows sometimes. It's pretty ridiculous. In general, Grey is a social person and enjoys getting the attention of others.
  101. Oh, yeah, and backrubs. And being scratched behind the ear.
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