
Battle Of White (Epilogue)

Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. The epilogue idea was also requested by Tom, though I have to admit I indulged myself a bit and went a little further. Please enjoy!
  3. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  5. --------------------
  7. Epilogue. Afterward
  9. The memories kept playing out in her mind, up until the very last second she could remember.
  11. But after it had gone black, it was as though there was some stiffing presence snuffing out her mind.
  13. She'd wanted to keep fighting.
  15. She'd wanted to protect them, more than anything else...
  17. She could still hear the awful, paralyzing roar of the mighty beast as it tore away at Beacon, all the while building up a poisonous breath in its throat.
  19. She could still hear the shouts of the people who had finally arrived to fight it, then the sounds of battle, and then the screams of her name-
  21. A joint cry of all three of their voices, screaming out her name in the most terrified manner.
  23. That was what woke her.
  25. With a gasp that made her chest sting, Weiss' eyes flew open, meeting the sight of white ceilings and walls.
  27. For a few seconds, there was only the sound of her own breath, alongside a faint, rhythmic beeping coming from somewhere nearby. A hitch in her breath caused her to start coughing, alerting her to the distasteful dryness of her throat.
  29. But just as she began to jolt and cringe in her bed, a familiar figure entered her line of sight.
  31. "Weiss!"
  33. Winter's blue eyes were clearly surprised and alarmed to find her younger sister awake so suddenly. Quickly, she reached out to rest her hands on Weiss' shoulders, gently pushing her down to stay on the bed. Her hands were firm, but didn't cause any pain.
  35. Weiss did her best to focus on getting control over her breath, and soon the coughing stopped. Winter sighed, removing her hands from her shoulders to instead curl the backs of her fingers through Weiss' bangs.
  37. "Take it easy. Don't try to get up by yourself."
  39. Weiss breathed through her mouth for a moment, embarrassed in displaying such an unbecoming state in front of her sister.
  41. But Winter didn't seem to mind. Her fingers continued to caress Weiss' forehead and hair for her, sliding down briefly to wipe away a stray tear.
  43. A small shudder ran through Weiss' body, despite the warm blankets covering her. She made a feeble attempt at speaking, but no sound was produced other than a rasping wheeze.
  45. Winter stroked her hair a few more times.
  47. "Take it slow. Would you like some water?"
  49. Weiss blinked and nodded her chin ever so slightly.
  51. "All right. Let me help you sit up first."
  53. Weiss felt her sister's hand slide carefully beneath her back, the other bracing her opposite shoulder. Slowly, and with meticulous care, Winter helped her sit up, adjusting the pillows behind her for support.
  55. The shift in her position had a new wave of lightheadedness bubbling up, making Weiss flinch and put a hand to her temple. Winter continued supporting her for a moment, until she was convinced Weiss would be able to stay sitting up on her own.
  57. From a nearby table, Winter picked up a glass of water that she'd prepared in advance and held it before her sister.
  59. Weiss tried to hold the glass by herself, but with the IV wire on one wrist and both hands quivering, she needed her sister's assistance.
  61. As the rim brushed her lips, Winter's voice encouraged her to drink slowly, reminding her to breathe when she needed to. With her sister's help, Weiss drained the glass, the cool liquid coating her parched throat in a layer of relief.
  63. When she was finished, Winter put the glass aside. Not a second before the bottom had touched the table, Weiss was urgently trying to speak coherently.
  65. "R-Ruby-" she gasped. "Blake a-and Yang. Where are they?"
  67. Winter kept her posture straight in her chair, folding her hands into her lap with a sigh.
  69. "How did I know that would be the first thing out of your mouth? They're fine, Weiss. And it's likely thanks to you that it's so."
  71. Once she'd heard that, Weiss slumped back against the pillows, tilting her head against the soft material and closing her eyes.
  73. /Thank goodness....
  75. For a moment, she was allowed to relish that assuaging moment. She had a million other questions to ask and tried to arrange them in her mind by order of importance.
  77. The feeling of a familiar hand on her shoulder coaxed her to reopen her eyes.
  79. "Weiss-"
  81. "What... What about-"
  83. "Weiss."
  85. Winter was a little more firm that time, silencing her with purpose, but not unkindly. Weiss swallowed a whimper and met her sister's gaze.
  87. Winter moved her chair as close to the bed as possible, resting her other hand on top of Weiss' in her lap.
  89. "Let me explain what happened. You just listen."
  91. She waited until she saw a nod of confirmation before going on.
  93. "Now, I'm fairly certain you were unaware of this, but I was present to see most of your performance firsthand. General Ironwood requested emergency backup forces, and so I deployed them myself and then followed in an air ship of my own.
  95. "We found out rather quickly that the soldiers were being manipulated, and we were a bit short on people, but we managed. We remained on our ship above the Academy for the most part, trying to keep the skies clear of Grimm. That was how I saw you and your teammates."
  97. Weiss stiffened at that point, her heart rate picking up a little, which was heard in the monitor's beeping.
  99. "You- You saw-"
  101. "Let me finish. What I saw was the four of you nearly on the verge of being pushed over the edge. Your performance had become sloppy, almost haphazard, really. And then..."
  103. Here, she paused, closing her eyes and shaking her head slowly.
  105. "Then, I saw you cast that glyph."
  107. Weiss felt as though there was a boulder lodged inside her chest.
  109. "Winter-"
  111. "You cast that glyph," she continued. "And I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw your Summoning. And I was about to jump down and interfere directly. Your Grimm appeared to be rambunctious. I was surprised to see they managed to fend off the others."
  113. Weiss remained silent, keeping her head bowed, her gaze on her lap. Winter's hand was still on hers, and when Weiss blinked, the image began to blur. Winter continued.
  115. "Then we saw the dragon. We couldn't stop it in the air, and we still had to fend off some other Grimm before we could turn our attention to it. We received multiple distress calls to assist the school. My unit and I were preparing to land our ship and engage when I halted the command."
  117. Again, she paused, seeking Weiss' eyes, but was unable to find them. Winter sighed.
  119. "And I'd thought your first attempt at Summoning had been a shock. But when I saw that Giant Armor, I honestly thought I was hallucinating.
  121. "Ozpin and General Ironwood arrived around the same time, along with dozens of other units and teams. They fought it together, and so did my unit. We stopped the dragon from breathing its miasma. The Armor dealt it a strike to the neck that prevented it from releasing the toxins, just long enough for some of the others to land significant blows. We had the advantage."
  123. Another pause.
  125. Weiss blinked, forcing the tears back as she felt another squeeze on her hand. When her sister continued, her voice was nothing like it had been before.
  127. Much more softly, as though she didn't want to remember this part, Winter continued.
  129. "And then... the Armor suddenly vanished without warning. The dragon was already weakened enough, and Ozpin finished it himself. I could hear your friends screaming your name and I rushed to you..."
  131. Inhaling slowly, she let it out as though she were pushing out the poignant memories as well.
  133. "At the very least, it turns out it wasn't as bad as it'd seemed, thankfully. They managed to get medical attention to you on time. You've been asleep here for nearly two days now."
  135. It seemed like there was definitely more she wanted to say, but she thought better of it for now.
  137. Instead, she redirected her attention to the present and raised her voice back to its more usual, harder volume.
  139. "But my main point is that never, in all my years of training and working with the military, have I ever seen someone do something as dimwitted as you did."
  141. Weiss felt as though her heart had been shocked with a taser. Disappointing Winter was one of her ultimate fears in life.
  143. "Winter, I-I'm..." Shakily, she inhaled another breath, dismayed as her tears began to fall in rivulets. "I-I'm so sorry, I-I know my Summoning was awful. You've trained with me for all those years and you've given me the best advice and you taught me exactly how to do it. And I still s-somehow managed to make a mess of things. I'm sorry I couldn't-"
  145. "Weiss!" Winter stopped her not with words this time, but with an embrace. She pulled Weiss to her, wrapping her in a subtly fervent embrace, causing Weiss to gasp and cut off what she'd been saying. The younger sister sobbed again, her shouldera shuddering beneath Winter's hands.
  147. "Winter-"
  149. "Please. Be quiet for one second, you nincompoop."
  151. Winter's voice had become soft once again.
  153. She held her sister there, refusing to let her go. Weiss' hands remained limp in her lap, not knowing if she should return the contact or not.
  155. But she did as Winter asked and listened as the tears continued to slip down her cheeks.
  157. "Weiss. You're not listening to what I'm saying. You may be hearing it, but you're not listening. Yes, your first ever Summoning was a little unorganized.
  159. "But considering your circumstances? Considering how long you'd been fighting up until that point, how mentally and physically exhausted you were, the low levels of your aura? Considering all of that, and the fact that it was your first successful Summoning, and on top of that, you'd managed to call forth multiple familiars? Weiss, that was the most incredible thing I've ever seen."
  161. The lump in Weiss' chest seemed to unravel all at once at her sister's praise. She couldn't stop herself from crying harder, burying her face in Winter's shoulder, her voice barely audible now in between hiccups.
  163. "You... I-I'd thought you were... mad at me..." she wailed. "For being so... inefficient..."
  165. Winter held her tighter, curling one hand behind her sister's head to cradle her.
  167. "You dunderhead," she whispered. "Why are you putting words into my mouth? When did I ever say that? You're always too hard on yourself."
  169. Weiss whimpered another apology, finally breaking down enough to reach up and cling to her sister's uniform. Winter savored her touch, making an attempt to hush her.
  171. "As I said, your Summoning was absolutely incredible, Weiss. Even seasoned summoners have difficulty controlling multiple familiars. But yours were better controlled than many others I've seen. Definitely much more impressive than when I first managed to summon. I'm still astounded as to how you managed to call forth so many in your condition. And then to bring out the Armor..."
  173. She sat back a little, tilting Weiss' chin up to meet her eyes, swelling with emotion.
  175. "It takes a great amount of control for something so large. Even more so than that, it takes concentration, mental strength, and physical aptness. And even more so than all of those things, it takes a courageous, righteous heart.
  177. "With how hard you were pushing yourself, I'm not surprised the Armor vanished before long. But if that is what you're capable of doing when you're on the verge of losing consciousness, I can't begin to imagine what you can do when you're at your full health."
  179. Tears were still slipping down Weiss' cheeks, but a wobbly smile had formed on her lips. Winter reached up to smooth out a bit of her loose hair for her.
  181. "Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a long while before we can ever find out your true Summoning potential. You severely damaged your aura levels, Weiss. And your physical condition won't be restored fully for at least another two weeks.
  183. "The doctors recommend no combat or intense exercise for at least that long, and you'll need to take aura supplements and medicine for a month or so to help rebuild that. You'll need help standing and walking for a few days now."
  185. Weiss listened to her diagnosis solemnly, her shoulders gradually slouching. Winter pulled her into another hug.
  187. "You really... really overdid it, Weiss. And I know how serious the situation was, but... I just don't ever want you to do something like that again." Her arms had began to tremble now where they rested around her sister's back.
  189. Weiss hugged her in return again.
  191. "I'm sorry, Winter. I'll try not to let it happen again..."
  193. Winter bit her lip. She hated that "try" was all Weiss could do, but she knew that was the absolute truth. Should she ever be in such a dire situation again, she wouldn't blame Weiss for repeating those actions.
  195. It was one of the many risks that came with the territory of being a huntress or any other kind of solider.
  197. But Winter knew something like the recent attack wouldn't be happening again anytime soon, not with the extreme precautions the kingdoms were now taking and the reenforced security they were establishing. Research was also being done to create superior soldiers whose systems could not be hacked or reprogrammed by unauthorized parties.
  199. She was confident in knowing her little sister wouldn't be needing to do something so horribly strenuous ever again.
  201. She maintained her embrace on Weiss, letting her cry as much as she needed to. Winter kept back her own tears somehow, and ran her hands over Weiss' back and through her hair, noting how thin she'd become after the two days of being almost comatose.
  203. "There's a lot of work to be done..." she murmured. "Repairs will be in order for months. But at the very least, enough of the Academy was spared so they won't need to send the students home or close the campus entirely.
  205. "It's going to take time. I'll need to return to Atlas to take care of some things. But I'll call you every day to check on you. Should you ever need more for anything, just call and I'll be here in an hour. But for now, I'll have to relinquish you to the care of your teammates."
  207. She pulled away from Weiss, who wiped her eyes and nodded. The mention of her teammates lit a nervous but eager spark in her eyes. Winter took note of it and stood from her chair.
  209. "They've been worrying about you all this time. I think they might've slept in the lobby last night instead of returning to your dorm room. I'll notify them on my way out."
  211. Weiss watched her sister smooth out her uniform and prepare to take her leave. Wiping her eyes again, she cleared her throat.
  213. "And you said... they're all okay, right?"
  215. Winter smiled.
  217. "Yes, they're all fine. From what I've seen, there may not have been... any casualties from all of this, believe it or not. And I know there are a lot of people who can thank you for that."
  219. Her words reminded Weiss of the civilians she'd initially helped board the air ship.
  221. The knowledge that no one had died from all this removed a great weight from Weiss' heart.
  223. But there was still a piece of unmovable sadness that remained, for Penny's sake. Clearly, it would be quite some time before she got answers about that. She almost wanted to ask Winter what she knew about the General's ideas in that aspect, but decided to save that for another time.
  225. Winter was ready to leave, but Weiss lifted her arms up one last time.
  227. "Don't work too hard," she murmured as Winter lowered herself for one last hug. Her sister kissed her temple.
  229. "Same to you. I'll notify Father about you as well, so don't worry about that." Winter gave her one final squeeze. "I am so proud of you, Weiss. Don't ever forget that."
  231. Weiss sobbed again, but there was a smile on her lips.
  233. Winter held onto her for a long, long moment then.
  235. Weiss felt it was a bit odd somehow. It was almost as though Winter was reminding herself that this was real, like something had happened to make her doubt reality. Her grip was tight, and Weiss thought she even heard a small sob...
  237. But when they parted, Winter showed no signs of distress. With her usual air of professionalism, she headed for the door, and paused before she could open it.
  239. "I feel I already know your answer," she said. "But would you like me to send in your team? Do you think you can handle it right now, or would you like to rest a bit more?"
  241. Weiss made sure to straightened herself up as much as she could and clear her face of tear trails.
  243. "Send them in, please."
  245. Winter smiled.
  247. "Of course."
  249. With that, she opened the door and left the room.
  251. For a few minutes, Weiss was left in silence, save from the sounds of the monitor.
  253. Now that she had a chance to focus on herself, she noted the strange feeling in her body, likely the result of her depleted aura levels. She could tell it would take a while to get herself back to normal, but there would be plenty of time for that in weeks to come.
  255. Everyone would need that time to heal themselves, help others, and try to find answers.
  257. It would take a long time, and Weiss knew her team in particular would have a lot of sorrow to deal with. But at the very least, they still had one another.
  259. It wasn't long before the silence of the room was broken by the sounds of flurrying footsteps.
  261. A rush of emotion surged through her, but Weiss tried to remain composed. She waited for the click of the doorknob, the push to open it-
  263. "Weiss!"
  265. The next thing she knew, Ruby had thrown herself into Weiss' arms, red petals floating down through the air to land on the white sheets.
  267. Her partner was already sobbing, half-sitting, half-collapsing onto the side of the bed. Her grip on Weiss was tight, but just loose enough not to risk hurting her.
  269. As soon as Weiss had processed everything, she slowly returned the hug.
  271. "Hi, Ruby."
  273. Suddenly, she sounded much more exhausted than she thought she felt, as though she'd been preparing all this time to put on a facade of composure.
  275. But the sight of Ruby's tears and the feeling of her trembling form in her arms shattered any and all of Weiss' efforts to remain stoic. At least her wounded shoulder didn't seem to be bothering her much.
  277. Weiss held her close, sniffling as she realized her own tears were inevitable, despite her best efforts.
  279. By the time Yang and Blake hobbled through the door, Weiss was already crying.
  281. Yang was holding one of Blake's arms around her shoulders, helping the Faunus girl limp into the room. The second they saw Weiss, it seemed they could hardly believe it.
  283. "Weiss!" Blake's bow wiggled as her ears perked up beneath it. "You're... you're awake."
  285. "Thank god..." Yang dipped her face into her shoulder briefly and shook her head.
  287. She helped Blake around the bed to where Winter had sat before, letting Blake sit there and then pulling up another chair for herself. They looked Weiss over with incredulous gazes, and it wasn't long before they'd begun to cry as well.
  289. Ruby was the loudest of them all, naturally, blubbering and weeping into Weiss' hospital robe, still huddled in her arms and refusing to let her go.
  291. Weiss was overwhelmed with joy that they'd all been so genuinely concerned about her wellbeing.
  293. "There, there..." Weiss sighed. "You're overdoing it a bit, Ruby."
  295. Her leader threw her head up and bore her overflowing silver eyes into Weiss' somewhat calmer ones.
  297. "No I'm not!" Ruby wailed. "I'm n-not overdoing it! I'm d-doing it juh-just the right amount!"
  299. Puzzled, Weiss kept her arms around the girl, but looked over to the others.
  301. "It's alright. I only passed out... right?"
  303. Blake and Yang shared a glance with one another, jaws dropping and churning as they tried to think of something to say. Blake's brow furrowed deeply as she tried to talk.
  305. "You... you mean... your sister didn't tell you...?"
  307. Yang put a hand to her mouth and looked away, taking a moment to compose herself.
  309. "Honestly, I can't blame her..."
  311. Blake put a hand on her partner's back by means of comfort and spoke softly to her.
  313. Weiss felt a prickle run through her stomach and chest. She looked back down at Ruby, her fingers subconsciously clinging tighter to her leader's cloak.
  315. "Ruby...? What exactly... didn't my sister tell me...?"
  317. Ruby was quite obviously the last of them who would be able to compose herself for this, but she did her best. She wiped her sleeve, palms, and knuckles over her face in an effort to dry it, but the tears weren't stopping.
  319. "W-Weiss-" Her voice rose up and broke, and she needed to stop and try again. "W-Weiss, you... after you summoned the big knight, he-he was fighting with the professors. And then you just fell over a-and you wouldn't wake up no matter how much we called for you! And they sent a medical team over, b-but no matter what they did you just didn't... you didn't wake up..."
  321. As she talked more, her emotions ran higher and higher, her voice choked with sobs. "Th-They said your aura was depleted and you were hurt on the inside a-and you'd strained yourself too much a-and you... your heart stopped and they had to do all this s-stuff and then they said you-"
  323. She cut off again, physically unable to continue. Ruby wailed at the top of her lungs and buried her face in Weiss' chest, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably against her.
  325. Weiss was so alarmed by her reaction and revelation that she looked up to Yang and Blake.
  327. "What-?" she demanded. "What happened?"
  329. Blake tried to meet her eyes, and she and Yang held onto one another for support as they remembered it all.
  331. "They told us..." Blake covered her mouth, finding she couldn't say it after all.
  333. Weiss looked to Yang desperately.
  335. The blonde pulled Blake close to soothe her, taking in a deep, steadying breath.
  337. "They told us you were dead."
  339. A crippling disbelief filled the room, so heavy it was almost debilitating.
  341. Weiss felt she'd forgotten how to breathe, and had it not been for Ruby's howling sobs, she might've thought this was all just a dream.
  343. Weiss couldn't process the words.
  345. She stared blankly at Yang while clinging tighter to Ruby, as though to confirm she herself was really still alive right now. There was a brief instance where she failed to feel her own heart beating, but the sounds of the monitor reaffirmed her current state.
  347. Still, Weiss couldn't believe it.
  349. She shook her head hollowly, trying to comprehend it.
  351. "No... That... that can't be..."
  353. Ruby cried a little harder, hugged a little tighter. Yang let out another breath to keep her emotions in check as best she could.
  355. "It's true, Weiss. They tried to resuscitate you, used a defibrillator and everything. But..." She tapered off, and Blake picked up the retelling from there.
  357. "They tried a few times and... nothing worked. But Ruby refused to let them give up. She didn't let them. She just kept screaming and yelling at them and begging them to try just one more time, one more time..."
  359. It was surreal to listen to them talk like this. Weiss still couldn't fathom most of what they were saying. In her arms, Ruby got ahold of herself just long enough to finish the story.
  361. "S-So they tried one more t-time, e-even though they... they said it probably wouldn't make a difference. But it did. It did a-and then they shouted that it had worked and then they were all swarming around you and th-they took you away and we couldn't even come see you...
  363. "Four minutes and th-thirty three seconds... That's how long you were... your heart wasn't beating for..." Her voice died away into another heavy whimper, followed by a string of more sobs. "You died, Weiss... You died for us..."
  365. Weiss didn't know how to react to all of this. The only thing she could do was cry and try to understand it. Ruby just kept weeping in her arms,
  367. "You died... you died, Weiss..."
  369. She cradled Ruby close like the precious girl she was, caressing her hair. Weiss steadied her own voice enough to whisper back to her.
  371. "But I'm okay now, Ruby. I'm okay..."
  373. Still, she was having trouble with this. They all were.
  375. Weiss lifted her face from Ruby's shoulder and met Blake's eyes, then Yang's. The heiress reached out for them, silently beckoning them closer.
  377. Yang stood right away, then helped Blake up more slowly. Together, they moved to sit on the edge of the bed on the side opposite Ruby.
  379. Yang helped Blake slide close to Weiss, who coaxed her closer until she could wrap her other arm around the Faunus girl. Blake shifted nearer, cautiously wrapping both arms around Weiss' torso, overlapping Ruby's. Last of all, Yang sidled in, leaning forward to encompass Blake and Ruby in her embrace, bringing them all closer to Weiss.
  381. Weiss hugged them all in turn, squeezing Ruby first, then gently prying her off, promising it would only be for a moment. She then hugged Blake with both arms, sighing against her, resting her chin on her shoulder. Finally, she hugged Yang, leaning against her for support of more than one kind.
  383. Moments passed, and they all simply relished one another for all they could. They accepted the truth of now, that they were all alive and well. Together.
  385. Before long, Ruby was fidgeting almost impatiently, nudging Yang back a little more quickly so she could take her proper place hugging Weiss once more.
  387. By now, the atmosphere in the room was changing for the better.
  389. They didn't have to think about what had almost happened anymore. They just tried to focus on what was happening now.
  391. Ruby's sobs were becoming softer, less intense now. She kept hugging Weiss, but straightened her back a bit, wearing a smile.
  393. "But man, those white Grimm you made were soooo cool, Weiss!"
  395. "I'll say," Blake agreed. "I'd heard about your family's ability to summon, but I'd never seen it firsthand before."
  397. "Same!" Yang added. "Ruby told me about the little Nevermores your sister made when she was squabblin' with our uncle, but yours was much more impressive. It was just awesome!"
  399. "That was the Nevermore we defeated together!" Ruby recalled proudly. "I can't believe it could come back and fight for us this time!"
  401. "And the Armor," Blake went on. "It obeyed you without question. They all did."
  403. "Super incredible," Yang concluded. "Boy, am I glad you're on our side, Weiss!"
  405. As they praised her to no end, Weiss felt her face getting warm.
  407. "It could've been better..." she mumbled.
  409. "Aww~" Yang cooed. "Don't be modest!"
  411. "I think it was totally super amazingly cool just as it was!" Ruby decided.
  413. "Agreed." Blake's bow flicked.
  415. Weiss swept her gaze around to the rest of them.
  417. "Fine," she sighed. "I can't win against you three."
  419. "Nope!" Ruby giggled, the tears finally gone for good. She latched onto Weiss once again, snuggling her happily. "So how're you feeling? They said you'd need to rest up for a long time."
  421. "Winter's already briefed me," she said. "I know the damages. A bit of a headache, and a little hungry perhaps, but I'm fine. What about your shoulder?" She looked to Blake and Yang. "And your leg? Your back?"
  423. Ruby replied first.
  425. "My shoulder's okay! It got dislocated, but they fixed me up! It's just sore now and I can't hold Crescent Rose with my right hand for a while, but that's all!"
  427. "I'll have a limp for another week," Blake commented. "But it's not broken or anything. Just sprained. I'll be fine."
  429. "And this ain't nothin' I can't handle," Yang reassured. "Couple cracked ribs but nothin' serious."
  431. "'Nothing serious', she says..." Weiss rolled her eyes. "But I'm glad you're all recovering."
  433. "Same to you," Blake murmured. "You gave us a scare."
  435. "I can imagine..." Weiss rested her back fully against the pillows again, Ruby cuddling up beside her, still hugging her waist. "I'm sorry. I promised Winter as well, but I won't do anything like that again. I'll train slowly from now on, and should I ever need to summon again on the battlefield, I'll be properly trained and prepared for it."
  437. Her teammates smiled.
  439. "Good to hear," Yang clapped.
  441. "Rest now, train later," Blake said.
  443. "Sounds like a plan," Weiss confirmed. "The rest of you do the same. I don't think they'll discharge me for a few more days, but even after they do, we need to focus on recovering first."
  445. "Classes are cancelled until the school gets fixed up," Yang informed her. "Everyone's taking time to heal and rest up after all this. So no rush."
  447. "Then when classes start up again, we'll be able to work harder," Blake said. "So we can make sure something like this never happens again."
  449. "Yeah!" Ruby piped. "We're gonna get so much stronger together! I can't wait to train together again when we're all better! And Weiss, I wanna pet one of your Beowolves sometime!"
  451. "We'll see."
  453. The four of them shared a small laugh and wiped away the last of the tears. Then, Weiss failed to stifle a yawn, and it was soon passed around.
  455. "Welp," Yang grunted. "I think that's enough of a sign that we should get going, huh?"
  457. "None of us really slept last night," Blake admitted. "We were so worried about you."
  459. "We're so glad you're okay, Weiss." Ruby squeezed her one more time.
  461. Weiss was so used to her warmth and the contact now that she knew it wouldn't feel right once they'd left her. Weiss returned the embrace again, murmuring softly.
  463. "I'm glad you're all okay, too. I'm glad this is over for now..." She didn't want their minds to have to lapse back into thoughts regarding Penny or Emerald and Mercury. She went on quickly. "Let's all get some rest."
  465. "Yeah." Finally, Ruby peeled herself away from her partner. "Maybe tomorrow I'll ask the staff if we can bring you some lunch and we can eat together in here!"
  467. Weiss smiled, her blue eyes shimmering.
  469. "I'd like that."
  471. With the pain of the past behind them, and their plans for the future made, they were ready to rest tonight.
  473. So they could wake again tomorrow and keep moving forward.
  476. --------------------
  478. A/N: I wanted to end this story with Monty's famous words. No matter the challenges or loses we may face, we've got to get up and keep going. I like to believe Monty's teachings will live on through the characters of RWBY and teach a younger generation of his positivity and constant willingness to take life on.
  480. Thank you all for reading!
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