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Mar 6th, 2012
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  1. Dash waifufaggotry
  2. ===================
  3. Basic plot:
  4. Been around for a few months at least
  5. helped around town
  6. met Dash through helping her build equipment for tricks
  7. eventually asked her to dinner
  8. she said yes <3
  10. night goes awkwardly, neither of us really comfortable at a fancy resteraunt. She wears her gala dress. It's beautiful.
  11. the wine menu gets used. A lot. Meal is good, but the waiters start looking at us with annoyance
  12. when we leave, Dash can't fly straight, I offer her my bed and carry her home
  13. as I try to put her down, she grabs hold and pulls me closer
  14. she admits her fear of being hurt, due to how badly her and gilda ended
  15. adorable and hugging and shit
  17. morning after, a little less drunk, her a little more confident, shit happens. Not sure if can write. Fade to black? Bribe faceless with sexual favours?
  19. oh god what am I doing
  20. ======================
  21. You look around you - it's dark, you can barely make out the ponies at the other tables. You suppose that's the point, the candles on each table are clearly meant to be "romantic". That's why you're here, after all. Twilight reccomended it, and you know she reads all of the local magazines, so she should know, right? Peering into the darkness, you can sort of make out the shapes of other ponies, but so many of them have similar hairstyles that you can't be sure of anybody. You're distracting yourself, of course. She's late. Probably fell asleep in some tree somewhere, she never was the most reliable of ponies. Still, if she were, you'd never have met all those months ago, when she realised she needed some sort of device building to help her clean up the weather in style. She could have done it normally, of course, but that never was her style, was it? She'd left it too late, paniced, and gone straight to the first person who could help. You. Not because you're particularly good, but because you have hands, and everybody else capable was busy. You're not sure what it was you built, but she had some hastily scribbled instructions and diagrams, and it apparently worked. It wasn't until you saw her take off from it in the blink of an eye that you realised how much you'd enjoyed talking to her while you worked, and it wasn't for a few seconds after that until you realised you were watching her fly off into the distance with a smile.
  23. It was difficult coming to terms with it - first you find yourself stranded in an alien world, then you find yourself attracted to an inhabitant. You considered drinking yourself into oblivion, but without a job, you couldn't afford it. Eventually a few ponies took pity, and you got a few part-time things helping out. Last week, you realised you had enough savings for a really nice night out, and you knew what you had to do. You snuck around a bit, asked Twilight for the best resteraunt in town, got Cloud Kicker to change the weather rota without Dash noticing, and then popped the question next time you saw her. "Hey Dash, how about dinner some time?". Straight out of a bad television show - not that they'd recognise what that was - but it didn't seem to put her off, and so she agreed that she'd be there, 7pm, on the dot. It's 7:15.
  25. You consider ordering a drink - maybe she was just messing with you. Maybe it's her idea of a prank. It'll be hard to laugh alongside as she goes on about how she got you good. You suppose you could move somewhere else, maybe the big city will be more accepting for a human. Surely more jobs there, at least. It was stupid to imagine someone like her could ever be interested in you. You move to stand up, but are interrupted by a crash from the entrance, and a blue tipped rainbow streaking through the air towards you. She stops on a dime, right next to the stool. She's wearing her gala dress - it's beauiful. She's beautiful. You're speechless. She apologises for being late, but all you can do is nod and stutter about how it's okay.
  27. The candlelight flickers and glimmers off of her headband thing (Neither of you are Rarity, you don't know what it's called), and her surprisingly well combed hair casts a stark shadow against her face. She's beautiful. You tell her, and her calm and cool demenour falters for a moment, but she's good - she's right back to her old self. You pretend not to notice the blushing, and suggest that you order. You pick up the menu and hold it out for her - you've never considered holding things in your teeth dignified, and you want to treat her right. There's surprisingly little that sounds edible, but she settles on a large portion of hay fries, and you go for an egg sandwich. Not too fancy back home, but it seems to be a bit of a rarity among ponies - and it's one of the few things here you can actually eat. Choosing drinks was much easier - the most expensive wine they have. That's why you saved up for so long, so you could show off to her.
  29. After a few moments silence, Dash announces she's bored. You agree, the waiter has been gone almost a minute, so you try and start up a conversation - what took her so long? She looks down and coughs a bit, and admits she couldn't get her dress on, so she had to take it to Rarity who could pull it on magically. It made flight a little awkward, though, hence the crashing. You don't mention she crashes normally. Still, you don't mind - she made it eventually, and that's what counts, right? She smiles, and you ask about her day - if anything can keep Dash occupied, it's talking about her successes. The next ten minutes, until your meal arrives, go quickly, as Dash regales you with tales of creating tiny storm systems to quickly irrgate a particularly dry part of the farm, near misses from a misconfigured cloud shooting out lightning too quickly, and her daring rescue of the CMC from dangerous animals. You're not sure if any of them actually happened, but she had the wing motions and noises to go with the story, and you could "woo" alongside, not to mention the two of you had a bottle of wine to get through. You were drinking more than her, but she's smaller, so it all balances out.
  31. The meal was somewhat dissapointing, a tiny portion and not particularly nice, and it interrupted the conversation long enough for Dash to finish off the bottle, so she's not really capable of keeping sentences together any more. Or flying. Not that she doesn't try, as the two of you leave (You paid), but she spirals back into the ground. You catch her in your arms, and offer your bed for the night, you'll sleep on the... you realise after starting that you only HAVE a bed, the only reason you even have a house is because it'd been empty for so long and Mayor Mare took pity. Still, one night can't be that bad, right?
  33. She's sleeping in your arms by the time you get home. You open your door (for the first time thanking the equestrian custom to not have locks on most doors), and set her down on your bed. As you take one of the pillows to set down on the floor, you feel her arms wrap around yours as she lightly pulls. Not needing to be told twice, you put the pillow back and get into bed beside her, resting one arm over her body. She turns over to face you and rests her head on your chest. "I'm sorry" escapes from her lips. You ask why, and she tears up a little. She says it's hard for her, since what happened with Gilda. She's not sure how to be sure she can trust somebody not to turn into a different person. Not sure if she can let people that close again. You push your other arm under her body and hold her closer - you promise that though you appeared suddenly, you won't do the same again. You're staying where you are. She hugs you back.
  35. After a few minutes, she says she'll try. That's all you ask from her, and it's all she can give. You bury your head in her mane, taking off the headband with your free hand and placing it on your bedside table, as she wraps her legs around you, and flutters her wings onto your side. She's exhausted from a longer day than normal, and far more alcohol than she's used to, and she's asleep a few moments later. You follow her a while later, once you've stopped marvelling at seeing her mane so close. And then you slept, quietly, until morning.
  37. The morning after (NSFW)
  38. ---------------------------
  39. You wake before her, she's still lying in your arms, but her wings retracted over the night. She looks even cuter than she did the night before, her hair has gone back to it usual untidy self, and her mouth is curled into a slight smile as she slumbers. You look more closely at her wings, following the shape of her feathers with your eyes, and marvelling at the relatively small hole in her dress that they seem to pour out from. No wonder she looks so good in the air, if it's these keeping here there. Feeling more adventurous, you reach out with a hand and give one a stroke. It's soft, but firm, you can feel the bone structure under it but it's pleasant to touch. You rub a little harder at the base of a few feathers, trying to straighten them out, and she stirs awake with a moan. You look at her eyes and say good morning, but she sleepily asks what you were doing. You tell her, expecting her to ask you not to do it again, but she stares you in the eye and says "Don't stop.". You didn't know pegasi felt their wings like that, but you're not going to turn her down, not now. You use the arm still under her to bring her with you as you turn over, bringing her to a stop on your chest, so you have both arms free, and start to massage as well as you can, feeling the individual feathers bend slightly and push back against your fingers. You push one too far, and she winces, but before you have a chance to ask if she's okay, she's proffering her wing back at your hand.
  41. With renewed confidence, you begin to rub down her wings - making sure to stay in line with the individual bones, and not get any out of line, and the result is obvious. Her wings get stiffer in your hands, pointing outwards a full foot, even as she struggles to keep them closed, and she's resting her head on your chest and breathing heavily, too focussed on keeping her wings within reach to maintain her normal cool pose. She fails at it anyway, her wings springing out to their full length, as you continue to lightly press your fingertips into them, the heat radiating off of her body becoming more noticable by the second as she squirms under your hands and pushes her head further at your chest, her pants audible now and a slight puddle of drool collecting in the dip of your chest. As suddenly as she woke, her wings suddenly spasm under your fingers, and drop completely, flopping over to her sides. You've never seen a pegasus' wings like that, so you ask her if it's normal. She doesn't hear you, her eyes are closed and she's quietly mouthing "oh my gosh" over and over. You've definately never seen a pegasus like this before - you had no idea their wings were so sensitive.
  43. A minute or so later, she gains the strength to pull her wings back tight to her body, and she pulls herself up towards your head, and gives you a slopy, inexperienced kiss. She quietly apologises - it was so different with gilda. You wince at the thought of her ex, especially an ex with a beak and a bad attitude. She notices, and asks what's wrong - you blame it on a hangover, even though you didn't have that much to drink. Dash doesn't seem to be suffering either, but their marshmallow metabolisms seem to handle alcohol better than yours does, so you think nothing of it. Dash seems concerned, though, and then her face lights up, and her eyelids drop halfway. She tells you, she says, that she has a cure, right here. All thoughts of Gilda forgotten, you inquire further. She leans towards your ear and whispers "Go down", as she flips off of you and onto her back. She means her... oh my, she must. Not one to turn down such an invitation, you roll over on top of her, and begin your journey down, sticking out your tongue to hear her gasp, and slowly, deliberately dragging it down her body. It tastes vaugely fruity. It's a nice flavour, but you don't linger. Down, over her belly, round her belly button, between her legs, and between her teats. "Stop!", you hear - and you do. You ask if you did something wrong, but she just looks at you like you're being an idiot and says "You're there". You realise with a flash of understanding what she meant earlier, and marvel at how little you know of marshmallow pony physiology. Still, you go back down, and wrap your lips around her left teat, and give a testing suckle. In response, you get a small stream of milk - it tastes like her body did, only a little stronger. Not too strong, just a little fruity, mixed with something close to the milk you're used to. You suck a bit harder, as she gasps above you, and you feel the liquid slosh around your mouth as you greedily swallow it down. You didn't have a hangover, but this tastes like it could cure anything. You continue to suck, losing interest in everything else, until you accidentally brush the tip with your tooth, and Dash's moan brings you back to reality. You've been neglecting her. Rearranging yourself so you have a free hand, you slip a finger into her now very moist slit, and move your head to the other teat, timing the pushes of your finger with the suckling of your mouth, and using your tongue to stimulate the tip and tease Dash even more - her gasps and moans all the reward you need. Slipping another finger into her wet hole, you give one last suck and find no more of that delicious liquid. You look up at her, and see her head pointing up at the ceiling, her mouth falling open and her hair trailing over her body. You mentally shrug, extract your fingers, and bring your mouth down to her lips for a "kiss". The moment your tongue makes contact, she squeals, and her moans become louder and louder as your tongue darts in and out, up and down - the flavour somewhere inbetween the strengths of her body and her milk - her juices dripping out, being greedily lapped up by your faithful tongue, until she uses a hindleg to push you away, saying "wait" between breaths. "Put", she gasps, "put it in" - so you oblige. Pulling yourself up to her with one of your arms, you use the other to guide your penis closer, both of you gasping as it easily penetrates. As you start thrusting, she begins to reciprocate, timing both her own thrusts and the "gosh" of her "oh my gosh" to the peak of each cycle, until her "gosh" devolves into pure emotion as she reaches orgasm, the waves rippling through you, causing you to cum in turn.
  45. Both of you drop to the bed, almost as tired as you were the night before, and she slowly wraps her hooves around you to hold you closer. You look up at her, and she's looking right back down, a smile on her face, and a smile in her eyes. Maybe she'll have trouble really trusting you, but you already trust her. You know she'll try, and you know you won't ever give her reason to doubt you. How lucky you are to have found true Loyalty, in a rainbow package.
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