

Apr 20th, 2016
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  1. Bat pony - Energetic and controversial, bat ponies are a species specially adapted for the night. They therefore have magic that gives them flight, stealth, and enhanced senses, with some of them gaining abilities best described as eldritch, though this is generally rare. However, in the daytime they have less skill and are dazed by flashes of bright light. Bat ponies were actually created magically, and as a result, they often have a low fertility rate, since their DNA doesn't really "work". In days past, bat ponies were often a figure of suspicion, especially given their relatively omnivorous habits, even when compared to pegasi ponies. These days, only a few ponies still hold onto these beliefs. They are commonly associated with the night, and their natural talents makes them naturally suited to night-based tasks. They are also considered the favored race of Luna, since they were a gift to her by Celestia over the time of her abandonment.
  3. Changelings - A species of insectoid equines who subsist off of sensations of emotional energy. They follow a hive-like structure, with each changeling holding a mind of their own, but existing in a constant hive-mind state with the queen at the being the primary ruler and planner for the hive. There are four known hives, two in Equestria, each with their own queen. The queens are generally seen by others as being cruel or unkind, an attitude largely crafted by changeling culture’s obsession with the advancement of the swarm, even at the cost of drone life. Changelings mostly entered pony minds after a failed invasion attempt by Queen Chrysalis in the year 2 ARL. Since then, they have been carefully placed within pony society in a way so that they can peacefully exist without damaging ponies, with population controls and heavy rules to that effect. Some pockets of resistance exist, however, who are known to attack and raid for ponies, and are difficult to catch by nature of the transforming abilities and natural skill at deception. A changeling can survive off of the emotional energy of several ponies without harming them, but too heavy a feeding can leave a pony weakened, emotionally drained, and in some cases, deceased.
  5. Codex - This tome is a multiple book set of encyclopedias condense into a single volume for the convenience of naval officers. It contains topics on subjects from science to history, and represents the the best knowledge currently available to pony kind. That said, it is not a perfect text, and do not rely on it to have all the answers.
  7. Crystals - A naturally occurring geological and magical formation in the ground. Magic’s natural tendency to form patterns causes these structures to spring up far more commonly than would be normal. Crystals are easily influenced by the emotional background energy of pony communities around them, and as they form they absorb said energy, with more pure emotions having more potent magical power and being more valuable as a result. Certain crystals can inspire shades of emotion upon appearance, making them highly valued for fashion. Otherwise, the most common use of crystals is to empower magical items or as a food source (particularly for Diamond Dogs and dragons).
  9. The Crystal Empire - A protectorate city that disappeared in the year approximately 1027 BRL and reappeared in the year 3 ARL. Although situated in the Frozen North, the highly advanced crystalline technology (still not entirely understood by experts) uses the natural emotional exuberance of the crystal ponies in order to project a field that not only keeps it protected, but also keeps the empire at a consistent temperature climate. Before its disappearance, it was said that the forcefield could be extended across multiple instance, allowing them to slowly expand even into areas that were considered inhospitable, except maybe to yaks. The Crystal Empire is not only one of the most popular tourist destinations in Equestria, but also one of the most important economic locations. Its constant temperature allows the farming of several otherwise impossible crops, such as crystal berries, and the ancient, advanced crystal technology allows ponies to make many important magical and scientific advancements. As a protectorate, although they are under the Crown of Equestria, they are granted several important powers, such as the ability to choose their own tax rates (currently at 2.4% higher than the rest of Equestria), have their own flag, border laws, and their own legal system.
  11. Crystal Core Drive - The most recent adaption of ship design, the crystal core drive is a method of propulsion that utilizes the incredibly high-density energy storage of crystals. By artificially melding crystals together then shaping and etching the resulting mass, the crystal can be designed to make the most out of the power given, funneling it very efficiently. This is aided by a few tools, the first being the power harness, free-floating, etched copper rings that control the crystal’s magic field, preventing emotional energy from filling it up and directing the stored energy to the rune circuits that power the rotors in particular and the rest of the ship’s function. The other innovation is the ability to drain smaller crystals of their energy, a technology developed by noted Crystaller Sunburst. When combined with good leadership and an array of blank crystals on a ship, this can allow for a nigh-infinite supply of energy.
  13. Etched Copper Rings - An often over-looked but important innovation in the development of magical energy storage, the etching process allows a more precise control over the magical field of an item, and copper is a material very resistant to magical change, so with the use of a series of three of them it’s possible to completely block off any external magical fields from impacting the crystal energy core while still allowing it to be physically accessed for the use of shards to charge it, and also to allow the magic to flow from the crystal where needed.
  15. Crystal pony - Elegant and ancient, crystal ponies are specially attuned to their emotions, and generally have a particular emotion associated with them that changes the way their energy works. This energy is especially useful for charging magical artifacts and spells.The downside is this specialization means that they tend to not be very useful without spells. Crystal ponies are a little bit behind the times as a result of their long stasis and the subsequent cultural catch-up have not helped matters. Furthermore, their tendency to have difficult, emotionally oriented personalities and the old-fashioned tendencies have given them a bit of a tendency to seem inflexible, but this is of course a bit unfair. On the other hand, their patriotism and love for Princess Cadance tends to be universal.
  17. Earth pony - Sturdy and full-hearted, earth ponies have connections to the ground that can manifest as superior strength and durability, agrokinesis, terrakinesis, or a heightened set of senses. Some of the more extreme cases have been known to get into prophecy for the latter, but this is rare. On the flip-side, their very focused and centralized styles of magic tend to leave them less knowledgeable about the world around them. Earth ponies have a slight edge on population over the other races due to a very lengthy natural life-span and some 'breeding magic' that exists in a small portion of the population. Earth ponies produce almost 98% of the food that Equestria eats, and with that and their creation of a large amount of technology, they are generally the wealthiest of the pony races, acting as a merchant class that also manages most of the banks, though their tribe does generally have a large cultural emphasis on generosity and an appreciation for simplicity.
  19. Hippogriffs - A relatively rare combination of ponies and griffons, the luck that allows the creature to be born at all seems to carry through their entire life, giving hippogriffs a supernatural level of luck that crops up in the strangest way and is almost impossible to study on a magical basis. They have a couple of standard phenotypes, one coming from pegasi and their similarities genetically to griffons, and the other from breeding magic and Earth ponies. "Earth hippogriffs" don't have wings, but have a bit more strength and endurance. "Pegasus hippogriffs" can fly, but tend to be very clumsy at it without intense training, they aren't very good at it. Some of them have pony-like ears that tend to be a point of contention. There aren't many hippogriffs, and as a result they don't have much of a culture.
  21. Magic - One of the fundamental forces of the universe, magic is best described as an energy that permeates almost everything. It has a tendency to work well with and create order. As a result, it very quickly and easily works with sentience and seems to have a particular affinity for the simplistic but effective logic of emotion. By constructing a pattern in emotion, logic, or action, a sentient being can cause works of magic, and with relative ease it is possible to control one’s own magic field (which is why it is very hard to use telekinesis on an unwilling subject). Magic’s love of sentience also extends to itself: purely magical intelligences have been known to form, referred to primarily as “spirits”, but those have a tendency to be strange and confusing beings with little information about them available.
  23. The Mane Six - The group of six ponies known as the Mane 6 for their close allegiance to Twilight Sparkle have been a relatively major force in history for the past thirty years since the Nightmare Moon incident. Twilight has of course become on of the Princess, the Princesses of Friendship, which has largely meant that her tasks have been about the cultural advancement of Equestria and a case-by-case problem resolution with a focus on reconciliation. To this end, she tends to take on proteges, usually two or three at a time, who she gives a brief stint of training before giving them tasks to accomplish, going out to help on some of the more serious tasks as necessary. Of course, her proclivity for magic has advanced the art a great deal as well, especially with understanding of cutie mark magic as a field.
  24. Rainbow Dash joined the Wonderbolts, but never really seriously committed herself to the team. She keeps herself in top shape, of course, but has ultimately became more of a special treat than a consistent part of their performances. Instead, she has focused more of her time on being an ally to Twilight Sparkle and is often treated as her runner for tasks where speed is necessary. Over the years, she is noted to have mellowed out considerably and has even taken on a friendship protege or two herself, though not with anything nearing the regularity Twilight Sparkle does.
  25. Pinkie Pie is currently the head of one of the largest corporations in Equestria, significantly taking everyone by surprise. Her policies are bizarre to the point of being random at time, but are ultimately effective without compare. Pie Industries' has made Ponyville into something of a hot spot in terms of business and industry, helping the town balloon in size to the point that its becoming something of a secondary capital to Canterlot. Her seemingly psychic ability to detect market trends and knack for getting technology to work just right have significantly assisted the company, and her eye towards equine business practice have shaped the more unscrupulous for the better.
  26. Rarity has become a bit of a fashion superstar, and there's at least one magazine dedicated specifically to everything she does. Her focus on individuality in design and building for the pony instead of for the fashion have actually had a significant impact on the industry, tuning down the snobbery and trend-obsession for a more egalitarian approach to design. She has six or seven major outlets and always has an eye out for new, up and coming fashion designers to help onto a more individualistic, creative way. She does still spend most of her time in Ponyville, but tends to travel the most of the Mane 6. That said, she is still always there for Twilight when she needs her.
  27. Applejack has largely spent most of her time on the far, slowly building it bigger. She got married and had a lot of kids, who tend to take after her. The Appple Clan has ballooned in Ponyville, and the farm is flourishing as a result. She's still the solid foundation of Twilight and is always there to help her as a go-to mare. She and Big Mac are still on the farm and working there, while Apple Bloom tends to spend more of her time away. Her impact on larger Equestria is more limited, but she's happy.
  28. Fluttershy has done nothing of consequence.
  30. Pegasus pony - Speedy and acrobatic, pegasi have connections to the sky that grant them flight, weather manipulation, or strange elemental affinities, although bizarre elemental attunement is rare and hard to find. However, they are relatively fragile and a single solid blow can do extensive damage to them. Pegasi are culturally competitors, loving to challenge each other and try to challenge each other to improve their skills and further their competitions. More than any other race, pegasi are meritocratic: judging you not on any inherent quality (often even ignoring cutie mark, which can be a rarity for ponies) but on your ability to get a job done. This does mean that they tend to be more heated in argument and quicker to get angry, but it does also mean that pegasi are fast to make friends with people they support and loyal to a fault. Even more bashful pegasi tend to carry these traits, forming close-knit, small communities that care deeply for each other.
  32. Portunio - The island of Portunio is a highly economic society, mostly populated by ponies with a smattering of griffons and largely culturally dominated by that, the capitalist beliefs of the griffons mixing with the more selfless opinions of the ponies to leave Portunio obsessed with the idea of contributing to the local good. Commerce is all about making everything prosperous, people are judged heavily based upon the assistance they provide to their local communities, and it becomes a bit of competition to see who can do the most for everyone. Currently, it is allied with Equestria and relies on them for support and defense, but is nominally ruled over by a single mayor who hold primary political power, answering to a city council and democratic process but handling day to day affairs. It does not currently have an Equestrian embassy.
  34. Recent History - After the return of Princess Luna and the ascendancies of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance, the fresh ideas and expanded leadership quickly allowed for the welcoming of a new golden age of Equestria. In the thirty years since then, there’s been something of a technological revolution, almost every field receiving updates and upgrades that have pushed them farther ahead than most ponies would have thought possible in their lifetime. More than that, ponies have had a renewed vigor in exploration of all sorts: histories being double-checked and expanded, math and science drawing ever more attention, and arts and humanities revolutionized. Not the least of these rediscovered urges is the newfound desire to explore. Equus can be a dangerous place outside of Equestria, and it has always been a daunting task to push forward and see what lies beyond the borders, but recent initiatives by the crown and public have finally made a full-fledged exploration effort possible. It’s the Age of Discovery, an exciting time to be alive.
  36. Rumors of the East Sea - Largely an unknown factor, a few details about the East Sea are known, even a couple by the populace at large. For one thing, it is readily apparent that Equestria is one of the westernmost countries on the planet, as the plane ends very shortly to the west and therefore travel beyond that point is largely considered impossible. Therefore, it is projected that the East Sea is absolutely massive. It is said that large civilizations that Equestria has only the vaguest memories of dwelt in that place, and that it is where zebras and griffons originally came from. And it is said that the sea itself is almost impossible to map due to the bizarre properties of the sea itself. What is known is that there is a rather large commercial island, Portunio, not too far from Equestrian shores: it has been one of the few consistent trading partners over the course of Equestrian history.
  38. The Touch - Less a talent and more a common collection of magical skills that exist primarily in Earth ponies, the Touch is generally why Earth ponies have a relatively high level of tech literacy. Roughly speaking, it is the perception magic that helps them notice useful details, a tendency to be more in tune with materials and the magics inherent therein, and a bit of endurance magic that helps them learn hard work and keeps them working towards the discovery they want to make. While cutie mark magic is as ever elusive and hard to understand, its generally believed that Earth ponies have garnered a large chunk of ponies with the Touch either by placing them in scenarios where it could crop up more naturally, with the success of ponies who have the Touch therefore breeding more often, or the vague whims of Destiny recognizing the need for more technologically literate ponies.
  40. Token - A chunk of enchanted metals with a particular configuration. Their primary use tend to be for travel and rationing. A single token will allow a group of up to forty people to obtain foodstuffs equal to a single day. The value of a token is relatively fixed, but most countries also use a local currency that tends to fluctuate more in value. A process called stamping allows a group to gather the same amount of food and convert it directly into a token. The process actually involves sending the supplies to an extradimensional market where it is held in a sort of stasis until it can be sent where it is needed. The entire system is maintained by a series of mages, each of whom have little control over the enchantment, but simply act as antenna to broadcast the enchantment, with literal antenna becoming more common upon ships as of late. Recent additions to the token market have attempted to extend the token system to materials other than food, but these are experimental and do not exist everywhere.
  42. Unicorn pony - Intelligent and mystic, unicorn ponies don’t a have particular type of magic, but rather can learn almost any spell, with spells less related to their cutie mark being more difficult for them to learn. Unicorns who have a cutie mark in magic exist, but they are very rare. Unfortunately, they get tired very easily from physical work and are more susceptible to ethereal attacks such as corrupting magic and mind control. Unicorns have a bit of a bad rap for being snobs, but for most unicorns this comes from a very deep appreciation for art and culture. Whereas earth ponies prefer the simple and pegasi are a bit more practical, unicorn culture tends to have a great deal of appreciation for form over function, with those who disagree being an exception to the rule. That isn't to say they are entirely impractical, but their close connection to the more abstract forms of magic tends to leave them with strange ideas of what works best.
  44. Wall of Storms - Equus is a plane bounded on each side, theoretical forming the plane into a square. On the three currently discovered edges, they end at a fuzzy point known as the wall of storms. The further you go towards this point (though it’s hard to tell exactly where) it gets exponentially harder to progress. It starts fairly tame, such as in the Frozen North, and slowly gets more and more insane. Fire tornadoes, glass rain, and plasma hurricanes are three such observed phenomenon. Ponies believe that someday they may breach the wall and see what lies on the other side, but this lies far, far in the future.
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