
mac^^^ the factionalist (Mueller investigation)

Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. 12:37:37 PM+SimdThe GOP is the primary enemy of the USA.
  2. 12:38:00 PM+mac^^^Democrats are the primary enemy of the USA
  3. 12:38:05 PM+Simdmac^^^: Why?
  4. 12:38:18 PM+mac^^^simd they want to destroy the economy
  5. 12:38:20 PM+SimdGive me your 1-3 top reasons, and I'll do the same.
  6. 12:38:34 PM+mac^^^sieg heil
  7. 12:38:37 PM+Simdmac^^^: What is the primary way the Democrats would like to destroy the economy?
  8. 12:38:52 PM+mac^^^simd by raising taxes
  9. 12:39:01 PM+Simdmac^^^: Why does raising taxes destroy the economy?
  10. 12:39:08 PM+mac^^^by having more regulation than necessary
  11. 12:39:11 PM+mac^^^by discouraging oil production
  12. 12:39:14 PM+Simdmac^^^: Are you aware the USA has some of the lowest taxes of Western nations?
  13. 12:39:24 PM+mac^^^simd raising taxes reduces incentives
  14. 12:39:53 PM+mac^^^simd have it your way, just stay off my Roth IRA, ok?
  15. 12:40:00 PM+SimdWhat is my way?
  16. 12:40:01 PM→ Smax has joined
  17. 12:40:05 PM+SimdI haven't yet explicated a position.
  18. 12:40:10 PM+mac^^^your way is higher taxes
  19. 12:40:12 PM+farits not higher taxes on the rich. its higher tax rates on the first 200k-500k dollars earned, and higher tax rates on dollars over 500k earned. everyone pas same taxes on first 10k dollars they earn. everyone pays same tax rate on first 10k-40k dollars they earn. etc.
  20. 12:40:14 PM+SimdHow do you know?
  21. 12:40:26 PM+mac^^^willpa as long as its lighter than air
  22. 12:40:26 PM+SimdI haven't yet staked out that position.
  23. 12:40:32 PMⓘ Ekko set mode +v Smax
  24. 12:40:36 PM+Simd
  25. 12:40:43 PM+Simd"Total US tax revenue equaled 26 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), well below the 34 percent average for developed countries (figure 1)."
  26. 12:41:02 PM+SimdThe US has a very, very, very low tax rate compared to Western nations.
  27. 12:41:25 PM+SimdThere is only one Western nation with a lower tax rate: Ireland.
  28. 12:41:40 PM+SimdBut you feel the way forward is to go lower, because otherwise we'll reduce incentives.
  29. 12:41:50 PM+mac^^^simd I'd not want to be part of the other western nations
  30. 12:42:09 PM+Simdmac^^^: Do you agree other nations act like experiments tests different variations in policy?
  31. 12:42:25 PM+SimdAnd the fact that the economies of other nations isn't "destroyed", with higher taxes, is evidence against your claim?
  32. 12:42:45 PM+farSimd; that sounds like its not taking state income taxes into account
  33. 12:42:57 PM+mac^^^simd I want minimum government
  34. 12:43:11 PM+Simdmac^^^: That is a different, but related claim
  35. 12:43:20 PM← tis has quit (Quit: tis)
  36. 12:43:29 PM+SimdI have provided data that indicates your claim that higher tax rates will destroy the economy is probably false
  37. 12:43:40 PM+faryou have to compare state and federal income taxes in US to country and whatever the EU taxes are called for EU
  38. 12:43:41 PM* mac^^^ has his head hurt by that baby grand which was dropped
  39. 12:44:00 PM+farEU member countries are more analogous to US states
  40. 12:44:33 PM+Simdfar: State taxes are mentioned in that article
  41. 12:44:38 PM+farin fact everything would probably work better if we were 50 countries in a union
  42. 12:44:42 PM+SimdProperty Taxes: Property taxes provided almost twice as large a share of US tax revenue—10 percent in 2015—than the OECD average of 6 percent. Almost all revenue from taxes on property in the United States is collected by state and local governments.
  43. 12:44:59 PM+Simd"Most consumption tax revenue in the United States is collected by state and local governments."
  44. 12:45:15 PM+mac^^^simd property taxes are the most evil tax
  45. 12:45:19 PM+Simdmac^^^: For the record, you provide no citations in defense of your position
  46. 12:45:28 PM+Simdmac^^^: Now, I will offer a reason in defense of my claim
  47. 12:45:32 PM+mac^^^simd well EXCUSE me
  48. 12:45:46 PM* mac^^^ DOES have a record however
  49. 12:45:46 PM+farok if thats taking state income tax into account then 26% does sound low
  50. 12:45:48 PM+SimdJames Madison, primary author of the US Constitution, in Federalist 10, claims that factionalism is the primary enemy of the republic
  51. 12:46:06 PM→ VitoG has joined
  52. 12:46:33 PM+Simd"By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community."
  53. 12:46:34 PM+farif the rich were shouldering the tax burden it would be closer to 50%
  54. 12:46:35 PM* mac^^^ would not mind if the USA broke up as long as the part he is in has the most freedom and lowest tax burden
  55. 12:46:37 PMⓘ Ekko set mode +v VitoG
  56. 12:46:58 PM+Simdmac^^^: The current version of the GOP is perhaps the purest form of a faction in the history of the USA
  57. 12:47:06 PM← JamesBaud has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  58. 12:47:19 PM+SimdThere is major discussion among senior members of the GOP as to whether Mueller should be allowed to continue his investigation
  59. 12:47:21 PM+mac^^^simd I'm not quite sure what "faction" means
  60. 12:47:29 PM+SimdThe Senate and House investigations into Trump are virtually dead
  61. 12:47:51 PM+SimdYou have, in the open, chairs of committees using their committees for blatantly partisan reasons
  62. 12:47:57 PM+mac^^^simd Mueller is just a waste of taxpayer money, nothing of significance will come of it
  63. 12:48:22 PM+Simdmac^^^: I gave you the definition of faction from Madison
  64. 12:48:27 PM+mac^^^best that could happen is some drunk driver have headon collision with Mueller
  65. 12:48:34 PM+SimdWhy?
  66. 12:48:40 PM+farpartisan reasons
  67. 12:48:47 PM+SimdAgreed, far.
  68. 12:48:54 PM+SimdI'm curious what deceptive reason he gives.
  69. 12:49:09 PM+mac^^^simd i read that post you did by Madison and my interpretation is its the same as democracy
  70. 12:49:15 PM+fari doubt he can be bothered to think of one. just go my team.
  71. 12:49:57 PM+Simdmac^^^: I will repost this conversation everytime a major figure of the GOP or Trump administration is indicted or pleads guilty as a result of Mueller's investigation
  72. 12:50:00 PM+RickNRoll
  73. 12:50:05 PM+SimdThis will help keep you accountable for your claims
  74. 12:50:15 PM+SimdWe should have the next sometime in January
  75. 12:50:25 PM+mac^^^simd just as long as Trump stays president :)
  76. 12:50:33 PM+Simdmac^^^: Did you notice you haven't yet given a reason
  77. 12:50:42 PM+SimdFor why Mueller should be hit by a drunk driver
  78. 12:50:42 PM+mac^^^simd reason for what
  79. 12:50:47 PM+SimdBut you have responded to later posts
  80. 12:50:49 PM+SimdI noticed
  81. 12:50:52 PM+mac^^^oh that, because I hate Mueller
  82. 12:50:55 PM+SimdWhy?
  83. 12:51:12 PM+mac^^^because he wants to destroy Trump and I hate people who want to destroy Trump
  84. 12:51:26 PM+SimdWhat if Trump was worthy of being destroyed?
  85. 12:51:37 PM+SimdWould it then become ethical to destroy Trump?
  86. 12:51:41 PM+mac^^^simd well that would be your opinion and not mine
  87. 12:51:48 PM+SimdNo, it's a question
  88. 12:51:56 PM+SimdExploring your worldview and value system
  89. 12:51:59 PM+mac^^^ok, its a question I don't care about
  90. 12:52:08 PM+Simdmac^^^: Is anybody worthy of being destroyed
  91. 12:52:20 PM+SimdBesides Mueller
  92. 12:52:29 PM+muellerti"I hate people who offend my god emperor!"
  93. 12:52:30 PM+SimdOkay, I will disengage from this conversation
  94. 12:52:32 PM+mac^^^simd yeah, NK leader
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