
TSW 15: Mary, Arina. and Hikari enjoy the 4th. Part 2

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. [13:03] Mary "Well That still leaves us a few hours, beyond debating about the merit or lack of it of certain boys..."
  2. [13:04] IcePickLobotomy "Hmm, maybe some dessert or something?"
  3. [13:04] Arina "Oh, that sounds 0x1dinteresting0x1d..."
  4. [13:07] Mary "What are you thinking about?"
  5. [13:07] Mary sounds eagerly
  6. [13:08] IcePickLobotomy "Ice cream? There's a nice little candy store in Tower 2 that has homemade ice-cream."
  7. [13:09] Mary "I am never saying no to something like that."
  8. [13:11] Arina chuckles. "Sounds like fun to me."
  9. [13:12] IcePickLobotomy "Right," She checks her watch "If we hurry we can make the next tram in time!" Mary, she grabs your spare hand and starts to drag you to the nearest station, either forgetting about Arina or assuming she can keep up.
  10. [13:13] Arina keeps up easily enough, yes.
  11. [13:17] Mary lets herself be dragged off by the jounger girl
  12. [13:17] Mary (y)
  13. [13:18] IcePickLobotomy The shop in question, "Bones Candy Factor" stands on the 5th floor of the Tower, overlooking the mall. The interior is colorful, styled after the American 60's, era-music piped in through the speakers. A long counter holds a large variety of ice-cream, and a entire wall if devotes to candy, with 3 small booths near the window. It's not quite crowded, though there is a pair of children...
  14. [13:18] IcePickLobotomy ...accompanied by their mother sitting a in a booth enjoying some ice cream. Behind the counter is a old black man wearing a blue-white striped apron and matching cap with a pair of thin spectacles over his eyes. He gives you all a friendly wave as you enter. "Good afternoon ladies."
  15. [13:19] Arina smiles. "Good afternoon."
  16. [13:20] Mary "Good Afternon Sir, "She says for a moment letting her accent escape
  17. [13:22] IcePickLobotomy "Ah, call me Mr Bones if you're feeling formal miss."
  18. [13:23] Mary "As yo wish mister bones, and yo deserve some for calling us youn ones öadioes while we are older then little ladies "
  19. [13:24] Arina blinkblinks slightly.
  20. [13:26] IcePickLobotomy "Now, there's a accent I've not hear in a while, from Louisiana I bet."
  21. [13:26] IcePickLobotomy &heard
  22. [13:28] Mary "Well yes you are quite correct there , down the big river and then left right at the turn to the capital"
  23. [13:29] IcePickLobotomy "Spent a few years there myself, nice weather, though the company leaves a bit to be desired I say." He turns to Hikari and Arina "So, what're y'all interested in today?"
  24. [13:29] Arina hums. "It's quite a selection..."
  25. [13:31] IcePickLobotomy Hikari presses close to the viewing window of the ice-cream, eye flickering too and fro as she tries to decide."
  26. [13:34] Arina taps the glass. "This mint looks interesting."
  27. [13:34] Mary "At least it got bhetter then some years ago buuut.."
  28. [13:34] Mary shakes her head and whispers a short, hint of a prayer
  29. [13:35] IcePickLobotomy "Weather is easier on my old bones anyways, less humid." Arina "Well, if you'd like to try a bit I can offer you a free sample."
  30. [13:37] Arina "Oh, that would be quite nice, thank you!"
  31. [13:38] IcePickLobotomy He passes you a small sample on a tiny wooden spoon, a small dollop of ice-cream on the tip. "Here you are, so many flavors it's hard to choose isn't it?"
  32. [13:40] Arina takes the spoonful, eyes widening. "Mm, this is definitely good for today."
  33. [13:40] Mary "Well, I am also thinking bt I am thrusting in what you would recomend a southern flower?"
  34. [13:44] IcePickLobotomy "Strawberry is always topical, I also have lemon sherbet that goes well with the weather." He turns back to Arina "Glad you liked, how many scoops and do you want a cone or a bowl?"
  35. [13:45] Arina "One scoop, in a cone, please."
  36. [13:45] IcePickLobotomy "I'll have the rocky road, one scoop in a cone too please!"
  37. [13:47] Mary "Well strawbery, and lemon sherbet, and , maybe a bit more exotic with that, the taste of the wide wild world"
  38. [13:48] IcePickLobotomy "Bowl or a cone then?"
  39. [13:48] Mary "Cone please, "
  40. [13:49] IcePickLobotomy Arina and Mary both get medium sized cones with a single large scoop. Mary get a rather large cone, big enough that two hands is recomended. A scoop of strawberry, lemon sherbet, and a third one that looks to be vanilla with chunks of something in it. "Vanilla with Honeycomb, a personal favorite of mine." He hands each of you your frozen treats.
  41. [13:49] IcePickLobotomy *Hikari
  42. [13:50] Mary "Well, as I need both hands for this, would either of you dears be so kind to get my money out?"
  43. [13:51] Arina thanks him, and pays. "I'll handle that."
  44. [13:52] Mary "Aww, no need be indebt to you there, I owe you one."
  45. [13:54] Arina "Don't worry about it, really."
  46. [13:55] IcePickLobotomy Hikari hands over some of her money "Want to grab a seat somewhere?"
  47. [13:56] Mary "Maybe a bit up so that we can see more of the festivities?
  48. [13:57] Arina "Yes, that sounds good."
  49. [13:57] IcePickLobotomy "Sure, I know a place."
  50. [14:01] Mary "Then lets go" She says before she starts to attack her ice
  51. [14:02] Arina giggles slightly, licking at her own.
  52. [14:03] Mary "One has to have the right technique with these , it is a question of the tongue " she says as she goes on
  53. [14:04] IcePickLobotomy She guides you up a short elevator ride and a flight of stairs, up to about the 20th floor. There's some construction going on, but the site is empty of people. Tools and materials are scattered about, the sun streaming in through the open walls. Hikari brings you to a partially constructed porch jetting out of into the sky several feet. It feels solid and appears to be complete save for the...
  54. [14:04] IcePickLobotomy ...lack of railing. She promptly sits down, legs dangling off the edge as she leans back to enjoy the sunlight filtering from between the other two towers.
  55. [14:08] Arina chuckles, taking a seat a little farther short of the edge and looking out over the view.
  56. [14:08] Mary "Well, that is a view " She says clearly impressed as she carefully walks over , and letting her legs dangle of the edge, slightly further away then hikari.
  57. [14:10] IcePickLobotomy "Don't know why but this place has been like this for years. I like to come here when I want to get away from it all." She gestures to a few cigarette butts and a empty bear can "I'm not the only one either." She hesitates a moment "Saw a condom here once even. That was disgusting."
  58. [14:10] Arina "... Definitely not the only one, then."
  59. [14:11] Mary "Well, at least they where doing it safe up here.. in a way
  60. [14:11] Mary blinks and then giggles for a moment.
  61. [14:13] IcePickLobotomy "I dunno, I feel like that'd be uncomfortable though, no padding, cold floor. . ."
  62. [14:13] IcePickLobotomy "And at night it's windy and gets pretty cold."
  63. [14:15] Mary "Well better then in a park, or under the same roof as your parents I would assume"
  64. [14:16] IcePickLobotomy Hikari shudders "Oh god, there's no way I could sneak a boy past my mom."
  65. [14:18] Mary "Well she is a ninja..."
  66. [14:18] Arina "So she'd be entirely aware, but you'd have no idea she was there watching?"
  67. [14:20] IcePickLobotomy Hikari nods. "Yeah."
  68. [14:23] Mary shivers in shared empathy brr" But then they are overrated.."
  69. [14:24] Arina chuckles. "Well, I suppose that's not an option then."
  70. [14:27] Mary "Well I do not think that yo are missing much there"
  71. [14:29] IcePickLobotomy "Way everyone goes on about it I sorta feel like I am though."
  72. [14:29] IcePickLobotomy "Not that I'm in any kind of rush either mind you!"
  73. [14:31] Mary "Well yess but."
  74. [14:32] Arina "... Waaaaaiiiit a minute, Mary. It 0x1dsounds0x1d like...?"
  75. [14:32] Arina smiles, leaning in curiously.
  76. [14:33] IcePickLobotomy Hikari blinks ". . . . Wait." She turns and leans over to Mary as well with a small grin.
  77. [14:37] |<-- Mary has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  78. [14:38] -->| scya ( has joined #TSWIC
  79. [14:41] scya "Eh?"
  80. [14:41] =-= scya is now known as Mary
  81. [14:41] Mary looks unsure between the two of them.
  82. [14:42] Arina "So, what 0x1dare0x1d we missing?"
  83. [14:44] Mary "Eh?... I would say you are not missing anything"
  84. [14:45] Arina "It sounds like someone has details...~"
  85. [14:45] IcePickLobotomy Hikari nods vigorously in agreement.
  86. [14:46] Mary starts to blush
  87. [14:46] Mary "I uh, do not know what you are talking about"
  88. [14:47] Arina "Oooooooh?"
  89. [14:48] Arina "But I thought you knew what we weren't missing...?"
  90. [14:48] IcePickLobotomy Hikari glances to Arina "Ohh, I wonder if it was a boyfriend back home that she had to leave behind to save the world. And he's waiting for her back home. Oh that's so romantic!"
  91. [14:49] Arina purses her lips. "It is, but I don't think she'd be quite so... sour about it, if she had the picturesque romance."
  92. [14:50] IcePickLobotomy "Oh," Hikari deflates "Yeah that makes sense. . . Sorry Mary."
  93. [14:53] Mary "Boys are all idiots that only thing with one thing, and that is not a romantic heart. And kissing is I think not soo good that people care for that. It is just because else they would see that the whole thing is stupid and overblown..I think"
  94. [14:54] IcePickLobotomy "I dunno," Mary finishes her icecream and flops onto her back, legs still dangling over the edge. "I'd still like to see what it's like at least. I mean sure, what if it is overblown? I still have no idea what it's like."
  95. [14:55] Mary "Well uh.."She blushes " Ask Arina, she is the star with the fans."
  96. [14:56] Arina shakes her head. "Hey, I told you I've never had a boyfriend either. I'm honestly pretty curious myself."
  97. [15:00] Mary "That does not prevent you from havving kissed and now to tell"
  98. [15:00] IcePickLobotomy "I'm pretty sure that's Arina's way of saying she's never been kissed."
  99. [15:01] Arina "Sorry to disappoint you."
  100. [15:04] Mary "Well uh..."
  101. [15:06] Arina leans in curiously.
  102. [15:07] IcePickLobotomy Hikari leans in as well. It's getting a tad crowded
  103. [15:09] Mary "Well uh..., you could do a safe test that does not count?"
  104. [15:12] Arina raises an eyebrow. "Er...?"
  105. [15:12] IcePickLobotomy Hikari cocks her head curiously.
  106. [15:12] Mary "Well it does not count after all! At least acording to the other girls .. from what I heard.
  107. [15:14] Arina blinkblinks. "... What doesn't count?"
  108. [15:14] IcePickLobotomy "This is going places isn't it?"
  109. [15:15] Mary "Hey you started the whole kiss talk, If you two so much want to test that.."
  110. [15:18] Arina blinks, cocking her head. "Er...?"
  111. [15:19] Mary "Okay, where you two never on a Slumber, respective Pijama party?
  112. [15:20] IcePickLobotomy Hikari shakes her head
  113. [15:20] Mary "Where you interacted with other girls?"
  114. [15:22] Arina "Well, I was at a dormitory. Sort of pointless to have a slumber party when your rooms are already a meter away."
  115. [15:23] IcePickLobotomy "Nope."
  116. [15:26] Mary "Okay, What do you think happens with girls that want to know how it is to kiss someone that are running around giggling with other girls and wondering about that
  117. [15:26] IcePickLobotomy "Ohhhhh." Hikari nods in understanding
  118. [15:28] Arina looks a little disgusted. "I... don't think it works that way."
  119. [15:29] Mary "Well for one it has nothing to do with sex."
  120. [15:31] Mary And well, how else do you want to know how a kiss is without dealing with someone that wants to have sex with you?"
  121. [15:31] IcePickLobotomy "Easy, spin the bottle!"
  122. [15:32] Arina "I'm... definitely sure that's not how it works."
  123. [15:32] Mary "Well yeah, or Truth or dare"
  124. [15:33] IcePickLobotomy "Well if you want to put effort into it join the Theatre group and get in a role that kisses."
  125. [15:34] Arina "Doesn't that all defeat the entire point, though?"
  126. [15:36] IcePickLobotomy "Maybe. . . Hmm, Oh wait! You could arrange it so that you and a guy are running away and need to pretend you're kissing so the bad guys ignore you!"
  127. [15:37] Mary "hmhm...On the other side, girls have less akne and beard stubbles to test it on."
  128. [15:38] IcePickLobotomy Hikari pokes Mary "Think you're getting lost in lala land here."
  129. [15:40] Mary "What, you saw what some of them are wearingn to look masculine."
  130. [15:40] Arina "But, like... kissing socially is 0x1dentirely different0x1d."
  131. [15:40] Arina "The entire 0x1dpoint0x1d of a romantic kiss is the 0x1dromance0x1d."
  132. [15:40] Mary "Ah but it is about kissing mechanically!, It is , like the difference between a romantic kiss and what you russians and french do"
  133. [15:41] IcePickLobotomy "I've heard of french kissing, but what's a russian kiss then?"
  134. [15:41] Mary "Not a French kiss, the greeting kisses"
  135. [15:42] IcePickLobotomy "I thought that was Italians though?"
  136. [15:44] Arina blinkblinks, cocking her head. "... Er...?"
  137. [15:44] Arina "Have you 0x1dseen0x1d a Russian kiss?"
  138. [15:45] IcePickLobotomy "Oh, so /that's/ what they were doing!"
  139. [15:47] Mary "Well it is a lip one as greeting right?"
  140. [15:47] Mary "At least if one looks at the pictures in teh Newspaper"
  141. [15:49] Arina sighs, leaning over to Hikari. "Demonstration, or no? I'm not sure what your own particular culture tends towards here so I'd rather not step on any toes."
  142. [15:49] IcePickLobotomy Hikari leans back a bit. "Uh, well, we don't have anything like that I think. . ."
  143. [15:50] Mary "Well then there should be no problem as it is just a international gesture of communication. "
  144. [15:50] Arina "Ah, fair enough, then. Well suffice it to say we can get pretty energetic about it, but don't really consider it a romantic thing."
  145. [15:51] Mary "As I said, mechanically it is like a romantic kiss but it is not one."
  146. [15:51] IcePickLobotomy "Huh."
  147. [15:57] Arina "Anyway, it sort of defeats the purpose of 'experimenting' if the actual key part of the experiment isn't there, doesn't it?"
  148. [15:57] Mary "Well it depends if it is about emotion and mechanic or also about the mechanic "
  149. [16:00] Arina "Mm, I suppose I can see practicing the mechanics if you don't normally do it... those are pretty fun on their own."
  150. [16:01] Mary "oh?"
  151. [16:01] Mary zeroes in on her
  152. [16:03] Arina blinks. "... I thought you already knew plenty?"
  153. [16:04] Mary "Well I never said that . And as you know that they are fun , you did some testing there despite your earlier words?"
  154. [16:05] Arina cocks her head. "... No? I didn't 'test' anything. I've kissed socially, not romantically, not as an experiment."
  155. [16:06] Mary "Ah but then you saw that they where fun mechanically by your own words.
  156. [16:07] Arina blinks slowly, looking to Hikari. "... yeeeess? Because I've kissed people before? Without it being any kind of testing?"
  157. [16:09] IcePickLobotomy "I think we can take her at her word when she said she's never kissed anyone in a romantic or sexual sense."
  158. [16:23] Arina "Thank you."
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