
9 secret steps

Dec 13th, 2013
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  1. + **Image Team**
  3. Alright, for the image team, I'm going to want people who are willing to put in a lot of busywork. In addition, I want to go through visual records and make sure all the images are CC compliant. We'll also be doing image sorting, looking for sources, shtuff like that. Basically, the first order of business is to get our site CC compliant. From there, I have several VR-specific projects:
  5. * Guidelines for each image section to tell what is supposed to go there.
  6. * Possibly an "unsorted" section for people to dump images when they aren't sure. Possibly making so all images go here, to be sorted by staff and to make sure things are CC compliant.
  7. * Going through and adding a translated version of the hub page and linking it to each international community.
  9. In addition, we're going to be responsible for making sure the [[[Image Policy]]] is used and enforce its provisions. At //some point// we'll be going through all the images, but that's not something you do right away. Takes planning.
  11. The big project, image sorting, will be done over a period of time with categories assigned to people to be done by x date.
  13. Also, as a side note, I'll be adding a module Troy is making for me, for people to contact the site if they feel their image has been misused or misattributed or don't want it there. The WikiDot one just causes people to be spammed cos there's no protection.
  15. Eventually, a big project I have in mind for this is cataloging every image currently on the wiki which could be a possible license violation. We'll probably be recruiting people like Voct from the civilian population to help get this finished up. Once I have that data, I'll be having people reach out to image owners, and getting some form of permission. A tedious job, but I dislike the passive, reactionary policy and want to have some sort of active system for attaining image permissions. This would require a core of staff operators managing a network of civilian volunteers. Voct would be an extremely valuable asset for this one.
  17. + **Rewrite Team**
  19. The rewrite team is probably the most structure and basic outlook I have for a team. I'm going to be tossing up that new method of doing review/rewrites on 05, and have members of the team put stuff up for review on a rotational basis. If one of the articles they put up for review gets to the point of a rewrite, they're responsible for overseeing it. In addition, we'll be taking regular looks at articles which are old and important to site history, and thinking of ways to adjust them without losing the original vibe.
  23. Alright, so you've seen how the old review system worked. One person(me) would make a thread, and post a new scip for review every day. I had a pool of review articles I picked from. People would sometimes read it, sometimes not. The point of this new system is twofold - to increase the number of people reading, and to have a specific focus for the review posts - to encourage the piece to be rewritten or updated by the author, or a new person if the article is drifting towards deletion.
  25. This will be accomplished with long, content-rich posts. We'll be taking the best parts of review in the comment thread, adding them to our post as quotes, and explaining the best way we think the entry could be rewritten or updated. Possibly even add several different methods. Now, this method is much more time consuming, and to prevent people from being burned out, I may change it from daily to weekly, and make it a stickied post in the forums(as if we don't have enough of those!). I'd also make it much more clear people are allowed to discuss, disagree, or agree with the points made in the posts.
  27. If one of the articles that a team member put up for review gets to the point of a rewrite, they're responsible for overseeing it. In addition, we'll be taking regular looks at articles which are old and important to site history, and thinking of ways to adjust them without losing the original vibe. If the old article drifting towards deletion is deemed ready for a rewrite, we'd want to see it keep the original vibe. This means keeping some elements that may not be that great, because they're part of what made the entry memorable.
  29. "But Roget!" you cry. "Isn't the whole point of a rewrite to completely revamp the article and offer a fresh perspective?"
  31. And usually, I'd agree. However, these are special cases. You can't change an article so much that it completely loses what made it memorable/unique in the first place, even if preserving those elements causes a quibble. If it comes between total deletion and larger revamps, though, we won't be dogmatic. Just always try to preserve the feeling of the originals.
  33. In addition, we may begin screening people who do rewrites, to nip the current "volunteer to rewrite and then back out, thereby only serving to lengthen the deletion period" trend. We'd ask people //why// they want to rewrite these entries, and make sure they're passionate about it.
  35. In addition, when the team is put together, I'mma put together a little primer on what it means to preserve the old feeling of articles.
  37. Also put together a mission statement with the core of /why/ we rewrite in the first place. It's not to homogenize the tone, it's to make sure all the articles are up to standard.
  39. + **SCP Outreach**
  41. Internet outreach will be focused on improving several core tenets of Internationalism, not only limited to other communities and the community sites, but also other writing sites which link to us and see us as an example. Even if it's a shitty fanfiction site, it's better for us to be the ones to contact them then to have our users in site19 discover and troll the shit out of them. So, you have to be professional when dealing with these sites. Leave your preconceptions at the door. People who are unable to interact with these communities without condescension and mocking them behind closed doors will be removed. I want people who can respect others, even if they see them as unequal.
  43. So, one of the main things I want to do is use the SCP international as a communication hub for all SCP communities and projects. This means prospective games, the tvtropers, people looking to make communities, and people who just have one cool SCP project. It will better allow engagement with the International community. I'll want people to make a list of notables in the SCP community, and how we can contact them. This will be after I set up a forum and allow people from each community to join and begin posting.
  45. But, we also need to find communities not related to SCP, who just link to us or have references to us. Try and build a more complete picture of our presence on SCP. This isn't a dedicated project, more of an "oh hey we're linked from here" thing. If people are willing to volunteer, I'd like some notices sent out to major outlets of notability, for the purpose of finally getting a Wikipedia article. Again, this would be under consultation from Voct, if he is willing, because he is a Wikipedia admin. We mostly need to know notability standards better. Aelanna would also be familiar with this, as she fought wikipedia to get her game thingy noticed back in the day. Voct has a more contemporary viewpoint, though.
  47. As for other things with the SCP International, getting it better organized and ready for members of the individual communities to post in. I want to set up a forum, so I'd need people who are multi-lingual to be able to communicate with the various sites and help them understand what we're trying to do. I'd also like a volunteer "whip" to go find the SCP community admins who don't post and ask them to post, if they're willing to. Don't be pushy.
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