
Cereal Killer

Nov 13th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon, the alpha human, bearer of the magic pony pleasuring dick.
  2. >Be in Equestria.
  3. >You sit at your breakfast table and think about what you should eat.
  4. >Let's see... there's cereal, hay, cereal, and hay.
  5. >Rather certain of your choice, you grab a box of Lun-O's and fill your bowl with it.
  6. >As a healthy breakfast is only complete with some fucking proteins and shit, you drench the cereal in milk.
  7. >Suddenly, you realise that you have to take a massive shit.
  8. >You're quite thorn between your cereal bowl and getting rid of the pressure in your stomach, but finally you decide to just get it over with and push the log out.
  9. >It wasn't an easy task for you, as you had a rather hairy asshole, which makes wiping quite a chore.
  11. >You are Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria.
  12. >Today you had to get some... stuff from Twilight.
  13. >Yeah, fine, books. You're an egghead too, deep inside.
  14. >You fly over to Twilight's library, and hope that she's home.
  15. >As mean as it sounds, you just hope Anon the human isn't there to open the door.
  16. >He's a nice guy and all, but really weird. He insists that you call him "bro" and is a little bit too touchy for your tastes.
  17. >You take a deep breath and knock on the front door of Twilight's library.
  18. >After a few moment's wait without any sign of movement from inside, you decide to knock again.
  19. >Five minutes later, you're done waiting. It's unusual that no one was home at Twilight's at this time of day, so you better check if everything is okay.
  20. >Slowly, you open the door and step inside.
  21. "Hello?" you ask into the presumably empty tree library, and slowly begin walking through each room.
  22. >No one seemed to be home. Well, try again in the afternoon!
  23. >As you turn around to leave, you see a slender figure sitting at the kitchen table.
  24. >It was Anon, face buried in his hands, and his shoulders shuddering with each quiet sob he makes.
  25. >You're torn between just leaving him be and getting the fuck out of there, and comforting him.
  26. >As much as you'd like to just leave him there, you'd feel guilty if you did.
  27. >Also, you were quite curious as to what was going on.
  28. >So you approached him slowly, and put a hoof on his shoulder.
  29. "Sssht Anon, it's alright." you try to calm him down.
  30. >His sobs just grow stronger, so you pull him into a hug.
  31. "Come on, tell Dashie what's wrong."
  32. >He gathers himself for a moment, and responds, interrupted by sobs..
  33. >"So I w-was making b-b-breakfast and then I had to go take a shit and when I came back I-I..."
  34. >He starts to cry and buries his face deeper into his arms.
  35. >You pet his back and let him get his shit together again.
  36. "What happened, Anon?"
  37. >He looks directly at you, with his reddened eyes.
  38. >"M-My cereal was all squishy because it was too long in the milk."
  39. >Tears stream down his face.
  40. >You hug him close and whisper into his ear.
  41. "I know that feel, Anon. Celestia almighty, I know that feel."
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