
Biography of Brendan E. Striker

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. Brendan E. Striker
  2. Age: 18-24
  3. Height: 5'9-6'3
  4. Race: Human
  5. Occupation: Shadow Hunter and Guardian of the Time Stream
  7. Profound commander and clan leader of the Shadow Hunters Reborn (SHR) and bearer of the Ragnarok and the Legendary Gate Key of Time,
  8. "Elysion". Starting out in his early 20s, he heard about the legend of the Gate Key when he was still a child. Years later he was able to track and find the Key in his own hometown. With it, he was a whole other person. The Gate Key allowed him limitless potential, all within his grasp. He wanted to use the Key and his potential to good use, that's when he traveled around the Universe and found out about the SHR. He enrolled and was soon promoted into the high ranks by the old clan leader, Clyde Orest Bendza. With his close friend, Zack Fuzoka, Brendan served for the sake of peace and unity in the Universe. But... One day, changed everything...
  10. 7 months during his placement in the Shadow Hunters, he was given a mission with Clyde to take down Dr. Adol V. Ghast, a scientist that went astray after the death of Dr. Aaron Blackwell, who studied the great legends of the Light and Darkness Chaos Theory. Their mission? Destroy the Time Reality Altercator Dr. Ghast invented before it's used to dominate and threat the society. By taking everyone's shadow and creating an army to rule. During the operation, Brendan was close in destroying the core of the Altercator, but was ambushed and lost the Railgun that could destroy it. He had no choice. He leaped to the core and stabbed it, stopping the Altercator from firing. But, he couldn't pull out his sword. The discharge from the core spread from the Ragnarok and affected him. He fell unconscious from the discharge. Clyde and the rest of the crew were able to get Brendan back up and escape the lab before it self-destructed.
  12. But... Something was amiss in the rubble of the destroyed lab... Something... That will change Brendan's life...
  14. After returning from the operation, Brendan was given a 2 month vacation to see his family again. He earned it for his valid effort and service in capturing Dr. Ghast. Those 2 months would be something... No one even expected... When his vacation was over, he returned to his base he was stationed in, only to find it damaged. It was attacked by an unknown force. Brendan then finds out from Zack that it was one man who took out the entire base. The man then took Clyde and the Apocalypse, the untold blade of Darkness, and ran towards the abandoned factory in the mountains behind the base. Brendan then took a small crew and headed towards the factory to rescue Clyde. Brendan and his team were dispatched into the factory. His team would search for Clyde and retrieve him, while Brendan himself would find the mysterious person who caused this madness, and dispose of him. Brendan then finds himself in the main work and storage room located in the heart of the factory. Deadlocked, he meets the cloaked figure... Only to find out that the one man who attacked the SHR base... Was his Shadow... Shocked by the result, the Shadow explained why he exists. Brendan prevented the Altercator from creating a giant shadow army, but... It did affect one person, himself. He couldn't take in the truth anymore, and fought his Shadow within the factory. The battle was intense, and left the place in flames. It was also too much that it cause the self-destruction sequence to go off. Within the end, Brendan was able to survive his Shadow's onslaught, but resulted in using up too much of his power and almost passing out. His crew was able to find him and get him out before the whole place blew up.
  16. Hours after the factory explosion, a search team was called to find Clyde within the wreckage. There were no signs of him. But, within the garage area where he was held captive, there were signs of him actually escaping before the place exploded. Tire tracks were seen going down the hillside. Brendan, half recovered, followed the tracks till he arrived at the bottom of the hillside. The jeep was there, but no one was inside. The driver door was open, no trace was left, and inside was only a small note.
  17. "I knew a day like this would occur, and that my existence would be threatened... If anyone of my beloved clan gets this... Brendan will take my place as the new Clan Leader. I know that he will make a fine leader and Commander for years to come. For me, I think... My time is up..." It was then to be realized that Clyde did in fact escape the factory. But was never seen again for a long period of time. As the new Commander, Brendan called forth a giant search plea in order to find Clyde. This search would last for more years to come...
  19. Brendan knew he wouldn't be able to handle the Clan all by himself. During the first few weeks, he had trouble even trying to manage the entire system. He needed help, badly. Then, on a Wednesday afternoon, he heard of a giant Council Open House program that featured hundreds of Councils looking for groups and clans to lead and manage. This was the perfect opportunity Brendan was looking her. So he called and registered himself for the Open House and started to search for the right Council for the SHR. After some time, and observing many Councils, Brendan thought he wouldn't be able to find one. Until he came across one in particular... 5 members, known as the Galaxia Council, stood before him. They engaged in conversation with Brendan about his troubles. Both he and the Council understood each other. That's also when he told them about the Gate Key he possessed. The Council was in shock that they see the Key once again. After some explanation, Brendan happily accepted the Galaxia Council as the new heads of the SHR.
  21. But, Brendan's job wasn't just a Shadow Hunter in general. He also had another occupation. One day, after a month or so when the Galaxia Council was inaugurated as heads of the Clan, Brendan was called in for a private meeting with them on an important matter. The creators of the Gate Key... Was actually the Council themselves. Brendan couldn't believe it, but when he handed the Key over, it responded to them. It knew their creators. The Key had an old origin behind it. "To put it simply, the Gate Key of Time was created to prevent a disaster to our home. A giant Time Rift known as a Spiral Collapse was created after an 'accident' to an empire. Since we were descendants of the Time Lords, we could use the Worldstone to stop it. But not directly. Thus we created the Key, and now it's deemed as the greatest artifact ever created." For its time it was, and still is. But why hide it from everyone after the incident? "We didn't want war to break out between us and anyone within our system. Once they knew of the Key's existence, we had to hide it away. Someplace no one would ever look or even visit. In short, we locked it away in your galaxy. It was the best place for it too. A place where the supernatural subsided for years..." Yet, during the course of its time on Brendan's home world, other people within the early times found the buried Key, and used it to their liking. About 4 wielders were counted, each a different generation. Making Brendan the 5th wielder for his home world, a 22nd Century Time Guardian. And maybe the best there is...
  23. During the passing of Brendan's secondary job, the Clan received a report from a excavation party located on another planet. It tells them the party located the ancient ruins they were assigned. Turns out after 8 hours of entering the ruins they never returned. The base camp then called for an emergency rescue team. The team, along with Brendan and Zack, arrived to the world and site a few hours later. The team was split up into two teams of 4 to 5 people. Zack and Brendan being the leader of each side. They then infiltrated the ruins. After a little bit of time, it turns out that the ruins was actually home to an old civilization to Shadows. It could also be linked to the linked Generation of Chaoslords. To further investigate, they meet up in the deepest chamber of the ruins. At the passageway there, they find one of the excavators. Then, they found the rest of them inside the chamber. All of them were dead. But, none of them had signs of body damage or blood. One of them was at the end of the room, by a pedestal that held a weird black orb... The orb had haze coming out of it... As they approached the orb, the explorer that was by it was barely alive. He tried to warn them about the orb, before it silenced him completely. The orb then glowed purple and bright before enveloping the room with black mist. After the mist subsided... There was a figure in front of them. Apparently... It was a Shadow of Brendan. The orb made a Shadow of him, and confirmed that Brendan had enough energy in him to host two Shadows. The Shadow used the orb to make it enraged. Brendan and his crew tried to attack it, but it was too much for them. It used Shadow energy to steal the soul energy from the crew. They had little choice but to try to break it and escape. Brendan was able to get his blade to pierce it while Zack did a distraction. What they wanted was the energy and the Shadow gone. They had the almost opposite. The Shadow retreated, the orb's energy with it and then shattering. The ruins began to shake and crumble. They had to immediately escape with whom was alive. After nearly getting crushed alive they escaped, but with a price to pay. Brendan from there on had another Shadow to his own. One he needed to conquer.
  25. Having an uncontrolled Shadow running amok was a nightmare to him. This happened at a regular pace, even during missions and world visits. He had to get it out of the way. This led to an event where a tower appeared in a random world he knew of personally. There, he teamed up with group of 8, and infiltrated the tower. Close to the final floor, Brendan had to take the ultimate test... Best his Shadow. He was able to overcome the test after a long duel with it. And with it... The Shadow subsided in him, becoming one again. It wasn't over yet. Brendan and the crew confronted Vladof at the peak of the tower. From there, Vladof had him in his trap. He was able to take control of Brendan /with/ the Shadow in him. It wasn't fully controlled after the battle, it has a mind of its own. Vladof used this to his advantage to bring out the Shadow by letting it take over Brendan. Vladof knew he had victory over the group, but he didn't... Brendan, now an enraged Shadow-spawn, didn't listen to Vladof. No order could pass. Vladof was angry. Angry till the point insults came to the Shadow. The Shadow didn't like what he heard... It attacked Vladof with an empowered Soul Tear claw known as Soul Demolition. Soul Demolition, as a result, almost killed Vladof. Instead, it tore off the right half of his body and Darksoul. His subordinates were able to rescue him before the Shadow actually killed him. With what little hope Brendan's group had, they tried to knock him out of the trance. They succeeded, and the Shadow retreated back into Brendan, and collapsed. Suddenly, the tower began to collapse itself, and the group had little time to escape. Luckily, there was a warp pad in that very room that was still operational. They used it to fled the falling tower, and Brendan was brought back home for immediate treatment. Talks among the Councils and his Clan would go for days until they would find a solution to solve this crisis..
  27. After Brendan recovered, it was brought into attention that he is claimed to be a high leveled threat. Due to housing a Shadow that could break through his will and take control of him, running amok again. There have been numerous reports of this happening. Little casualties, at the very least. He was assigned to either: Eradicate the Shadow without destroying himself, or to tame the Shadow. He had little time to act, he had to find a way. The search for a solution took about 3 weeks before landing in a world where the answer stood in front of him. He ran into an adventuring group and befriended them. After taking a stroll through the town they were in, Brendan was introduced to a shop where it had machines that could travel into people's inner minds... This was the absolute and perfect opportunity for Brendan to fix his problem. He explained it to the curator and his new friends. They said they would help under certain conditions, mostly as long as nothing is dead or destroyed in the process. He immediately agreed and took hold in using the machine. From this, he was able to meet and learn about the Shadow that lurks in his body (Who was then given the named of Drake Yami). It took Brendan days for him to understand and convince the Shadow to fight and live alongside him. The Shadow would soon realize this, and agree to Brendan. They merged, and the form that dreaded him was now his weapon... Known as, "Chaosunion." This form would be one of his greatest feats and advantages to use in his life. Or, what's left of it...
  29. 2 years later, Brendan had better problems before him. Vladof was able to bring back the first Chaoslord of the Chaoslord Generation. The one that started it all... Chaoslord Thanatos; feared and legendary dark ruler of the 1st Generation. He also had lines in with the Universia Council, council of the Universe and upholds Order and Law. It was then Brendan was struck with a disaster that could last forever... During an assault on Thanatos and his loyal crew, Brendan and his crew during that clash was caught up with a group of Shadow Ravagers. Shadow Ravagers are impure Shadow lifeforms, that have no life in general and only search and feast on living souls. A bunch of them appeared around the two groups. Despite them being Shadows, they still attack their own pure kind. Minutes into the brawl, Brendan gets knocked out by Thanatos towards the corner. Then, a lone, tainted Ravager soul makes its way toward him... It fuses with his own Darkness, and causes a mutation. A mutation, that would bring about the close end of all lives... Brendan changed form, and grew beast-like armor around him... And became what was known, as the greatest threat to all life, the "Chaosbeast"... Having no control, the beast raged and demolished all the Ravagers in the area, leaving no trace. Then, absorbing all the tainted souls for itself, giving it more power. Even Thanatos himself feared this unknown outcome, and escaped without warning. But, of course, being a first time release, the Chaosbeast couldn't hold the form for much longer, and Brendan reverted and fell to the ground unconscious. A week later, Brendan made a full recovery, but was put on a warrant for having a "X" class threat to the Universe. He has to be careful not to get that monster released, so he was given a seal to prevent the beast from getting out. To this day, he hates the seal given to him, but it was the only way...
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