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Jan 17th, 2017
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  114. 114.
  115. 115. <?php
  116. 116. function getInfos2($atts){
  117. 117. ob_start();
  118. 118.
  119. 119. $url = '';
  120. 120. $fgc = file_get_contents($url);
  121. 121.
  122. 122. $return = array();
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  125. 125.
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  127. 127. {
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  129. 129. $id = $blog editors[0];
  130. 130.
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  136. 136. }
  137. 137.
  138. 138. function getInfos()
  139. 139. {
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  146. 146.
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  148. 148.
  149. 149. return $file;
  150. 150. }
  151. 151.
  152. 152. $blog editors = unserialize(getInfos());
  153. 153.
  154. 154. echo '<table align="center" id="blog-editors">
  155. 155. <tr>
  156. 156. <td colspan="6" id="header"><img src="" height="20"></a>
  157. 157. XAT5 CHAT BLOG EDITORS<br>
  158. 158. </tr>';
  159. 159. echo "<tr id='title'>
  160. 160. <td></td>
  161. 161. <td>Name</td>
  162. 162. <td>Regname & ID</td>
  163. 163. <td>Timezone</td>
  164. 164. <td>Rank</td>
  165. 165. </tr>
  166. 166. <tbody>";
  167. 167. foreach($blog editors as $i=>$v)
  168. 168. {
  169. 169.
  170. 170. $flag = strtolower($blog editors[$i]['origin']);
  171. 171. $flag2 = strtolower($blog editors[$i]['test']);
  172. 172. $img = ((strlen($flag) > 0) == true) ? '<img title="'.$flag2.'" alt="'.$flag2.'" src="'.$flag.'.png"></div>' : '' ;
  173. 173. if($v['rank'] == "Blog Admin") echo '<tr id="admin">';
  174. 174. if($v['rank'] == "Blog Editor") echo '<tr id="editor">';
  175. 175. echo '<td><center><div class="zoom_img" >'.$img.'</div></center></td>';
  176. 176. echo "<td><center>".$i."</center></td>";
  177. 177. $regname = strtolower($blog editors[$i]['regname']);
  178. 178. echo '<td id="tooltiptext"><center><a href="'.$regname.'" title="'.$regname.'" target="_blank">'.$blog editors[$i]['regname'].' ('.$blog editors[$i]['id'].')</center></td>';
  179. 179. //echo "<td><center>".$blog editors[$i]['id']."</center></td>";
  180. 180. echo "<td><center>".$blog editors[$i]['timezone']."</center></td>";
  181. 181. $smilie = strtolower($blog editors[$i]['origin']);
  182. 182. echo "<td><center>".$blog editors[$i]['rank']."</center></td>";
  183. 183.
  184. 184. echo '</tr>';
  185. 185. }
  186. 186. echo '</tbody>
  187. 187. <tr>
  188. 188. <td colspan="6" id="footer">Created by TypoKing<br>
  189. 189. </tr>
  190. 190. </table>
  191. 191. </center>';
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  200. 200. echo "$('#').DataTable();";;
  201. 201. echo "} );";
  202. 202. echo "</script>";
  203. 203. ?>
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