
Ricko: I'm teh best.

Jul 4th, 2012
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  1. In PM...
  3. 16:21 <Cari>NCR mine please :D
  4. 16:21 <ricko>i cant go there
  5. 16:21 <ricko>as
  6. 16:21 <ricko>im verlifed by rangers
  7. 16:21 <Cari>Gah.
  8. 16:21 <Cari>Uhhh
  9. 16:21 <Cari>Errr
  10. 16:21 <Cari>Hmm
  11. 16:21 <Cari>Vault 15? :D
  12. 16:21 <ricko>noway
  13. 16:22 <ricko>to dangeous
  14. 16:22 <Cari>:<
  15. 16:22 <ricko>someone might enter
  16. 16:22 <ricko>ill distress you
  17. 16:22 <ricko>easier
  18. 16:22 <Cari>Ohki
  19. 16:22 <ricko>it be in moutaints
  20. 16:22 <Cari>What channel and near where
  21. 16:22 <ricko>2242
  22. 16:22 <ricko>give me a moment
  23. 16:24 <ricko>ill distress you and take u to my tent
  24. 16:24 <Cari>Oki
  25. 16:25 <ricko>man
  26. 16:25 <Cari>?
  27. 16:25 <ricko>if u set me up
  28. 16:25 <ricko>why are u sasayin all of this
  29. 16:25 <ricko>i never said
  30. 16:25 <ricko>i raped u
  31. 16:25 <Cari>I said nothing
  32. 16:25 <Cari>I was just replying to Nightlock
  33. 16:25 <Cari>I don't kill people anyways.
  34. 16:26 <ricko>i i wont kill you
  35. 16:26 <Cari>Hehe don't worry I'm not like 95% of FOnline
  36. 16:26 <Cari>So feel free to kill me if you'd like :D
  37. 16:26 <ricko>ill take u to my tent i wont take it to encounter becase someone might enter i dont wanna risk it
  38. 16:26 <Cari>Mki.
  39. 16:26 <Cari>Okay uhm, just tell me when I guess!
  40. 16:30 <Cari>Herrro?
  41. 16:30 <Cari>You still here? :>
  42. 16:30 <ricko>yea im just stucfk
  43. 16:30 <Cari>Stuck?
  44. 16:30 <ricko>encounter lol
  45. 16:32 <Cari>You good yet? D:
  46. 16:33 <Cari>Beep
  47. 16:33 <ricko>cair
  48. 16:33 <ricko>sorry
  49. 16:33 <ricko>im ready
  50. 16:33 <Cari>Ok
  51. 16:36 <ricko>hehe
  52. 16:36 <Cari>So I'll ask again, enjoying the cockroach yet?
  53. 16:37 <ricko>ive giveen it away
  54. 16:37 <ricko>pice of shit
  55. 16:37 <Cari>Haha ok.
  56. 16:37 <ricko>y
  57. 16:37 <ricko>u cant have it back
  58. 16:38 <Cari>Well, duh.
  59. 16:38 <Cari>I get that.
  60. 16:38 <Cari>It's no big deal really.
  61. 16:38 <Cari>Hehe.
  62. 16:38 <ricko>well
  63. 16:38 <ricko>i gave it away for 5 caps
  64. 16:38 <Cari>:D
  65. 16:38 <Cari>If you're seeking to anger me, it won't work. :)
  66. 16:38 <ricko>i think i have
  67. 16:38 <ricko>ur crying
  68. 16:39 <Cari>I'm actually smiling right now and preparing a full log mockup on this. :]
  69. 16:39 <Cari>You even called for fettel on the same radio station.
  70. 16:39 <Cari>Read the #TheLastLight channel
  71. 16:39 <Cari>:]
  72. 16:39 <ricko>i didnt cal for fettel
  73. 16:40 <Cari>"Fettel you here"
  74. 16:40 <Cari>Lol.
  75. 16:40 <ricko>man me and fettel raped u
  76. 16:40 <ricko>u must be dumb
  77. 16:40 <Cari>Hahaha.
  78. 16:40 <Cari>Considering I knew what was going on.
  79. 16:40 <ricko>haha
  80. 16:40 <ricko>ok
  81. 16:40 <Cari>I find that a very hallow prediction.
  82. 16:40 <ricko>so why did u leave me at ur base
  83. 16:40 <Cari>1) I don't have anything really important there.
  84. 16:40 <Cari>2) You were supposedly going to follow me.
  85. 16:41 <Cari>3) I just said eh, whatever.
  86. 16:41 <ricko>but i didnt
  87. 16:41 <Cari>4) Read the channel.
  88. 16:41 <Cari>5) Are we done talking yet? This is getting boring. :)
  89. 16:41 <ricko>boring because u are angry
  90. 16:41 <ricko>hehe
  91. 16:41 <ricko>cry cry cyr
  92. 16:41 * Cari yawns.
  93. 16:41 <ricko>hehe
  94. 16:41 <ricko>cari crys u mean
  95. 16:42 <ricko>ur a dude with a girls name lol
  96. 16:42 <Cari>Any other bold predictions?
  97. 16:42 <ricko>im just teh best
  98. 16:42 <ricko>ive raped u before
  99. 16:42 <Cari>Probably so. :]
  100. 16:42 <ricko>3 times now this month
  101. 16:42 <Cari>3 times rofl
  102. 16:42 <Cari>PK = rape?
  103. 16:43 <Cari>Oh reallly :D
  104. 16:43 <ricko>u been raped
  105. 16:43 <ricko>oh
  106. 16:43 <ricko>cari
  107. 16:43 <ricko>u are so fucking dumb
  108. 16:43 <Cari>You are greatly entertaining me and I cannot lie.
  109. 16:43 <Cari>Bragging about taking a cockroach haha.
  110. 16:44 <ricko>im not
  111. 16:44 <Cari>You are.
  112. 16:44 <ricko>i sicnedc ur stuff
  113. 16:44 <Cari>It's so funny.
  114. 16:44 <Cari>I had like nothing really there of importance.
  115. 16:44 <Cari>Rofl.
  116. 16:44 <ricko>man if u wasnt bortherd
  117. 16:44 <ricko>why do u keep sending me msges
  118. 16:44 <Cari>Because I want to prolong this log file.
  119. 16:44 <Cari>Please, keep going.
  120. 16:46 <ricko>cari
  121. 16:46 <ricko>lol
  122. 16:46 <ricko>why u got girls name man
  123. 16:46 <Cari>Why are you so entertaining.
  124. 16:47 - ricko quit (Quit: Page closed)
  126. Meanwhile, in the main channel...
  128. 16:45 <Cari>This is going to be fun.
  129. 16:45 - Cari set mode: +v jonesss
  130. 16:45 <ricko>right guys
  131. 16:45 <ricko>im going
  132. 16:45 <Cari>ricko why'd you stop talking
  133. 16:45 <Cari>:]
  134. 16:45 <ricko>goodnight guys \;d
  135. 16:45 <Cari>I was enjoying our conversation very much.
  136. 16:45 <ricko>night cari
  137. 16:45 <Cari>Baooo
  138. 16:45 <Cari>Baiii
  139. 16:45 <Cari>:D
  140. 16:45 <ricko>night everyoine
  141. 16:45 <ricko>cari we shud do this again sometime
  142. 16:46 <Cari>Rofl sure
  143. 16:46 <Cari>I'll make an event outta it
  144. 16:46 <Cari>Where I invite people to my base
  145. 16:46 <Cari>To rape it.
  146. 16:46 <ricko>u shud do tha
  147. 16:46 <Cari>Problem is, there will be nasty PKs waiting :D
  148. 16:46 <ricko>lol
  149. 16:46 <ricko>hehe
  150. 16:46 <ricko>ok
  151. 16:46 <ricko>:P:
  152. 16:47 <ricko>u dont know who ur dealing with lol
  153. 16:47 <ricko>bye
  154. 16:47 <Cari>Rofl
  155. 16:47 <Cari>You are too funny
  156. 16:47 - ricko quit (Quit: Page closed)
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