
The Road Home (Chrissy 'story')

Jan 18th, 2015
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  1. >It’s only been a year, but it’s been pretty hard.
  2. >With so many sapient species in Equestria being human was nothing special.
  3. >Some minor interest every once in a while, but never really sustained.
  4. >So another day another 30 miles on foot through the hayseed swamps chasing rumors of work.
  5. >Finally the swamp gives way to the town, unfortunately for you the sun set about hour ago.
  6. >It would be better to look for work in the morning.
  7. >You heft your rucksack off your back and check you little sack of gold coins.
  8. >It’s enough for a cheap larger, would help you get to sleep and ease your aches a little.
  9. >Finding the local watering hole was easy enough, you duck down to fit through the small pony entrance.
  10. >Quietly purchase your pint, and find a quiet corner to sit down in, a few glances wondering what you are.
  11. >No one asks though.
  12. >Sitting back you look over the crowd and nurse your only drink for the night.
  13. >This gray mare has been having the worst luck, every single stallion she goes to talk to shoots her down almost immediately.
  14. >It’s sad really; she looks hungry, and more than a little desperate.
  15. >Well, that was the last stallion in the bar! Didn’t even acknowledge her.
  16. >Dejected and scared she looks around, foolishly your eyes linger on her and she catches you watching.
  17. >She perks up a little, not happy, but relieved.
  18. >Oh, god dammit, she’s headed over.
  19. >”So big boy, looking for some company to-“
  20. >Her attempt at a seductive voice is broken by what seems to be a sudden migraine,
  21. >causing her to lean into the table with her forehoofs.
  22. “You okay?”
  23. >”I’m *cough* fine. Don’t worry it’s not contagious… So, what do you say we-“
  24. >The grey mare leans on the table, with one hoof on her temple.
  26. “Should I go get a doctor or something?”
  27. >”No! I’m fine!”
  28. >She looks back up, but this time her eyes have slit irises nestled in a sea of emerald.
  29. >You double take unable to conceal your reaction.
  30. >The grey mare quickly closes her eyes again, and takes off for the door.
  31. “Wait! Miss- eh- Ma’am?!”
  32. >Every pony in the bar, and the one Minotaur, all look over at you for a brief moment.
  33. >You shrug, unsure what else to do.
  34. >They return to their drinks.
  35. >You remain by your drink for a few moments, debating whether you should follow or not.
  36. >Pulling the lantern out of your pack you check the kerosene, it’s pretty low.
  37. >Slowly your mind shifts into gear and you put on your gaiters, you’re going after her.
  38. >A town this size doesn’t have any streetlights, so it’s just you and lantern buddy.
  39. >A town this size also doesn’t see a lot of foot traffic, so her hoof steps are easy to follow.
  40. >Reaching the edge of town you can see that they go right into the swamp.
  41. >Well, you can still turn back and find a nice box to snuggle up in.
  42. >No, fuck that, you’re committed to helping this nameless pony.
  43. >Fortunately your boots are waterproof and the gaiters are keeping the mud off.
  44. >The hoof steps become more scattered and less regular, showing signs of advanced fatigue.
  45. >After a good half hour of walking you finally see a form slumped over on a little rise from the swamp.
  46. >You pick up the pace, and approach the body.
  48. >It’s the grey mare, at least it kinda looks like her.
  49. >As you get closer a green glow begins to emanate from her body
  50. >With a rather pathertic flash her body changes, grey fur giving way to black chitin.
  51. >From her back a pair of insectile wings appear, as well as a crooked horn from her head.
  52. “Miss?”
  53. >You slowly approach closer and kneel down next to her.
  54. “Hello?”
  55. >Her eyes open, it’s the same slit irises, the same green mirrors.
  56. >She seems resigned; lazily looking up at you, waiting for your next action.
  57. >You stare back.
  58. >”Well?... Go ahead… Finish it.”
  59. “Finish what?”
  60. >her eyes widen; the irises seem to flash open, an alien expression of disbelief.
  61. >”Do- do you not know who I am?”
  62. “No… You left before I could get your name.”
  63. >”You aren’t afraid of me?”
  64. “… A little, never met a shape shifter before… It’s more than a little unnerving.”
  65. >There’s a brief moment where you and the insectile quadruped size each other up.
  66. >You stick out your hand.
  67. “Anon”
  68. >The rather large shape shifter springs upright, and uses a fore hoof (leg?) to motion to herself.
  69. >”I am Queen Chrysalis.”
  70. >You turn in place and look around at the dimly lit swamp.
  71. “Queen… of the swamp?”
  73. >”No you insolent fool! Queen of the Changelings!”
  74. “That wasn’t very nice… I whole heartedly regret coming to help. You obviously don’t need it.”
  75. >You turn around and begin to wade back to the town.
  76. >”Halt biped!”
  77. >This turned into a sour experience, see if you ever help anyone again.
  78. >”… Wait… please.”
  79. >You internally sigh and turn around and start walking back, if you stand in the mud too long you will sink down.
  80. “Yes?”
  81. >”It would be…”
  82. >Chrysalis takes a moment to compose herself, when she does speak again, her tone is much more personal.
  83. >”If you leave I might starve to death by the end of tonight.”
  84. “Well shit! I got some pickled eggs in my pack… you can eat eggs right?”
  85. >She slowly brings herself to a sitting position, the one where the two forelegs remain straight.
  86. >”Yes. Yes I can, but I’m a changeling.”
  87. >She stares at you for a moment, you throw up your free hand and motion for her to continue.
  88. >”You really are something of a rube aren’t you?”
  89. “You gonna tell me or not?”
  90. >”Changelings feed off of love, or more aptly put, care.”
  91. “So since I followed you out here… that feeds you.”
  92. >She nods, her entire demeanor having changed.
  93. >Most likely because she was at your mercy.
  94. >The lantern flickers and dies as the last of the kerosene is used up.
  95. “I guess I am staying here tonight.”
  96. >You hear Chrysalis sigh.
  97. “I got a spare blanket if you want it.”
  98. >A hum of happiness, the sort of noise someone would make when eating good food.
  99. ----
  100. >”Wake up yokel!”
  101. >Something slaps you across the face.
  102. >You spring upright, the rising sun harsh on your eyes.
  103. “I’m awake! I’m awake!... Why are you up so early?”
  104. >”We must depart immediately; I fear the town may alert the guard after last night.”
  105. >It seems any personal connections made last night have gone the way of the dodo.
  106. >You take a moment to pack up the two blankets, strapping them to the straps on the sides.
  107. “Actually, only you need to leave.”
  108. >Chrysalis, who was previously pacing back and forth, freezes up.
  109. >”As Queen of the Changelings, I order you accompany me.”
  110. >Her voice had a barely audible falter to it.
  111. >You pull up your ruck and cinch it tight to yourself.
  112. “Sorry, but that town back yonder has work… Well! Good luck!”
  113. >”Biped-“
  114. “I have a name”
  115. >”Anon, it is mutually beneficial if we travel together. After all you are now an accessory to one of
  116. >Equestria’s most wanted.”
  117. >… Fuck…
  118. “How do I know that’s not a lie?”
  119. >Suddenly the clanking of armor echoed through the mangrove trees, you could hear some pony shouting orders .
  120. >Chrysalis slowly backs up off the rise, turns, and tries to take to the sky.
  121. >However she is still malnourished, and lacks the energy to take off, flopping back on the ground.
  122. >You can hear the thin membranous limbs snapping when she impacts the ground.
  123. >Guards and prison, or, weird delusional queen of the swamp…
  124. >Swamp queen is preferable.
  125. >You run up to her, help her to her feet and take off deeper into the swamp with Chrysalis in tow.
  127. >Fortunately the thick mangroves and swamp give excellent cover against any pegasi in the air.
  128. >But that doesn’t change the fact that Chrysalis is really beginning to lag behind, and there’s no way you can outrun a pony.
  129. >In any situation, seriously, being plantigrade and biped is shit for speed.
  130. >Chrysalis finally catches up to you, the guard knows you went this way, you can hear them getting closer.
  131. >She opens her mouth to say something, but you immediately grab her dive under the roots of a mangrove.
  132. >”You simpleton, this w-“
  133. >You shove her into the mud, and begin throwing more mud on top of her.
  134. “Can you breath?”
  135. >”Barely, you classless boor.”
  136. “Sure, yeah, whatever… Don’t move, quiet breaths.”
  137. >With a fair amount of contorting that you didn’t think was possible, you climb free of the root tangle.
  138. >Once up you smash your forehead into the tree as hard as you can, splitting the skin and blurring the vision in one eye.
  139. >The guard are very close now, only a couple seconds until they can see you.
  140. >Putting on your best dazed stumble, which wasn’t that hard considering the recent self-inflicted head injury,
  141. >you stumble towards the approaching guard.
  142. >Quickly a group of the royal guard run past you.
  143. >”This way! C’mon rookie keep up!”
  144. >The second group comes up close behind, A rather short unicorn raises a hoof and points at you.
  145. >The rest of his squad comes up around, spears at the ready.
  146. >Deep breath, you got this Anon.
  147. “Aw, foockin ell’, le me fockin’ tell ya. Some mare says she wants a good time, ya better be fockin’ sure she ain’t ah changlin’.”
  149. >Shorty approaches you as another squad runs past.
  150. >”Sir, what species are you?”
  151. “Wot? I’m a minotaur ya stupid git!”
  152. >The royal gaurds exchange an uneasy glance.
  153. “Aw, fock you ya racist poni bastards. See one focking albino an’ it’s off ta tha slammer.”
  154. >”Did you see what direction it was traveling in?”
  155. “Wot? I’m not too good at hearin’ mate.”
  156. >Shorty stands on his hind legs and puts his hoofs to his mouth.
  157. >”Where did the changeling go?!”
  158. “Now how tha fock shoul I know, it bashed me ead’ and fled when it eard’ you lot.”
  159. >Shorty rolls his eyes.
  160. >”Get this… minotaur… a medic and see him on his way.”
  161. “Aw cheers mate.”
  162. >The medic pony slowly trotted up to you, and started treating your head wound.
  163. >Fortunately the Pegasus, didn’t ask any more questions you didn’t know how much longer you could keep up the accent.
  164. >Damn, maybe you over did it, you’re eye is swelling really bad now.
  165. >Eventually the medic finishes up and takes off into the sky trying to catch up with the rest of the guards.
  166. >Just to be safe you sit around for another half hour or so just resting your eyes.
  167. >Hopping off your tree branch you reach under the roots and feel around for Chrysalis.
  168. “I think they’re gone… Swamp queen? Hello?”
  169. >”I hate you so much.”
  171. >Having successfully escaped the guard you let Chrysalis take the lead since you had no clue where to go.
  172. >If she could fly you’re pretty sure she would have left you for dead.
  173. >The two of you finally found a road and had been walking for a couple hours already.
  174. >Neither of you has said a word.
  175. >However, there have been a couple questions weighing down your mind.
  176. >No time like the present.
  177. “So! Riddle me this, if you’re a queen, where’s your people?”
  178. >”In the north.”
  179. “So why are you alone?... and hungry?... and all the way down south?”
  180. >”I don’t have to answer to the likes of you! Do not believe even for a moment that helping me earns you special privilege!”
  181. “Twice…. It’s twice now that I’ve saved your holey legs from the cutting board.”
  182. >”These are speed holes to cut down on weight! My physiology is far superior… superior...”
  183. >With that Chrysalis promptly collapsed over, and passed out.
  184. >If you had to guess, you would say low blood sugar… or whatever her equivalent is.
  185. “C’mon, lets get you up.”
  186. >You pull her into a sort of fireman’s carry on top of your ruck, and continue down the road.
  187. >She’s pretty light for her size, must be the speed holes.
  189. >Well it only took you 10 goddamn hours but you finally made it.
  190. >A little 20 family town by the name of ‘Hoof-n-Sodbury’
  191. “Eh-hey, Look swampy, a town.”
  192. >She’s still conked out.
  193. >You put on your best impression and bounce he a little on your shoulders.
  194. “Oh, thank you anon, I’m totally grateful that you carried me over here. I’m not going to insult you for a whole 24 hours.”
  195. >You break off the road to find a good spot to hide Chrysalis while you try to rustle up some kerosene and food.
  196. “Golly gee, a whole day. You sure are kind, and never bothersome, secretive, and a little scary.”
  197. >This should do nicely, the swamp had thinned out, but it wasn’t entirely gone.
  198. >Setting Chrysalis down you pause for a second and place two fingers where her carotid should be.
  199. >Nothing, but she is cold, so you set your ruck down and give her both blankets before heading off into town.
  200. ----
  201. >The town had a bar and a general store slammed into one building, and run by the same pony.
  202. >Not many people were willing to hire a giant biped with a massive black eye and head bandage.
  203. >fortunately one family on the outskirts was kind enough to pay you for hauling lumber.
  204. >It took all the money but you were able to purchase the kerosene and a couple more days’ worth of food.
  205. >After the whole long day everything aches, your feet have long been pounded into numbness, your eyes are locked on the kettle hanging over the fire.
  206. >Not a single though crosses your mind.
  207. >Hell, you’re so tired you can’t even sleep; just want to curl up into nothingness.
  208. >Absently you check the kettle, yup, stews done.
  209. >It’s been done for the last ten minutes and you didn’t notice.
  210. >The mound of blankets suddenly stirs, Chrysalis rolls over in the blankets eyes open.
  211. >Those slit irises, cautiously regarding you.
  212. >”Where are we?”
  213. “ho…Hoof-n-Sodbury”
  214. >With a shaky hand you pour out two cups of potato stew.
  215. >”… Impossible, that was over 25 miles from where I was…”
  216. >You shrug and place the stew cup in front of her.
  217. “Eat up I don’t want to have to carry you again… Right, you don’t eat food.”
  218. >”I said we can.”
  219. “Well eat up; I still got a few pickled eggs left if you want.”
  220. >She nodded and pulled herself upright.
  221. >Silence as both of you eat and watch the fire.
  222. >”Why didn’t you turn me in?”
  223. “Didn’t seem right. You talk a big game, and I’m sure at full power you can rip me in half, but you were desperate when we met.”
  224. >She nods.
  225. “Besides, I have no loyalties to these ponies.”
  226. >More silence.
  227. >Chrysalis breaks out into a light chuckle.
  228. >”It’s comical, the one thing a changeling should be able to do... I have failed at multiple times.”
  229. “hm?”
  230. >“At the bar… among other places… Changelings are, if anything, a race of actors. I could never quite get
  231. >the personality of my target just right. Wasn’t air headed enough at the bar, was too serious to be Cadence”
  232. >You have no clue who Cadence is but she said it with a little bit of venom.
  233. >Slowly you slump forward and let sleep over take you.
  234. >You wanted to hear what she had to say, but the day was just too damn long.
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