
The Journey Thus Far...

Mar 12th, 2013
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  1. Ok, so here's the skinny. Our heroes, for various reasons, found themselves with tickets to the maiden voyage of "The Lady", Gaia's first-ever airship. The Airship was due to depart for Archangel from Gabriel. The departure went fine, but a couple hours into the flight, the passengers noticed that they were flying over water...which wasn't in the flight plan. Seconds later, soldiers burst into the room and began slaughtering the passengers. The captain charged with protecting the ship had been paid off, and was attempting to hijack the ship! The PCs fought their way through the ship, reaching the bridge...and finding all the bridge crew, and several soldiers, massacred and mutilated. After a confrontation with the renegade Captain, they went to the engine room to attempt to prevent the ship from crashing...but there found a strange man in the midst of an arcane ritual. At this point, the zepplin struck something, the players were thrown against the machinery and knocked unconscious.
  3. And this is where you come in. You've recently been found floating in and around the reefs surrounding the island by fishermen. They have brought you back to the port where you are shown to the local inn. Thankfully, your possessions are all accounted for, as is your money, and you can afford the rent until, you are told, a boat arrives in a couple of weeks which will take you to the mainland. The others will fill you in on the mystery they've discovered on the island in-character...and in the meantime, black clouds continue to swirl overhead.
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