
modern emblem character notes

Mar 4th, 2017
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  1. Lucina [lord]
  2. - captain and ace of the fencing team (epee and rapier)
  3. - cousin of owain
  4. - essentially the 'leader'; if lucina likes you, you're in the group; if lucina doesn't like you, you must actually be a terrible person
  5. - the whole campaign starts because lucina starts asking owain about it and asking if she could join one; she's honestly very interested in it because owain always makes it sound fascinating
  6. - the living embodiment of that one star trek gif where the lady reaches up the catch the ball about three seconds after it flies past her ear when it comes to jokes
  7. - what the fuck is a meme
  8. - a perfectionist and very serious; strives to never disappoint anyone
  10. Owain [myrmidon]
  11. - cousin of lucina
  12. - is a huge fan of olden literature, especially legends and mythology
  13. - is 100% in the drama club, actually does the solo humorous and dramatic monologs in lit competitions and places very well
  14. - tends to be very grandiose and verbose and oh my god owain sHUT UP
  15. - love love lOVES TABLETOP GAMES and character creation in general
  16. - best friends are cynthia and marc
  17. - his mom works at the same hospital as brady's
  18. - is on the tennis team b/c he started to be on the fencing team until people realized letting him brandish a sword is a terrible idea
  20. Cynthia [peg knight]
  21. - on the equestrian team
  22. - best friends with owain and marc
  23. - has a small crush on inigo and is like. the only person actually charmed by his advances.
  24. - had a crush on gerome when they were kids, still thinks he's super cool (suspects he's interested in lucina, though, so she wouldn't act on it)
  25. - obsessed with superheroes as a child and also now; if you're her friend she probably has some hero she associates you with
  26. - works as a barista at tafetta's cafe
  27. - like owain, super into tabletop games and loves creating stories around her characters in video games
  29. Inigo [mercenary]
  30. - a massive flirt but a largely unsuccessful one
  31. - his mother is a classically trained ballerina, and he secretly wants to be one as well (takes lessons), but will deny it until he dies
  32. - also a member of the fencing team because lucina talks him into it (and b/c it's very 'romantic')
  33. - completely oblivious to the fact that cynthia might like him
  34. - slight one-sided crush on lucina (and high-key jealous AF of how close she is with gerome and laurent)
  35. - very optimistic and light-hearted, almost constantly smiling (kind of infectious)
  36. - look at this meme-loving pun-making fuck
  38. Gerome [wyvern lord]
  39. - inherited his mother's classic motorcycle, affectionately refers to it as 'minerva' or 'minervykins'
  40. - actually joined the group in late elementary school when his family moved there, but became very fast friends with lucina and therefore was immediately accepted
  41. - as a child was super obsessed with superheroes, liked to pretend to be robin (actually liked to wear a mask as a kid, gradually turned into wearing sunglasses regularly)
  42. - gets along very well with morgan, sees her as something of a little sister (she's one of the few people who can read him like a textbook)
  43. - is basically dating lucina and laurent but is super on the DL about it (do not mention it do not do not do not)
  44. - very weird friendship with inigo (they're friends but they want to punch each other a lot. it's weird.)
  45. - easily flustered and embarrassed, does not take compliments well
  46. - actually distressingly attractive, despite his tiny eyebrows (this is a source of great fury for inigo)
  48. Laurent [mage]
  49. - library aide and president of the science club
  50. - lucina's and gerome's closest friend
  51. - his mother is a tenured professor at a local university who has her doctorate in chemistry
  52. - the ultimate mom friend
  53. - known for his absurd science experiments
  54. - once built a rube goldberg contraption designed to turn on a television when he was in middle school
  55. - knows more about physics than anyone, including the teachers
  56. - too logical and analytical for his own damn good
  57. - taking dual-enrollment courses
  59. Brady [priest]
  60. - his mom works at the same hospital as owain's
  61. - knows how to play the violin; definitely does violin covers of popular songs and puts them on youtube (they're WILDLY popular)
  62. - cries a lot. when he's happy. when he's sad. when he's mad. he just has a lot of emotions okay leave brady alone
  63. - looks like a big gruff dude but he once helped nah save a kitten from a tree and literally fell out of the tree and protected the kitten the whole way down
  64. - the only one in the group with any medical knowledge; trained in CPRo and first aid (his mother insisted) and actually wants to be a PA in the future; working on his personal trainer certs at the moment
  66. Yarne [taguel]
  67. - super skittish, not very adventurous
  69. Noire [archer]
  70. - on the archery team (joined at the urging of owain and cynthia, had never shot an arrow prior but was a natural)
  71. - the best baker, often brings sweets with her wherever she goes
  72. - tends to fixate on things
  73. - very quiet and shy but prone to emotional outbursts
  74. - tiny and thin and looks like she'd blow over in the breeze but HOLY SHIT SHE'S SCARY
  75. - loves anime, 100% had a weeb phase that she likes to deny
  77. Kjelle [knight]
  78. - tried out for the equestrian team because her mother was on it, but horses HATE her
  79. -
  81. Severa [mercenary]
  82. - on the fencing team (saber), second only to lucina
  83. - probably the girliest of the group, cares about how she looks and keeps an eye on fashion
  84. - the most prone to shopping sprees
  85. - speaks her mind most of the time and literally does not give two shits about how people react
  87. Nah [manakete]
  89. Morgan / Marc [DM, 'grima', 'tiki']
  90. - identical twins
  91. - morgan is a trans girl, transitioned at a very young age
  92. - marc goes by 'he/him' for simplicity's sake; he's probably not cis but he doesn't have the strong aversion for 'he/him' the way that morgan does
  93. - morgan is more deadpan and aggressive, very blunt and straightforward, takes no one's shit
  94. - marc is much calmer and tries to keep peace among the group; often has to calm his sister down; gets along with everyone, precious cinnamon roll too good too pure (morgan is a sinnamon roll)
  95. - marc is better at world-building while morgan is better at developing characters (so marc designs campaigns while morgan populates them); marc is obsessed with lore but isn't as good at thinking on the fly, so he relies on morgan to come up with fancy scenarios and NPC dialogue; marc is much nicer as a DM while morgan is ruthless and is merciless if someone has a poor roll
  96. - marc is in chorus and is a part of the men's quartet (he's baritone), very musically inclined; will often help brady break down songs and mix different violin parts for his videos
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