
One Year Anniversary

May 17th, 2016
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  1. >"Are we almost there yet Anon? Its freezing out here."
  2. "Yea, just a few more minutes."
  3. >"Where are we even going?"
  4. "Come on, I can't ruin the surprise."
  5. >That earns you an eye roll.
  6. >"This is so lame."
  7. >You and Dash had been going out for exactly year now.
  8. >It had been the best year of your life, every day with her was a gift and a pleasure.
  9. >For your one year anniversary, you really wanted to wow her, take her somewhere deserving of her.
  10. >You had saved up quite a bit of money, and you were going to take her somewhere really fancy tonight.
  11. >The two of you round a final corner, revealing the date spot.
  12. >"Is that the Golden Mare? As in, the most exclusive spot in all of Equestria "Golden Mare"?"
  13. "You bet. You ready to eat?"
  14. >"How'd you even get a table? This place is booked for months!"
  15. "Im just that good I guess."
  16. >You look up at Dash, hovering above you, to she a disinterested face.
  17. >You feel a twang of disappointment, and you kick yourself internally for taking Dash to a "fancy fru-fru place"
  18. >"Damn it Anon, this was dumb."
  19. >You snap back to reality to see Dash already at the door, monitoring for you to follow.
  20. >"Come on Anon, im hungry!"
  21. >You swallow hard, and enter the building.
  22. >......
  25. >You are Equestria's awesomest pony, Rainbow Dash.
  26. >Well, you arnt right now, right now your Equestria's most "out of her comfort zone" pony.
  27. >You can't believe that idiot would go and do something like this.
  28. >The MOST exclusive restaurant in all of Equestria, and he took you.
  29. >You were probably all red now, this is a place for a fancy pony, not for you.
  30. >Look at all of these mares, dressed really fancy, wearing tons of make up, all looking elegant.
  31. >Then there you were. You didn't even bother to get dressed up, even though you knew that this was a special event.
  32. >Hopefully you could just eat fast, then get out of here.
  33. >Some pony in a vest leads you and Anon to your table.
  34. >Oh man, this place is SO nice. The table even has candles on it!
  35. >Anon pulls out your chair, then sits across from you.
  36. >The fancy looking pony hoofs you a menu and a wine list.
  37. >You scan the menu, but you can't make heads or tails of it.
  38. >Chicken Tetrazzini, Filet Mignon, Lobster Thermidor...?
  39. >The waiter pony looks at you expectantly.
  40. "Ummm, do you have a hay burger?"
  41. >The waiter pony sports a slight sneer, deepening your blush.
  42. >After he takes both of you menus, you look back to Anon.
  43. >Expecting him to look embarrassed, you only find the most loving look you could think of.
  44. >"A hay burger, huh?"
  45. "Hehe, what can I say? Hay burgers are awesome."
  46. >'Man, howd I end up with such a cool girl?"
  47. >You want to say something nice e back, but your damn ego stops you.
  48. "I am really awesome, arnt I?"
  49. >Fuck.
  50. >..........
  53. >You are Anon.
  54. >And you are panicking like never before.
  55. >You were just trying to do something nice for her, but you super fucked it up.
  56. >Shes crazy red now, probably because shes embarrassed to be her with you.
  57. >You knew where you were going, but you still barely even dressed up for it.
  58. >You try to pass the time by talking about dash's favorite topic, Rainbow Dash.
  59. >Before you know it, you food arrives.
  60. >You ordered something fancy sounding, trying to impress Dash. You don't even remember what it was called.
  61. >Rainbow Dash digs into her hay burger with out hesitation, practicly inhaling it.
  62. >You cut into yours, hoping to end this as soon as possible.
  63. >.....
  66. >As you finish your hay burger, you let out a small belch.
  67. >The whole restaurant stairs at you, worsening your state.
  68. >This is unbearable, you're so out of your element.
  69. >"Dash, are you alright?"
  70. >You look up from your plate to see Anon, staring at you worriedly.
  71. "Im fine, its just..."
  72. >"What's wrong Dash?"
  73. "Why did you bring me here Anon? Don't get me wrong, im still awesome, but ill never be fancy like all of these ponies."
  74. >Anon just stairs at you quizzically.
  75. "I mean, ar'nt you embarrassed or something?
  76. All of the other mares in here are all dressed up, then there's me."
  77. >Anon wraps your hoof in his hand, and looks you straight in the eye.
  78. >"Dash, im not here for them. Im here for you."
  79. >"I didn't start a relationship with Rarity, I did with Rainbow Dash. You're always amazing to me, and no matter where we go, you're always the most beautiful pony in the place."
  80. >If you weren't red before, you certainly were now.
  81. >Anon smiles at you, and you feel yourself instantly relax.
  82. >"I love how simple you are, like the whole hay burger thing. I don't even know what the hell I ordered, but I know id love a normal hay burger right about now."
  83. >You perk up at this, getting an idea.
  84. "Hey Anon, how bout we leave this lame place, and go to Burger Joes? I hear they've got the best hay burgers this side of Griffonstone."
  85. >Anon smiles at you.
  86. >"Sure, that sounds awesome, lets go."
  87. >The two of you stand up and walk out of the building.
  88. >Once outside, you nervously look around for any pony around.
  89. >Not seeing anything, you spin Anon around to face you, then lock him in a deep kiss.
  90. >Initially surprised, he wraps his long arms around you, making you feel safe.
  91. >You break the kiss off, and stare deep into his non-existent eyes.
  92. "I love you Anon, you're pretty awesome most of the time."
  93. >"I love you too Dash, more then you'll ever know."
  94. >Rudely interrupted by your growling stomach, Anon starts towards the smell of hay burgers, pulling you along by the hoof.
  95. >He is pretty awesome. You might just stick around for another year.
  97. FIN
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