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Apr 9th, 2014
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  1. #===============#
  2. # EasyGuilds®™ #
  3. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  4. # by #
  5. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  6. # SzymnYo #
  7. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  8. # v.1.0[beta] #
  9. #===============#
  13. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  14. #LICENCJA:#
  15. #[Nie zezwalam na]#
  16. #-publikowanie skryptu w swoich plikach serwerowych!#
  17. #-podszywanie sie za autora skryptu!#
  18. #-usuwanie informacji o autorze skryptu!#
  19. #-kopiowanie kodu skryptu i uzywanie go w swoich kodach!#
  20. #-zarabianie na skrypcie!#
  21. #[Zezwalam na]#
  22. #-zmiane tekstu wiadomosci (dla wlasnych potrzeb)#
  23. #-dopisywanie wlasnych fragmentow#
  24. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  29. #wyglad chatu#
  31. #{TAG} - tag gildii
  32. #{RANK} - ranga/grupa gracza
  33. #{PLAYER} - prawdziwa nazwa gracza
  34. #{DISPLAY} - wyswietlana nazwa gracza (pseudonim)
  35. #{MESSAGE} - wiadomosc wyslana przez gracza!
  36. #\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <<KONFIGURUJ NIZEJ>> ///////////////#
  38. options:
  39. easyguildschat: &6[&2{TAG}&6][{GROUP}]{DISPLAY}: {MESSAGE}
  42. #wielkosc terenu gildii#
  44. options:
  45. teren: 10
  48. #oplata na stworzenie gildii#
  49. #przyklad (1item: 16 diamond / 1item: <ilosc> <przedmiot>) jezeli gildia ma byc tworzona za darmo wpisz "none" lub "0"#
  51. options:
  52. 1item: none
  53. 2item: none
  54. 3item: none
  55. 4item: none
  56. 5item: none
  57. 6item: none
  58. 7item: none
  59. 8item: none
  60. 9item: none
  63. #~~KOD SKRYPTU~~#
  66. options:
  67. tag: &7[&6EasyGuilds&7]
  68. tag2: &2================&a[&eEasyGuilds&a]&2================
  69. skname: EasyGuilds
  70. version: 1.0 [beta]
  71. autor: SzymnYo
  72. variables:
  73. {gildia.%player%.status} = false
  74. {gildia.%player%.smr} = 0
  75. {gildia.%player%.zab} = 0
  76. command /stworz [<text>] [<text>]:
  77. permission: easyguild.default
  78. aliases: zaloz
  79. trigger:
  80. if argument 1 is set:
  81. if argument 2 is set:
  82. if {gildia.%argument 1%.nazwa} is not set:
  83. if {gildia.%argument 2%.tag} is not set:
  84. if player has {@1item} and {@2item} and {@3item} and {@4item} and {@5item} and {@6item} and {@7item} and {@8item} and {@9item}:
  85. if {gildia.%player%.status} is false:
  86. set block under player to sponge
  87. make player execute command "//pos1"
  88. make player execute command "//pos2"
  89. make player execute command "//expand {@teren} n"
  90. make player execute command "//expand {@teren} e"
  91. make player execute command "//expand {@teren} s"
  92. make player execute command "//expand {@teren} w"
  93. make player execute command "//expand vert"
  94. make player execute command "rg define gildia-%arg 1%"
  95. make player execute command "rg flag gildia-%arg 1% greeting {@tag}&cWchodzisz na teren gildii: &6%arg 1%&c."
  96. make player execute command "rg flag gildia-%arg 1% farewell {@tag}&2Oposciles teren gildii: &6%arg 1%&2."
  97. loop 100 times:
  98. send " "
  99. message "{@tag}&cTworzenie zabezpieczenia terenu!"
  100. wait 1 second
  101. message "{@tag}&aZabezpieczenie terenu utworzone pomyslnie!"
  102. broadcast "{@tag}&3Gracz &e%player% &3utworzyl gildie: &6%argument 1% &3o tagu: &6%argument 2%&3!"
  103. set {gildia.%player%.status} to true
  104. set {gildia.%player%.tag} to argument 2
  105. set {gildia.%argument 1%.nazwa} to argument 1
  106. set {gildia.%argument 2%.tag} to argument 2
  107. set {gildia.%argument 1%.dom} to location of player
  108. set {gildia.%argument 1%.lider} to player
  109. remove {@1item} and {@2item} and {@3item} and {@4item} and {@5item} and {@6item} and {@7item} and {@8item} and {@9item} from player's inventory
  110. send "{@tag}&aUtworzyles gildie &6%argument 1% &ao tagu &6%argument 2%"
  111. else:
  112. send "{@tag}&3Jestes juz w gildii"
  113. else:
  114. send "{@tag}&3Nie masz wystarczajacej ilosci itemow"
  115. else:
  116. send "{@tag}&cGildia o takiej nazwie juz istnieje"
  117. else:
  118. send "{@tag}&cGildia o takim tagu juz istnieje"
  119. else:
  120. send "{@tag}&cPodaj nazwe i tag gildii!"
  121. else:
  122. send "{@tag}&cPodaj nazwe i tag gildii!"
  123. command /dolacz [<text>] [<text>]:
  124. permission: easyguild.default
  125. trigger:
  126. if argument 1 is set:
  127. if {gildia.%argument 2%.tag} is set:
  128. if {gildia.%player%.zapro} is argument 1:
  129. if {gildia.%player%.status} is false:
  130. execute console command "rg addmember gildia-%argument 2% %player%"
  131. set {gildia.%player%.status} to true
  132. delete {gildia.%player%.zapro}
  133. set {gildia.%player%.tag} to argument 2
  134. send "{@tag}&2Dolaczyles do gildii &9%{gildia.%argument 2%.nazwa}% &2o tagu &9%argument 2%"
  135. else:
  136. send "{@tag}&cJestes juz w jakiejs gildii"
  137. else:
  138. send "{@tag}&cTa gildia nie wyslala Ci zaproszenia!"
  139. else:
  140. send "{@tag}&cNie ma takiej gildii"
  141. else:
  142. send "{@tag} &3Podaj tag gildii, do ktorej chcesz dolaczyc"
  143. command /zapros [<text>] [<text>]:
  144. permission: easyguild.default
  145. trigger:
  146. if {gildia.%{gildia.%player%.tag}%.lider} is player:
  147. if argument 1 is set:
  148. set {gildia.%argument 2%.zapros} to {gildia.%player%.tag}
  149. send "{@tag}&7Zaprosiles gracza &8%argument 1%"
  150. else:
  151. send "{@tag}&cPoprawne uzycie: /zapros <nazwa gracza>!"
  152. else:
  153. send "{@tag} &3Aby zapraszac graczy musisz byc liderem gildi!"
  154. command /opusc:
  155. permission: easyguild.default
  156. trigger:
  157. if {gildia.%player%.status} is true:
  159. set {gildia.%player%.status} to false
  160. delete {gildia.%player%.tag}
  161. message "{@tag} &7Opusciles gildie"
  162. stop
  163. command /wyrzuc [<text>] [<text>]:
  164. permission: easyguild.default
  165. trigger:
  166. if {gildia.%{gildia.%player%.tag}%.lider} is player:
  167. if argument 1 is set:
  168. if {gildia.%argument 2%.tag} is {gildia.%player%.tag}:
  169. execute console command "rg removemember gildia-%{gildia.%player%.tag}% %argument 2%"
  170. set {gildia.%argument 2%.status} to false
  171. delete {gildia.%argument 2%.tag}
  172. send "{@tag} &7Wyrzuciles gracza &8%argument 2% &7ze swojej gildii"
  173. stop
  174. else:
  175. send "{@tag}&3Nie znaleziono gracza o nicku &8%argument 2%"
  176. else:
  177. message "{@tag}&cPoprawne uzycie: /wyrzuc <nazwa gracza>!"
  178. else:
  179. message "{@tag} &3Aby wyrzucac graczy musisz byc liderem gildii"
  180. command /rozwiaz [<text>] [<text>]:
  181. permission: easyguild.default
  182. trigger:
  183. if argument 1 is set:
  184. if {gildia.%{gildia.%player%.tag}%.lider} is player:
  185. make player execute command "rg del gildia-%argument 1%"
  186. set {gildia.%argument 1%.status} to false
  187. delete {gildia.%argument 2%.tag}
  188. delete {gildia.%argument 1%.nazwa}
  189. delete {gildia.%argument 1%.tag}
  190. delete {gildia.%player%.tag}
  191. delete {gildia.%argument 1%.dom}
  192. set {gildia.%player%.status} to false
  193. send "{@tag}&7Pomyslnie usunieto gildie"
  194. broadcast "{@tag}&3Gracz &e%player% &3rozwiazal gildie &6%argument 1%&3 !"
  195. stop
  196. else:
  197. message "{@tag} &3Aby usunac gildie musisz byc liderem"
  198. command /sojusz:
  199. trigger:
  200. send "&cJuz wkrotce =)" to player
  201. command /pokoj:
  202. trigger:
  203. send "&cJuz wkrotce =)" to player
  204. command /wojna:
  205. trigger:
  206. send "&cJuz wkrotce =)" to player
  207. command /cennik:
  208. permission: easyguild.default
  209. trigger:
  210. send "{@tag2}"
  211. send "&6Zalozenie gildii:"
  212. send "&b1.&a{@1item}"
  213. send "&b2.&a{@2item}"
  214. send "&b3.&a{@3item}"
  215. send "&b4.&a{@4item}"
  216. send "&b5.&a{@5item}"
  217. send "&b6.&a{@6item}"
  218. send "&b7.&a{@7item}"
  219. send "&b8.&a{@8item}"
  220. send "&b9.&a{@9item}"
  221. stop
  222. command /player info [<players>]:
  223. permission: easyguild.default
  224. trigger:
  225. send "{@tag2}"
  226. send "&9Gildia: &2[&8%{gildia.%player%.tag}%&f]"
  227. send "&9Smierci: &2{gildia.%player%.smr}"
  228. send "&9Zabojstwa: &2{gildia.%player%.zab}"
  229. command /gildia [<text>] [<text>]:
  230. aliases: klan, g, druzyna
  231. trigger:
  232. if arg 1 is not set:
  233. send "{@tag2}" to player
  234. send "&e/stworz <nazwa> <tag>&b - Tworzy gildie" to player
  235. send "&e/rozwiaz <nazwa>&b - Rozwiazuje gildie" to player
  236. send "&e/zapros <gracz>&b - Zaprasza gracza do gildii" to player
  237. send "&e/wyrzuc <gracz>&b - Wyrzuca gracza z gildii" to player
  238. send "&e/opusc <gildia>&b - Dobrowolne opuszczenie gildii" to player
  239. send "&e/sojusz <gildia>&b - Sojusz z wybrana gildia" to player
  240. send "&e/pokoj <gildia>&b - Stan neuralny z gildia" to player
  241. send "&e/wojna <gildia>&b - Wojna z gildia" to player
  242. send "&2==========================================" to player
  243. stop
  244. if arg 1 is "autor" or "author":
  245. send "{@tag2}"
  246. send "&9Nazwa: &3{@skname}"
  247. send "&9Autor: &3{@autor}"
  248. send "&9Wersja: &3{@version}"
  249. stop
  250. command /myguilds reload:
  251. permission: myguilds.admin
  252. aliases: rl
  253. trigger:
  254. send "{@tag}&9Przeladowywanie.."
  255. execute console command "sk reload myguilds"
  256. wait 2 second
  257. send "{@tag}&aPomyslnie przeladowano.. :)"
  258. stop
  259. on damage:
  260. if {tp.%victim%} is true:
  261. set {tp.%victim%} to false
  262. stop
  263. on damage:
  264. if {gildia.%attacker%.tag} is {gildia.%victim%.tag}:
  265. cancel event
  266. message "{@tag} &7Nie mozesz bic &8%victim%" to attacker
  267. on death:
  268. add 1 to {gildia.%attacker%.zab}
  269. add 1 to {gildia.%player%.smr}
  270. on quit:
  271. if {gildia.%{gildia.%player%.tag}%.lider} is player:
  272. set {gildia.%player%.lider} to true
  273. on join:
  274. if {gildia.%player%.lider} is true:
  275. set {gildia.%{gildia.%player%.tag}%.lider} to player
  278. on chat:
  279. set {_chat} to "{@easyguildschat}"
  280. replace all "{TAG}" with "%{gildia.%player%.tag}%" in {_chat}
  281. replace all "{GROUP}" with "%colored player's prefix%" in {_chat}
  282. replace all "{PLAYER}" with "%player%" in {_chat}
  283. replace all "{DISPLAY}" with "%display name of player%" in {_chat}
  284. replace all "{MESSAGE}" with "%message%" in {_chat}
  285. send "%{_chat}%" to all players
  286. cancel event
  288. #~~End skript.<•>Thanks for use! =)~~#
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