
Lost in Time Chapter 2

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. >You arrive at Twilight's library
  2. >You knock on the door
  3. >Spike answers
  4. >"Oh hey man! How's the wife?"
  5. Uh...she's sad.
  6. >"What?! Pinkie is sad? What did you do?"
  7. I need to talk to Twilight alone Spike.
  8. >"Okay."
  9. >He leaves
  10. >Twilight comes upstairs
  11. >"I heard you two talking. What's up?"
  12. I think I messed up big time Twilight.
  13. >"What happened?"
  14. >You both sit at a table
  15. >You explain Fluttershy taking some type of clock thing and sending you into the past, you came back and now this
  16. >She just sits there putting the pieces together
  17. >"Thats why you were in the library in canterlot then?"
  18. Yes.
  19. >"How did you know about the instantaneous time teleporting device?"
  20. Fluttershy was trying to guess my fetish and she thought time travel was it...and she messed up.
  21. >"This is so strange..."
  22. Twilight I don't remember anything anyp0ny has been talking to me about...I only remember things from what happened to me through time.
  23. >"It seems you have been thrown through time into a parallel universe Anon."
  24. I what what huh?
  25. >"You heard me. Now the Anon that was in this universe is in yours."
  26. >You start to worry
  27. Is he bad?
  28. >"Well no...but he hates Fluttershy. He would do anything to make her cry, even embarass her in public. Also...he does have quite a temper..."
  29. >fuck fuck fuck
  30. What was the worst thing he did to her?
  31. >"Asking her to dance at a diner last year...then when in the heat of the moment, leave her to dance with another p0ny while he proposed to Pinkie."
  32. Oh no.
  33. >"What's wrong?"
  34. Well where I'm from...Fluttershy loves me.
  35. >"Well same mean she did."
  36. Let me finish. She tries to guess my fetish and has even tried to rape me. I hope she's alright...
  37. >That was a weird thing to say
  38. >"Dear Celestia have mercy on her...and Anon. The Princess doesn't take to kindly to breaking the law."
  39. I know.
  40. >"And especially to one of the elements. She'd have him hanged or beheaded."
  41. Do you know how I could switch back with him?
  42. >"I'd have to fix the instantaneous time teleporting device because it stopped working this morning."
  43. Wait how do you know it stopped working?
  44. >"The front is just a clock Anon."
  45. Oh.
  46. >"I heard you say Pinkie was sad? What happened?"
  47. Well...I was still in shock of everything changing...
  48. >"What did you do?"
  49. >You avoid her stare
  50. Well I kinda told her I don't even remember marrying her or proposing to her...
  51. >Twi facehoofs
  52. >"Anon you idiot! You need to go apologize!"
  53. How can I? I'm not even that same Anon!
  54. >"At least try!"
  55. >You think for a second
  56. We've been together for a year now?
  57. >"Yeah...time flies..."
  58. >She quickly looks away
  59. >"I didn't mean anything by that I swear."
  60. It's fine. I just want to know...
  61. >"Yeah?"
  62. Have we had like sex yet? Just so I'm prepared. Because she did make out with me when I first saw her.
  63. >Twi tries to avoid your eyes and she blushes
  64. >"Well...yes. A lot. And you both weren't very discrete about it either."
  65. How bad?
  66. >"Worst was when you two got caught in the kitchen with frosting and ice cream in places they should not be."
  67. >You shudder
  68. >Dick enjoys this thought
  69. >He puts his word in by getting hard
  70. >Twi notices and gives you a failed sexy look
  71. Sorry...not working.
  72. >She pouts
  73. >Good thing shes still awful at that in this universe
  74. Okay Twilight. I'm gonna need some more info if I'm gonna be here for a while.
  75. >She nods and her horn glows
  76. >Then a book that has a picture of you on it levitates to her
  77. You have a book on me?
  78. >She nods
  79. >"I started it when I first met you. Got it published by Celestia."
  80. Okay. That's weird but I guess it comes in handy now.
  81. >"Great. Lets get started."
  84. Flippin Universes
  87. >You are Fluttershy
  88. >Anon disappeared when you pressed a button
  89. >Now he appeared back in Ponyville
  90. >You heard he's at SugarCube Corner
  91. >You get there
  92. >There he is
  93. >You fly over and hug him from behind
  94. Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I thought I lost you!
  95. >He grabs you by your mane
  96. >He pulls you to his front and stares you dead in the face
  97. >He must want to kiss you
  98. >You close your eyes and pucker your lips
  99. >Only to be greeted with the ground
  100. >Really hard
  101. >It knocks the wind out of you and you're dizzy
  102. A-anon I'm s-sorry.
  103. >You can barely stand
  104. >That hit hurt...a lot
  105. >You fall over and hear Rainbow yelling as you slip out of consciousness
  107. >You are Rainbow Dash
  108. >Anon just slammed Fluttershy at the ground when she was just happy to see him
  109. Anon what the fuck is your problem?!
  110. >"What's yours you ugly lesbian?"
  111. >You're taken back
  112. >Nop0ny talks to you like that
  113. >You fly at him knocking him into a table
  114. >He stands up without a scratch on him
  115. >And puts his fists up
  116. >What's he doing?
  117. >You tilt your head and look confused
  118. Anon what are ya doing?
  119. >Then one of his fists comes at your face
  120. >It strikes you across the jaw and you go flying out the window shattering it into your wings
  121. >Shit hurts like fuck
  122. >You manage to stand
  123. >You limp over to the doorway
  124. >Anon sees you and walks over
  125. >You try to run but you're too weak
  126. >He picks you up by the neck
  127. >"Where is Pinkie?!"
  128. >He tightens his grip
  129. >You cough and tap on his wrist
  130. >He releases and you fall
  131. >You point to the stairs going up inside SugarCube Corner
  132. Sorry Pinkie...
  133. >You pass out
  135. >You are Pinkie
  136. >You just got done with a shower
  137. Ahh! Thats better.
  138. >You shake dry and your mane poofs out
  139. >You open the bathroom door and Anon stands there
  140. >He makes you jump
  141. Oh hiya Anon! You scared me!
  142. >He walks to you and picks you up snuggling you
  143. >"I don't know what's going on in this crazy town, but at least I have you Pinks."
  144. >He sets you down on the bed
  145. Anon what are you talking about?
  146. >"You didn't hear downstairs? That bitch Fluttershy came near me again. I told her to never see me again."
  147. You can't say that to Fluttershy! It would break her heart!
  148. >You look at his hands
  149. >There's blood on his knuckles
  150. Are you hurt?
  151. >You point to his hands
  152. >"No...but Rainbow is. She launched me into a table!"
  153. Why would she do something like that? Is it because you said that to Fluttershy?
  154. >He nods
  155. Why did you say that to Fluttershy?! Do you know how bad that's gonna hurt her! Like really bad! She won't talk to you for like a week!
  156. >"Well I hope its longer than that..."
  157. Anon what's wrong with you? You're being mean.
  158. >"What? This isn't being mean. I told her before to leave me the fuck alone! Don't you remember?
  159. >You shake your head
  160. you didn't.
  161. >He grabs you
  162. >"What do you mean you don't remember?! She tried to violate me that one time! You were there! In fact you saved me!"
  163. >You just stare at him
  164. >His grip tightens
  165. Ouchie Anon that hurts!
  166. >He lets go
  167. >"I'm sorry."
  168. Wait a minute...did you say Dashie was hurt? Where is she?
  169. >"Shes out in front of SugarCube corner where I left her."
  170. >The pieces fall together in your brain
  171. >You look out the window and see Rainbow laying on the ground in a puddle of blood
  172. >You zoom outside
  173. >Check her
  174. >Oh good she's still alive
  175. >You pull her back inside and put her on a table
  176. >Anon comes downstairs
  177. >And kicks something
  178. >You stop attending to Dashie to see what it was
  179. >He just kicked Fluttershy in the face
  180. >Theres blood all on his shoe
  181. Anon...Why did you...GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW YOU MONSTER!
  182. >You struggle to hold back tears as he scowls at you and leaves
  183. >You shut the door and pull Fluttershy on another table
  184. >Both of them are okay
  185. >Just sleeping
  186. Oh shit...what a night.
  187. >You call an ambulance
  188. >They take them without question
  189. >You would go with them but you're just dead tired
  190. >You go upstairs
  191. >And go to sleep
  192. >This will all be sorted out tomorrow
  193. >You hope
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