
Ash Ga-Rei RP

Mar 14th, 2014
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  1. Name – Ash Winters - Ashley Wilhelm
  2. Age – 16
  3. Hair – Blonde
  4. Eyes – Green
  5. Height – Short
  9. The only child of the Wilhelm family Ashley Wilhelm grew up in the lap of luxury. Her parents the heirs to the Wilhelm fortune and mega corporation Arlia and Gram Wilhelm they lived more akin to royalty than wealthy. Always a bright child even at a young age Ashley never lacked enthusiasm or energy, constantly on the move and curious. She does know how to act like a proper young lady, but seldom acts it. Very much someone who lives in the moment.
  11. The nearly disastrous trip to Tokyo was supposed to be a rare family vacation. Her parents so often traveling this way and that for business that even a mean together ever week was something of a happening. Ashley only mentioned the red spear to her parents once, and while she smiled through the battery of tests she definitely had things she liked more than dealing with this over reaction of per dotting parents.
  13. Middle school held it's own challenges as Ashley found herself getting into fights fairly often. At the start it was never one she started, or someone starting a fight with her. Just she had the tendency to jump into a fray whenever a friend, someone she knew, or a passing acquaintance happened to be involved. Usually she ended up on the 'right' side of the fight, and the few times she found out that her friends had been in the wrong she only felt it fair to apply a few kicks to their faces as well.
  15. Her parents wouldn't be very pleased with the answer she was just helping her friends out, or that she liked kicking people in the face more than walking by the fight, but if they didn't know she didn't see why to tell them. Of course, being beaten by a short girl wasn't something to be bragging about. Her parents still found out, and that was the start of several school moves.
  17. Ashley's trip to Tokyo was prompted by a growing feeling over the last several months, a call to return drawing her back. She couldn't explain it, and didn't much bother with the why of it either. Saving her allowance she planned how to slip away without her parents noticing her. Ashley knew that there was no way they would allow her to go back to that place that disappeared that day.
  19. Loose baggy clothes and a chest wrap were the choice of disguise. They would be looking for a short blonde girl not a boy, and anything that gave her more time to find just what was calling for here there would help. A week wouldn't be noticed, but two? Or even three her parents would be doing everything they could to find their child, and Ashley could only guess how much they could throw into such a search.
  21. Likes: The life, the world, and everything in it.
  22. Dislikes: Inappropriate monologues, dying.
  23. Favorite Color: Red
  24. Favorite time of day: Now
  25. Favorite Food: Lime sherbert
  27. Her view of the world is that everything is good, just somethings are more good. As long as she is alive the world is full of amazing things. Likes girls more than boys.
  29. Fighting: Ashley has no style, no training or discipline. There is merely the point she is at now, and the point where her foot will be in your face, and there's nothing that will stop her between the two.
  31. Major Perk: Overflowing Life – Ashley is a bundle of overflowing life and nothing slows her down. Little cuts vanish in moments and even serious wounds are mended in miraculously short time.Pouring her spirit into this can amplify it even more.
  33. Minor Perk: Overflowing Spirit – Ashley's body generates spirit faster than should be normal. The excess flows into the air around her. A walking spirit font in human form, lending her energy even more vibrancy. Should not be allowed near caffeine.
  35. Minor Perk: Positive Aura – Ashley is a friendly likable person, a positive aura surrounds her and generally raises the mood of people around. Helps to make friends and lighten the mood. A result of her life literally overflowing from her body and spilling into the world.
  37. ESP: Life(Written as Blood) – Ashley posses power over the very life flowing through her veins. Capable of manipulating the spirit infused blood she can enhance her strikes and even use her own blood as a weapon. The more she is wounded the more blood covering her the more power that can flow through her unrestricted by the limits of her small body. The sight of her walking forward dripping blood as she smiles is a terrifying one.
  39. HP 640
  40. SP 500
  41. RP 100
  42. Strength 20
  43. Vitality 50
  44. Agility 20
  45. Dexterity 50
  46. Resistance 10
  47. Spirit 50
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